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16-08-2012, 02:38 AM
Welcome to Old Trafford, Robin Van Persie!

Full name : Robin van Persie[1]
Date of birth : 6 August 1983 (age 29)[1]
Place of birth : Rotterdam, Netherlands
Height : 1.86 m (6 ft 1 in) [2]
Playing position : Striker
Current club : Manchester United
Number : TBA


16-08-2012, 02:40 AM
ManUtd.com - 15/08/2012 19:20,
United agree van Persie deal


Manchester United is pleased to announce it has reached agreement with Arsenal Football Club for the transfer of Robin Van Persie.

The deal is subject to a medical and the agreement of personal terms. A further announcement will be made in due course.

Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 02:44 AM
Yup, ane liat juga di Official Site United, tapi masih nunggu personal agreement nya ya Opa rondwisan .?

Akhirnya, kemungkinan formasi United 2007 - 2009 bakal terulang, Rooney - Kagawa - Persie / Rooney - Welbeck - Persie didepan... Imagine...

16-08-2012, 02:48 AM
:devil2: WELCOME TO RED SIDE of MANCHESTER Robin Van Persie :devil2:

Semoga RvP bukan pembelian terakhir UNITED musim ini mengingat tim ini lebih butuh tambahan pemain disektor tengah dan belakang


Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 02:52 AM
Semoga RvP bukan pembelian terakhir UNITED musim ini mengingat tim ini lebih butuh tambahan pemain disektor tengah dan belakang


Sepertinya bakal jadi pembelian terakhir nih Bro, apalagi gosip yang beredar RVP
meminta gaji tinggi yang tentunya membutuhkan budget yang tidak sedikit pula.

Kemungkinan besarnya memang tidak akan ada lagi pembelian baru setelah RVP
ini, tapi siapa yang tau ..?? :)

16-08-2012, 02:56 AM
yap besok doi kabarnya bakal tes medis di Bridgewater untuk kemudian negosiasi gaji..
Rumornya ada dikisaran 220.000 pounds perminggu :-O Roonneyyyy

16-08-2012, 03:06 AM
Welcome to Theatre Of Dreams RvP !!!

Sektor Belakang Tetap harus mendatangkan Pemain baru,,guna melapis Ferdi dan Vida,

Ditambah United juga membutuhkan 1 Holding Midfielder lagi, karena sebetulnya kelemahan musim lalu ada di sektor tengah yg kurang kreasi

ibrahim definta
16-08-2012, 03:07 AM
Welcome ya RVP :mudance:

Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 03:07 AM
Sesuai perkiraan, langsuuung Up to Date di Om Wiki... hahahahaha... :thumbup: Mantapsss


16-08-2012, 03:08 AM
Yup, ane liat juga di Official Site United, tapi masih nunggu personal agreement nya ya Opa rondwisan .?

Akhirnya, kemungkinan formasi United 2007 - 2009 bakal terulang, Rooney - Kagawa - Persie / Rooney - Welbeck - Persie didepan... Imagine...

yoi Mas Bro ...
kita tunggu aja kelanjutan term2x berikutnya ...

16-08-2012, 03:13 AM
Agak dilema juga sih dengan kehadiran RVP. Di satu sisi pengalamannya udah ga perlu diragukan lagi, disisi lain United jadi terlalu banyak striker. Padahal msh ada pemain2 muda macam Welbo, Kiko, dan Chicharito. Blm lagi pemain anyar asal Chile itu.

Ya moga2 ini pembelian yang tepat dari SAF dan (hopefully) bisa membawa United merebut trofi BPL dari Man City. Amin :)

Welcome to Old Trafford, Robin!

troy andreas
16-08-2012, 03:16 AM
Keren langsung ada threadnya..
Welcome to old trafford RvP, sebagai fans United ane tetap dukung siapapun yang jadi pemain United..
Dengan adanya RvP stock striker United sudah berlimpah, bisa bikin keseblasan kalau ditambah youngster..
Apa kemungkinan Berbatov akan dilepas yah? Nasib Hernandez & Macheda gimana yah?

16-08-2012, 03:21 AM
Sepertinya bakal jadi pembelian terakhir nih Bro, apalagi gosip yang beredar RVP
meminta gaji tinggi yang tentunya membutuhkan budget yang tidak sedikit pula.

Kemungkinan besarnya memang tidak akan ada lagi pembelian baru setelah RVP
ini, tapi siapa yang tau ..?? :)

semoga aja engga bro X_X
jangan sampe UNITED tajam didepan tp keropos di belakang :((

16-08-2012, 03:22 AM
RvP uda deal.... ni keknya bisa jadi tridente maut lagi kaya jaman roo-ro-tevez...semoga RvP tetep on fire kaya musim lalu, biar bisa ngerebut gelar dari tetangga yang berisik...

welcome RvP to theatre of dreams, tempat mimpimu meraih trofi menjadi nyata... <:-P

16-08-2012, 03:23 AM
chicha sebenarnya bgus, syg dia tipikal striker yg ganasnya cuma di dalam kotak pinalti. Yang kalau ga ada umpan matang , ssh bt nyetak gol. United butuh pemecah kebuntuan sprti RVP ini. Yg bisa mencetak gol di luar kotak pinalti. Apalgi dgn adanya playmaker sprti kagawa, diharapkan sektor penyerangan kita semakin ganas.

16-08-2012, 03:25 AM
Agak dilema juga sih dengan kehadiran RVP. Di satu sisi pengalamannya udah ga perlu diragukan lagi, disisi lain United jadi terlalu banyak striker. Padahal msh ada pemain2 muda macam Welbo, Kiko, dan Chicharito. Blm lagi pemain anyar asal Chile itu.

Ya moga2 ini pembelian yang tepat dari SAF dan (hopefully) bisa membawa United merebut trofi BPL dari Man City. Amin :)

Welcome to Old Trafford, Robin!

idem sama ente bro...
setidaknya duitnya bisa dibeli pemain daripada bayar utang glejer :))
kemungkinan ada yg keluar sepertinya striker nih
Kiko mungkin di loan aja :p
Berba pertahanin aja, kan bisa jadi bek tuh dia :hammer:

16-08-2012, 03:28 AM
kita lihat saja gimana sir alex meracik strategi dg komposisi pmain yg sprti skrg ini.
Jgn lupa.. Untuk sektor pertahanan, trutama utk fullback kiri, united kkrgan pmain, praktis tgl evra. Dan youngster2 dri akademi united. Mana fabio di pnjamin lgi.. Moga aja ''chris tucker''
ttp fit spjg musim ini, dan tntunya utk musim2 brktnya.

Baines kok ga ada kabar lgi y?

16-08-2012, 03:31 AM
kita lihat saja gimana sir alex meracik strategi dg komposisi pmain yg sprti skrg ini.
Jgn lupa.. Untuk sektor pertahanan, trutama utk fullback kiri, united kkrgan pmain, praktis tgl evra. Dan youngster2 dri akademi united. Mana fabio di pnjamin lgi.. Moga aja ''chris tucker''
ttp fit spjg musim ini, dan tntunya utk musim2 brktnya.

Baines kok ga ada kabar lgi y?

sepertinya udah disiapin sejak pra-musim kemaren mas bro :peace:
Brady kemungkinan jadi pelapis Evra ato mungkin opa Giggs bisa jadi cover
masih inget match v West Ham yg 2-4 kan om di Upton Park...

Baines... :(
ane sih berharap banget si Baines jadi rekrutan selanjutnya Sir Alex :D

16-08-2012, 03:34 AM
Agak gak setuju juga sih bro kl RvP ke OT jadinya. Sayang Welbo, Will Keane, Kiko Macheda sm Chicarito juga belum lagi ada Bebe sekarang. Ga terlalu butuh stock striker, yg harusnya itu nyari stock wingback kiri buat pelapis evra. Dan sosok Kagawa yg lbh dominan main jadi attack midfielder bakal ada dibelakang Welbo atau Wazza musim ini pastinya. Well, semoga RvP bisa masa depan yg bagus buat manchester united dengan umur segitu :thumbup:

16-08-2012, 03:35 AM
memang banyak stok striker kita dan masi muda2belia, tapi pasti opa Fergie gak kluarin 24juta hanya untuk cadangan. Semoga (pasti) tajam di depan, kreativ di tengah, dan tebal di blakang. :muscarf:

ton of Wellcome RVP :muflag:

16-08-2012, 03:38 AM
perlu hati2 klub epl van persie sdh mendarat ke old trafford:serbu::serbu:

16-08-2012, 03:38 AM
kyknya sih bakalan pakai Nomor #13 ..
Warisan nya ''Three Lung Park''

16-08-2012, 03:39 AM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


16-08-2012, 03:39 AM
kita lihat saja gimana sir alex meracik strategi dg komposisi pmain yg sprti skrg ini.
Jgn lupa.. Untuk sektor pertahanan, trutama utk fullback kiri, united kkrgan pmain, praktis tgl evra. Dan youngster2 dri akademi united. Mana fabio di pnjamin lgi.. Moga aja ''chris tucker''
ttp fit spjg musim ini, dan tntunya utk musim2 brktnya.

Baines kok ga ada kabar lgi y?

Sayangnya Fryers pindah ya bro, padahal kemaren2 udh dikasih main sm Fergie di 1st team. Ane berharap jg Baines bisa pindah jg ke OT walaupun cm jd pelapisnya evra:happy:

16-08-2012, 03:39 AM
sepertinya udah disiapin sejak pra-musim kemaren mas bro :peace:
Brady kemungkinan jadi pelapis Evra ato mungkin opa Giggs bisa jadi cover
masih inget match v West Ham yg 2-4 kan om di Upton Park...

Baines... :(
ane sih berharap banget si Baines jadi rekrutan selanjutnya Sir Alex :D

yap.. Siapapun bisa di posisikan untuk brmain di posisi manapun.. Kalau kondisi nya trdesak, why not??
Ingat pas dulu krisis bek tengah? Carrick aja bs jdi bek?? Trus pas kiper2 trkena krtu merah, siapa yg jdi pnggnti?? John O'shea bro.. Hsilnya?? Lumayan juga tuh.. Hahahaha..

Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 03:41 AM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


Kayaknya nunggu hari Kamis (besok, medical & personal Agreement, lalu kepastian hengkangnya Berba juga :hammer: )

Soalnya tuh baju bakal diisi ama nomornya Berba kok Opa... :D hehehehe

16-08-2012, 03:41 AM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


kalo berba jadi cabut, ya 9 aja ;)
tapi kalo ga ya nomor terdekat yg bagus brapa yaa?#-o

16-08-2012, 03:42 AM
Apa kemungkinan Berbatov akan dilepas yah? Nasib Hernandez & Macheda gimana yah?

Dari yg gw baca2 dr adammarshall, jurnalis manutd.com, semua kudu tenang..
Datengnya RVP akan ngebantu mereka, karena mereka jg masih muda. Dan yg disorot itu kedatangan RVP bisa ngebantu Welbeck untuk nyelesein PR-nya sejauh ini : Finishing yg masih buruk..

16-08-2012, 03:46 AM
Agak gak setuju juga sih bro kl RvP ke OT jadinya. Sayang Welbo, Will Keane, Kiko Macheda sm Chicarito juga belum lagi ada Bebe sekarang. Ga terlalu butuh stock striker, yg harusnya itu nyari stock wingback kiri buat pelapis evra. Dan sosok Kagawa yg lbh dominan main jadi attack midfielder bakal ada dibelakang Welbo atau Wazza musim ini pastinya. Well, semoga RvP bisa masa depan yg bagus buat manchester united dengan umur segitu :thumbup:

komen dikit ya masbro :peace:
Welbo sama Kiko masih bisa di geser buat jadi winger..
formasi bakalan full attack nih...
mungkin opa mau nimbun banyak gol biar ga kalah agregat gol macem musim kemaren :D
Kalo Will Keane kan masih cedera.. mungkin Januari doi langsung di pinjemin :D

mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


28 kosong opa :malu:
si Smalling kasih nomer 2,
jadi RvP nomer 12..
kita tunggu hari jumat deh :D

yap.. Siapapun bisa di posisikan untuk brmain di posisi manapun.. Kalau kondisi nya trdesak, why not??
Ingat pas dulu krisis bek tengah? Carrick aja bs jdi bek?? Trus pas kiper2 trkena krtu merah, siapa yg jdi pnggnti?? John O'shea bro.. Hsilnya?? Lumayan juga tuh.. Hahahaha..

yapp setuju kaka :malu:
Berba juga pernah jadi bek, meski cuma beberapa menit..
O`Shea jadi kiper pas lawan Spurs di WHL, VDS kena cedera di bagian idung :D
kalo Rio Ferdinand pas lawan Porsmouth di FA cup..
PIG kartu merah, penalti, tetep gol meski Rio lompat ke arah yg bener :hammer:

Dari yg gw baca2 dr adammarshall, jurnalis manutd.com, semua kudu tenang..
Datengnya RVP akan ngebantu mereka, karena mereka jg masih muda. Dan yg disorot itu kedatangan RVP bisa ngebantu Welbeck untuk nyelesein PR-nya sejauh ini : Finishing yg masih buruk..

nahh sisi positifnya ini :D
tapi semoga yg muda-muda dapet jatah maen juga yak :D
biar ga cuma belajar, sambil dikembangin di match gitu mod :D

troy andreas
16-08-2012, 03:46 AM
Dari yg gw baca2 dr adammarshall, jurnalis manutd.com, semua kudu tenang..
Datengnya RVP akan ngebantu mereka, karena mereka jg masih muda. Dan yg disorot itu kedatangan RVP bisa ngebantu Welbeck untuk nyelesein PR-nya sejauh ini : Finishing yg masih buruk..

Ane juga analisa spt itu bro, mengingat umur RvP sudah 29 dan kontraknya hanya 4 tahun sepertinya RvP mmg mau dijadikan "guru" buat Hernandez yg sering Offside, Welbeck yg finishingnya parah, Macheda yg gak konsisten, Will Keane sbg motivasi cpt sembuh cedera dan on form lagi, juga mungkin Bebe hahahaha

16-08-2012, 03:49 AM
Dari yg gw baca2 dr adammarshall, jurnalis manutd.com, semua kudu tenang..
Datengnya RVP akan ngebantu mereka, karena mereka jg masih muda. Dan yg disorot itu kedatangan RVP bisa ngebantu Welbeck untuk nyelesein PR-nya sejauh ini : Finishing yg masih buruk..

yap.. Dg kdtgan RVP ,United pastinya bs mndpat byk keuntungan. Slah satunya sbgai mentor utk para youngster. Hmmm dan jg mnmbh byk opsi utk penendang bebas.. WR10/Giggs/Young/Nani/RVP. lumayan nmbhin pmain kaki kidal utk squad.

16-08-2012, 03:51 AM
Revisii, ayo direvisiii :hammer:....... :ngacir:


Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 03:53 AM
Revisii, ayo direvisiii :hammer:....... :ngacir:


Kalau lihat gambar itu emang dunia tidak ada yang pasti yaa... #:-S

Padahal baru musim kemarin Persie begitu mendewa di Emirates stadium nya Arsenal, digadang-gadang sebagai new Legend buat Arsenal, dan akan menghabiskan karirnya di Arsenal sebagai goal getter terbaik mereka.... Tapi kenyataannya..?? hmmm :-< :-<

16-08-2012, 03:54 AM
Revisii, ayo direvisiii :hammer:....... :ngacir:


hahahaha.. Tragisnya nasib para the gooners.. Kasihan amat nasib fans2 nya.. Srg khlgan pmain bintangnya. Song kyknya bntr lgi menyusul .. ;)

16-08-2012, 03:54 AM
akhirnya united punya striker belanda lagi
welcome to old trafford RvP :muscarf:
hope you can play well with us so we'll take our 20th trophy

16-08-2012, 03:55 AM
nomor 13 di united msih lowong kan??

16-08-2012, 03:57 AM
yappp, kalo di pikir2 mu kekurangan juga pemain yg murni kidal/kaki kiri biar leluasa bermain di sektor kiri pastinya. mayan lah RVP GIGGS EVRA.. :wowcaem:

16-08-2012, 04:01 AM
menurut saya nih RVP paling bakal main 3-4 musim,kalopun bisa lebih dan produktif malah makin bagus :), dan kalopun RVP pensiun saat itu,udah ada pemain pemain yang mateng kaya chicharito,welbeck,macheda,henriquez, bahkan willkeane ! goodluck robin van persie !

semoga tahun ini banyak gelar yang didapet MU :champ:

16-08-2012, 04:02 AM
:devil1:Cihuy! Dateng lagi pemain asal Belanda. Kalo diliat-liat ke Belakang, pemain Belanda yang ada di UNITED itu selalu sukses!:devil1:

Tapi ngomong-ngomong, orang Belanda yang satu ini bakalan pake nomor berapa yah kira-kira :)):))

Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 04:04 AM
Busyet, dalam hitungan jam sudah 4halaman, masih dini hari pula... #:-S #-o

Bakal jadi thread of the week nih kayaknya RVP ini.. :D :thumbup:

16-08-2012, 04:04 AM
Padahal baru musim kemarin Persie begitu mendewa di Emirates stadium nya Arsenal, digadang-gadang sebagai new Legend buat Arsenal, dan akan menghabiskan karirnya di Arsenal sebagai goal getter terbaik mereka.... Tapi kenyataannya..?? hmmm :-< :-<

Wah gw kurang setuju bro..
8 tahun berseragam arsenal dgn golnya 96 gw rasa doi pasti punya tempatlah diantara para pemain penting yg pernah bela arsenal.. ya ibaratnya kita ronaldo lah, kontribusinya membuat doi gw anggep sbg legenda meski kabur di usia 25 :D

nomor 13 di united msih lowong kan??

Waduh, kemana aja bro :p
Udah dipake Anders Lindegaard nomer 13

Btw di wiki udah balik lg ke ARSENAL tuh CURRENT CLUB-nya, ya wajar mungkin karena belum pass tes medis + personal agreement..

Bloody "Devil" R3d
16-08-2012, 04:08 AM
Wah gw kurang setuju bro..
8 tahun berseragam arsenal dgn golnya 96 gw rasa doi pasti punya tempatlah diantara para pemain penting yg pernah bela arsenal.. ya ibaratnya kita ronaldo lah, kontribusinya membuat doi gw anggep sbg legenda meski kabur di usia 25 :D

Iya juga sih, tapi setidaknya Persie sudah menghancurkan harapan fans Arsenal yang sudah menganggap dia akan pensiun di sono... :sad:

Kalau nubie gak salah baca kemarin, beberapa fans Arsenal bahkan mengolok-olok Van Persie ketika pre season Match nya Arsenal kemarin...?? Pertanda barisan sakit hati sudah mulai mengumpulkan aksinya nih... Pertanda RVP bisa jadi di cap Legenda Arsenal yang menyeleweng... Hehehe :peace:

16-08-2012, 04:11 AM
Opa Fergie bener2 udah perhitungan matang nih beli RvP
di tengah2 numpuknya striker,mungkin aja bakal ada yg kebuang
smoga bisa bermanfaat di usia yg udah mulai mendekati 30...
performanya bakal ky musim kmarin gak yah :-"

16-08-2012, 04:38 AM
Busyet, dalam hitungan jam sudah 4halaman, masih dini hari pula... #:-S #-o

Bakal jadi thread of the week nih kayaknya RVP ini.. :D :thumbup:

hahahha.. Amin..
Noh liat tuh sob.. Jerman v Arg.. Ada supporter jrman msuk ke lap.. Messi jadi snyum2 ..haha

16-08-2012, 04:44 AM
Lagi rame banget di twitter hanya gara-gara twit ini :

ais_BTM: RvP resmi pindah ke MUny*k!! 24jt pounds! Sekian. D*mn!"

Tentunya selain twit Rio Ferdinand yg bully Piers Morgan, sampe dibantu Pique ama Michael Owen segala tuh :)) What a morning...

16-08-2012, 04:45 AM
Waduh, kemana aja bro :p
Udah dipake Anders Lindegaard nomer 13

Btw di wiki udah balik lg ke ARSENAL tuh CURRENT CLUB-nya, ya wajar mungkin karena belum pass tes medis + personal agreement..

hahahaha kmrin pas gembor2nya Euro n transfer, gw bnr2 jauh dri peradaban sob.. ga ada TV.. Cuma ngandelin detik doank.. Jdi maklum lah kalau ada ktglan berita.

Back to topic..

Yap.. RVP blm 100% join ke united. Kita tunggu aja.. Kalau smuanya sudah kelar, kita lht aja aksi dia nti pas lwn everton. (klu msuk line up)

16-08-2012, 04:51 AM
Yah paling enggak kita kudu say thanks ke RVP nih, bikin forum jadi 'meriah' (more than 800 yg masuk), jarang2 khan kayak gini, mana pagi2 buta lagi ... :P :D

16-08-2012, 04:58 AM
Weh... syarat nggak resmi dari pemaen baru United pecah juga. Dulu sering digembar-gemborkan United hanya mau beli pemaen U-26. Tapi ini justru menambrak syarat itu dan bukan 1 tapi 3 tahun. Sespesial itu arti RVP buat rencana Fergie...

Moga dapet #9.... :D

16-08-2012, 05:04 AM
Weh... syarat nggak resmi dari pemaen baru United pecah juga. Dulu sering digembar-gemborkan United hanya mau beli pemaen U-26. Tapi ini justru menambrak syarat itu dan bukan 1 tapi 3 tahun. Sespesial itu arti RVP buat rencana Fergie...

Moga dapet #9.... :D

ini akibat musim lalu gan.. Dg gagalnya united di semua ajang.
dan jg psti krna efek dri m.city. Apalgi fergie ga muda lagi :)
jdi dia pengen memperoleh kejayaan lgi. Jdi kita maklumin aja. :p

16-08-2012, 05:17 AM
Saya ucapkan selamat datang di Manchester United..
buat mas Persie :beer:

16-08-2012, 05:32 AM
Alternatif formasi :P

De Gea
Evans - Rio - Vidic
Valencia - Carrick - Cleverley - Evra
Rooney - RVP

penasaran nunggu kick off liga...

16-08-2012, 05:35 AM
Alternatif formasi :P

De Gea
Evans - Rio - Vidic
Valencia - Carrick - Cleverley - Evra
Rooney - RVP

penasaran nunggu kick off liga...

naahh yg ini... formasi manteb niiiyy tp Evra di isi Nani ato Young malah tambah manteb :D


16-08-2012, 05:37 AM
Revisii, ayo direvisiii :hammer:....... :ngacir:


harusnya tunjukin sama gooners yaaa bang.. :D
tp yg pasti welcome to RvP

rio vander vidic
16-08-2012, 06:07 AM
kalo emang van Persie jadi dateng ke Old Trafford...

cuma berharap satu..

sering-seringlah nonton video pertandingan Teddy Sheringham waktu main

buat United..karena biarpun waktu itu dia dateng pas udah berumur,

tetap bisa menyumbangkan trophy buat United..bahkan jadi salah satu

pencetak goal di partai final Champions League yang legendaris itu..


16-08-2012, 06:09 AM
Alternatif formasi :P

De Gea
Evans - Rio - Vidic
Valencia - Carrick - Cleverley - Evra
Rooney - RVP

penasaran nunggu kick off liga...

Rada aneh dan terkesan gimana gitu,,.
Tp faktanya aku setuju dgn formasi ini :D ini hanya wujud dilapangan doank, secara gamblang pasti ngomongnya 4-3-3..

16-08-2012, 07:27 AM
selamat datang, semoga lancar medical test nya dan semoga bisa jadi seperti senior nya di timnas belanda dulu RvN .

Andi Istiabudi
16-08-2012, 07:51 AM
Akhirnya RVP bergabung dengan United, semoga sukses dan tercapai cita-citanya meraih trofi juara.
Dengan usia saat ini 29 tahun berarti usia RVP sama dengan usia Michael Owen saat bergabung dengan United tahun 2009 yach ? :)

16-08-2012, 08:27 AM
masih berasa aneh ada rvp di skuad United... hihihi
moga aja lebih banyak goal musim depan,..
bakal seru euy... g sbr nunggu epl...

16-08-2012, 09:06 AM
tapi kemungkinan ada rvp itu chica dan welbeck mungkin akan jarang jadi line up lg
tapi bagusnya ada duet maut wazza dan rvp hahaha

16-08-2012, 09:23 AM
Kalo menurut gw United emang sangat-sangat butuh sekali tipe Finisher seperti Van Persie, sepanjang musim kemaren kalo pendapat pribadi sih, Support dari lini tengah udah bagus sebenernya, terutama ya dari winger tapi pas udah dikasi ke welbo atau chica jadinya kurang maksimal yang harusnya bisa dikonversi jadi gol,

Rooney sudah berperan maksimal musim lalu, menurut gw kalo diduetkan sama Persie yaa bakalan banyak gol yang jadi kendala United musim lalu, apalagi kalo jadinya formasi 4 - 3 - 3 full attack! :serbu:
apalagi diliat dari penampilan pra musim United juga agak susah tuh bikin gol, terlihat kurang mantap aja untuk memulai musim,

mungkinkah akan jadi solusi?
atau setidaknya akan lahir banyak gol? :mudance::mudance::mudance:
ya kita bisa berharap banyak untuk musim ini :champ:

Nanda Yogi
16-08-2012, 09:40 AM
Yeahh welcome to Old Trafford Robin Van Persie, disinilah kamu akan meraih impianmu mendapatkan gelar PL, amiin

16-08-2012, 09:49 AM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


keknya #20 cocok buat yang ini...:mudance:

16-08-2012, 09:54 AM
Nunggu Slesai Tes Medis dan Ttd Kontrak.. :devil3:
gaa sabar,,..
Smoga RvP bisa cpt beradaptasi dan mainnya bisa konsisten.. AMIN

16-08-2012, 09:58 AM
akhirnya van persie berlabuh ke united, yang perlu dicermati walaupun secara jumlah gol van persie dan rooney musim lalu mencapai angka 57 gol, tapi apakah van persie bisa menyatu dengan pola permainan united?

kita lihat di timnas belanda, waktu euro 2012 kemaren, van persie dan huntelaar sama-sama top skorer di liga nya masing-masing, tapi apa yg terjadi, mereka tidak bisa menunjukkan ketajamannya di timnas.

ya mudah-mudahan ketajaman van persie bisa tetap seperti dia masih berada di arsenal:muscarf::muscarf:

Ucup Carrick
16-08-2012, 09:58 AM
kalau gua amati emang United butuh konsistensi nyetak gol banyak. Bisa lah diliat dari ujicoba atau kalo mau liat separuh musim terakhir, hal ini yg jadi kendala...
kedatangan RvP gua yakin dah dipikirkan mateng-mateng ama Fergie...sepertinya sektor tengah ama belakang gak begitu masalah buat beliau...toh scholes masih ada semusim lagi...rio-vidic meski gak muda lagi ya tentunya tetap dipercaya jadi tembok kokoh.....

16-08-2012, 10:03 AM
Cocok nih buat jadi profile picture BBM :mudance:



16-08-2012, 10:43 AM
rame tritnyaa...persis kek trit Berba dulu hehehe...
gt maen gak sesuai harapan, hujat menghujat aja
yg ada...semoga RVP gak berbuat sama deh...formasi
di fantasy premier musti berubah nih, kebanyakan
pemain UNITEDnya secara waktu beli doi masih di gudang

16-08-2012, 10:55 AM
welcome to old trafford RVP :muscarf:
tinggal nunggu tes kesehatan , ttd kontrak nih :D

dan gak sabar , berduet ama wazza :mudance:

16-08-2012, 10:56 AM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


Ada beberapa opsi...
1. Salah satu dari nomor yang lagi kosong saat ini adalah #2 dan #28-#32,
2. Rafael promosi jadi #2 dan #21 jadi milik RVP,atau
3. Pake #9 dan pemilik sebelumnya buru2 dijual :P

16-08-2012, 11:22 AM
wah, thread RVP lgsg jd hits ni di forum & jarang2 pagi gini forum rame bgt :peace:

ya smoga aja duet RVP - Rooney bisa memenuhi harapan bnyk fans, kalo saya sih seneng2 aja RVP gabung, ngeliat duet United di dpn diisi top skor & runner up musim lalu :D

no punggung, feeling sih pake no Fabio dulu kali ya #20

smoga kuartet Rooney - RVP - Hernandez - Welbeck (+Berbatov) bisa sukses seperti Yorke - Cole - Solskjaer - Sheringham

Welcome to Old Trafford, Robin Van Persie :beer:

16-08-2012, 11:34 AM
Akhirnya selesai juga tuh Saga.. kirain bakal jadi Sneijder jilid II (Sneijder Who...???)

Agak nggak ikhlas juga RvP ke United.. mending maksimalin potensi striker yang sudah ada.. Eh tapi barangkali RvP mau dijadikan winger, mengingat winger yang baru masih kagak konsisten...

BTW, apapun masa lalunya, kalau udah berkostum Setan Merah tentu akan ane dukung penuh...!!

Welcome Robin, to the right path...!!!!

16-08-2012, 12:14 PM
ya mudah-mudahan ketajaman van persie bisa tetap seperti dia masih berada di arsenal:muscarf::muscarf:

Klo mo lihat lebih detail, RVP bikin gol banyak buat Arsenal ya baru musim kmrn lho
Gol di EPL aja selama 8 musim berturut2 sbb: 5 - 5 - 11 - 7 - 11 - 9 - 18 - 30
Yah semoga trend positifnya bisa terus berlanjut

16-08-2012, 12:16 PM
klo ane sbg babes yg baik hati yah setuju keras!!! selain doi cakep (teteppp) doi jg top skorer EPL musim lalu ngalahin yayank Rooney , bisa jdi lumbung gol baru ..biar gal 1-0 FC mulu :D ... asal jgn malah rebutan Bola sama Rooney aja di depan =))
itu aja sih..namanya juga koment alakadar n amatiran.. yg penting Welkam RvP :* :devil2:
chantnya udh ada yg dpt blm yak?

16-08-2012, 12:34 PM
selamat datang RVP :mudance:

16-08-2012, 12:37 PM
welcome Robin :beer:

duet impian para pelatih epl
fatman dan robin


16-08-2012, 12:41 PM
Ada beberapa opsi...
1. Salah satu dari nomor yang lagi kosong saat ini adalah #2 dan #28-#32,
2. Rafael promosi jadi #2 dan #21 jadi milik RVP,atau
3. Pake #9 dan pemilik sebelumnya buru2 dijual :P

kalo aku jelas pilih opsi ke-3 mas ded :D
yg masih ditunggu2 sampai saat ini memang masalah no punggung nih
tebak2 berhadiah,masak sekelas RvP mau pake no 2 digit diluar 10 :hammer:


16-08-2012, 12:47 PM
kalo aku jelas pilih opsi ke-3 mas ded :D
yg masih ditunggu2 sampai saat ini memang masalah no punggung nih
tebak2 berhadiah,masak sekelas RvP mau pake no 2 digit diluar 10 :hammer:


Apalagi kalau pake nomor Jersey sampai tiga digit...:hammer::hammer:

Dugaan Ane sih pake ex punya Parkie.. 13

My lucky number...!!!

16-08-2012, 12:56 PM
Dear ,

welcome to "Theater Of Dreams" :devil3::devil3:



16-08-2012, 12:58 PM
Welcome RVP..
Mudah2an permslahan tntang finishing di lini depan teratasi..
Kayaknya no 9 bakal d pake, udah gak mngkn lagi untk mmpertahankan Berba..

16-08-2012, 01:00 PM
Apalagi kalau pake nomor Jersey sampai tiga digit...:hammer::hammer:

Dugaan Ane sih pake ex punya Parkie.. 13

My lucky number...!!!

Klo dari manutd.com #13 sih dipake Lindergaard :D

16-08-2012, 01:03 PM
Klo dari manutd.com #13 sih dipake Lindergaard :D

Jangan jangan Berbatov jadi dijual...:hammer::hammer:

16-08-2012, 01:18 PM
Jangan jangan Berbatov jadi dijual...:hammer::hammer:

Ini kyknya bukan jgn2 lg..
Uda nyaris pasti slot nomer 9 bakal pindah ke Van Persie :D

16-08-2012, 01:20 PM
Jangan jangan Berbatov jadi dijual...:hammer::hammer:

Kayanya kemungkinan besar berba bakal dijual nih bro..mengingat gaya bermainnya kayanya agak kurang masuk dengan hadirnya RvP, Kagawa, dan pemain lainnya yg punya tempo permainan lebih cepat & rajin jemput bola.

Ga kebayang aja kalo Berba tetep dipertahankan & dipaksa jadi gelandang atw bek. Mungkinkah? :nohope:

16-08-2012, 01:28 PM
Nah mumpung belum kejauhan, yg ngomongin berba bisa di thread syebelah ya nawak nawak.. Takut kena semprit satpol pp ntar :D

16-08-2012, 01:28 PM
yowess... Kita tggu n lihat saja aksi united musim ini...
Jgn lupa selalu berdoa.. Biar united bisa menjuarai smua kompetisi yg mereka ikuti.. Amin.. :D

theater of dream
16-08-2012, 01:32 PM
29 tahun dengan tulang kaca...
semoga kita beruntung...

16-08-2012, 01:37 PM
RVP masuk ke Arsenal pake nomer 11 ya (cmiiw), trus dapet slot nomer 10, bisa jadi sekarang merangkak maju lagi ke nomer 9 opsss #eehh X_X

Ucup Carrick
16-08-2012, 01:59 PM
timnas belanda juga pernah pake nomor 9 kalo gak salah...

16-08-2012, 02:21 PM
hahaha lagi2 no kostum..
Coba kyk di italy sono ya.. Ksh aja tu persie nmr 99.. Hahaha..

Sekedar info.. No 13 uda di pakai abang lindergaard

16-08-2012, 02:47 PM
Bakalan tambah bnyk striker haus goal diunited....

Y Darmawansyah
16-08-2012, 02:57 PM
Welcome to Old Trafford, Robin Van Persie!


Saya senang dengan kedatangan RvP ke Old Trafford. Semoga bisa membantu + sukses, amin. Salam United! :-D

16-08-2012, 03:33 PM
Memang striker tajam yg dibutuhkan united saat ini, Chicarito yg selalu berlari tp selalu offside, Welbo yg selalu hebat tp finishingnya kacau, Wazza yg agak ditarik jd 2nd dtriker buat ngebantu mereka berdua jg kadang msh kurang konsisten. Memang kedatangan RvP bawa nafas baru buat para striker United. Tapi, kl lihat lg kebelakang kedatangan striker ga selamanya bagus, lihat Saha dia kurang konsisten mainnya, cuma Berba & Tevez yg jd senjata utama Fergie di musim2 lalu. Semoga saja RvP makin membantu United menciptakan banyak goal selain dari crossing Toni V, Nani, Young yg mengerikan. Who needs Batman when we got Robin, Welcome to OT RvP.

16-08-2012, 03:39 PM
Bakalan tambah bnyk striker haus goal diunited....

Nah ini yg ane demen bro, semoga persaingan buat masuk line up juga makin ketat. Semoga Bebe, Berba, Kiko, Chicarito, Welbo bisa makin tajam buat junjukin siapa yg pantes masuk line up. Kl mereka termotivasi masuknya RvP bisa jadi mereka bisa lebih garang di lini depan, semoga hahahaha

16-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Sebegitu beruntungkah United utk transfer musim ini? :)

"Bundesliga Player of the Year 2012 + Premier League Player of the Year 2012 = £35m | Kuncir Kuda of the year = £35m".

semoga bisa menghasilkan gelar sebanyak2nya utk United :) ..

Calon duet maut? :D


Maaf the Gunners, banner sebelumnya sudah berubah :D

16-08-2012, 04:49 PM

Dailymail juga doyan maenan sotosop yaa ...
Apa jangan2 real tuh X_X

16-08-2012, 05:03 PM
Ada lagi nih, pada semangat ama Van the Mas yaa ... :D


---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

Ada lagi nih, pada semangat ama Van the Man yaa ... :D


16-08-2012, 05:05 PM
Sebegitu beruntungkah United utk transfer musim ini? :)

"Bundesliga Player of the Year 2012 + Premier League Player of the Year 2012 = £35m | Kuncir Kuda of the year = £35m".

semoga bisa menghasilkan gelar sebanyak2nya utk United :) ..

Calon duet maut? :D


Maaf the Gunners, banner sebelumnya sudah berubah :D


Dailymail juga doyan maenan sotosop yaa ...
Apa jangan2 real tuh X_X

wkwkwkwkwk kocakk amatt tu sotonya.. yang van persie is manutd gw suka tuh.. mantap !!:x:x:champ:

16-08-2012, 05:07 PM
ini juga oom, edisi sotosop. RVP siap tanding pake baju koko :D



16-08-2012, 05:10 PM
Asle gan... 20 perfect... Buat RVP..

16-08-2012, 05:11 PM
Gary Neville antusias banget nih, ampe bikin formasi ini :D


16-08-2012, 06:10 PM
Saking stresnya, fans Arsenal ada yg ampe begini :D


16-08-2012, 06:15 PM
Skysports News melaporkan, RVP telah meninggalkan London & akan segera terbang ke Manchester. katanya sih mau ke bridgewater hospital utk cek medik :)


16-08-2012, 06:36 PM
Gary Neville antusias banget nih, ampe bikin formasi ini :D


itu cadangannya kok ada park ji-sung bro??terus gaada cadangan kipernya :malu:

om tato
16-08-2012, 08:57 PM
mari kita tebak nomer .... #eehh :peace:


Prediksi sy sih kemungkinan RVP pke nmr 20
kan fabio masih status loan, ntar fabio pke nomor 21 aja.
rafael pke jersey nomor 2 yg masih kosong :D

"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

om tato
16-08-2012, 09:02 PM
Saking stresnya, fans Arsenal ada yg ampe begini :D


:))=)) wahh... kasian bangt para gooners.
sampe segitunya, katanya arsenal bukan cuma RVP :-@
tp masa RVP hijrah ke OT aja udah main bakar jersey aja :-q

"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

16-08-2012, 09:09 PM
:))=)) wahh... kasian bangt para gooners.
sampe segitunya, katanya arsenal bukan cuma RVP :-@
tp masa RVP hijrah ke OT aja udah main bakar jersey aja :-q

"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

pesakitan tuh.. Hahaha.. Ga sabar nggu united vs arsenal.. Hahaha

16-08-2012, 09:10 PM
Sayang bgt jersey nya d bakar... Saya terima hibahan kok :p

theater of dream
16-08-2012, 09:13 PM
:))=)) wahh... kasian bangt para gooners.
sampe segitunya, katanya arsenal bukan cuma RVP :-@
tp masa RVP hijrah ke OT aja udah main bakar jersey aja :-q

"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

Faktanya memang bagi Arsenal adalah kehilangan besar sementara buat kita juga bukan sesuatu yang besar, bukan sesuatu yang sangt dibutuhkan..
Poor Arsenal

16-08-2012, 10:16 PM
Rvp arrived in Manchester. via @UtdIndonesiaJKT


16-08-2012, 10:46 PM
Fergie - RVP set for debut
United manager excited by options as Dutchman has medical

Sir Alex Ferguson says he is 'sure' that Robin van Persie will be available to make his Manchester United debut against Everton as the Dutchman prepares to undergo a medical.

United announced on Wednesday night that they had agreed a fee with Arsenal for the striker, with the transfer set to be finalised once personal terms have been settled and a medical has been passed.

Ferguson does not anticipate any problems and is looking forward to unleashing Van Persie in Monday night's Premier League clash at Goodison Park.

"He is on his way up from London for a medical later this afternoon," said the Red Devils manager.

"We hope that goes according to plan. His agent is in discussions with (United chief executive) David Gill right about now.

"We hope all the things will be tied up, although sometimes medicals do take a bit longer. I am sure he will be available for Monday's game."

Van Persie's arrival will present Ferguson with a wealth of attacking options, and he is excited about seeing the Dutchman in tandem with Wayne Rooney.

Ferguson likened his present situation to that he had in 1999 when Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke scored 53 goals during United's Treble-winning campaign, reinforced by UEFA Champions League final heroes Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

"It is a fantastic collection of players and hopefully I pick the right combinations. It is great to have a player of Robin van Persie's qualities to come into the squad. I am very pleased."
Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes of the week

"They (Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie) are two fantastic players and it will be great to have both of them," said Ferguson.

"It gives us more strength and more combinations up front.

"In 1999 I had Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the four best strikers in Europe.

"We are going towards that now with Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin, Danny Welbeck and Shinji Kagawa.

"It is a fantastic collection of players and hopefully I pick the right combinations.

"It is great to have a player of Robin van Persie's qualities to come into the squad. I am very pleased."


can't wait to see his debut :muflag:*penasaran

16-08-2012, 10:47 PM
FIFA van Persie :D

16-08-2012, 10:48 PM
Seneng sih RvP jadi ke United. tapi sayang juga karena kita udah kebanyakan striker, apalagi striker mudanya lebih butuh kesempatan untuk bermain. tapi ya mau gimana lagi, percaya aja sama opa Fergie :peace: :mudance:

16-08-2012, 11:05 PM
Maaf the Gunners, banner sebelumnya sudah berubah :D

ini banner aslinya :D


tambahan, banner yg akan diturunkan dari Emirates stadium :hammer::hammer:


16-08-2012, 11:18 PM
Robin van Persie Siap Lakoni Debut Lawan Everton

Manajer Manchester United, Sir Alex Ferguson, mengaku sangat senang bisa mendapatkan pemain sekaliber Robin van Persie. Sir Alex juga yakin bomber asal Belanda itu akan langsung melakoni debut sebagai pemain United kala melawan Everton, pada Selasa (21/8) dini hari WIB.

United secara resmi mengumumkan telah berhasil mencapai kata sepakat dengan Arsenal terkait transfer Van Persie ke Old Trafford. Pemain berusia 29 tahun itu hanya tinggal menyelesaikan kontrak personal dan tes kesehatan, pada Kamis (16/8).

"Kami berharap masalah kontrak personal dan tes medis berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. Namun, saya yakin Robin sudah bisa diturunkan untuk laga melawan Everton," kata Ferguson seperti dikutip dari The Sun.

Ferguson juga menyatakan kombinasi lini depan United saat ini sekuat era keemasan Setan Merah kala merebut tiga gelar pada 1999. Ia berharap bisa mengeluarkan kemampuan terbaik para striker untuk merebut kembali gelar Premier League dari tangan Manchester City.

"Kami punya Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham, dan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer pada 2009. Kini kami memiliki Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin, Danny Welbeck dan Shinji Kagawa. Saya berharap bisa memilih kombinasi terbaik guna menambah kekuatan United," pungkas Ferguson.

sumber : http://www.bolanews.com/liga/premier-league/read/13568-Robin-van-Persie-Siap-Lakoni-Debut-Lawan-Everton

16-08-2012, 11:44 PM

Welcome RvP

16-08-2012, 11:50 PM
Parah bgt ini, reaksi sebagian fans Gunners :))




16-08-2012, 11:58 PM
"In 1999 I had Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole,
Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar
Solskjaer, the four best strikers in Europe.
"We are going towards that now with
Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin,
Danny Welbeck and Shinji Kagawa.
"It is a fantastic collection of players and
hopefully I pick the right combinations.

Kemanakah Berbatov??? Sinyal bahwa fergie akan melepas dia pada transfer kali ini.. Bgus nya sih jgn di tunda2 lagi.. Pertama karena kasihan ama psikologinya berba, kedua, united bs mndpt mndpat uang dri hsil pnjualan berba (yg pstinya tidak akan bsr) , ketiga, mengurangi salary.. Dripada makan gaji buta, mdg di lego aja.. Gapapalah wlpun ntar dijualnya murah..

dery pramudito
17-08-2012, 12:26 AM
horeee akhirnya doa gw dikabulkan, RVP resmi ke MU cihuuy, btw kok blom ada perkembangan lg ya masalah transfer ini? kapan ya mulai di perkenalkan nya ke media. ga sabar liat dia megang baju MU sama sir alex :D

17-08-2012, 01:08 AM
Robin van Persie arrives in Manchester for his medical via MANUTDStuff


17-08-2012, 01:38 AM
Foto di atas itu foto di london...
Banyak foto hoax beredar di TL hahahaha
Btw rvp lom resmi guys...santai dulu :)

17-08-2012, 01:43 AM
Robin van Persie arrives in Manchester for his medical via MANUTDStuff


Via @DoronSalomon katanya pict ini ketika Robin msh berada di London, bukan Manchester..

@DoronSalomon:"That photo of RVP in manchester that's doing the rounds is a photo from London. The giveaway is the hair salon in the background!"

Cmiiw :D :peace:

om tato
17-08-2012, 02:02 AM
Foto di atas itu foto di london...
Banyak foto hoax beredar di TL hahahaha
Btw rvp lom resmi guys...santai dulu :)

yep!! walaupun tinggal beberapa langkah lagi RVP masuk ke Carington.
tp belum ada konfirmasi resmi dari pihak RVP maupun MU.
kita tunggu aja info dari website resmi MU atau tunggu konfrensi pers dari opa SAF dan RVP.

dan saya pribadi ga masalah sih, tentang jadi atau tidaknya RVP hijrah ke MU.
United masih punya setidaknya 5 stok striker yang berkualitas.

"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

17-08-2012, 02:02 AM
Via @DoronSalomon katanya pict ini ketika Robin msh berada di London, bukan Manchester..

@DoronSalomon:"That photo of RVP in manchester that's doing the rounds is a photo from London. The giveaway is the hair salon in the background!"

Cmiiw :D :peace:

thx for correction , :)
byk yg ketipu tuh akun2 twitter info ttg United :D

17-08-2012, 04:30 AM
Siap siap tes medis nih ;)


17-08-2012, 05:01 AM
Van Persie arrives at hospital to undergo medical as United transfer nears completion

Robin van Persie has arrived at Bridgewater Hospital to undergo a medical ahead of his proposed move to Manchester United.

The 29-year-old is expected to join the Old Trafford side from Arsenal for a reported fee of £24million.

United fought off competition from Manchester City and Juventus to snare the Dutch striker.

Sir Alex Ferguson has claimed United will possess arguably Europe's most fearsome strike force when van Persie arrives.

He should be ready to make his Manchester United debut at Everton on Monday.

Ferguson has spoken about the new-look attacking options of Van Persie, Wayne Rooney, Danny Welbeck and Javier Hernandez, and the comparisons with the 1999 set of Andy Cole, Dwight Yorke, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

Speaking at a press conference, Ferguson said: 'They (Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie) are two fantastic players and it will be great to have both of them. It gives us more strength and more combinations up front.

'In 1999 I had Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the four best strikers in Europe.

'We are going towards that now with Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin, Danny Welbeck and Shinji Kagawa.

It is a fantastic collection of players and hopefully I pick the right combinations It is great to have a player of Robin van Persie's qualities to come into the squad. I am very pleased.'

United sealed the signing of the summer when Arsenal agreed to sell Van Persie to their Barclays Premier League rivals for £24million.

Even one of the players whose place is threatened expressed his delight, with Welbeck keen to welcome Van Persie into the United fold.

'It is a massive boost to the club if Robin van Persie joins us,' he said. 'I am really looking forward to playing with him.

'His agent is in discussions with (United chief executive) David Gill right about now. We hope all the things will be tied up, although sometimes medicals do take a bit longer. I am sure he will be available for Monday's game.'

Arsene Wenger has admitted that Arsenal were powerless to stop Robin van Persie signing for Manchester United.

Wenger has the best part of two weeks to spend some of the money before the transfer window is closed. He said on French TV on Wednesday night: ‘It’s sad to lose a player of his quality. He had only one year left on his contract so we didn’t have the choice.’

Asked who he would recruit, Wenger said: 'We already signed Lukas Podolski and Olivier Giroud.'

Van Persie is the first Arsenal player to join United since Viv Anderson in 1987 and the move has riled Gunners fans, who took to Twitter to abuse him.

United are understood to have agreed a £15m downpayment for last season’s Footballer of the Year and Players’ Player — who scored 30 Premier League goals for last season. That will rise to £24m depending on appearances. Van Persie is expected to sign a four-year contract worth over £200,000 a week.

A statement on United’s website said: ‘Manchester United is pleased to announce it has reached agreement with Arsenal for the transfer of Robin van Persie. The deal is subject to a medical and the agreement of personal terms.’

In signing Van Persie, United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has laid down a clear marker ahead of the new season. It is the first time the club have paid for a big name since Dimitar Berbatov from Tottenham for £30.75m in 2008.

Having decided two or three years ago they would not sign players over the age of 27, United have signified just how far they are prepared to go to wrest the title back from City.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2189412/Robin-van-Persie-Manchester-United-medical.html#ixzz23kFqOjuV

17-08-2012, 05:32 AM
On the move: Bookmakers Coral were quick to set up this stunt outside the Emirates

Fab fours: (top left-right) Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin van Persie and Danny Welbeck and 1999 team (bottom left-right) Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Teddy Sheringham, Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke

17-08-2012, 05:33 AM
At First there was this Video

And Then....

17-08-2012, 08:41 AM
Dia terlihat senang, senyum2 sambil dadah dadah.. Aaaaakkk, cant wait for the game!
Hari ini bakal ada konfirmasi resmi dari klub yah, pas presscon jumat siang. Pada gak jumatan.. (:|
Semoga aja sekalian ngumumin no punggung. Siap2 mesen font.. :siul:

17-08-2012, 08:47 AM
Fab fours: (top left-right) Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin van Persie and Danny Welbeck and 1999 team (bottom left-right) Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Teddy Sheringham, Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke

nice pict.. hehehehe IMHO bagi saya RVP mengingatkan sosok RvN.. hanya saja yg ini Kidal.. hehehehe.. maaf bukannya Rasis ya :hiu:

17-08-2012, 08:54 AM
Ane optimis dengan kemampuan RvP, akan sangat membantu United..
Yang ane bikin takut kalo kambuh cideranya.. :(, semoga saja tidak..

17-08-2012, 08:54 AM
nice pict.. hehehehe IMHO bagi saya RVP mengingatkan sosok RvN.. hanya saja yg ini Kidal.. hehehehe.. maaf bukannya Rasis ya :hiu:

Foto2 di atas bukan masalah mirip2an orang atau tipe maen sih. Menurutku itu penggambaran perbandingan kuartet striker United kini dan kuartet striker United saat treble 98/99. Pas treble kan blom ada RVN... :P

17-08-2012, 09:06 AM
Foto2 di atas bukan masalah mirip2an orang atau tipe maen sih. Menurutku itu penggambaran perbandingan kuartet striker United kini dan kuartet striker United saat treble 98/99. Pas treble kan blom ada RVN... :P

hahahah iye om... *ngacir* atuuut dilempar bata... :sikat:

17-08-2012, 11:39 AM
Thursday's Mirror back page - "United RVP Arsenal RIP" -


17-08-2012, 12:11 PM
Van Persie signs Man United shirts as he enters or leaves Bridgewater Hospital in Manchester. via allmanunited


17-08-2012, 12:16 PM
29 tahun dengan tulang kaca...
semoga kita beruntung...

Ojo ngono tho MasBro...:embarrassment::embarrassment:

Stay positive thinking aja.. Ane juga kurang sreg sih, tapi apapun itu, RvP sekarang udah jadi bagian dari kita (kita..?? kayaknya gw sendiri deh....:hammer::hammer:)

17-08-2012, 12:41 PM
'Setan Merah' Dapatkan Van Persie, Fergie Sangat Puas

Manchester - Sir Alex Ferguson mengaku sangat puas dengan transfer Robin van Persie ke Manchester United. Kedatangan Van Persie diyakini akan semakin memperkuat lini serang 'Setan Merah'.

MU dan Arsenal sudah mencapai kata sepakat soal transfer Van Persie. Proses transfer penyerang internasional Belanda itu diperkirakan akan segera selesai setelah si pemain sudah menjalani tes medis.

Kedatangan Van Persie ke Old Trafford akan memberi Fergie pilihan lebih banyak untuk kombinasi di lini depan MU. Saat ini, MU sudah punya Wayne Rooney, Danny Welbeck, dan Javier 'Chicharito' Hernandez di bagian penyerang.

"Wayne Rooney dan Robin van Persie adalah dua pemain hebat dan luar biasa bisa memiliki keduanya. Itu memberi kami lebih banyak kekuatan dan kombinasi di depan," terang Fergie seperti dikutip Sky Sports.

"Di tahun 1999, saya punya Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham dan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, empat striker terbaik di Eropa," lanjut manajer asal Skotlandia itu.

"Kami sekarang menuju ke sana dengan memiliki Javier Hernandez, Wayne Rooney, Robin, Danny Welbeck, dan Shinji Kagawa."

Banyaknya pilihan di barisan penyerang MU membuat Fergie puas. Kini dia berharap bisa memilih kombinasi yang tepat untuk lini depan timnya.

"Ini adalah kumpulan pemain yang luar biasa dan semoga saya memilih kombinasi yang tepat. Luar biasa bisa memiliki pemain dengan kualitas seperti Robin van Persie. Saya sangat puas," tutupnya.


Deddy Hernandez
17-08-2012, 04:05 PM
berdasarkan 'pengalaman' para pemain Belanda yg pernah bermain utk United, maka gelar juara pun akan kembali mengisi lemari tropi United *ngomong opo iki* :D

welcome RVP
I Love Deutch Players in Manchester United \m/

17-08-2012, 06:14 PM
Robin van Persie is now officially a Manchester United player & registered in time to face Everton on Monday - via Craig Norwood :-bd

17-08-2012, 06:21 PM
Van Persie deal completed


Robin van Persie has completed his medical, agreed personal terms and signed for Manchester United on a four-year contract until June 2016.

The 29 year-old Dutch striker joins the club in time for the start of the 2012/13 Premier League season.

Sir Alex Ferguson said: “Robin is a world-class striker with a proven record in England and in European football. His talents need no introduction to our fans – he has scored a number of goals against us in some classic battles with his former club. His movement, finishing and all-round ability are outstanding.”

Robin van Persie said: “It’s an honour to sign for Manchester United. I am looking forward to following in the footsteps of so many great strikers, bringing my experience and playing my part to help the team compete for the biggest trophies in the game. I can’t wait to get started.”


Deddy Hernandez
17-08-2012, 06:28 PM
Alhamdulillah..... akhirnya resmi juga meneer ini jadi United Player
akankah no 9 bertuliskan nama Van Persie ?? :D

17-08-2012, 06:54 PM
RESMI Niiih :beer:

entar konferensi pers ya with opa fergie :malu:

17-08-2012, 07:21 PM
Akhirnya, resmi juga,,,
ga sia2 nongkrong di thread ini hampir 24 jam :D
welcome meneer RVP :)

17-08-2012, 07:35 PM
Akhirnya... dah ikut latihan juga. Moga segera in sama rekan2 barunya.

17-08-2012, 07:42 PM
Video: RVP signing contract with Sir Alex and David Gill.


theater of dream
17-08-2012, 07:44 PM
Welcome to Theatre of Dreams lad :thumbup:

17-08-2012, 07:47 PM
Robin van Persie look so happy to training with United




17-08-2012, 07:49 PM
sedikit gambar RvP lagi latihan...









17-08-2012, 07:52 PM
training with manchester united










Deddy Hernandez
17-08-2012, 07:53 PM
Beberapa gambar latihan perdana RvP bersama Manchester United





17-08-2012, 07:56 PM
Weh...pada semangat sampe2 repost gambar :D

17-08-2012, 07:56 PM
banyak yang terlalu bersemangat (termasuk Ane) sampai gambar yang sama diulang ulang...

But Thanks anyway..

17-08-2012, 07:58 PM
ahahaha, semangat sekali ini teman :))
untung ane duluan yg paling atas :mudance:

Deddy Hernandez
17-08-2012, 08:19 PM
Hahaha iya juga :))
ini menunjukkan klo kedatangan RvP ke United emg bener" ditunggu oleh fans United di seluruh alam jagat raya *lebay* :hammer:

17-08-2012, 08:44 PM
Your Captain Is Mine..Your Captain Is Mine...Whoaaa...:D
Welcome To Old Trafford RVP :)

17-08-2012, 09:18 PM
Robin van Persie & Sir Alex Ferguson pose for photos at Old Trafford via danroan


17-08-2012, 09:50 PM
banyak yang terlalu bersemangat (termasuk Ane) sampai gambar yang sama diulang ulang...

But Thanks anyway..

including me hahaha :peace: semangat lads!
btw congratulation van persie for wearing number #20 on united
semoga nomor 20 baru ini bisa bikin united menang trophy ke 20 :champ:

17-08-2012, 09:55 PM
Robin van Persie & Sir Alex Ferguson pose for photos at Old Trafford via danroan


Nambahin photo of our #20


Smoga #20 bisa berhasil ikut membawa thropy ke-20


17-08-2012, 10:13 PM
nambahin lagi :peace:


eh repost ga sih? maaf kalo repost :peace: :peace:

theater of dream
17-08-2012, 10:25 PM
Nambahin lagi.... :D


17-08-2012, 10:29 PM
Ada beberapa opsi...
1. Salah satu dari nomor yang lagi kosong saat ini adalah #2 dan #28-#32,
2. Rafael promosi jadi #2 dan #21 jadi milik RVP,atau
3. Pake #9 dan pemilik sebelumnya buru2 dijual :P

Ternyata opsi nomornya salah semua. Ternyata Fabio yang "terusir". Nomor punggungnya diambil ma RVP... :hammer:

Prediksiku sih #20 cuman dipinjam RVP semusim. Musim depan ganti #9 dan #20 dikembalikan ke Fabio. Berhubung sampe menjelang kick off liga #9 masih ada yang punya jadi RVP terpaksa pake nomor laen.

17-08-2012, 10:33 PM
Nambahin lagi wallpaper-nya :D

- Welcome To united 1 (http://www.manutd.com/~/media/Wallpapers/2012-13/RVP_Wallpaper.ashx?w=2560&h=1600)

- Welcome To united 2 (http://www.manutd.com/~/media/Wallpapers/2012-13/RVP_Wallpaper_Signs.ashx?w=2560&h=1600)

troy andreas
18-08-2012, 12:32 AM
Komplit sudah saga transfer RvP ke United..
nah utk yg masih kontra hayo segera pro, karna mau gimana juga RvP bagian dari United sekarang B-):thumbup:

18-08-2012, 12:45 AM

"Manchester United bernapaskan
sepakbola. Kalau Anda melihat para pemain
di klub ini, stadion, dan manajernya, maka
pilihan saya dibuat berdasarkan hal-hal
tersebut," kata Van Persie

"Saat saya harus membuat keputusan yang
sulit, saya selalu mendengarkan 'bocah
kecil' di dalam diri saya dan apa yang dia
inginkan. 'Bocah kecil' ini meneriakkan
'United'," pungkas dia.

Intinya utarakan dan wujudkanlah apa yang selama ini ada dalam benakmu. Sebelum smuanya terlambat dan menimbulkan penyesalan.

Jiahh gw jdi ceramah.. hhahaha..

O iya. Bagi tman2 yg kaum muslim, jgn lupa antar ketupat n rendang ke rmh gw ya.. Hahaahaha..

18-08-2012, 12:56 AM
Ternyata opsi nomornya salah semua. Ternyata Fabio yang "terusir". Nomor punggungnya diambil ma RVP... :hammer:

Prediksiku sih #20 cuman dipinjam RVP semusim. Musim depan ganti #9 dan #20 dikembalikan ke Fabio. Berhubung sampe menjelang kick off liga #9 masih ada yang punya jadi RVP terpaksa pake nomor laen.

iya sob.. Brhubung nmr 20 lgi lowong (fabio lgi di loan ke QPR), jadi itu dia nmr yg pas buat si meneer .
Jdi musim dpn bisa saja dia mengenakan #9 andaikan dimitar hengkang. msh byk kemungkinan. Bisa saja musim ini brkhr Giggs memutuskan retire dari dunia spkbola (maunya gw sih ga kyk gitu), dan nmr 11 jdi py si meneer..
Hmmm.. Overall Apalah arti sbuah nomor punggung?? Kyk kata si w.shakespeare.

om tato
18-08-2012, 01:27 AM
prediksi ane ternyata gak meleset :D


"what Manchester does today...
....the world does tomorrow!"B-)

18-08-2012, 01:34 AM
Van Persie : 'I took the
number 20 shirt because I'm here to
win the 20th league title with United'

18-08-2012, 04:58 AM
Van Persie Senang Bertandem dengan Rooney


MANCHESTER, KOMPAS.com - Penyerang anyar Manchester United, Robin van Persie, mengaku senang bermain bersama Wayne Rooney di lini depan "Setan Merah".

"Beberapa kali, aku katakan sebelumnya bahwa dia adalah pemain kelas dunia," jelas Van Persie.

"Aku senang melihatnya dan beradaptasi dengan segalanya. Dia punya segalanya: mencetak gol, membuat assists, dan pekerja keras," lanjutnya.

Rencananya, Van Persie akan menandai debutnya saat MU melawan Everton, Senin (20/8/2012) nanti.

Van Persie sendiri diboyong MU dari Arsenal pascakedua pihak mencapai kesepakatan, Rabu (15/8/2012). Demi mendapatkan tanda tangan Van Persie, MU menghabiskan dana sebesar 24 juta poundsterling (sekitar Rp 360 miliar).

Top skorer Premier League musim lalu itu dikontrak empat tahun dengan gaji 235.000 pounds (sekitar Rp 3,5 miliar) per pekan.

18-08-2012, 05:00 AM
"Bisikan Gaib" Tuntun RvP ke United


MANCHESTER, KOMPAS.com - Penyerang Robin van Persie mengaku selalu mendengar suara anak kecil dalam dirinya saat membuat keputusan. Suara itulah yang membuat penyerang asal Belanda tersebut memilih Manchester United.

Van Persie resmi hijrah ke Old Trafford setelah "Setan Merah" mencapai kesepakatan dengan Arsenal, Rabu (15/8/2012). Keputusan Van Persie menggurkan harapan Manchester City dan Juventus yang juga tertarik meminang top scorrer Premier League pada musim lalu itu

"Manchester United adalah napas sepak bola. Jika Anda lihat semua pemain di klub, stadion, dan pelatih, keputusanku berdasarkan pada hal tersebut. Ketika aku membuat keputusan sulit, aku selalu mendengar suara anak laki-laki dalam diriku dan apa yang diinginkannya. Anak itu berteriak 'United!'," ungkap Van Persie.

Kepindahan Van Persie diwarnai reaksi keras dari pendukung Arsenal. Fans yang membakar jersey penyerang asal Belanda tersebut. sebagai bentuk kekecawaan terhadap keputusan RvP.

"Biarkan aku menjelaskan satu hal. Aku tidak ingin masalah ini berputar-putar. Dari sisiku dan Arsenal, tak ada perasaan tak mengenakkan. Hanya saja, unsur-unsur tertentu sangat penting bagiku. Kami memiliki pandangan berbeda," tutur Van Persie.

Mungkin yang dimaksud pria berusia 29 tahun itu adalah trofi. Sejak bergabung dengan raksasa London Utara, Van Persie hanya meraih trofi Piala FA 2009.

"Inilah hidup. Terkadang, Anda tidak setuju terhadap satu hal. Dan, aku berada di sini sekarang," lanjutnya

18-08-2012, 05:10 AM
Rooney's new goal? Supply the bullets for his new partner in crime RVP


Robin van Persie joining Manchester United is great for Sir Alex Ferguson and great for the title race.

If he had signed for Manchester City it would have felt like game over before the season had even started. Instead, Sir Alex has made a statement that he wants his title back and he now has the strike force to make that possible.

When United won the treble in 1999, they had four excellent strikers in Dwight Yorke, Andy Cole, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
Sir Alex thinks they are getting close to that quality again with Van Persie, Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernandez and Danny Welbeck but I’d argue they offer more variety. Only time will tell if they are better.

Most importantly, signing Van Persie is a statement that United are still a force to be reckoned with.

We were all expecting City to improve their squad this summer but they’ve only added Jack Rodwell and United now have one of the best strikers in Europe and Shinji Kagawa. They have Nemanja Vidic and Tom Cleverley returning to the fold after injuries, too.

And what would it have said about United if they had lost out to City on Van Persie? For that reason he is worth the £24million.

After 37 goals in all competitions last season, his price tag seems cheap — he’d be worth £50m if he’d had more years left on his contract. He was up there with Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo as the best forwards in the world last season.

You imagine that Van Persie and Rooney will be the first-choice front pair, although you’d expect Rooney to drop deeper for big matches and a lot of European games, when Sir Alex prefers to play one striker.

Rooney can then help out in midfield, sit on the opposition’s defensive midfielder and provide goals for the Dutchman. A lot of Van Persie’s goals last season came from central balls from Alex Song and Rooney might end up being the creator as much as the goalscorer. We may have to judge Rooney on more than just goals this season. When Ronaldo scored 42 goals in 2007-08, Rooney was a bit subdued, scoring only 18. He is more mature now so won’t be overshadowed.

Welbeck and Hernandez might be a bit put out by Van Persie’s arrival but that’s football. They’ve been set a challenge to get in the team and they will do so because football is such a squad game these days.

But Hernandez might have to become the new Solskjaer, making an impact off the bench. A year ago some people, incuding me, were talking about him as the signing of the decade but last season was so up and down for him. He’s the best finisher of the four but his link play lets him down.

As for Arsenal, they will be kicking themselves at getting into a mess yet again where their best player leaves. They are left with a situation where the players are too much in control.

At least they might be selling Alex Song when he has two years left on his contract — so they will get more for him.
Maybe they have finally learned their lesson.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/

18-08-2012, 05:15 AM
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson urges Robin van Persie to become his new Eric Cantona

Sir Alex Ferguson has challenged Robin van Persie to emulate Eric Cantona by becoming the “catalyst” in Manchester United’s attempt to reclaim the Premier League title this season.


Van Persie, who completed his £22 million transfer from Arsenal on Friday, claimed his inner-child was “screaming for United” and is expected to make his debut for the club against Everton on Monday if he proves his match fitness during training this weekend.

Yet having arrived at Old Trafford as last season’s double Footballer of the Year and Premier League leading goalscorer, the Dutch forward begins his career as a United player shouldering a heavy burden of expectancy.
At 29, Van Persie is the oldest outfield player to be signed for a transfer fee by Ferguson since the 31-year-old Teddy Sheringham was lured from Tottenham as Cantona’s direct replacement in the summer of 1997.

Having been credited with transforming the fortunes of United following his arrival from Leeds in November 1992, Cantona remains an iconic figure at Old Trafford. But after United ended last season without a trophy, Ferguson admitted that Van Persie’s signing echoed that of Cantona in terms of the qualities he can bring to Old Trafford.

“I think he is what we have needed for the last couple of years,” Ferguson said. “He’s got maturity to his game now – an authority, timing and understanding of the game – and I think we will benefit for the next four years and beyond. We needed a 'finished’ player. Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs are coming to the end and I need mature top players to replace them.

“We have had several players who have been that sort of catalyst, starting with Cantona. I don’t think we’re short of all that, I think we were still capable of winning the title without Robin, but he gives us a sort of certainty for the future.

“He is a player that every time I gave team talks was a problem for us because he kept popping up in different positions, sometimes on the right, sometimes dropping off, sometimes in the middle, so at least I’ve take that problem away from myself.

“He can play, score, he’s quick, he’s a different physical specimen to the players we have. Also, you always learn from great players. If you look at what Cantona did, he was a tremendous teacher for the young players and I think Danny Welbeck will welcome that.”

Ferguson admitted he did not think Arsenal would let Van Persie go, and said Arsène Wenger had driven a hard bargain. “He [Wenger] could run a poker school in Govan. He got a great price but we are also happy the matter is concluded. From the starting position, when we first started negotiating, Arsène has done well.”

United ultimately had to overcome competition from Manchester City and Juventus. Thwarting City’s interest is viewed as a coup inside Old Trafford following the champions’ dominance of the transfer market since Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan’s takeover in 2008.

Van Persie claims that the lure of United’s history drew him to Old Trafford. He said: “Why United? I think everyone knows me by now and knows that I love football. It’s always difficult to find a perfect match, but I think this is a perfect match for me.

“Manchester United breathe football, you look at all the players, the stadium, the manager and the choice was made very soon in my mind. My decision was based on a lot of things and all those things went to Man United. When you have to make a hard decision in your life, I always listen to the little boy inside me. What does he want? That little boy was screaming for Manchester United.”

Van Persie’s exit from Arsenal has led to accusations of disloyalty from the club’s supporters. But Van Persie insists that his departure from the Emirates has been amicable. “From my side and Arsenal’s side, there are no hard feelings, it’s just on certain elements I had different view,” said Van Persie. “Nobody is angry at me and I’m not angry at them. Sometimes you disagree on certain things. But I am here now and it is the biggest challenge of my life so far.”

Van Persie, who will wear the No 20 shirt previously worn by Treble winner Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, is expected to partner Wayne Rooney when Ferguson selects his strongest team.

Ferguson said Van Persie, who has played less than 20 minutes of football this pre-season, could yet start on the bench against Everton on Monday. Ferguson said: "He hasn’t played much, but adrenalin will help him.
“We will have a look at him on Saturday and Sunday and have a chat with him to see how he feels. After that, we’ll have a good idea of whether to start him or put him on the bench.


Andi Istiabudi
18-08-2012, 07:11 AM
Saya berharap nantinya duet RVP-Rooney bakal sukses seperti duet Cole-Yorke beberapa musim lalu.
Bisa jadi mereka akan menjadi duet terbaik musim ini. Semoga RVP bisa fit sepanjang musim dan tidak cidera :)

18-08-2012, 09:23 AM
‘Little boy inside chose Man U'
August 18, 2012 9:40AM

ROBIN van Persie says he had to listen to 'the little boy inside' who was 'screaming' to join Manchester United.

Van Persie admitted that it was a hard decision to leave North London after eight successful years but that, ultimately, United's was the proverbial offer he could not refuse.

"I always listen in these situations, when you have to make a hard decision in your life, to the little boy inside me," said van Persie after signing a four-year contract at Old Trafford.

"What does he want? That boy was screaming for Man United.

"Let me make one thing clear, from my side, definitely - and, I think, Arsenal's side as well - there are no hard feelings. There were just certain elements which are vital for me and we had a different view. That's life. No-one is angry at me, I'm not angry at them.

"This is just a big challenge for me. I made it clear before that my views on certain elements were not similar to Arsenal's but that's life. Sometimes you disagree on things and I'm here now and I'm looking forward to a big challenge in my football life; the biggest challenge so far."

Van Persie was heavily tipped for potential moves to champions Manchester City or Italian giants Juventus this summer before protracted talks between United manager Sir Alex Ferguson and his Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger resulted in him making the move to Old Trafford - a transfer which angered the majority of Gunners supporters, judging by their outcry.

"I think everyone knows me by now," added van Persie, explaining his decision.

"I'm a lover of football, in that respect I am quite principled. It's always difficult to find the perfect match but I do feel this is the perfect match for me.

"Man United breathes football. If you look at all the players for Man United, the stadium, the manager - my choice was made very soon in my mind, based on these things."

Ferguson, whose relationship with Wenger has gone through difficult periods during their long rivalry in the English game, personally called the Frenchman to ease the van Persie transfer through its closing stages and joked that he met his match in the negotiations.

"It was amicable, I must say," said Ferguson of his talks with Wenger. "Arsene knew the boy wanted to leave and wanted to join us, that made it a bit easier, then it was just the fee.

"He could win a poker school in Govan, him (Wenger)! I think he's got a great price and we're happy also that the matter is concluded. From a starting position when we first negotiated, Arsene's done well."

For his part, van Persie has clearly been enthused by the prospect of linking with established United stars, as part of a strike force that already boasts the lethal England forward Wayne Rooney.

"Yes," said van Persie when asked if Rooney's presence at United influenced his decision.

"But we're all in it together. Of course I would love to play with Wayne Rooney, I've said before that he is a world-class player. He can score a lot of goals, he can make assists, he can play for the team, he works hard - he's world class.

"Then you have (Paul) Scholes, (Ryan) Giggs - they, to me, are world class and have proved it for 20 years now. That had a big impact on my decision, definitely, but I have to say we are in it together - every single player - to achieve greatness.

"I'd like to be part of that greatness. They did it already and I didn't, so I'd like to do it."

Van Persie joined United in a 24 million-pound ($36 million) switch after Wenger decided it was not worth battling to keep the Dutch striker at the Emirates Stadium against his will.

Wenger said he could have made him see out the final year of his contract and was aware the loss of an inspirational figure who scored 37 goals in all competitions last season was a major blow, as the club seeks to end a seven-year trophy drought.

But the Frenchman felt it was a gamble worth taking because he wants to have a fully committed team going into the new Premier League campaign, which starts with a home game against Sunderland.

"The reality is when the player doesn't want to stay you have two ways: you either force him to stay or you accept the reality and you let him go. I have chosen the second solution," Wenger told a news conference.

"I know it is a massive challenge and a massive gamble I took but we have the quality to deal with the problem we have and at the end of the day I can talk and talk and talk but we can only show it on the pitch now.

"Time heals all things and of course at the moment people are hurt, which I understand, but what is important for us is to focus on the season in front of us.

"Players have gone, life goes on and the football club is 125 years old and other big players have left this club and we have always gone from season to season in a strong way."

18-08-2012, 10:40 AM
Bio akun Twitter Persie_Official udah berubah :D


Andi Istiabudi
18-08-2012, 10:37 PM
Eng..ing..eng... RVP !!! :)


19-08-2012, 01:34 AM
gw ga yakin ni orang bakal memberi efek yang bagus bagi united. umur jg dah tuwir doi. yg ada malah membuat lini depan united agak kurang harmonis karena striker2 keren kita bakal jarang main. macam welbeck, hernandez, kiko... :nohope:

dery pramudito
19-08-2012, 09:38 AM
prediksi dr saya, 2 gol tercipta di debutnya lawan everton nanti. amin

19-08-2012, 12:07 PM
You're no Mickey Mouse signing, Robin! United new boy celebrates £24m move

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/18/article-0-149840EC000005DC-527_306x423.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/18/article-0-14983E6E000005DC-780_306x423.jpg

Robin van Persie celebrated his first night as a Manchester United player with a meal at Rio Ferdinand's Italian restaurant.
Sir Alex Ferguson has hailed Van Persie as a new Eric Cantona after the Holland striker signed a four-year contract worth £250,000 a week on Friday. The £24million striker will be in the squad for Monday night's Barclays Premier League opener at Everton.
And the Dutchman headed out into Manchester for a meal with his wife, Bouchra, on Friday night wearing a T-shirt featuring a well-known Disney cartoon character. But as Arsenal fans will sadly testify: he's no Mickey Mouse signing.

Ferguson celebrated stealing Van Persie from under Manchester City's nose by warning his rivals they would never again score more goals than his own team.
And Ferguson immediately went on the offensive, telling City that never again would they get the better of his team by scoring more goals, as they did in last season's thrilling title race.

Ferguson said: 'No matter the years of experience we have of going for titles, last year was a different type of year. It's the first time anyone has beaten us on goal difference. That is what cost us the league and it won't happen again. Trust me on that.

'Robin is what we have needed for the last couple of years. We needed a finished player. We have had several players who have been this sort of catalyst, starting with Eric Cantona.
'We were still capable of winning the title without Robin but he gives us a sort of certainty for the future.
'We never thought we could get Van Persie. Even if you go back six months I couldn't see us getting him.
'I didn't think Arsenal would let him go, but then he refused a new contract and that's when we acted.

'It's been a long haul but we needed a finished player. Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs are coming to the end and I need mature, top players to replace them.'
City fought very hard themselves to sign Van Persie from Arsenal and manager Roberto Mancini reacted to news of United's triumph by nominating his rivals as favourites for the title. The Italian even went as far as to suggest United now have the four best strikers in the world.

Mancini said: 'It's for this reason that they are favourites for the title. United and Van Persie are better.'
Unsurprisingly, Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger disagreed with Ferguson's claim that his strikers now compare to the 1999 Treble-winning side.
'Alex Ferguson is a bit too confident when he speaks of '99,' said Wenger. 'But, of course, it increases their potential offensively because they've got a world-class player.
'They have as well a number of players, like Danny Welbeck and Javier Hernandez, who will have restricted chances to play.'

Ferguson admitted that the biggest challenge to his team will again come from City but laughed off Mancini's attempts to relieve the pressure on the champions.
He said: 'We are favourites every week according to him. Does he not realise he's got a decent team himself?

'That rivalry with City has been going on for 100 years, not just last year.
'But the 6-1 defeat at Old Trafford was one reason why we lost the league last time and if you ask me who I think will be our biggest threat I would say Manchester City, without question.'

Van Persie will don the No 20 shirt previously worn by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at United and trained with his new team-mates for the first time on Friday.
The Holland international refused to elaborate on the exact reasons he turned down a new contract at Arsenal but hinted that he didn't believe the club was ambitious enough.

He said: 'Let me make one thing clear so things don't get twisted. From my side and Arsenal's side there are no hard feelings, it's just on certain elements I had a different view. That's life.
'Nobody is angry at me, I'm not angry at them.
'I made it clear in my statement that on certain elements we were not similar.
'I am here now and it's the biggest challenge of my life so far.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/

19-08-2012, 12:22 PM
It'll be goals galore! Rooney expects new partner RVP to fire United to title glory


Wayne Rooney is hoping Robin van Persie's move north from Arsenal triggers the arrival of a goal rush at Manchester United.
Ever since Cristiano Ronaldo's world record departure in 2009, Rooney has carried the burden of leading United's attack. At times it has seemed like the 26-year-old is doing the job single-handedly.

Ahead of Monday's visit to former club Everton, Rooney insists Van Persie's £24million transfer to United will not lessen the weight of expectation on his shoulders.

However, after losing out on the title to Manchester City on goal difference last term, the Red Devils favourite hopes Van Persie will quickly find the form that allowed the Dutchman to edge Rooney out from the Golden Boot prize last term.

'We are playing for Manchester United, so there is always expectation on us,' he said. 'Over the last two or three years I have been the one scoring the goals but that will not happen without the players to give you the assists.
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'The only thing that will change is that we might be able to share the goals out a little bit more. It would be great for us to score more goals because effectively, that is what we lost the league on last season.'
Sir Alex Ferguson will hope there is no negative aspect to Van Persie's transfer and that Rooney responds to the knowledge his status as United's main man is under threat.

Having sat out England's friendly win over Italy in midweek, Rooney looks fresh and ready for the challenge of overhauling City.
And he admits Van Persie's presence in the United dressing room has given everyone a lift.

'Obviously it is great for the team - for the players and fans - to sign a player of his quality,' he said. 'As forwards it is great for us to have someone like that to play with and it is always exciting when you sign a new player of that quality and ability.
'It also provides strong competition. We are all fighting for one or two places, which is good for the team as a whole.'

At roughly the same time as Rooney was speaking, Dimitar Berbatov wandered past, cutting a largely forlorn figure as his Old Trafford career continues to tumble rapidly downhill. Arguably though, Danny Welbeck is the player who has lost most.

After all, following his performances at Euro 2012, when he seemed to be confirmed as Rooney's first-choice England striking partner, Welbeck might have expected to enjoy similar status at United.
Instead, he finds himself relegated to third, and all before a lucrative new contract has been signed.

Ferguson has attempted to quell any disquiet from the Welbeck camp by insisting the 21-year-old has a big future.
'Danny is 22 November,' said Ferguson. 'As we know he has had growth spurts for the last few years and misses parts of seasons because of the little niggles he gets.

'He will still get little strains every now and then but when he has completed growing and is 23 or 24, he will be a fantastic player.
'He will learn from playing with Robin and Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernandez. We have a great combination of strikers now and that encourages me.
'It will be difficult for me but it is better that the whole team enjoys success because we have added another great player rather than worrying if they are going to play or not. They have to share in the way forward.'

Rooney has an excellent goalscoring record in tandem with Welbeck.
Now he must do the same with Van Persie, although, after what will be only three training sessions together, he emphasised the work that will have to be done.

'Over the next few weeks, we will have to try to get that understanding,' said Rooney. 'Hopefully it will come quite quickly and we can form a good partnership.
'You want to get out there training and we are all looking forward to that first game on Monday.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/

19-08-2012, 12:28 PM
Why Van Persie was a £64m farewell present to Fergie


Sir Alex Ferguson will step down as Manchester United manager in two years after building his final great team at Old Trafford around the talents of Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie.

Ferguson went to unprecedented lengths to push through the deal for Van Persie, believing it was the only way for him to leave a fitting legacy when he retires aged 72 in the summer of 2014.

Many inside United, including chief executive David Gill, questioned whether a £64million investment in Van Persie - a £24m transfer fee plus £200,000-a-week wages for four years - was prudent.

There will be no resale value on the 29-year-old Holland striker to help ease the club's debts, which run into hundreds of millions of pounds.
But having given the Glazer family his public support over the years, against the wishes of many United fans, the owners gave Ferguson payback by bankrolling the deal.

Ferguson even rang his counterpart Arsene Wenger directly to make sure it happened, and the owners accepted a higher fee than United ideally wanted. The truth, however, is that if the Glazers had not backed Ferguson on this one, his much-needed backing for them might have wavered.
Friends of the United manager, who remarkably begins his 28th season in charge of the club with a Premier League opener against Everton tomorrow night, are aware that he is now beginning the countdown to his retirement in earnest.

He certainly did not want to spend the next 24 months as an irrelevant sideshow to what was happening across town at Manchester City.
A source said: 'Alex will only be manager for a couple more years so it was time the owners gave him what he wanted. And that was Van Persie. 'What is a few million? It could be the difference that helps Alex win the Champions League again.'

Having missed out on Lucas Moura to the new European moneybags of Paris St-Germain this summer, Ferguson knew his club's status would be tarnished if United lost Van Persie for financial reasons when the striker was desperate to join them.

Ferguson revealed: 'The boy wanted to come to us. That was important. That made it possible. If he hadn't come out forcibly to Arsenal and told them he wanted to come to Manchester United, negotiations would have been over. 'I spoke to David Gill and he spoke to the Glazer family and they got the ball rolling. But that was some months ago, it was a long haul.'

That haul only ended when Ferguson - not Gill, who normally conducts transfer policy - spoke to Wenger directly. 'It wasn't an easy one because, understandably, Arsene Wenger didn't want to sell to Manchester United,' said Ferguson.

Even so, he was only successful because the Glazers agreed to increase their original £15m bid for Van Persie to £24million - not a decision taken lightly given the gloomy forecasts for a recent United share issue in New York.
Van Persie is, in effect, an expensive leaving present for Ferguson, one that he will be expected to utilise by making United the best team in Europe before he hands over to Jose Mourinho or Pep Guardiola.

What is beyond doubt is that the short-term impact of the Van Persie signing has been incredible. Despite being pipped to the title by Manchester City in the final minute of last season, United go into their opening game at Goodison Park buoyant.

City, in contrast, are decidedly downbeat for champions. They start their defence against Southampton with their manager Roberto Mancini demanding ready-made signings like the one Ferguson has just made, rather than youngsters with potential like Jack Rodwell, City's only summer purchase.

Two seasons ago, Wayne Rooney handed in a transfer request at Old Trafford claiming he felt the club lacked ambition - exactly the same charge levelled by Van Persie against Arsenal this week. Following Van Persie's arrival and with United boasting plenty of attacking options, including Javier Hernandez, Shinji Kagawa and Danny Welbeck, Rooney could not be happier on the 10th anniversary of his first league game for Everton.

'It's a great time for us,' he said. 'To sign a player of Van Persie's quality and ability keeps us all on our toes. The two of us are quite intelligent players and we'll train together to get it right.
'But it's really about the four or five players chipping in with goals when we can. Everyone was excited to meet Robin, now everyone is excited for the first game.
'This provides great competition for forwards, we all need to try to do everything right so the manager picks us.'

Ferguson has long championed the signings of young, hungry players at United. But with his own managerial clock running down, he had no hesitation in signing the finished article. He is pacing himself now as he moves towards replacing Sir Bobby Robson as the oldest ever Premier League manager, a record he will take in July.

Ferguson has even skipped a couple of pre-season friendlies abroad to save himself for the season. In his time, the streetfighter from Govan has seen off countless bitter managerial rivals, including Kevin Keegan, Kenny Dalglish, twice, Jose Mourinho and Wenger. He doesn't want to be beaten on his final couple of laps by Mancini.
Which is why the Glazers had to answer the £64m question that was Robin van Persie in the affirmative.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/

19-08-2012, 12:34 PM
Robin van Persie lured to Manchester United by club's pedigree and Sir Alex Ferguson's winning mentality
When Robin van Persie was eight, playing on a caged-in pitch near his Rotterdam home, he was taunted by an opponent. “Your shot is rubbish,” came the cruel critique. “I know,’’ replied Van Persie, who then did not see his detractor for a few weeks. When he reappeared, rejoining the nightly game, he noted a change in Van Persie.


“Man, your shot is amazing,” said the boy. “I know,’’ smiled Van Persie. “I’ve been here every single day from 9am until the evening, practising.’’
Now 29 and the reigning Footballer of the Year following that prodigious season at Arsenal, the Dutchman has always worked on his technique, honing it so that when the ball arrives, the control is instant, the pass accurate, the finish measured to perfection.
Manchester United have paid £22million for a professional whose dedication to the development of his craft is immense, who reviews his contribution to a match on a TV in his bathroom while soaking away the stresses and strains of the game.

He is a student of the game, analysing the greats. One day, Van Persie was discussing Diego Maradona’s merits with Dennis Bergkamp.
The talk turned to how Argentina had been set up to provide a platform for the stocky little genius to parade his many gifts. “The other Argentine players were of a certain level where they think ’if we give him the ball, he will make us champions’,” observed Bergkamp.

Van Persie agreed but added a rider. “Maradona had so many assists as well,” said Van Persie. “He made the assist for the final goal in the 1986 World Cup final [for Jorge Burruchaga].”
As well as reflecting Van Persie’s interest in the DNA of those who make the ball dance, the exchange indicated his appreciation of those who create goals as well as score them.

On accepting his award for Footballer of the Year, Van Persie thanked his team-mates, singling out Theo Walcott for special praise. Van Persie himself will provide plenty of assists for Wayne Rooney as well as vice versa.
When debating how quickly Van Persie will fit in at Old Trafford the understandable temptation is to focus on the exciting dynamic with Rooney.
It promises to be a prolific, mutually beneficial alliance, a blend of selflessness and exceptional technique giving United the sharpest of cutting edges. Amidst all the paeans to the pair, another incredibly significant relationship has been slightly overlooked: Van Persie and Sir Alex Ferguson.

One can just imagine Ferguson sitting in the canteen at Carrington, reducing a tower-block of toast to a few crumbs, and chatting away with Van Persie about football, talking about last night’s match, about Dutch philosophies, about the legends of the game. They share an obsession.
Ferguson, a pointy-elbowed old-school centre-forward in his playing days, has always adored those attackers who enchant crowds, with their flair, vision and work-rate. Like Eric Cantona. Like Van Persie.

Ferguson admires those driven by glory. For all those Arsenal fans accusing their erstwhile icon of being a disciple of the creed of greed, Van Persie has not moved simply for the money. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Van Persie’s character understands that this shift is more about trophies.
It was instructive being in the company of Van Persie and Johan Cruyff at a community event organised by Arsenal and to observe the younger Dutchman listening intently to the three-time European Footballer reminisce about past deeds. Van Persie craves silverware. Ferguson offers him that.

At Arsenal, Arsene Wenger was superb for Van Persie, rescuing him from his self-inflicted isolation at Feyenoord, keeping the faith throughout all the injuries, making him captain and fashioning a framework to let the goals flow for his No 10. Ferguson will show similar support for his new No 20, psychologically and tactically.

United’s style suits Van Persie. The service from out wide, whether from Antonio Valencia, Nani or Ashley Young, will bring real joy for Van Persie. He covets those driven balls to the near-post, using his quick thinking to elude markers and strike, giving the keeper no time to react.
He can peel away to the far-post, controlling a cross and teeing up a shot or finishing first time with header or volley. In the scrapbook celebrating Van Persie’s goals, for Walcott last season read Valencia this season. Ferguson will ensure the stage is set for Van Persie.

The master of man-management, Ferguson fills players with belief.
Even those at the top of their game are lifted higher. Every footballer wants to be loved. Ferguson’s personal intervention in the protracted transfer negotiations, contacting Wenger directly, will have shown Van Persie exactly how much he was wanted. So will the Scot’s effusive welcome, the Cantona comparison and that nice little line about future team-talks against Arsenal being so much easier now as he did not have to worry about Van Persie’s threat.

Ferguson will also understand that the striker’s workload has to be managed shrewdly. The Dutchman looks incredibly fit, having enjoyed a rare season free of injury’s pitiless grip, but his medical history cannot be ignored. Having Danny Welbeck and Javier Hernandez in reserve allows Ferguson to rest Van Persie occasionally or withdraw him towards the end of games.
Ferguson’s pursuit of Van Persie was followed with such intense interest because of the huge ramifications for Arsenal and United and also to the title dynamic with Manchester City.

The narrative also provided an opportunity for audience participation. The saga held up a mirror to the changing world of communication. It felt like the first interactive transfer with punters joining in, either exhorting or excoriating the man himself on Twitter via @Persie-Official or simply charting the story’s development digitally.

An absorbed public often contributed with pictures of Van Persie at St Pancras, arriving from Belgium where Holland had been playing, or finally turning up in Manchester. The snap of Van Persie sitting alongside Ferguson, signing his contract, was tweeted instantly around the world.
In an era where everyone has a virtual soapbox, fans traded opinions like punches. When Van Persie mentioned during his press conference that he always responded to tough decisions by listening to “the little boy inside me and that little boy was screaming Manchester United”, half of Islington posted photographs of a certain Dutch schoolboy in an Arsenal shirt of JVC vintage. Any statement by a star is now dissected and challenged, its message then disseminated.

When Van Persie changed his “bio” on his twitter site to “Manchester United and Holland footballer” and his “location” to “Manchester”, so informing his 2m followers, the move seemed officially sanctioned. In almost quasi-religious fashion, Van Persie had spread the word to his followers.

The famous proffered their thoughts. Rooney tweeted his new accomplice a “welcome to manchester united mate” and the distrait Arsenal-supporting Piers Morgan requested Van Persie to stop following him on twitter.
Such hysteria, and all because 21 years ago a Dutch kid began working and working on his shooting. And he’s never stopped working. United have bought a polished gem.


19-08-2012, 10:06 PM
Van Persie handed £10m loyalty bonus if he remains at United for duration of contract


Robin van Persie stands to earn an extra £10million on top of his mammoth £250,000-a-week wages at Manchester United - just for staying at the club for the duration of his four year contract.

The cash bonus will be spread throughout his stay at Old Trafford and does not take into account any bonuses that the 29-year-old will earn if United win the League, FA Cup, League Cup or the Champions League.

Many inside United, including chief executive David Gill, questioned whether a £64million investment in Van Persie - a £24m transfer fee plus his wages for four years - was prudent.

Ferguson went to unprecedented lengths to push through the deal for Van Persie, believing it was the only way for him to leave a fitting legacy when he retires aged 72 in the summer of 2014.

There will be no resale value on the Holland striker to help ease the club's debts, which run into hundreds of millions of pounds.

But having given the Glazer family his public support over the years, against the wishes of many United fans, the owners gave Ferguson payback by bankrolling the deal.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/

Andi Istiabudi
21-08-2012, 12:19 AM
Pujian Giggs untuk Van Persie
Meylan Fredy Ismawan - detikSport

Manchester - Pemain senior Manchester United, Ryan Giggs, menebar pujian untuk pendatang baru di timnya, Robin van Persie. Dia juga menyebut Van Persie sudah langsung nyaman di Old Trafford.

Van Persie didatangkan dari rival berat MU, Arsenal, dengan biaya mencapai 24 juta poundsterling. Penyerang asal Belanda itu merupakan rekrutan ketiga di bursa transfer musim panas ini setelah Shinji Kagawa dan Nick Powell.

"Robin terlihat bagus. Anda bisa langsung melihat kualitasnya dari satu sesi latihan, dimana kami sudah tahu semua karena selama ini kami menghadapinya," ungkap Giggs seperti dikutip Sky Sports.

"Selalu menyenangkan bagi kami saat merekrut pemain-pemain baru karena Anda tahu bahwa siapa pun yang datang akan punya kualitas dan akan membuat tim jadi lebih baik," tambahnya.

Dengan reputasi yang dimiliki Van Persie, Giggs tak sungkan untuk memuji rekan barunya itu. Dia juga yakin Van Persie akan segera menyatu ke dalam permainan 'Setan Merah'.

"Pergerakan Van Persie sangat bagus. Dia besar, kuat, punya kaki kiri yang bagus, dan mencetak semua jenis gol-- gol dari kotak penalti, dari jarak jauh, tendangan bebas, penalti," kata Giggs.

"Dia adalah pemain top yang serba bisa. Dia sudah begitu banyak berkembang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir seperti yang kita lihat lewat penampilan dan gol-golnya," tuturnya.

"Dia adalah pria yang baik dan dia begitu cepat menyatu dengan pemain-pemain lainnya baik di dalam maupun di luar lapangan," pungkas dia.

21-08-2012, 04:03 AM
Still waiting for his debut tonight.. :)
Come on RvP :muscarf:

21-08-2012, 01:00 PM
Jadi, ada yg bs kasih review khusus penampilan rvp meski dikit bgt jam mainnya semalem?? Kerjasama bareng pemain lainnya?

Triguna Wibawa
21-08-2012, 01:57 PM
Jadi, ada yg bs kasih review khusus penampilan rvp meski dikit bgt jam mainnya semalem?? Kerjasama bareng pemain lainnya?

belum kena ama permainan united,,apalagi mainnya di babakke 2 saat tertinggal dan united pun bermain monoton,,jadi kesulitan mencar posisi,,karna united mainx daritenga ke evra dan ke nani aj dan 2 orang itu yang paling jelek mmainx,,,

25-08-2012, 03:28 PM
Sir Alex relishes Robin impact

Sir Alex Ferguson admits he is excited about seeing Robin van Persie bring his attacking flair to the Manchester United side.

The former Arsenal striker came on as a substitute at Everton on Monday but the boss felt he did not see enough of the ball. Hopefully, that will change as his new team-mates become more in tune with the reigning Footballer of the Year.

"I am excited myself about Robin van Persie," said Sir Alex. "He is a very good player. He brings a maturity to us up front. I am looking forward to him starring when he starts.

"The important thing for us is he brings something to the team. His goal record last year hopefully transmits itself to our goalscoring performances and give us more of a goal edge. Wayne [Rooney] got 30 last season and he has been improving his goal total for the last few years. We need that goal contribution from all the strikers.

"We know Chicharito is capable of scoring goals in a different way to Robin and Wayne. Danny Welbeck is also a different type of player. It does give us fantastic options. That is the biggest attraction to me."

Although van Persie did not have a full pre-season campaign with Arsenal, the manager has hinted he will start against Fulham on Saturday.


26-08-2012, 02:36 AM
Gol pertama untuk United di debut starter pertamanya..
Selebrasinya keren, pertanda doi udah ngerasa di rumah sendiri..dan jujur gw msh gagu liat Persie pake seragam United...hahaha

Bloody "Devil" R3d
26-08-2012, 04:52 AM
Gol pertama untuk United di debut starter pertamanya..
Selebrasinya keren, pertanda doi udah ngerasa di rumah sendiri..dan jujur gw msh gagu liat Persie pake seragam United...hahaha

Bukan hanya itu Gan...,

Gol pertama, di Debut starter, debut di Old Trafford dan Debut Shooting ke gawang... hehehe :thumbup:

26-08-2012, 07:05 AM
Congratz RvP...!!Gol pertama bwd United di shot p'tama...di Old Trafford pula...mantab deh volleynya.
Cederanya Rooney bkl jadi kesempatan bagus bwd RvP,,kalo dari permainan td mlm si lbh bagus RvP drpd Rooney.
Cornernya RvP dari sisi kanan p'tahanan Fulham juga OK...dari corner dishot sm Clev,,rebound sm Kagawa.

26-08-2012, 11:34 AM
Van Persie First Goal Debut for United - 25/8/2012


26-08-2012, 12:08 PM
Robin glad to get off the mark

Having been afforded a rousing ovation by a packed Old Trafford on his home debut, Robin van Persie was delighted to return the favour with a breath-taking goal in the Reds’ win over Fulham.

The Dutchman scored a fabulous equaliser to cancel out Damien Duff’s opening goal and generally impressed as United edged out the Cottagers in a five-goal affair.

While conceding that his home bow was a ‘different’ experience van Persie admitted it was an afternoon to savour, telling MUTV: “I think I’ll always look back on this game; that we won on my home debut and that I scored a good goal.

“It was different, of course. I came here a couple of times before but I always liked this stadium, the size of it. The pitch is big, the pitch is always nice. Now I’m a United player, everyone knows that and I’m looking forward to this challenge. The fans have been brilliant today, supporting us and they gave me a very warm welcome, so I’m very pleased.

“It was a bit nervy, but we held on and the main thing was that we got the points today, so that’s out of the way and it was a good day in the end, a good three points.”

Despite the sublime technical skill required to execute his tenth-minute strike against the Cottagers, the Dutchman modestly insisted that luck had played a part.

“I think I could only do one thing there because it came with a little bit of a bounce,” he said, “and so I had to time it well. Sometimes you’re lucky and I was today, luckily enough.”

Though the Reds are now off and running, with van Persie making a quick integration to the attack – rendered even more important by Wayne Rooney’s gashed thigh – the Dutchman insists there is much more to come on a personal and collective basis.

“Training sessions have been very good and with all the guys it’s a process,” he said. “I have to get used to them, they have to get used to me, because I’ve still only been here a week. We have all the time in the world. I don’t want to rush into things.

“I’m not one hundred percent match fit, it’s my first game of the whole pre-season in over a month so I have to get fitter and fitter. I’ll get fitter by playing games, basically, so I still need a couple of weeks before I’m fully match fit.”


Ucup Carrick
26-08-2012, 09:30 PM
obrolan ama temen: untuk set piece united, RvP akan terus jd andalan, soalnya pemain kaki kiri biasanya bagus untuk urusan set piece...

26-08-2012, 09:43 PM
obrolan ama temen: untuk set piece united, RvP akan terus jd andalan, soalnya pemain kaki kiri biasanya bagus untuk urusan set piece...

Selain itu selama di Arsenal RvP juga beberapa kali jadi eksekutor set piece klo nggak salah. Di United sendiri nggak ada pemaen yang bisa konsisten jadi eksekutor bola mati khususnya buat set piece. Jadi ya setuju buat RvP sebagai eksekutor.

26-08-2012, 10:41 PM
Fakta gokil :

Sama seperti Ruud van Nistelrooy, Robin van Persie juga mencetak gol debutnya ke gawang Fulham di Old Trafford. #MUFC

Alin Giggs
27-08-2012, 09:47 AM
goal yg keren.....,,, congratz buat RvP

27-08-2012, 11:20 AM
debut gol yg luar bisa berkelas..
smoga bisa terus menyumbang gol dan memberikan kemenangan2 buat United. :mudance:

27-08-2012, 02:33 PM
Arsenal still goalless in absence of Van Persie

LONDON: Both Stoke City and Arsenal remained in search of their first Premier League win of the season after a goalless draw at the Britannia Stadium on Sunday.

A share of the spoils left Stoke 11th and Arsenal 12th in the table after they had each played two league games.

The Gunners had the best of the chances but, in the absence of star striker Robin van Persie — sold to Manchester United — failed to find the back of the net in a second successive goalless draw.

“It (two points from the first two games) is not good enough,” Arsenal midfielder Mikel Arteta told Sky Sports.

“We wanted the three points, but it is a hard place to come and try to get the points,” he added.

“We had some really good chances but at the moment we are not taking them, the same thing happened last week.

“We are making them and conceding few chances to the opposition but we lost two points again today.”

Meanwhile on Saturday, Fernando Torres announced his return to form with a superb display in Chelsea’s 2-0 victory over Newcastle United, as Roberto Di Matteo’s side cemented their position on top of the Premier League.

Torres struck his second goal of the season on the stroke of half-time after earlier winning a penalty that Eden Hazard converted as the European champions made it three successive wins.

Hazard also maintained his superb start to the season with his first goal for the club and a clever assist for the Torres strike.

But it was the quality of Torres’s goal, together with his all-round display, that took the spotlight and suggested the Spaniard’s troubled first 18 months in west London could soon be a distant memory as he steps out of Didier Drogba’s shadow following the Ivorian’s move to China.

Chelsea presented new signings Victor Moses and Cesar Azpilicueta to the home crowd to add to the upbeat mood before kick-off at Stamford Bridge.

The pair cost a combined fee of around £16 million, taking the club’s expenditure to over £80 million since the end of last season — a powerful statement of intent coming on the back of their Champions League triumph last May.

Hazard has so far been the Blues’ stand-out performer, confirming why the club paid £32 million to Lille with his displays in the opening games of the campaign.

And he was the most eye-catching player on the pitch again in a one-sided first half during which Newcastle never threatened to stage a repeat of their victory over the Blues in May.

Chelsea had been unconvincing for long periods in the 4-2 mid-week win over Reading that turned on a controversial Torres strike.

But they looked far more composed against a visiting side who had opened their league campaign with a home victory over Tottenham Hotspur seven days previously.

In between, Newcastle had travelled to Greece, where a team made up largely of fringe players recorded a 1-1 draw against Atromitos in the Europa League.

Newcastle manager Alan Pardew made nine changes to the side that started on Thursday, but his team still looked lethargic in comparison to Chelsea.

Hazard darted around impressively and his turn and shot in the 14th minute created the first chance of the game.

Torres also looked sharp and his lay-off to Ryan Bertrand four minutes later allowed the midfielder to test visiting goalkeeper Tim Krul once more.

Then, in the 21st minute, Torres burst sharply into the Newcastle area, where his run was halted by a clumsy trip by Vurnon Anita.

The penalty was never in doubt and with Frank Lampard among the substitutes, Hazard took responsibility, drilling the ball inside the left-hand post for the opening goal.

Newcastle offered little by way of response, while Chelsea’s precise movement up front created a succession of openings.

Papiss Demba Cisse finally produced an effort on target for the visitors shortly before the break when he turned and shot straight at Petr Cech from just 12 yards.

But Torres demonstrated a much more ruthless approach to finishing moments later when he doubled the lead in added time.

Newcastle started the second period with much more purpose, with Hatem Ben Arfa sending a left-foot, angled shot narrowly wide.

But they failed to get a foothold in the game and when Cisse fluffed a late chance, it was clear there would be no way back.


27-08-2012, 05:28 PM
kayanya gw belom pernah masuk sini sejak nih senpai jadi kohai lagi
hmm.. adakah yg merasa terancam dengan kehadiran ervepe?? >w<
jadi terkepo-kepo pengen liat doi ngegoal pas lawan arsenal nanti :-"

eniwei, selamat buat goal pertamanya

troy andreas
27-08-2012, 09:17 PM
Fakta gokil :

Sama seperti Ruud van Nistelrooy, Robin van Persie juga mencetak gol debutnya ke gawang Fulham di Old Trafford. #MUFC

Waktu itu United match away

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8t1XBJBZ2nA?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

waduhh cara munculkan video youtube gimana sihh [-(

theater of dream
27-08-2012, 09:25 PM

27-08-2012, 09:35 PM
Abis nonton MU iseng nyoret2 di Ipad, jadi deh, pengen share buat teman2 :ui2:semoga berkenan.....


RvP The New Fergie Boy's

Alkisah, Nathan Algren seorang Kapten Angkatan Darat Amerika handal yang diterjunkan di medan perang untuk membasmi pemberontakan kelompok samurai yang dipimpin oleh Katsumoto. Algren berjuang sendiri memimpin pasukan yang sangat tidak terlatih dan berpengalaman sehingga diapun kalah dari pertarungan yang semestinya tidaklah susah untuk di menangkan seandainya dia memiliki pasukan yang bisa mengikuti ritme kehebatannya. Nathan Algren akhirnya ditangkap dan berpindah posisi, membelot? Mungkin tidak, karena ditempat barunya dia nyaman dan mendapat apa yang selama ini di inginkan, pasukan yang sempurna, kolektif tanpa mengandalkan seseorang kecuali pemimpin sejati mereka Katsumoto, sang samurai.

Sekelumit kisah fiksi yang dibungkus apik oleh oleh sutradara Edward Zwick dalam epic berjudul The Last Samurai sekilas muncul di benak saya ketika melihat awal penampilan Robin van Persie (RvP) di Klub kesayangan saya Manchester United di musim English Premier League 2012-2013. Kita tahu Betapa dominannya RvP selama beberapa musim kebelakang di Arsenal, dia menjadi ruh utama dan 70% nyawa dari klub berjuluk The Gunners itu.

Tidak perlu waktu lama buat MU untuk menerima hasil dari investasi sekitar 20 juta Poundsnya, menit 10 dalam pertandingan pertamanya sebagai starter, menerima umpan silang yang sebenarnya tidak terukur dari Patrice Evra, RvP dengan skill “pembunuh” nya langsung mengunting bola tersebut ke pojok sudut kiri gawang Fulham yang menkonversinya menjadi gol pembuka untuk kubu setan merah. Sebuah gol yang menunjukan betapa tingginya skill seorang RvP, dan tentunya merupakan sajian khas pembuka yang istimewa buat para pendukung red devils.

Melihat perform yang di tunjukan RvP selama pertandingan tersebut, terlihat kalau dia begitu menikmati bermain bersama teman-teman baru nya, apa yang di cari nya selama ini mungkin saja telah terpenuhi, RvP menjadi pemain juara bersama dengan tim Juara, gemblengan nya selama ini di Arsenal untuk menjadi pemain juara bermuara di klub yang mungkin bisa memberikan gelar juara kepadanya, apa yang telah dilakukan Mathieu Flamini, Kolo Toure, Cesc Fabregas, mantan sejawatnya dulu menjadi inspirasi baginya, bahwa menjadi pemain juara hanya akan menjadi sejati bila benar-benar dapat mengangkat throphy juara itu sendiri.

Sir Alex Ferguson (SAF)??, well... dia lah sang Katsumoto dalam cerita ini, dia tidak membunuh Kapten Algren, dia melihat potensi yang besar dalam diri sang kapten yang bisa membuat pasukannya lebih kuat dan bangkit dari kekalahan sebelumnya, dengan skill dan tehniknya sebagai warrior terlatih, tidak susah bagi Katsumoto untuk membimbing menjadi pejuang tangguh dipasukannya.

Ya, SAF tinggal momeles dan memadukan keahlian dan skill tinggi milik RvP dengan kolektivitas Klub bertajuk fergie boys ini, karena selama ini kolektivitas bermain adalah senjata utama dari klub yang berdiri tahun 1878 tersebut. Dan ini tentunya bukan pekerjaan baru bagi SAF, dia pernah sukses melakukannya pada Eric Cantona, Teddy Sheringham, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Dimitar Berbatov. Kesemuanya memiliki kisah yang kurang lebih sama dengan RvP, di “tangkap” di usia yang tidak muda lagi namun sukses berakhir sebagai legenda pujaan ditribun stretford end. kini tinggal menunggu apakah RvP bisa memenuhi ekspetasi tinggi yang terlekat pada dirinya? Namun melihat apa yang tersaji di match pertama, sepertinya Ruud Van Nistelrooy harus bersiap-siap menerima saingan baru sebagai "Dutch Legend" di West Stand, Nama lain stretford end sudut tribun bersejarah di Old Trafford,.... Viva van Persie.... (edv)

28-08-2012, 02:01 PM
btw selebrasi RvP kemaren keren juga. gak bosen2nya ngliatnya diulang2,padahal dr blakang doang, coba ada yg dari depan.

yu bayangin! tendang, liat gawang, goal, larii, angkat tangan kiri trus turunin, angkat tangan kanan trus turunin, lebarin tangan kesamping, trus merosot. cool!B-)

Andi Istiabudi
30-08-2012, 05:03 PM
RvP jarang posting di akun twitternya @Persie_Official yach ?
Bahkan terakhir kali dia posting sebelum resmi bergabung dengan United lho :D

30-08-2012, 06:10 PM
RvP jarang posting di akun twitternya @Persie_Official yach ?
Bahkan terakhir kali dia posting sebelum resmi bergabung dengan United lho :D

walau blm ngetwit lg tp bio akunnya udah sempet diganti koq om, udah 'Manchester United & Holland Player' :D

Andi Istiabudi
30-08-2012, 06:24 PM
walau blm ngetwit lg tp bio akunnya udah sempet diganti koq om, udah 'Manchester United & Holland Player' :D

Iya, mungkin belum dipengaruhi Rio. Dulu awalnya Owen juga jarang posting eh seiring berjalannya waktu dia jadi rajin nge-tweet juga deh :D

30-08-2012, 08:43 PM
RvP jarang posting di akun twitternya @Persie_Official yach ?
Bahkan terakhir kali dia posting sebelum resmi bergabung dengan United lho :D

mungkin dia mau jaga kondisi publik dulu kali, pindah ke rival kan gak gampang, takutnya dia asik2 posting trus fans2 arsendal malah RT yg aneh2.

tapi bio nya, sejak pindah ke MU dia gak cinta anak dan istrinya lagi wwkwkw gada lagi kan? memang MU cinta utama buat stiap orang ^:)^

31-08-2012, 05:06 PM
RVP wallpaper, keren walau aga dramatisir :D
http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/full/647452374.jpg?key=900526&Expires=1346404855&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=hoedwS2t5sKwd7GJ8BnSiq9NsvGP1qxIJI8-2TBB5iyIYkdbndg~BuU3AlaioomgWDJKUcMd3cHS~NKocXhsyB b7KIDU9WVdKPwESdfCwwja3gxSUjpw18cXVh48s3tN~LE-OIL3yBzJft7J5hfDlhmZVL3jikIN0X3pEf5VAzs_

31-08-2012, 10:55 PM
Anaknya RVP pake jersey United,,, Anaknya juga udah move on :D
http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/full/647666394.jpg?key=440650&Expires=1346425652&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=n44jyeFpqhiEJhhJ~3UEpxOU6cJ9TjFaxf4e-ybC8qc~OEjc19~CVmPbwte0J11qPd96GgvlJmn-WYJdD2fNPXYU8C4DoVZHM2~VQ07j77J0qPCEvQMSKaH0E2uJEB 4dRQEf-7sr820E6ynmcpgWrni0NdESNPzQEXNR6ktY~sU_

Andi Istiabudi
31-08-2012, 11:34 PM
RvP idola baru saya di United nih setelah Michael Owen pergi :P

cc : rondwisan

31-08-2012, 11:47 PM
RvP idola baru saya di United nih setelah Michael Owen pergi :P

cc : rondwisan

Nais Kakak ....
Moga bisa jadi predator gahar nih ke depannya, The next Ruudtje :-bd

01-09-2012, 12:07 AM
Robin van Persie didatangkanArsenal dari Feyenoord pada 2004 dengan harga 2,75 juta pound. Feyenoord awalnya meminta 5 juta pound, tapi kehebatan Arsene Wenger dalam bernegosiasi berhasil meruntuhkan kengototan Feyenoord.

Selama delapan musim membela panji The Gunners, Van Persie telah bermain 278 kali. RVP menjadi starter 211 kali dan 67 kali menjadi pemain pengganti di pertandingan kompetitif Arsenal. Jika dirata-rata, Van Persie bermain 26 kali dalam semusim.

Yang patut dicatat oleh Manchester United, pemilik baru Van Persie saat ini, adalah riwayat cedera sang pemain. Cedera bisa disebut sebagai hal yang lumrah bagi setiap pemain sepakbola. Tapi Van Persie memiliki sejarah cedera yang cukup menarik.

Di awal kariernya bersama Arsenal, Van Persie begitu rentan cedera. Wenger dan Arsenal begitu sabar dan mendukung setiap kali Van persie mengalami cedera. Van Persie membalas kepercayaan Arsenal dengan tampil hebat musim lalu. Namun ternyata penampilan hebat itu adalah persembahan terakhirnya bagi Arsenal.

Andi Istiabudi
01-09-2012, 12:09 AM
Nais Kakak ....
Moga bisa jadi predator gahar nih ke depannya, The next Ruudtje :-bd

Amiinn. Sepertinya sih masa depannya bakal cerah di United :)
Oiya, kalau ada berita menarik tentang RvP, mention aja yach (seperti Owen dulu, hehehe...)

01-09-2012, 03:53 AM
RvP is GREAT!!!

03-09-2012, 03:17 AM

03-09-2012, 08:31 AM
selamat atas hattrick yg sudah dibuat :D
walau sempat gagal eksekusi pinalty :-<

03-09-2012, 09:01 AM
United = The Next Van Persie FC? #mlipir

03-09-2012, 09:49 AM
Gol pertama RvN ama RvP dilakuin saat melawan Fulham. Dan hattrick RvN pertama kali dilakukan saat melawan Southampton, sam dgn RvP. Hattrick semalem jg adalah hattrick pertama di EPL musim ini..

Wow, RvP FC beneran ini :ngacir:

troy andreas
03-09-2012, 10:08 AM
Gol pertama RvN ama RvP dilakuin saat melawan Fulham. Dan hattrick RvN pertama kali dilakukan saat melawan Southampton, sam dgn RvP. Hattrick semalem jg adalah hattrick pertama di EPL musim ini..

Wow, RvP FC beneran ini :ngacir:

Wuihh hafal benar bro :-bd
United pernah jaya dengan RvN semoga demikian juga dengan RvP dan semoga juga RvP melebihi prestasi RvN :beer:

03-09-2012, 10:45 AM
mencetak gol penyama kedudukan, gagal penalti, lalu membuat 2 gol tambahan utk melengkapi Hattrick & membawa pulang 3 poin, What a Good Day for RVP :beer:

RVP bisa saja mencetak lbh bnyk gol, tmasuk 1 peluang di depan gawang umpan Valencia yg melebar & hasil umpan terobosan brilian Scholes yg msh ditepis kiper Southampton

cukup menjanjikan sejauh ini, tinggal tunggu Wayne Rooney di puncak peforma, bakal jd duet yg bagus

03-09-2012, 05:05 PM

04-09-2012, 07:00 AM
next RvN i hope...:embarrassment:

04-09-2012, 12:05 PM
United = The Next Van Persie FC? #mlipir

kl saya gufron fc aja dah..bole kan kang mas?8-}8-} *aslinyampah:ngacir::ngacir:

Sir Alsep Ferguson
04-09-2012, 02:28 PM
nih gw rubah ya...
mudah2 an bisa

Waktu itu United match away


waduhh cara munculkan video youtube gimana sihh [-(

04-09-2012, 02:37 PM
kl saya gufron fc aja dah..bole kan kang mas?8-}8-} *aslinyampah:ngacir::ngacir:

hhmmm... masih inget jalan masuk ke forum ente kaikai ... ditunggu di Surabaya kalo' bernyali :p

04-09-2012, 03:42 PM
sepertinya dia emang lbh cocok jadi target man dibanding rooney ya? kayaknya goal instingnya msh sedikit lbh baik dr rooney...cmiiw

04-09-2012, 04:29 PM
Bisa di bilang gimana opa SAF manage aja, Rooney juga pernah sangat efektif bermain sbg striker :D

04-09-2012, 04:58 PM
van Persie fc asal treble winner y gpp... 3:-O

04-09-2012, 06:16 PM
Bisa di bilang gimana opa SAF manage aja, Rooney juga pernah sangat efektif bermain sbg striker :D

Bisa di bilang gimana opa SAF manage aja, Rooney juga pernah sangat efektif bermain sbg striker :D

iki maksudte opo posting dobel2?kejar postingan ya opa :sikat: :ngacir::ngacir:

04-09-2012, 06:21 PM
hhmmm... masih inget jalan masuk ke forum ente kaikai ... ditunggu di Surabaya kalo' bernyali :p

Hahaha ini namanya insap makanya mbalek keforum tercinta..mreneo lek wani:hajar3: :hajar3:

04-09-2012, 07:27 PM
Gol pertama RvN ama RvP dilakuin saat melawan Fulham. Dan hattrick RvN pertama kali dilakukan saat melawan Southampton, sam dgn RvP. Hattrick semalem jg adalah hattrick pertama di EPL musim ini..

Wow, RvP FC beneran ini :ngacir:

http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/649386495.jpg?key=1197810&Expires=1346758935&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=PftdZn~uuSJo6Of9qdFEa2JRGcwtR05XyDl4pa31 ynxb8mXfqUbVRB0JfmSw2rVFLMU63spgea3b4f0AACkduS6hK-vjPJhPkjyF4zJ4D1wbW8b484kFDy3nxaqT6e1ZmIb67JqXWKoH gKowA2VqRGL6msjc8OSxEVJ-Rn~oZns_

http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/full/649386973.jpg?key=1229638&Expires=1346759013&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=qJN-phb0a4xZ4vZ0XRO0eiBiREgWtShSdgjTZwkWtYBF1ss7z2TbnK SsgHGpjNrOu26PuzUl7FcR3EvGY1CoMaxAW~WkTHb4fZUyU2l1 VBZd3Sq50yvsCUVjBMqt1~ZpmRJo-CNzWyXSiapWM13rr~q7b-EmO6iWrlMRsTLdrtM_

kipernya Fulham masih Oom Edwin X_X

04-09-2012, 07:31 PM
http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/649129721.jpg?key=30504575&Expires=1346759244&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=TB8BPgA6iIQNEyvfY4jGX9jd-RcJ4BRBwWMnZ8Hwd1GETROlTm-S5UxMSVxSUe1jKUvkgdz3RPR3J9C69EAOiX8p4vW~9rtZdsqoc Th4SHB11xoaumExUQqrhv0UGUN-f2eJ0L8LjY5Yh-ZsfKE2-9dN9y4Az6lSFHS2gb0XK18_

07-09-2012, 08:20 PM
aja aja ada deh,, lain kali belajar nyanyi / ngechant glory glory man.united ya RvP

For goodness sake, don't show Fergie!

An old video has surfaced on YouTube showing Manchester United's new star striker Robin Van Persie belting out Liverpool anthem You'll Never Walk Alone in a Rotterdam karaoke bar.

And if his manager stumbles upon it, Van Persie could have much more to regret than his horrendously off-key performance.

The frontman, who has scored four goals in three appearances for Man United since his £24m move from Arsenal, grabs the mic to 'sing' the final couple of lines of the classic from the musical Carousel as delighted fans look on.


sumber : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2199312/Robin-Van-Persie-sings-Youll-Never-Walk-Alone.html

08-09-2012, 10:10 AM
http://images.solopos.com/2012/09/2012-09-02T155931Z_1781112964_GM1E8921UKY01_RTRMADP_3_SOCC ER-ENGLAND1.jpg

Andi Istiabudi
08-09-2012, 02:42 PM
Tidak salah nih Sir Alex membeli RvP meski pada awalnya ada beberapa fans yang tidak setuju.
Untungnya saya termasuk yang setuju dengan pembelian RvP sejak awal :)

08-09-2012, 09:23 PM
Setelah susah nemuin gawang lawan akhirnya cetak gol jg di laga PPD kemaren, lumayan 1 gol, sedikit banyak ngefek ke penampilan di klub, semakin PD aja nih \m/

08-09-2012, 09:54 PM
Aku nih yang awalnya nggak setuju... tapi syukurlah dia datang. Nggak kebayang klo nggak ada dia. Lini tengah KO lini depan kemandulan. Setidaknya saat ini lini depan lebih menggigit meski lini tengah masih berjuang keras unjuk gigi.

Moga dia nggak cedera plus nggak bikin United ketergantungan macam arsenal dulu.

08-09-2012, 10:42 PM
Setelah susah nemuin gawang lawan akhirnya cetak gol jg di laga PPD kemaren, lumayan 1 gol, sedikit banyak ngefek ke penampilan di klub, semakin PD aja nih \m/

golnya heading dari corner kick, mirip saat gol ketiga ke gawang Soton :D

Robin van Persie continued his fine goalscoring form and netted a neat header against Turkey.


09-09-2012, 11:10 AM
Iya, atas kuat, kaki kiri kuat.. tinggal pembuktian kaki kanan nih opa :D

Robin Van Gangnam :hammer: :ngacir:


09-09-2012, 01:37 PM
Iya, atas kuat, kaki kiri kuat.. tinggal pembuktian kaki kanan nih opa :D

Robin Van Gangnam :hammer: :ngacir:


hahaha,keren juga tuh kalo aslinya bisa dance kyk gitu beneran, 8->

Andi Istiabudi
10-09-2012, 02:32 PM
Van Persie, Kelas Dunia dan Kunci Juara

Bola.net - Ryan Giggs melontarkan pujian terhadap Robin van Persie, rekan seklubnya. Giggs percaya bahwa ketajaman Van Persie akan menjadi kunci bagi Manchester United dalam merebut gelar juara liga.

"Dari gol-gol yang diciptakan dan performanya secara keseluruhan, jelas dia seorang pemain kelas dunia," kata Giggs tentang Van Persie kepada Sky Sports News.

Menurut Giggs, kualitas dan insting predator Van Persie tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Status sebagai top scorer sementara Premier League 2012/13, bersama Michu (Swansea), adalah bukti yang tak terbantahkan.

Musim lalu, titel Premier League disabet Manchester City, sang rival sekota, dengan perbedaan selisih gol di laga pamungkas. Demi mencegah hal serupa terulang, United membeli Van Persie seharga 24 juta Poundsterling dari Arsenal.

Van Persie, yang melesakkan total 37 gol di semua ajang untuk The Gunners musim lalu, mengawali lembaran baru dalam kariernya bersama Manchester Merah dengan cara luar biasa. Striker asal Belanda itu mencetak empat gol dalam tiga pertandingan, termasuk hat-trick ke gawang Southampton sebelum jeda internasional.

Hal itu membuat Giggs optimis bahwa kehadiran Van Persie di Old Trafford akan menjadi faktor penentu dalam perburuan gelar liga.

Jika seandainya musim ini juara lagi-lagi ditentukan oleh produktivitas gol, maka sang gelandang veteran yakin United lah pemenangnya. (s360/gia)

12-09-2012, 07:20 AM
Robin van Persie injured in Netherlands World Cup qualifier


Manchester United striker Robin van Persie was taken off during the Netherlands' 4-1 World Cup qualifying win in Hungary with a thigh injury.

Manager Louis van Gaal moved to play down fears by claiming the substitution had been a "precautionary measure".

"It does not seem to be too serious, but we did not want to take any risks," Van Gaal told Dutch broadbaster SBS6.

Van Persie, 29, has scored four goals in three matches since joining United from Arsenal in a £24m deal last month.

Van Persie also scored in the Netherlands' 2-0 World Cup qualifying victory against Turkey on Friday.

Shinji Kagawa is another injury worry for United having missed Japan's World Cup qualifying victory over Iraq with a back injury.

"I felt a twinge in the back during practice when I was on the ball. I had some treatment but didn't want to risk causing the team trouble by playing," Kagawa told the Kyodo news agency.

"Obviously it's a shame I wasn't able to play. It's not that serious and I don't think it will keep me out for long."

United play Wigan Athletic at Old Trafford in the Premier League on Saturday.

Andi Istiabudi
12-09-2012, 10:06 AM
Jiaaahh semoga cideranya tidak parah deh :(

12-09-2012, 05:34 PM
Van Persie Tepergok Nyanyikan Anthem Liverpool

Jika ada video yang tak boleh sampai ke tangan Sir Alex Ferguson, bisa jadi ini adalah salah satunya. Rekaman video ini memperlihatkan striker baru Manchester United, Robin van Persie sedang menyanyikan lagu "You'll Never Walk Alone" di sebuah bar karaoke di Rotterdam.

Lagu You'll Never Walk Alone sejatinya memang bukan milik klub rival Setan Merah, Liverpool, semata. Lagu tersebut merupakan lagu dalam sebuah pertunjukkan musikal Rodgers and Hammerstein pada tahun 1945. Saat itu, dinyanyikan oleh Christine Johnson, musik lagu itu dibuat oleh Richard Rodgers dan liriknya ditulis oleh Oscar Hammerstein II.

Kemudian, lagu itu sempat dipopulerkan sebagai soundtrack film. Pun direkam ulang oleh sejumlah artis ternama seperti Frank Sinatra, Gerry & the Peacemakers, Elvis Presley, dan masih banyak lagi.

Namun, tak bisa ditampik, lagu ini erat kaitannya dengan sejumlah klub bola yang memakainya sebagai anthem mereka. Salah satunya adalah Liverpool.

Nyatanya, video Van Persie yang menyanyikan lagu tersebut langsung mendatangkan sensasi. Toh, banyak orang bakal mengaitkan lagu tersebut sebagai nyanyian "wajib" The Reds asal Inggris.

Kendati begitu, Van Persie ternyata menyanyikan lagu ini sebelum hijrah ke Manchester United. Sebab, video tersebut diunggah pada Juli 2011 saat Van Persie masih berkostum Arsenal. Diyakini, kejadian itu sendiri berlangsung pada 2010. Sempat berpikir hengkang ke Liverpool, RvP?



dery pramudito
15-09-2012, 02:47 PM
kok RVP blom ngetweet2 ya semenjak pindah ke MU? wah apa jangan2 blm move on nih :p

15-09-2012, 08:00 PM
Van Persie Tepergok Nyanyikan Anthem Liverpool

Jika ada video yang tak boleh sampai ke tangan Sir Alex Ferguson, bisa jadi ini adalah salah satunya. Rekaman video ini memperlihatkan striker baru Manchester United, Robin van Persie sedang menyanyikan lagu "You'll Never Walk Alone" di sebuah bar karaoke di Rotterdam.

Lagu You'll Never Walk Alone sejatinya memang bukan milik klub rival Setan Merah, Liverpool, semata. Lagu tersebut merupakan lagu dalam sebuah pertunjukkan musikal Rodgers and Hammerstein pada tahun 1945. Saat itu, dinyanyikan oleh Christine Johnson, musik lagu itu dibuat oleh Richard Rodgers dan liriknya ditulis oleh Oscar Hammerstein II.

Kemudian, lagu itu sempat dipopulerkan sebagai soundtrack film. Pun direkam ulang oleh sejumlah artis ternama seperti Frank Sinatra, Gerry & the Peacemakers, Elvis Presley, dan masih banyak lagi.

Namun, tak bisa ditampik, lagu ini erat kaitannya dengan sejumlah klub bola yang memakainya sebagai anthem mereka. Salah satunya adalah Liverpool.

Nyatanya, video Van Persie yang menyanyikan lagu tersebut langsung mendatangkan sensasi. Toh, banyak orang bakal mengaitkan lagu tersebut sebagai nyanyian "wajib" The Reds asal Inggris.

Kendati begitu, Van Persie ternyata menyanyikan lagu ini sebelum hijrah ke Manchester United. Sebab, video tersebut diunggah pada Juli 2011 saat Van Persie masih berkostum Arsenal. Diyakini, kejadian itu sendiri berlangsung pada 2010. Sempat berpikir hengkang ke Liverpool, RvP?



untung suara RVP fales ato bs dibilang ga bs nyanyi :)) :))..so tuh lagu jd makin ga enak didenger alias ancuurrr hahahaha

15-09-2012, 08:13 PM
untung suara RVP fales ato bs dibilang ga bs nyanyi :)) :))..so tuh lagu jd makin ga enak didenger alias ancuurrr hahahaha

hancur y?? hahaha ntar gw tonton gan.. Skrg lgi lwt hp...

Andi Istiabudi
16-09-2012, 12:32 PM
kok RVP blom ngetweet2 ya semenjak pindah ke MU? wah apa jangan2 blm move on nih :p

Mungkin paket internet langganan RvP cuma bisa dipakai di London, belum beli yang bisa dipakai di Manchester :P

Sayang yavh semalam RvP tidak mencetak gol. Semoga match berikutnya kembali mencetak gol deh :)

Ucup Carrick
17-09-2012, 01:00 PM
reaksi fans setelah gol ketiga RvP di The Dell

17-09-2012, 03:46 PM
Gw yg ntn di rumah om aja sampe jingkrak2 meski ntn bedua ama bokap doank :))
Gol yg bener2 telatttt dan bikin jantungan..hha

17-09-2012, 09:46 PM
17/09/2012 09:35 - ManUtd.com, Adam Marshall
Van Persie thrills Sir Bobby


United's record goalscorer Sir Bobby Charlton is backing new boy Robin van Persie to hit the net regularly for the Reds.

The summer signing from Arsenal claimed a hat-trick in his third appearance for the club to join team-mate Wayne Rooney as the only players to have bagged a treble sooner into their United careers than Charlton.

The Old Trafford legend is enthusiastic about the Dutchman's arrival and is predicting plenty more goals from the ex-Arsenal attacker.

"We’re very happy to have Robin van Persie here," Sir Bobby stated in The Ambassador's Column for United Review. "You can’t possibly see him not scoring goals for us.

"He’ll do his chasing, he’s good in the air and he doesn’t think about it. When the goal is there, he doesn’t look up – take his goal against Fulham for example. The chance came to him and he just helped it on its way. Robin is a great goalscorer; that’s why Sir Alex [Ferguson] likes him.

"It’s just paradise for any team’s supporters when they’ve got someone who can potentially score from nothing. He’s got this skill and if his team are playing well then he will score the goals.

"He obviously thought highly of us as he could have been at other places but he’s liked Sir Alex’s approach. We’ve done quite well against Arsenal over the last few years, so maybe that’s helped him make his decision to come here."