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22-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Si Pencekik Wasit Diskorsing 27 Laga
Arya Perdhana - detiksport

Santiago - Tindakan Jose Pedroso yang mencekik wasit memang sudah keterlaluan. Tak heran apabila otoritas sepakbola menjatuhkan hukuman skorsing 27 pertandingan buat Pedroso.

Pedroso adalah pemain Paraguay yang membela klub Divisi 2 Liga Chile, Rangers. Saat membela Rangers menghadapi Conception, 17 Juli lalu, Pedroso melakukan tindakan brutal.

Permulaannya adalah ketika Pedroso diberi kartu kuning kedua, yang berarti kartu merah, oleh wasit Marcelo Miranda. Namun sebelum sebelum Miranda mencabut kartu, Pedroso memitingnya dari belakang.

Setelah melepas pitingannya, Pedrosa menjauh. Namun wasit tetap mengacungkan kartu merah, Ia bergolak lagi, berlari mendekat dan tampak akan menyerang si pengadil lapangan hijau. Namun kali itu aksinya dapat dihentikan. Rekan-rekan setimnya mengejar Pedroso dan seorang di antaranya berhasil menerjangnya sampai jatuh sebelum sempat menyentuh wasit.

Sadar kalau sanksi berat akan menerpanya, Pedroso lantas memilih mengundurkan diri dari Rangers dan pulang ke negaranya. Tapi pulang kampung tidak menghalangi badan sepakbola profesional Chile menghukumnya.

Pedrosa dikenai larangan tampil sebanyak 27 kali. Rinciannya, skorsing 20 laga untuk tindakannya mencekik wasit, lima untuk upaya keduanya menyerang sang pengadil dan dua untuk kartu merahnya.

Karena sudah tidak lagi bermain di Chile, hukuman tersebut akan berlaku bila Pedroso kembali bermain di liga negara tersebut. Walau begitu, ada juga kemungkinan skorsing itu berlaku di negara lain.

"Pemain harus patuh pada sanksi itu bila ia bermain di Chile. Bila tidak, Federasi Sepakbola Chile akan mengirim catatan kepada federasi negara manapun di mana ia mungkin bermain," kata juru bicara Federasi, Angel Botto, seperti dikutip ESPN.

22-07-2010, 10:46 AM
buseeeet skorsing nya si Pedroso lama amat .lah bukannya dia udah balik ke kampungnya Paraguay? berarti kan udah gamain lagi di liga chile, kok tetep kena hukuman ya? wkwkw udah pedroso main diISL aja, mantap!

22-07-2010, 10:58 AM
buseeeet skorsing nya si Pedroso lama amat .lah bukannya dia udah balik ke kampungnya Paraguay? berarti kan udah gamain lagi di liga chile, kok tetep kena hukuman ya? wkwkw udah pedroso main diISL aja, mantap!

ini penjelasannya sis

Karena sudah tidak lagi bermain di Chile, hukuman tersebut akan berlaku bila Pedroso kembali bermain di liga negara tersebut. Walau begitu, ada juga kemungkinan skorsing itu berlaku di negara lain.

"Pemain harus patuh pada sanksi itu bila ia bermain di Chile. Bila tidak, Federasi Sepakbola Chile akan mengirim catatan kepada federasi negara manapun di mana ia mungkin bermain," kata juru bicara Federasi, Angel Botto, seperti dikutip ESPN.

22-07-2010, 12:08 PM
ini penjelasannya sis

ooooh berarti Pedroso kena skorsingnya ntar pas dia main diliga chile atau kemungkinan kena skorsing di liga negaranegara lain ya om?jiaah mending kaga usah main sepakbola aja lagi haha kasian padahal keren tuh nyetak sejarah pemain mencekik wasit haha

22-07-2010, 12:10 PM
wajar kalau di hukum segitu,wong ngaco yak tindakannya...tapi lum seberapa ntuh ma,baru nyekik wasit kan...
masih lebih ajib The King Eric lah...:nohope:

23-07-2010, 10:00 AM
Messi Pesepakbola Terkaya
Rossi Finza Noor - detiksport

Lionel Messi tak hanya luber prestasi di dalam lapangan. Pemain Terbaik Dunia 2009 itu juga luber hal lain di luar lapangan; luber kekayaan.

Dalam daftar Atlet Internasional Terkaya (non-Amerika Serikat) yang diterbitkan oleh Sports Illustrated, bintang Barcelona asal Argentina itu tercatat memiliki kekayaan sebesar 44 juta dolar AS (sekitar Rp 398 miliar). Jumlah tersebut menjadikan Messi berada di atas David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka dan Thierry Henry.

Beckham, yang berada satu peringkat di bawah Messi, memiliki kekayaan sebesar 40,5 juta dolar AS (Rp 366 miliar). Sementara Ronaldo tercatat memiliki kekayaan sebesar 40 juta dolar AS (Rp 362 miliar).

Namun demikian, jumlah kekayaan Messi masih kalah dari Roger Federer yang tercatat sebagai Atlet Internasional Terkaya. Federer dikabarkan memiliki kekayaan berjumlah 61 juta dolar AS (sekitar Rp 559 miliar).

Sementara, dalam daftar Sports Illustrated lainnya, Tiger Woods masih memimpin daftar Atlet Terkaya dari AS. Woods memiliki kekayaan sebesar 90,5 juta dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 820 miliar.

Daftar atlet terkaya (non-AS) versi Sport Illustrated (20 besar):

1. Roger Federer, tenis, $61,768,110
2. Lionel Messi, sepakbola, $44,000,000
3. David Beckham, sepakbola, $40,500,000
4. Cristiano Ronaldo, sepakbola, $40,000,000
5. Manny Pacquiao, tinju, $38,000,000
6. Ichiro Suzuki, baseball, $37,000,000
7. Valentino Rossi, MotoGP, $35,000,000
8. Yao Ming, basket, $34,378,325
9. Rafael Nadal, tenis, $27,466,515
10. Lewis Hamilton, F1, $26,700,000
11. Kaka, sepakbola, $25,100,000
12. Thierry Henry, $24,000,000
13. Dirk Nowitzki, basket, $23,795,714
14. Kimi Raikkonen, reli, $23,600,000
15. Jenson Button, F1, $23,100,000
16. Ronaldinho, sepakbola, $23,000,000
17. Fernando Alonso, F1, $22,600,000
18. Carlos Tevez, sepakbola, $20,500,000
19. Miguel Cabrera, baseball, $20,250,000
20. Maria Sharapova, tenis, $19,923,619

23-07-2010, 04:23 PM
bingung mo taruh dimana
jadi masukin sini aja

Jumat, 23/07/2010 15:00 WIB
Malaysia Cuma Sarankan, Bukan 'Haramkan' Jersey MU
Rossi Finza Noor - detiksport

Kuala Lumpur - Otoritas Islam di Malaysia sempat "mengharamkan" jersey Manchester United lantaran ada gambar setan di logo klub tersebut. Belakangan, pernyataan itu mereka bantah.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, penasihat dewan agama Negara Bagian Johor dan Mufti Negara Bagian Perak menyatakan bahwa jersey sepakbola yang mengandung gambar atau tulisan berupa salib, merk minuman keras, atau pun setan adalah haram.

Umat Muslim, khususnya di Malaysia, dilarang untuk mengenakannya karena lambang-lambang tersebut dinilai menghina Allah.

Tetapi, belakangan Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria mengatakan bahwa Otoritas Islam di Malaysia tak pernah mengharamkan jersey itu. Mereka hanya menganjurkan agar kostum-kostum itu tak dikenakan oleh umat Islam.

"Kami hanya menganjurkan untuk tidak memakainya. Setan adalah musuh kita. Itu selalu mencerminkan nila-nilai yang salah. Setan selalu berarti buruk," ujarnya seperti dilansir Yahoosports.

Keputusan "mengharamkan" kostum MU dan beberapa tim lainnya sempat mengundang protes. Beberapa orang menilai, lambang di logo klub hanyalah simbol, bukan berarti pemujaan terhadap apa yang tertera di sana.

23-07-2010, 04:57 PM
karena trit Paul si gurita dah dilocked, jadi ane post disini aja

si Paul dpt jersey Spanyol #8, namanya skrg Paul Hernandez :D plus penghargaan sbg warga kehormatan kota Carballino

untuk foto2nya silahkan lihat disini (http://www.detiksport.com/sepakbola/readfoto/2010/07/23/153929/1405407/548/2/)

23-07-2010, 05:11 PM
karena trit Paul si gurita dah dilocked, jadi ane post disini aja

si Paul dpt jersey Spanyol #8, namanya skrg Paul Hernandez :D plus penghargaan sbg warga kehormatan kota Carballino

untuk foto2nya silahkan lihat disini (http://www.detiksport.com/sepakbola/readfoto/2010/07/23/153929/1405407/548/2/)

idih mantap euy
cuma sayangnya si paul sendiri
umurnya belum tentu lama

23-07-2010, 09:08 PM
karena trit Paul si gurita dah dilocked, jadi ane post disini aja

si Paul dpt jersey Spanyol #8, namanya skrg Paul Hernandez :D plus penghargaan sbg warga kehormatan kota Carballino

untuk foto2nya silahkan lihat disini (http://www.detiksport.com/sepakbola/readfoto/2010/07/23/153929/1405407/548/2/)

Hihihi.. Lucu si Paul.
bener-bener salah satu bagian yg bikin piala dunia tambah rame, pusat perhatian, gurita yg bikin kesan piala dunia ini lebih baik dari sekedar sirkus dan pencak silat<):)

27-07-2010, 01:15 PM
Cedera Konyol Para Pemain Sepak Bola

Bola.net - Oleh: Ronny Wicaksono

Cedera memang bisa datang kapan saja, tak kenal tempat dan waktu. Untuk para atlet seperti para pemain sepak bola, cedera umumnya dialami di kala bertanding di atas lapangan.

Adalah hal yang tidak lazim jika cedera mereka - terutama jika itu sampai menghambat mereka untuk bermain - terjadi di luar lapangan, apa lagi jika hal itu disebabkan tingkah konyol mereka sendiri.

Yang terbaru: kiper Aberdeen, James Langfeld menumpahkan air mendidih di atas kakinya kala membuat kopi dalam bis tim - cedera yang membuatnya bakal absen membela klub untuk dua atau tiga pekan ke depan.

Berikut kumpulan peristiwa konyol yang pernah menyebabkan para pemain sepak bola mengalami cedera:

Kirk Broadfoot
Bek Glasgow Rangers ini menderita luka bakar yang membutuhkan penanganan rumah sakit. Penyebabnya: telur! Broadfoot tengah memeriksa dua butir telur yang ia masukkan ke dalam microwave ketika salah satunya pecah dan menyemprotkan air panas ke wajahnya.

Richard Wright
Kiper Everton ini gagal memperkuat timnya di pertandingan ulangan babak keempat Piala FA melawan Chelsea ketika ia mengabaikan peringatan agar tak berlatih di mulut gawang dan akhirnya ia pun terjatuh. Akibat yang diterima: engkelnya terkilir!

Rio Ferdinand
Semasa berkiprah di Leeds United, bek timnas Inggris ini pernah menderita kejang lutut setelah ia menonton televisi sembari meletakkan kakinya terlalu lama di atas coffee table.

Dave Beasant
Mantan kiper Wimbledon ini harus absen selama dua bulan di tahun 1993 silam setelah ia menjatuhkan sebotol krim salad di atas kakinya. Insiden itu melukai otot tendon di ibu jari kakinya.

Santiago Canizares
Kiper yang pernah memperkuat timnas Spanyol ini terpaksa melewatkan putaran final Piala Dunia 2002 setelah ia secara tak sengaja memecahkan sebotol aftershave di kamar mandi hotel. Keping pecahan botol tersebut jatuh di kakinya dan melukai otot tendon ibu jari kaki.

Michael Stensgaard
Penjaga gawang Denmark ini dipaksa pensiun lebih dini karena mengalami cedera pada bahunya setelah ia mencoba sebuah melipat papan setrika.

Liam Lawrence
Gelandang Stoke City terjatuh dari tangga dan menderita cedera pada engkelnya setelah ia tersandung anjingnya sendiri.

Robbie Keane
Penyerang Tottenham Hotspur asal Republik Irlandia ini pernah mengalami kerusakan pada tulang rawan lututnya setelah ia mengulurkan kaki untuk mengambil remote control televisi kala masih membela Wolverhampton Wanderers di tahun 1998.

David Seaman
Mantan kiper legendaris Arsenal ini menderita kejang otot punggung ketika ia mencoba merekam acara opera sabun di televisi Inggris, Coronation Street.

David Batty
Mantan gelandang timnas Inggris ini mengalami cedera pada otot tendon achilles ketika sang putra melindas kakinya dengan sepeda roda tiga. (afp/row)

27-07-2010, 01:25 PM
ada tuh pemaen muda PSSI yg pernah selebrasi berlebihan setelah bikin gol (yg berlebihan temen-temennya kali yaa), sampe setelah selebrasi tuh pemain malah gak bisa melanjutkan pertandingan karena cedera 'n malah harus ditandu ke ruang ganti ... :hammer::hammer:

sapa yaa ..., lupa deh, klo gak salah si Bobby Satria deh ..., cmiiw :D:))

27-07-2010, 01:31 PM
cedera konyol...??:banned:

cedera = musibah...

cedera konyol = musibah konyol...?? 8-}

kasian amat........................:ngacir:

yg jelas Hargo bukan konyol...

27-07-2010, 01:37 PM
ada tuh pemaen muda PSSI yg pernah selebrasi berlebihan setelah bikin gol (yg berlebihan temen-temennya kali yaa), sampe setelah selebrasi tuh pemain malah gak bisa melanjutkan pertandingan karena cedera 'n malah harus ditandu ke ruang ganti ... :hammer::hammer:

sapa yaa ..., lupa deh, klo gak salah si Bobby Satria deh ..., cmiiw :D:))
Bobby satria pemain SFC?
pas disiaran di TV ga tuh opa??;))

cedera konyol...??:banned:

cedera = musibah...

cedera konyol = musibah konyol...?? 8-}

kasian amat........................:ngacir:

yg jelas Hargo bukan konyol...

Hargo tentu tidak donk bro..

27-07-2010, 01:38 PM
Yang konyol juga tuh kiper argentina di PD afsel kemaren, sergio romero. Klo nggak salah beberapa musim lalu pas AZ juara dia sempet diakhir musim cedera patah tangan dan musti absen 6 pekan. penyebabnya adalah gara-gara dia kecewa AZ tersingkir di piala belanda dia lampiaskan dengan ninju tembok :hammer:. konyol abis... untung kemaren pas disikat jerman dia nggak ninju tiang gawang :peace:. Berita jadul sih jadi kasih link aja


27-07-2010, 01:47 PM
cedera konyol...??:banned:

cedera = musibah...

cedera konyol = musibah konyol...?? 8-}

kasian amat........................:ngacir:

yg jelas Hargo bukan konyol...

cedera konyol cmn headline(biar org tertarik utk baca) aja, kl dibaca intinya yg konyol kan penyebab cederanya bos :D

GL zone
27-07-2010, 02:26 PM
ada tuh pemaen muda PSSI yg pernah selebrasi berlebihan setelah bikin gol (yg berlebihan temen-temennya kali yaa), sampe setelah selebrasi tuh pemain malah gak bisa melanjutkan pertandingan karena cedera 'n malah harus ditandu ke ruang ganti ... :hammer::hammer:

sapa yaa ..., lupa deh, klo gak salah si Bobby Satria deh ..., cmiiw :D:))

iya saya juga nonton cuplikan pertandingan itu
kalo ga salah pemain persik ya opa

m.robby bkn ya opa?cmiiw

27-07-2010, 02:37 PM
Nih beberapa cedera yang disebabkan karena Perayaan Goal / Goal Celebration...

Lomana Lua Lua
In 2006, the DR Congo international was playing for Portsmouth against Arsenal. Having scored, he launched into his usual celebration, which consisted of multiple back-flips. This time, though, he sustained an ankle injury that put him out for three weeks.

Steve Morrow
In 2003, Tony Adams lifted Morrow, who had scored Arsenal's winner in the League Cup final against Sheffield Wednesday, with slightly too much enthusiasm and broke his arm. Morrow missed the rest of the season, including the FA Cup final victory over Wednesday.

Celestine Babayaro
In 1997, the Nigerian international joined Chelsea, but during a pre-season game against Stevenage he broke his leg while doing his trademark somersault goal celebration. Thus he couldn't make his league debut until months later.

Patrick Viera
In 1997, the Arsenal midfielder scored the second goal in a 3-2 win over Manchester United, slid extravagantly across the turf on his knees and suffered a bad injury that put him out of the team for the next five weeks.

Martin Palermo
In 2001, the Argentinian in extra-time for Villareal against Levante in the Copa del Rey and ran to the crowd to celebrate. His celebration was curtailed when a wall collapsed on him, breaking his tibia and fibula. Six months later he was back in action, but he missed the World Cup as a result.

Shaun Goater
In 2002, Goater celebrated a goal by Nicolas Anelka for Manchester City by kicking an ad board, but he injured his knee in the process and had to be subbed with Darren Huckerby. Some years previously in 1998, he broke his arm while celebrating a goal.

Paolo Diogo
In 2004, the Portuguese player leaped into the crowd to celebrate a goal for the Swiss club Servette. He caught his wedding ring on perimeter fencing and ripped off the top of his finger. The missing finger was found but surgeons were unable to reattach it.

27-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Ngeri juga neh klo liat selebrasi Nani & Diouf..



27-07-2010, 03:19 PM
Ada juga cidera konyol pemain UICS, cidera pinggang gara-gara markir motor pake standar tengah, ampir sebulan gak bisa maen n 2 minggu gak bisa beraktifitas

27-07-2010, 03:48 PM
Ada juga cidera konyol pemain UICS, cidera pinggang gara-gara markir motor pake standar tengah, ampir sebulan gak bisa maen n 2 minggu gak bisa beraktifitas

curhatcol ... :P
kemaren2x gak mo ngaku .... ;))

27-07-2010, 04:02 PM
Paolo Diogo
In 2004, the Portuguese player leaped into the crowd to celebrate a goal for the Swiss club Servette. He caught his wedding ring on perimeter fencing and ripped off the top of his finger. The missing finger was found but surgeons were unable to reattach it.

Ngeri banget... Pasti nyesel seumur hidup! :((

theater of dream
27-07-2010, 05:10 PM
Lengan cedera gara2 ngelempar mangga... mudah2an sehat sebelum turnamen gatnas.... :((:((

27-07-2010, 05:17 PM
Lengan cedera gara2 ngelempar mangga... mudah2an sehat sebelum turnamen gatnas.... :((:((

Bro, tolong donk jangan OOT!L-)
Liat judulnya! Yang ditulis kan "Pemain BOla", bukan residivis :))


29-07-2010, 01:24 PM
IFAB ratifies five officials for Champions League
Soccernet - July 21, 2010

The additional assistant referees system experimented with in last season's Europa League will be used in the Champions League this year.

The decision was ratified at Wednesday's meeting in Cardiff of the technical sub-committee of the International Football Association Board, football's rule-makers, where it was also confirmed the issue of goal-line technology would be discussed in October.

The system of extra officials will be used in the Champions League, Europa League and Super Cup this season, as well as a handful of other competitions around the world after IFAB opened the experiment up to confederations outside of Europe. The experiment is due to continue until 2012.

IFAB, which comprises representatives from FIFA and the four home nations, rejected the notion of goal-line technology in March on the grounds of cost and the possible disruption it would bring.

However, calls for the introduction of technology intensified after England's Frank Lampard was denied what would have been an equaliser in the World Cup second round clash with Germany when his shot rebounded off the underside of the crossbar and dropped over the line, but unseen by the match officials and was not given.

Speaking in Johannesburg last month, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said: "It is obvious that after the experience so far in this World Cup, it would be a nonsense to not re-open the file of technology at the business meeting of the International FA Board in July.''

However, the issue was never on the agenda for today and a statement from FIFA confirmed a date had been set for discussions.

"FIFA and the technical sub-committee confirmed that goal-line technology will be on the agenda of the next annual business meeting of the IFAB in October 2010,'' read a statement.

04-08-2010, 01:09 AM
Wah,ternyata Wazza seorang perokok juga..

Sepuluh Pesepakbola Yang Akrab Dengan Rokok

Hari sial sedang dialami Wayne Rooney, kabarnya ia akan segera mendapatkan sangsi dari klubnya akibat sejumlah larangan yang ia lakukan atas aturan klubnya, salah satunya adalah karena merokok.

Sebetulnya wajar saja bagi siapa pun untuk mengisap tembakau linting tersebut, namun tentu saja jelas terlarang bagi mereka yang memiliki profesi sebagai atlet, selain dinilai tak sehat hal tersebut jelas bisa mengganggu tingkat kebugaran sang pemain hingga merugikan klub yang memilikinya.

Polemik yang dimunculkan oleh seorang Wayne Rooney karena merokok sesungguhnya bukanlah yang pertama dilakukan oleh bintang lapangan hijau, ada nama-nama lain yang sudah muncul sebelum Rooney melakukan hal kontroversial ini, di antaranya saya yakin sudah ada yang Anda kenal dan mungkin ada pula yang tidak Anda duga.

Berikut ini saya beberkan sepuluh pesepak bola perokok berat yang oleh teman-teman mereka dijuluki dengan panggilan si Raja Asap dan juga yang akrab dengan tembakau bungkus itu:

Kapten legendaris Brazil yang mengantarkan Samba menjadi juara dunia, mengaku dirinya kerap menghabiskan dua bungkus rokok setiap harinya selama ia berkarir di lapangan hijau, ia terus melanjutkan kebiasaannya tersebut setelah pensiun, dan meski kini ia menjadi seorang tenaga medis, ironis memang, ahli kesehatan yang tak sadar akan kesehatan.

2) Gazza dan Teddy Sheringham
Selama Euro 1996 kedua terus bersahabat erat dan kerap kali menghabiskan waktu bersama dengan menghabiskan berbatang-batang rokok, Gazza mungkin lebih para dari Sheringham, kegemarannya menegak alkohol juga sukses menghancurkan kesehatannya.

3) Robert Prosinecki
Kemampuan Prosinecki untuk berkerabat degan asap sudah amat dikenal luas di negaranya, mantan pemain tengah timnas Kroasia tersebut disebut bisa menghabiskan 40 batang rokok per harinya, ketika bergabung dengan Portsmouth pada tahun 2011 ia mampu menguranginya hingga menjadi 20 batang 'saja', namun ia hanya bertahan satu musim di sana.

4) David Ginola
Salah satu pemain legendaris Liga Inggris bersama Newcastle United, ia nampaknya benar-benar patuh terhadap tag line budaya negaranya, Orang Prancis akan selalu merokok! Namun berkat kegemarannya itu ia menjadi bintang iklan rokok yang dinilai seksi oleh para penggemarnya.

5) Sir Stanley Matthews
Mantan pemain senior timnas Inggris milik klub Stoke, ia disegani oleh negaranya, meski ia bukan seorang perokok namun pada tahun 1954 ia sempat menjadi bintang iklan rokok merk Craven A, dalam iklan tersebut disertai tulisan, "Mengontrol bola dengan halus, sehalus Craven A".

6) Johan Cruyff
Adalah legenda Belanda dan Barcelona, namun ia juga akan dikenang karena pada tahun 1991 harus menjalani operasi jantung akibat hobinya menghabiskan 20 batang rokok per harinya, ia mengalaminya saat menjadi pelatih Barca, di ruang ganti pun ia selalu mengisapnya ketika meladeni para wartawan, namun kini ia telah insyaf dan tak mau lagi melanjutkan hobinya itu, dan malah menjadi aktivis penentang kegiatan merokok.

7) Fabian Barthez
Kiper plontos ini terkenal sebagai perokok kelas berat selama berkiprah di Liga Premier, pada tahun 2003 usai United mengalahkan Southampton, pelatih lawan Gordon Strachan, marah besar karena menemukan puntung yang baru dimatikan dalam ruangan yang seharusnya bebas rokok.

8) David James
Penjaga gawang nomor satu timnas Inggris ini memberikan pengakuan dalam sebuah kolom surat kabar bahwa ia sudah akrab dengan rokok saat ia masih berusia 15 tahun, "Saya menghabiskan sebagian besar karir dengan mengisap rokok, setelah latihan, sebelum pertandingan, dan bahkan pada saat ada pelatih," tulisnya.

9) Maradona
Maradona adalah salah satu nama besar yang memiliki kegemaran mengisap rokok dan juga cerutu, namun ia baru memulainya setelah pensiun dari lapangan hijau, kegemarannya tersebut agak berkurang saat ini, sebab pada tahun 2004, Ia harus menghabiskan 10 hari perawatan intensif karena ia mendapatkan masalah gangguan pernapasan.

10) Zinedine Zidane
Dan yang terakhir ini mungkin banyak yang tak menduganya, sang dewa sepak bola ternyata juga begitu akrab dengan tembakau, ia pernah tertangkap kamera sedang bercengkrama dengan asap saat menjelang laga Semi Final Piala Dunia 2006, melawan Portugal, ironisnya dalam tahun 2002 ia menjadi tokoh utama dalam sebuah kampanye anti-merokok, nampaknya hal ini semakin membenarkan pemeo yang berbunyi 'Seorang Prancis harus merokok'.


04-08-2010, 01:24 AM
Yang ujung2nya Kontras sampe detik ini salah satunya ya Paul Gascoigne aka Gazza ama Socrates, Gazza bahakn terus bermasalah sampe detik ini, ditilang, mabuk2an, sampe kasih bogem ke wartawan maupun supporterL-)..hehe.. Kaget nih si ZIdane seorang perokok, dan baru tau cameo "Orang perancios adalah perokok" :thumbup:

04-08-2010, 01:32 AM
Klo Gazza udh sangat terkenal dengan kelakuannya itu..
mudah2an az ngga tertular ke Wazza,,:D

Alkohol & rokok ternyata banyak dikonsumsi para pesepakbola..:hammer:

04-08-2010, 02:20 AM
wah ternyata walaupun perokok berat masih tetep tokcer di lapangan..


04-08-2010, 04:53 AM
Wah..jangan dilupakan si nomor 9 berba. Liat aja lari aja sampe nggak kuat, bisanya cuman jalan doang pas maen,he.. Peace. Nggak tau sih dia sehari habis berapa, tapi klo nggak salah dia juga perokok.

04-08-2010, 11:24 AM
F. Macheda

waduh macheda msh muda udah ngerokok aja... :sikat:
klo pd ngotot ngerokok pindah aja ke rokok elektrik :peace:

04-08-2010, 12:11 PM
Maaf gan mau nanyaaaa,,,koq pesepakbola lokal ga da yg masuuk ya,,,:D kaan pemain lokal juga banyak yang hobi merokok,,,ampe dilapangan pada ga kuat lari :D :peace: :ngacir:

Andi Istiabudi
04-08-2010, 12:21 PM
Maaf gan mau nanyaaaa,,,koq pesepakbola lokal ga da yg masuuk ya,,,:D kaan pemain lokal juga banyak yang hobi merokok,,,ampe dilapangan pada ga kuat lari :D :peace: :ngacir:

Kalau pesepakbola nasional yang saya tahu merokok adalah mantan pemain timnas era 1990an, Agung Setyabudi. Dulu dalam sebuah artikel tabloid olahraga dia pernah mengakui bahwa dia merokok untuk menghilangkan stress sebelum bertanding. Kalau yang lainnya sih kurang tahu ...

04-08-2010, 01:29 PM
Parah om Berba ngeroko juga yah trnyata ckckck... Pantes aja larinya. :nohope:

Kalo Gazza mah udah nyandu banget kekna dari mulai alkohol dsb.

04-08-2010, 02:08 PM
Kalau di Indonesia yang paling legendaris adalah Alm Ronny Pattinasarani. Pernah dalam satu pertandingan, begitu ditarik di babak kedua, bukannya ke bangku cadangan dia malah nongkrong di bangku penonton lalu menyalakan cerutu.. Katanya itu sebagai bentuk protes pada sang pelatih yang melarangnya merokok. Alasan Oom Ronny waktu itu "Larangan ayah saya pun saya tolak, apalagi larangan pelatih.."

04-08-2010, 02:21 PM
Dimitar Berbatov

Gayanya ud kaya bintang film action az neh berba..:))

04-08-2010, 06:44 PM
Gayanya ud kaya bintang film action az neh berba..:))

bukan film action lagi sob
tampangnya kaya mafia

04-08-2010, 06:52 PM
Kalau di Indonesia yang paling legendaris adalah Alm Ronny Pattinasarani. Pernah dalam satu pertandingan, begitu ditarik di babak kedua, bukannya ke bangku cadangan dia malah nongkrong di bangku penonton lalu menyalakan cerutu.. Katanya itu sebagai bentuk protes pada sang pelatih yang melarangnya merokok. Alasan Oom Ronny waktu itu "Larangan ayah saya pun saya tolak, apalagi larangan pelatih.."
Waah tapi beliau maennya ciamik low dijamannya,,,:D Yaaah sbenernya di Indonesia banyak pesepakbola yang merokok,,,lah gmn nggak orang sponsornya ajah produk rokok :hammer: :D :ngacir:

Andi Istiabudi
04-08-2010, 07:42 PM
bukan film action lagi sob
tampangnya kaya mafia

Ini foto Berbatov yang lebih mirip mafia !!!


05-08-2010, 01:01 AM
berba kan emang Die hard fans Ady garcia..
Persis banget dari sana sininya... Ups, OOT deh...
Opa fergie kita perokok bukan ya?

01-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Morientes Gantung Sepatu
Reky Herling Kalumata - detiksport

Madrid - Fernando Morientes telah tiba di penghujung karirnya. Mantan striker Real Madrid dan juga Spanyol ini telah memutuskan pensiun dari karirnya sebagai pesepakbola profesional.

Morientes mengumumkan mengakhiri karirnya di lapangan hijau di usia 34 tahun. "Setelah 17 tahun di antara elit sepakbola, itu adalah saat yang sulit saya perlu sedikit demi sedikit menyesuaikannya," ungkapnya seperrti dilansir Reuters.

Morientes mulai berkibar namanya saat delapan musim merumput di Real Madrid namun dia sempat dipinjamkan ke Monaco. Setelah itu dia sempat memperkuat Liverpool, Valencia dan akhirnya terakhir di Olympique Marseille.

Selama karirnya, Morientes telah dua kali merasakan gelar Liga Spanyol dan empat Piala Eropa (Tiga dengan Madrid dan satu dengan Liverpool di 2005). Ia juga sempat memperkuat timnas Spanyol antara 1998-2007.

Morientes telah menyumbangkan 27 gol dari 74 capsnya. Namun kini Morientes telah menolak beberapa tawaran yang datang dan setelah gantung sepatu dia memilih untuk menjadi komentator.

01-09-2010, 05:50 PM
salah satu pemain favorit gw :thumbup:
good luck moro!

10-09-2010, 12:23 AM
Toshack quits as Wales boss
Boss quits after six years at the helm
SkySport, Pete O'Rourke - 9th September 2010


John Toshack has, as expected, confirmed his resignation as Wales manager after six years in the job.

Speculation about Toshack's future began following last Friday's 1-0 defeat by Montenegro in their opening Euro 2012 qualifier, and the former Real Madrid boss is understood to feel he has taken the side as far as he can.

The 61-year-old has been in talks with Football Association of Wales officials for the last few days and he has now confirmed he is to step down.

Toshack took over from Mark Hughes in November 2004, but he has been unable to lead Wales to a major tournament during his time in charge.


Manchester United star and former Wales captain Ryan Giggs has been made early favourite to replace Toshack with Chris Coleman, Mark Bowen, John Hartson and Under 21s boss Brian Flynn also linked with the job.

Toshack has stepped down from his role with immediate effect and he has hinted he would have preferred to have stayed on for next month's crucial double-header with Bulgaria and Switzerland.

"Wales are still very much in this group, and now the decision has been made hopefully they'll be able to get some positive results in the next two games," Toshack said.

"If the results do go against us, I think I would have preferred that to happen with me still in charge.


"I thought after three matches of this group we would review everything.

"Even after the disappointment of the game in Montenegro that was still the way I felt.

"But we have come to the agreement that this might be better for everyone concerned."

13-09-2010, 11:58 PM
Flynn gets Wales chance
Under-21 boss named caretaker manager

SkySport - 13th September 2010


The Football Association of Wales has confirmed that Brian Flynn has been named as Wales' caretaker manager following John Toshack's resignation.

Toshack resigned with immediate effect after six years in charge last week in the wake of Wales' Euro 2012 Championship qualifying defeat to Montenegro.

Flynn will now take charge of their upcoming qualifiers against Bulgaria and Switzerland and he has the chance to win the job permanently if he impresses.

The 54-year-old knows the Welsh set-up well having managed their intermediate teams, a job which entails looking after the nation's Under 17, 19 and 21 sides.
Coaching staff

Flynn will be assisted by ex-internationals David Williams, Alan Curtis and Paul Jones. Williams and Curtis worked with him at Under-21 level while Jones was the goalkeeping coach.

A naturally delighted Flynn commented: "I have thoroughly enjoyed working with John Toshack in the Wales set-up and feel that we have made great strides to establishing a side for the future.

"I would like to pay tribute to the work that John has done and the faith that he has shown in me and my judgement.

"Naturally, as a very proud Welshman, this is a job that I have always wanted to do. I realise that initially it is only for two games, but I shall give it my all to try and achieve results and stake a claim for the job on a permanent basis."

FAW Chief Executive Jonathan Ford is thrilled Flynn has agreed to help out, confirming he is in consideration to win the position on a full-time basis.

"The FAW is very pleased that Brian has agreed to assist us with these two matches whilst we give consideration to the full-time position," said Ford.

17-09-2010, 10:15 AM
Anelka's 'handcuff' celebration directed at FFF
ESPNsoccernet - September 16, 2010

Nicolas Anelka has revealed his handcuff celebration in Chelsea's 4-1 win against MSK Zilina was directed at the French Football Federation.

Anelka, 31, was sent home from the World Cup after insulting France coach Raymond Domenech during the 2-0 defeat to Mexico and he was subsequently banned for 18 games after failing to attend a disciplinary hearing.

Anelka, who had indicated that he did not plan to play for his country again after South Africa, said in response to the FFF's ban: "These people are clowns. I'm dying with laughter."

The striker scored twice during Chelsea's Champions League victory on Wednesday, and he has now said his response to the goals was directed at the federation.

"It was just something for the French federation about what happened at the World Cup," he said. "It was just a little joke, but I think the other French players will understand what it means. What happened in the summer is in the past now and I'm 100% focused on playing for Chelsea."

06-10-2010, 09:23 AM
tadi pagi liat beritanya di tv, eh udah masuk di inet ternyata

Presiden Bolivia Balas Tekel Lawan dengan Dengkul
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

La Paz - Presiden Bolivia Evo Morales suka benar dengan sepakbola sampai rela turun ke lapangan memainkan olahraga kegemaran. Tapi tampaknya ia masih perlu belajar lagi tentang sportifitas karena sudah menghantamkan dengkulnya ke bagian selangkangan pemain lawan.

Akhir pekan lalu Morales terlibat dalam sebuah pertandingan di La Paz, Bolivia. Bersama rekan-rekannya di partai Pergerakan ke Arah Sosialisme (MAS), ia dihadapkan dengan partai oposisi Pergerakan Tanpa Rasa Takut (MSM) yang dipimpin oleh Walikota La Paz, Luis Revilla, yang juga pernah menjadi sekutu Morales.

Sejatinya partai tersebut ditujukan untuk memperlihatkan bahwa walau berbeda pandangan di kancah politik, kedua kubu pada dasarnya tak saling membenci satu sama lain. Selain itu, laga ini juga menjadi partai pembuka stadion baru di La Paz.

Akan tetapi, pada prosesnya partai malah berjalan dengan tensi cukup tinggi. Dalam sebuah perebutan bola, Morales bahkan sampai dijatuhkan dengan keras oleh pemain lawan, Daniel Gustavo Cartagena.

Sang presiden rupanya tak terima dengan tekel keras yang ia terima itu. Pada suatu kesempatan, Morales pun tertangkap kamera menghampiri Cartagena untuk membalas. Dengan keras Morales menghantamkan dengkulnya ke arah selangkangan lawannya tersebut. Cartagena tak ayal langsung ambruk ke lapangan dalam kesakitan, meski akhirnya masih bisa bermain lagi.

Partai alot itu lantas diakhiri dengan skor 4-4, di mana wasit mengeluarkan empat kartu merah, yang salah satunya diberikan untuk Cartagena, dan empat kartu kuning seperti dilaporkan La Razon.

Nasib Morales masih beruntung karena luput dari kartu merah. Ia bahkan terus bermain dan bikin satu gol, kendatiwalau setelahnya harus terpincang-pincang meninggalkan lapangan. Tim dokter melaporkan ia hanya mendapat luka-luka gores dan memar di betis kanan.

Cartagena sendiri semakin apes nasibnya. Selain didengkul Morales di bagian selangkangan dan kemudian dapat kartu merah, pihak kepolisian sempat berusaha menangkapnya setelah laga selesai walau kemudian hal ini urung dilakukan.

"Tak pernah jadi niatku untuk melukai presiden," kilah Cartagena seperti dilansir Reuters.

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06-10-2010, 03:58 PM
Madrid Paling Rapat
Narayana Mahendra Prastya - detiksport

Madrid - Pertahanan Real Madrid sejauh ini adalah yang paling rapat, bukan hanya di Spanyol namun juga di Eropa. Madrid paling sedikit diserang dan paling sedikit kebobolan.

Statistik yang detiksport kutip dari situs resmi Madrid menunjukkan bahwa dari delapan partai resmi terakhir, gawang pasukan Jose Mourinho itu hanya kebobolan dua gol.

Kedua gol itu seluruhnya diderita di La Liga. Adalah Raul Tamudo (Espanyol) dan Juan Rodriguez (Deportivo La Coruna) yang sejauh ini berhasil menggetarkan gawang Los Galacticos.

Rapatnya pertahanan Madrid juga ditunjukkan dengan minimnya tembakan yang mengarah ke gawang mereka. Di La Liga, tim ini tercatat 41 kali ditembak atau 6,83 kali per pertandingan.

Kiper Iker Casillas pun menjadi penjaga gawang yang paling 'nganggur' di La Liga. San Iker hanya melakukan total delapan kali penyelamatan sejauh ini, atau 1,53 saves per partai.

Rapatnya pertahanan Los Merengues disebabkan oleh ketangguhan barisan belakang mereka. Statistik menunjukkan, bek Sergio Ramos menjadi pemain yang paling sering menghalau bola yakni setiap 7,9 menit sekali.

Tidak hanya di Spanyol, Si Putih juga menjadi tim dengan jumlah gol yang paling sedikit di antara tim-tim lain di kompetisi domestik Eropa (yang mencakup Spanyol, Inggris, Prancis, Italia, dan Jerman).

Jumlah Kemasukan Gol (Eropa)
Tim- Jumlah Gol Kebobolan- Jumlah Partai Resmi- Rata-rata per partai
Real Madrid 2 8 0,25
Chelsea 3 9 0,33
Manchester City 4 9 0,44
Rennes 4 8 0,50
Brest 4 8 0,50

Tendangan ke gawang yang dilancarkan lawan (La Liga)
Tim - Jumlah tembakan - Rata-rata per partai
Real Madrid 41 6,83
Barcelona 48 8
Sevilla 55 9,17
Zaragoza 62 10,33
Racing 71 11,83

Total penyelamatan (La Liga)
Tim- Total Penyelamatan - Rata-rata per partai
Real Madrid 8 1,53
Osasuna 15 2,50
Espanyol 15 2,50
Sporting 16 2,67
Zaragoza 17 2,83

Menghalau Bola (La Liga)
Pemain - Tim - Total - Rata-rata per menit
Ramos Real Madrid 72 7.90
San Jose Athletic 70 8.13
Jarosik Zaragoza 64 8.17
Gabi Zaragoza 64 8.91
Pamarot Hercules 62 9.19

06-10-2010, 10:21 PM
wah wah ...., Persija punya kans nih .... :hammer::hammer::)):))=))

Blackpool Menang, Bintang Porno Janjikan Oral Seks Gratis

TEMPO Interaktif,Atlanta, AS: Kemenangan Blackpool atas Liverpool tadi malam disambut suka cita penggemarnya. Tidak terkecuali bintang porno kelahiran Norwegia, Vicky Vette.

Usai melempar serangkaian komentar secara langsung di Twitter selama pertandingan, dia menyebar foto tanpa busana kepada lebih dari 60 ribu pengikutnya. "Semoga kalian mendukung Blackpool," ujar perempuan 45 tahun itu.

Sejak Blackpool promosi ke Liga Premier, Vicky Vette langsung jadi fans mereka. Pengurus klub bola asal Inggris itu menghadiahinya seragam kehormatan bernomor 69. Sebagai balasan, Vicky menjanjikan followers Twitter-nya oral seks gratis jika tim gurem itu jadi kampiun.

Ini bukan kali pertama dia melansir janji nyeleneh macam itu. Pada Piala Dunia lalu, dia juga bernazar sama jika Belanda juara dunia. Saat Oranye tampil di final Juli lalu, dia sudah menyiapkan rekan-rekannya sesama bintang porno untuk menunaikan janjinya. "Sekarang saya mendapat lebih banyak tweet ketimbang waktu Piala Dunia," ujarnya.

Sebenarnya Vicky bukan fans Belanda dan Blackpool. "Saya sama sekali tidak tahu sepak bola," katanya. Namun dia mengaku kesengsem sama seragam Belanda yang berwarna oranye. Begitu juga dengan Blackpool, walaupun pengurus klub ngotot menyatakan seragam mereka berwarna tangerine, atau jeruk limau.

Selama livetweet semalam, pemilik dada 36DD ini mendapat cacian dari pendukung Liverpool. "Teriring cinta untuk fans Liverpool yang mengirim pesan kebencian, maaf saya suka oranye, eh tangerine," ujar Vicky, yang mengaku tidak sabar untuk partai Blackpool berikutnya, melawan Manchester City dua pekan mendatang.

Blacpool naik enam peringkat ke posisi 9 dengan mengoleksi 10 poin dari 7 pertandingan. Liverpool membuka peluang terdegradasi dengan bertengger di urutan 18, mengoleksi 6 poin dari 7 pertandingan.

06-10-2010, 10:52 PM
wah wah ...., Persija punya kans nih .... :hammer::hammer::)):))=))

Blackpool Menang, Bintang Porno Janjikan Oral Seks Gratis

TEMPO Interaktif,Atlanta, AS: Kemenangan Blackpool atas Liverpool tadi malam disambut suka cita penggemarnya. Tidak terkecuali bintang porno kelahiran Norwegia, Vicky Vette.

Usai melempar serangkaian komentar secara langsung di Twitter selama pertandingan, dia menyebar foto tanpa busana kepada lebih dari 60 ribu pengikutnya. "Semoga kalian mendukung Blackpool," ujar perempuan 45 tahun itu.

Sejak Blackpool promosi ke Liga Premier, Vicky Vette langsung jadi fans mereka. Pengurus klub bola asal Inggris itu menghadiahinya seragam kehormatan bernomor 69. Sebagai balasan, Vicky menjanjikan followers Twitter-nya oral seks gratis jika tim gurem itu jadi kampiun.

Ini bukan kali pertama dia melansir janji nyeleneh macam itu. Pada Piala Dunia lalu, dia juga bernazar sama jika Belanda juara dunia. Saat Oranye tampil di final Juli lalu, dia sudah menyiapkan rekan-rekannya sesama bintang porno untuk menunaikan janjinya. "Sekarang saya mendapat lebih banyak tweet ketimbang waktu Piala Dunia," ujarnya.

Sebenarnya Vicky bukan fans Belanda dan Blackpool. "Saya sama sekali tidak tahu sepak bola," katanya. Namun dia mengaku kesengsem sama seragam Belanda yang berwarna oranye. Begitu juga dengan Blackpool, walaupun pengurus klub ngotot menyatakan seragam mereka berwarna tangerine, atau jeruk limau.

Selama livetweet semalam, pemilik dada 36DD ini mendapat cacian dari pendukung Liverpool. "Teriring cinta untuk fans Liverpool yang mengirim pesan kebencian, maaf saya suka oranye, eh tangerine," ujar Vicky, yang mengaku tidak sabar untuk partai Blackpool berikutnya, melawan Manchester City dua pekan mendatang.

Blacpool naik enam peringkat ke posisi 9 dengan mengoleksi 10 poin dari 7 pertandingan. Liverpool membuka peluang terdegradasi dengan bertengger di urutan 18, mengoleksi 6 poin dari 7 pertandingan.

Sory OTT,.:peace:
Begh,.Vicky Vette Iso Ngelembur Sewengian Kuwi Opa,.Lek Menuhi JanjinE Blackpool Champion EPL,.Wakak,.Kakk,.:sikat::sikat::sikat::hammer::)) :))=))

14-10-2010, 10:12 AM
buntut kerusuhan di partay Italy vs Serbia dini hari kmrn, bisa berdampak negatif pada timnas Serbia nih, tidak hanya sekedar dinyatakan kalah (3-0) tapi lebih buruk, Serbia bisa didiskualifikasi dari perhelatan EURO 2012, bahkan berikutnya 2016

bagaimana menurut teman2x

Serbia Terancam Diskualifikasi
KOMPAS.com — 14 Oktober 2010 | 04:33 WIB

ROMA, UEFA dan polisi kini menyelidiki kasus kerusuhan di Stadion Luigi Ferraris saat Italia menjamu Serbia di kualifikasi Euro 2012. Karena kerusuhan yang disebabkan suporternya, Serbia terancam dikenai diskualifikasi dari Piala Eropa 2012.

Suporter Serbia melakukan kekerasan sebelum, selama, dan sesudah pertandingan. Karena kerusuhan itu, pertandingan dihentikan pada menit ke-6.

Polisi sudah menangkap 17 pelaku, termasuk pemimpinnya. Mereka kelompok yang pekan lalu juga melakukan kerusuhan di Beograd untuk menentang parade gay.

UEFA menyatakan, Serbia tak hanya terancam diskualifikasi Euro 2012. Namun, mereka juga bisa kena sanksi lebih berat, tak boleh ikut Piala Eropa 2016.

brita terkait lainnya bisa klik di sini (http://www.unitedindonesia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1558&page=2) ya

14-10-2010, 10:16 AM
Ini mah oknum aja... sayang klo sampe serbia nggak masuk piala eropa, beberapa pemaen yang bisa dibilang bintang ada disana. aku liat di koran si biang keroknya (lupa namanya) bisa sampe mbawa tang masuk ke stadion, kok bisa lolos gitu ya?

14-10-2010, 10:19 AM
ya dimana-mana sih emang 'oknum' Bro ..., but tetep aja harus ada institusi yang bertanggung jawab atas apa yg telah terjadi ...
seperti juga waktu tragedi Heysel ..., gak cuman LFC yg nanggung akibatnya, but seluruh club Inggris gak boleh maen di level Eropa ... :( :hammer:

14-10-2010, 10:23 AM
Iya... di itali kok sih sering banget kerusuhan gitu ya. di inggris aja sekarang dah jarang. mungkin polisi itali musti studi banding ke inggris ya :hammer:. ngenes juga serbia klo sampe dihukum nggak boleh tampil di 2x piala eropa.

14-10-2010, 10:25 AM
klo emang kejadian beneran gak boleh ngikut 2 kali piala Eropa, yah moga2x aja FIFA gak ikut2x ...
ntar gak boleh ikut piala dunia 2014 lagi ... :hammer::hammer:

poor Serbia

14-10-2010, 10:36 AM
tadi pagi baca koran Serbia terancam dikeluarkan dari kualifikas Euro 2012 bahkan di turnamen masa mendatang. tapi kyknya kepala perusuh, yg di video yg tukang bakar & gunting jala pengaman sudah diidentifikasi

14-10-2010, 10:58 AM
Akhir Bulan, UEFA Tentukan Nasib Italia & Serbia
Narayana Mahendra Prastya - detiksport

Menyusul kerusuhan dalam laga Italia kontra Serbia, UEFA melakukan investigasi menyangkut masalah disiplin. Nasib Italia dan Serbia bisa diketahui pada akhir bulan ini.

Kerusuhan terjadi di laga kualifikasi Euro 2012 Italia kontra Serbia, Rabu (13/10/2010) dinihari WIB. Keributan sempat membuat waktu kick-off molor hingga lebih dari setengah jam.

Pertandingan sempat berjalan, namun hanya enam menit karena kerusuhan kembali pecah. Wasit memutuskan untuk menghentikan pertandingan.

"UEFA mengonfirmasi hari ini telah membuka investigasi secara penuh dan melalui tahapan disipliner atas gangguan serius yang terjadi dalam pertandingan serta situasi yang terjadi di sekitarnya," demikian diterangkan federasi sepakbola Eropa itu melalui situs resminya, Rabu (13/10/2010) malam WIB.

Setelah berkas dinyatakan lengkap dan selesai, ditambah dengan laporan wasit dan delegasi UEFA, masalah ini akan dibawa ke badan independen Pengendali dan Disiplin UEFA untuk dipelajari lebih lanjut serta kemungkinan adanya sanksi.

"Rencananya pertemuan badan Pengendali dan Disiplin UEFA melakukan sidang tentang kasus ini pada hari Kamis 28 Oktober," demikian UEFA.

Ada pun sanksi yang kemungkinan dijatuhkan mulai dari denda, penutupan stadion, atau diskualifikasi dari kompetisi yang tengah berjalan dan/atau dikucilkan dari kompetisi selanjutnya. Sanksi ini terdapat dalam Peraturan Disiplin UEFA edisi 2008 artikel 14.


Tak Tertutup Kemungkinan Italia Kena Sanksi
Narayana Mahendra Prastya - detiksport

Roma - Juru bicara UEFA menyatakan tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa Italia juga mungkin kena sanksi pasca kerusuhan di kualifikasi Euro 2012. Apa tanggapan FIGC soal hal ini?

Kerusuhan pecah dalam laga Italia versus Serbia, Rabu (13/10/2010) dinihari WIB di Stadion Luigi Ferraris, Genoa. Kekacauan ini dipicu oleh ulah suporter Serbia. Pendukung Negeri Balkan terlihat sebagai aktor "tunggal" dalam insiden yang memaksa pertandingan dihentikan.

Dari hal ini, kemungkinan terbesar adalah dijatuhkannya sanksi kepada Serbia. Meski begitu, UEFA juga tidak menutup kemungkinan memberikan hukuman kepada Italia.

"Saya mengingatkan bahwa regulasi kami menagtur bukan hanya sanksi terhadap tindakan terencana yang dilakukan penggemar tertentu, namun juga tanggungjawab dari federasi negara tuan rumah karena tidak memberikan jaminan yang cukup untuk melindungi kepentingan publik," tukas juru bicara UEFA Rob Faulkner.

Hal ini mendapat tanggapan dari FIGC. "Masalah tanggungjawab tidak langsung memang merupakan salah satu prinsip dasar dalam peradilan olahraga. Jadi apa yang dikatakan jurubicara UEFA soal risiko Italia terkena sanksi benar-benar dangkal," tandas direktur umum FIGC Antonello Valentini dikutip dari Football-Italia.

UEFA bakal memutuskan nasib dari Azzurri dan Orlovi dalam sidang Komisi Disiplin akhir bulan ini.

Kala Italia Disuruh Mencontoh Inggris
Rossi Finza Noor - detiksport

London - Inggris pernah bermasalah dengan yang namanya Hooliganisme dan kerusuhan suporter. Masalah tersebut kemudian telah dibenahi dan Italia pun diminta untuk mencontohnya.

Kerusuhan, apa pun sebab dan masalah awalnya, jelas bukan tempatnya ada di lapangan sepakbola. Maka, kala kerusuhan merebak di Genoa, banyak pihak ikut mengecamnya.

Pertandingan antara Italia dan Serbia di kualifikasi Euro 2012, Rabu (13/10/2010) dinihari WIB, terpaksa dihentikan setelah suporter Serbia bertindak anarkis. Beberapa media di Italia menyebut kerusuhan tersebut seperti sekelompok binatang menyerbu kota.

Kubu Serbia sendiri turut menyesali insiden tersebut. Dejan Stankovic menangis dan meminta maaf kepada timnas Azzurri, sementara eks pemain nasional, Savo Milosevic, menyebut kerusuhan itu sebagai salah satu hari terkelam dalam sejarah sepakbola negaranya.

Sepp Blatter, yang tengah berada di Inggris untuk bertemu PM David Cameron dan membahas bidding negeri itu untuk Piala Dunia 2018, turut memberi komentar. Blatter menyoroti longgarnya keamanan di Stadion Luigi Ferraris, hal yang mana menurutnya tak akan terjadi di Inggris.

Ironisnya, Inggris dahulu dikenal sebagai negeri dengan suporter paling beringas. Tragedi Heysel di Brussels, Belgia, pada tahun 1986 adalah salah satu contohnya. UEFA memutuskan suporter Liverpool bersalah dalam tragedi yang merenggut korban jiwa itu. Sebagai hukuman, klub-klub Inggris pun dilarang berlaga di kompetisi Eropa sampai tahun 1990.

Tapi, menyusul tragedi tersebut dan berbagai kasus Hooliganisme di negeri sendiri pada era 80-an, Inggris belajar. Pembenahan dilakukan dengan menitikberatkan pada keamanan dan kenyamanan stadion. Tak ada lagi pembatas antara lapangan dan penonton, serta tak ada lagi tribun berdiri di stadion-stadion kelas satu.

Tanpa ada pembatas, tak ada kerusuhan merebak dengan penonton masuk ke dalam lapangan dengan beringas. Ini berbeda dengan kejadian di Genoa itu, di mana suporter Serbia berusaha memecahkan fiberglass pembatas dan merobek jaring pengaman.

Tanpa ada pembatas pula, penonton pun diserahkan tanggung jawab untuk mendewasakan diri. Berbuat rusuh, atau berani masuk ke dalam lapangan, hukuman jelas sudah menanti.

Di luar semua itu, Blatter juga memuji pihak keamanan di Inggris yang terkenal ketat memeriksa suporter yang akan masuk ke dalam stadion, dan ia pun berandai-andai jika keamanan di Luigi Ferraris bertindak seperti itu.

"Jika saja di Italia seperti ini, kita tak akan mengalami masalah seperti yang terjadi di Genoa," ucapnya.


'Suporter Serbia Tidak Diperiksa'
Narayana Mahendra Prastya - detiksport

Genoa - Otoritas Italia menerangkan bahwa tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap suporter Serbia, sehingga mereka bisa membawa barang-barang yang seharusnya dilarang masuk ke stadion.

Laga kualifikasi Euro 2012 antara Italia versus Serbia di Luigi Ferraris, Genoa, Rabu (13/10/2010) dinihari WIB harus dihentikan akibat kerusuhan yang dilakukan suporter Serbia.

Sebelumnya pendukung tim tamu juga sudah berulah sehingga kick-off pun tertunda lebih dari setengah jam.

Pendukung Dejan Stankovic dkk melemparkan kembang api ke stadion, memotong jaring pengaman antara tribun dengan lapangan, dan juga melakukan aksi anarkis lainnya.

Otoritas Italia menyatakan bahwa suporter Serbia memang tidak diperiksa, sehingga mereka bisa membawa barang-barang yang seharusnya dilarang seperti alat pemotong dan kembang api ke dalam stadion.

"Pemeriksaan ditiadakan dan kami bermaksud menggiring suporter Serbia itu ke komplek stadion guna menghindari kerusakan lebih besar di dalam kota (Genoa)," ujar juru bicara divisi pengamanan olahraga Roberto Masucci, seperti dilansir dari Football-Italia.

"Sudah terjadi kekacauan di jalan-jalan di kota dan stadion berada di lokasi yang tidak menguntungkan karena tepat berada di tengah kota. Jadi kami tidak mampu membentuk sebuah zona penyaring untuk memeriksa satu per satu suporter Serbia."

"Satu hal yang juga harus dipertimbangkan adalah tindakan mereka ini merupakan tindakan pidana yang terencana," tuntas dia

Suporter Serbia Beri Kesaksian Soal Kerusuhan
Rossi Finza Noor - detiksport

Genoa - Seorang suporter Serbia yang tinggal di Italia memberi kesaksian soal kerusuhan di Stadion Luigi Ferraris. Seperti apa kejadian itu menurut penuturannya?

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Laga antara Italia dan Serbia terpaksa dibatalkan setelah suporter Serbia bertindak anarkis sebelum, selama dan sesudah laga yang akhirnya berjalan singkat itu. Pembatas antara penonton dan lapangan dirusak, beberapa kembang api juga dilempar masuk ke dalam lapangan.

"Ketika saya datang, ada dua orang tengah mencoba untuk mendobrak pintu. Pintunya dari baja, jadi usaha mereka sia-sia. Namun, mereka tetap menendaninya," ujar suporter Serbia itu kepada stasiun televisi Sky Italia.

"Saya lalu naik ke tribun atas di mana para fans tengah bernyanyi. Namun, mereka kemudian mulai melemparkan bom asap dan saya tahu ini tak akan berakhir bagus."

"Mereka banyak menyanyikan soal Kosovo da Albania. Kerusuhan ini terjadi, ketika salah seorang yang berada di area yang telah disediakan untuk fans Italia mengibarkan dua bendera--satu Italia, satu Albania."

"Pendukung Serbia marah dan salah seorang pemimpin suporter berhasil merebut bendera Albania itu dan membakarnya."

"Saya tak tahu apakah mereka ingin menghentikan pertandingan ini atau tidak, tetapi jelas mereka ingin berbuat kekerasan," tukas pendukung yang tidak disebut namanya ini.

Dugaan bermotif politis memang menyelimuti kerusuhan tersebut sehubungan dengan wacana menjadikan Kosovo negara yang merdeka. Di Kosovo, warga keturunan Albania adalah populasi terbanyak.

14-10-2010, 11:04 AM
IMO, setuju jika Italy pun diberi sanksi atas tragedi yang terjadi ...
but lebih ke penyelenggaranya ..., bukan timnasnya
jadi karena lalay (tidak becus menghelat match) bisa aja timnas Italy mendapatkan partay usiran jika bertindak as home ...

14-10-2010, 11:22 AM
tuh si pahlawan bertopeng pelakunya hehehe....


14-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Wah too bad bgt ya, Serbia timnasnya lg maju2nya stlh kmrin lolos ke PD. Tp UEFA mmg harus tegas, karna bs menjadi contoh yg ga baik. Kbrnya mmg hooligans kmrin itu ingin menunjukkan eksistensinya kpd hooligans rival n lainnya (lg cari nama)... Hooligans di Eropa skrg mulai meningkat terutama dr anak2 mudanya, mereka gerah sm sepakbola yg makin kapitalis. Bs2 tahun 80an bs terulang kembali.

14-10-2010, 11:28 AM
IMO, setuju jika Italy pun diberi sanksi atas tragedi yang terjadi ...
but lebih ke penyelenggaranya ..., bukan timnasnya
jadi karena lalay (tidak becus menghelat match) bisa aja timnas Italy mendapatkan partay usiran jika bertindak as home ...

yup, mungkin baiknya lanjutan partai ini diselenggarakan di negara/stadion netral tanpa penonton

theater of dream
14-10-2010, 11:39 AM
federasi sepakbola Italy memang harus kena sanksi juga, karena tidak bisa mengendalikan keamanan...
apapun motif nya menurut gw mayoritas perusuh adalah supporter Partizan, mereka memang terkenal suka tawuran...

14-10-2010, 12:00 PM
baca cerita pendukung Serbia di atas tentang suporter Italia yang juga mengibarkan bendera Albania ketika pendukung Serbia yang memang ultra-nasionalis bernyanyi soal Kosovo sih...ya bisa dimengerti kalau jadi rusuh...

pihak keamanan Italia harusnya bisa berbuat lebih baik dalam menjaga keamanan di dalam dan luar stadion...tapi sepertinya mereka belum banyak belajar...padahal sudah banyak kasus yang terjadi...mulai dari "perang Sisilia" Palermo v Messina...bahkan pendukung United juga pernah kena perlakuan kasar dari pihak keamanan kota Roma ketika v AS Roma dulu...

14-10-2010, 10:27 PM
wah kalo soal serbia gaboleh garagara ulah suporternya yang rusuh sih jujur ane gasetuju,
itu kan salah suporternya dan seperti komen2 diatas juga salah penyelenggara yang kurang mempersiapkan keamanannya sebelum pelaksanaan match,
kurang fair serbia gaboleh ikut euro 2012 , gabisa liat abang vida deh ditimnas

14-10-2010, 10:56 PM
Polisi Serbia Tahan 19 Supporternya

Bola.net - Menteri Dalam Negeri Serbia, Ivica Dacic di Beograd, Kamis (14/10), mengatakan bahwa polisi dari pihaknya telah menahan 19 supporter sepak bola mereka yang baru kembali dari Italia setelah membuat rusuh dengan polisi Italia pada kualifikasi Euro 212 di Genoa, Selasa lalu.

Akibat kerusuhan tersebut, pertandingan antara Gianluca Zambrotta cs versus Nemanja Vidic cs itu terpaksa dibatalkan meski baru berlangsung enam menit.

"Sejauh ini, 529 penonton telah kembali pulang dan 169 di antara mereka sudah memiliki masalah sebelumnya dengan polisi," kata Ivica Dacic seperti yang dikutip radio B29.

Menurut Dacic, sebanyak 19 orang di antaranya sudah ditahan dan mereka akan segera diajukan ke pengadilan.

Dacic berjanji akan melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap insiden kerusuhan tersebut dan mendesak pihak pengadilan agar mempercepat keputusan untuk melawan perusuh sepak bola.

Media setempat melaporkan bahwa bus-bus yang mengangkut para pendukung Serbia dari Italia telah diperiksa selama lebih dari lima jam sebelum memasuki Serbia. Dewan Keamanan Nasional Serbia, secara langsung turun mengawasi proses operasi tersebut.

Serbia dan Italia saling tuduh atas kegagalan pengamanan sehingga membuat kerusuhan sebelum dan selama pertandingan yang berlangsung di Genoa, Italia Utara itu. (afp/fjr)

Ucup Carrick
14-10-2010, 11:04 PM
gua ogahnya aksi kerusuhan ini makin ditiru ama suporter tanah air...
udah federasinya katro...penonton jangan ikutan katro juga...

14-10-2010, 11:22 PM
wah kalo soal serbia gaboleh garagara ulah suporternya yang rusuh sih jujur ane gasetuju,
itu kan salah suporternya dan seperti komen2 diatas juga salah penyelenggara yang kurang mempersiapkan keamanannya sebelum pelaksanaan match,
kurang fair serbia gaboleh ikut euro 2012 , gabisa liat abang vida deh ditimnas

yah buat efek jera non ...
klo kita mo support suatu team ..., jangan malah jadinya akan merugikan team itu sendiri ...
syukur2x klo nyang kena cuman team tsb ..., lha klo yg laen kena imbas ..., hikss
but mo gimana lagi ...
back to contoh gw di atas ...
saat hooligan England yg merupakan fans Liverpool buat ulah ..., yg kena hukum setelah itu bukan cuman LFC ..., but semua club England gak boleh ikut di kejuaraan eropa .... :(

14-10-2010, 11:32 PM
Ini Pic kerusuhan di Genoa..
http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+N_N3uZfdOzol.jp g
http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+TrsAvd0WFTUl.jp g
http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+X56I8YSqOCsl.jp g

Ini Para pelakunya
http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+wjjgW5S20kul.jp g
http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+otW7I2yogBKl.jp g
http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+v+Serbia+EURO+2012+Qualifier+j9gdcuLiRZIl.jp g

15-10-2010, 12:38 AM
Inilah Motif Fans Serbia Melakukan Kerusuhan

GENOA - Motif dibalik terjadinya kerusuhan pada laga Italia kontra Serbia memang masih simpang siur. Namun, menurut pengakuan dua fans fanatik Serbia, aksi anarkis tersebut mereka lakukan sebagai bentuk kekecewaan mereka kepada federasi sepak bola Serbia.

Diketahui, insiden mengerikan terjadi saat Italia menjamu Serbia pada lanjutan kualifikasi Euro 2012, Grup C di Stadion Luigi Ferraris, Rabu (13/10/2010) dini hari WIB. Sejumlah fans fanatik Serbia yang hadir di stadion melakukan tindakan anarkis.

Dipimpin oleh seorang pria bertopeng yang akhirnya ditangkap dan teridentifikasi bernama Ivan Bogdanov, fans Serbia melakukan aksi anarkis seperti pelemparan kembang api, pembakaran bendera Albania, pengrusakan fasilitas stadion hingga akhirnya bentrok dengan pihak kepolisian Genoa. Laga ini sendiri pun akhirnya ditunda, meski sempat digelar selama enam menit.

Hingga kini, motif yang menjadi pemicu kerusuhan tersebut memang belum diketahui secara pasti. Sejumlah spekulasi pun berhembus. Mulai dari ketidakpuasan fans kepada federasi sepak bola Serbia, perseteruan dua klub elit Serbia Red Star Belgrade dan Partizan Belgrade, hingga unsur politik.

Menyikapi kesimpang-siuran berita, media Italia La Gazzetta dello Sport coba mencari jawaban pasti. Mereka pun berinisiatif dengan melakukan wawancara langsung kepada dua fans Serbia yang mengaku biasa dipanggil Grobari dan Becchini. Mereka pun secara gamblang menjelaskan motif dibalik kerusuhan yang mereka lakukan.

Usut punya usut, ternyata mereka telah merencanakan kerusuhan dan bermaksud untuk menghentikan pertandingan. Grobari dan Becchini kemudian menjelaskan bila aksi tersebut mereka lakukan sebagai bentuk protes mereka terhadap keputusan Federasi Sepak Bola Serbia, Tomislav Karadzic yang mendepak pelatih terdahulu Radomir Antic dan menggantikannya dengan Ilija Petkovic.

“Kami bahagia pertandingan ditunda,” kata keduanya membuka wawancara.

“Kami tahu dan sudah menduga bahwa pertandingan akan dihentikan. Target kami adalah federasi sepak bola kami,” jelasnya sebagaimana dikutiip Football-Italia, Kamis (14/10/2010).

“Kami marah dan kecewa dengan sikap Tomislav Karadzic (Presiden Federasi Sepak Bola Serbia) yang memecat Radomir Antic (pelatih terdahulu). Bagi kami, Antic adalah seorang idola dan kami ingin dia kembali menghuni kursi kepelatihan,” tambahnya.

Dalam insiden tersebut, fans Serbia memang juga sempat terlibat bentrok dengan fans Italia yang marah. Nah, ditanya apakah mereka akan kembali melakukan aksi serupa saat Serbia balik menjamu Italia di Belgrade, Serbia? Mereka dengan enteng menjawab ‘ya’ mereka akan membalaskan dendam kepada fans Italia di Serbia.

“Tentu, kami mengincar kedua timnas dan semua fans yang mengikuti pertandingan. Setelah apa yang terjadi pada hari ini, apa yang bisa Anda harapkan,” lugasnya enteng.

Menurut jadwal yang dirilis situs resmi UEFA, Serbia akan mendapat kesempatan menjamu Italia pada 7 Oktober 2011, atau setahun ke depan. Apakah nanti akan terjadi kerusuhan lagi? (acf)


15-10-2010, 01:09 AM
yah buat efek jera non ...
klo kita mo support suatu team ..., jangan malah jadinya akan merugikan team itu sendiri ...
syukur2x klo nyang kena cuman team tsb ..., lha klo yg laen kena imbas ..., hikss
but mo gimana lagi ...
back to contoh gw di atas ...
saat hooligan England yg merupakan fans Liverpool buat ulah ..., yg kena hukum setelah itu bukan cuman LFC ..., but semua club England gak boleh ikut di kejuaraan eropa .... :(

iya juga sih opa ngasih efek jera
aturan sih kayak fans bonek aja yang dulu kena rusuh mereka dilarang dateng pas partai tandang persebaya surabaya nah itu baru bikin mereka kapok
nah kalo timnya yang dilarang main kan kasian, wong yang salah suporternya eh malah yang kena timnya
kurang adil, mending hukum fans serbianya ajaaa
kasian ntar ane gabisa liat abang vida lagi doong haha

15-10-2010, 01:17 AM
Serbia hits rock bottom
Soccernet, Milan Govedarica - October 14, 2010

On October 12, Europe witnessed a disgraceful episode in international football history - an official UEFA Euro 2012 qualifier between Italy and Serbia was abandoned, due to the violent behaviour of a group of Serbian fans.

Throughout the day, the host of the match, the city of Genoa, witnessed random acts of vandalism, antisocial behaviour and open violence. Most notable was the assault on Vladimir Stojkovic, Serbia's goalkeeper, by the angry mob of 'Ultras', stopped only by the reactions of his team-mates and Italian police wielding weapons.

Traumatised by the incident, he had to be taken off the team. He had 'sinned' by 'switching the camp' - signing for Partizan Belgrade, from Sporting Lisbon, after being a Red Star Belgrade player. Clearly, the assailants were Red Star fans.

Later on that evening, after the match was abandoned, while making the arrests and searching the buses, Italian police found an arsenal of bars, bats and knives but - more worryingly - shock-bombs and even a hand grenade on the suspected leader of the group, found hiding in the luggage hold. The Belgrade media report that his name is Ivan Bogdanov, 30 years of age, and at the moment there are four court cases against him. He was the man seen on photos, cutting the protection screen with pliers, commanding the riot and making Nazi-style salutes.

One has to ask how all sorts of illegal weapons - including a variety of torches and pyro-tech - could enter the stadium in Genoa, and how did the troublemakers manage to slip under the radar of the Serbian security and judicial system and travel as far as Genoa with the intent of causing a major incident?

The first question, related to the Italian hosts, I'd prefer to leave with UEFA's pending investigation.

The answer to the second question is rather complicated and requires a look into the past 25 years.

In the mid and late '80s, there was an amount of hooliganism that was mostly present at and around the games of the Grand Four of ex-Yugoslavia - Red Star, Partizan, Hajduk Split and Dinamo Zagreb - where the rivalry was fuelled by local-chauvinism, comparable to that of games between Manchester United and Liverpool. However, the football fans were still ethnically mixed to a certain extent.

With the demise of Yugoslavia and the socialist system, the football fan groups became increasingly violent and political. The most notorious incident heralding the civil war was the clash between Dinamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade fans on May 13, 1990. It was the beginning of a new era in which many of the football fans became stormtroopers of the nationalist political parties and many of them became paramilitaries throughout the conflicts in the former Yugoslav republics (1991-1995). The infamous late Zeljko Raznatovic, known as 'Arkan', gangster and a war criminal, was the leader of Red Star supporters.

In Serbia throughout the 1990s, with the criminalisation of the society, not only did Partizan-Red Star matches become the symbol of violence on and off the pitch, but the lines between the football clubs, fans, security apparatus and gangsters became blurred. All of them were connected and running the business.

In this isolated league, with no international games played, rigging matches, money laundering through buying different clubs, 'owning' and selling players and similar transactions became an everyday reality. Very little changed with the lift of the international sanctions in the late '90s. Football fans got increasingly involved in political rallies, especially towards the end of Slobodan Milosevic's era, around 1999 and 2000.

Some of them had a very prominent role in the anti-regime protest, including some Red Star groups. Everything culminated on October 5, 2000, when Milosevic was toppled. The crucial element of bringing him down was many of the football supporter groups taking the key role in confronting the police, storming the Assembly and state TV. Therefore, the new government was indebted to them.

Unfortunately, the political changes weren't systematic and deep enough, and not only did the new authorities owe a big favour to the different 'Ultra' groups but a huge portion of security services and the army stayed unreformed. The lack of reforms meant less foreign investment, and very few jobs were available. This led to the 'crawling civil' war that is still happening in Serbia now - between the pro-reforms parties and organisations and the reactionary nationalists.

The result is informal centres of powers, like narco-bosses hand in hand with ultra-nationalists using large groups of football hooligans for political pressure - very similar to the South American professional supporters. The Serbian state showed reluctance on numerous occasions to seriously tackle this problem, especially the judicial system that many times rather leniently sentenced or even released them.

Notoriously, some of the 'leaders' saw up to a dozen serious charges pressed against them by the police, such as racketeering, drug dealing, GBH, attempted murder or even murder, but were never sentenced. In the past ten years, they felt above the law - which led to many incidents in which these groups were openly violent against any representatives of the state or public - policemen, medics, judges, journalists. Not only lawless but increasingly extreme right, under the influence of clerical fascist organisations, they've become a cancer of Serbian society.

Only two days prior to the scandal in Genoa, many of the perpetrators took part in a well-organised clash with the Serbian riot police forces that lasted for about seven hours, in an attempt to break up the first Belgrade Gay Pride parade, under the pretence of protecting the 'traditional values'.

Attacks on the police seemed well co-ordinated and left police overstretched. The centre of the city was badly damaged, hundreds injured and, if it weren't for the staunch resistance from the police, it would have turned out much worse. Many arrested were in their teens. The ruling coalition condemned the protesters, but the opposition, mainly right-wing parties, were referring to them as the 'poor children'.

Less then 48 hours later, they struck again. This time there was no doubt this was not just a coincidence - football hooligans, young men of similar description - officially unemployed, with a long record with the police and a number of charges in front of the Serbian courts. These people should never even have been issued a passport.

The damage is done and Serbia will probably face a lengthy ban and a heavy fine. Serbian government's failure to deal with these issues has finally shown its ugly face. Italian hosts were shocked, as were many people in Europe, but most shocked of all were the ordinary people in Serbia who never dreamt of being so publicly ashamed - much more than after the 3-1 loss to Estonia in Belgrade.

Ucup Carrick
15-10-2010, 10:16 AM
soal rasisme serbia lebih parah...
back to 90's gua inget sebelum perang balkan meletus...ada tawuran red star vs croatia zagreb sampe si boban ngelawan polisi yang tentunya mihak pihak serbia...
wah..parah deh isu SARA disana...

15-10-2010, 10:20 AM
With the demise of Yugoslavia and the socialist system, the football fan groups became increasingly violent and political. The most notorious incident heralding the civil war was the clash between Dinamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade fans on May 13, 1990. It was the beginning of a new era in which many of the football fans became stormtroopers of the nationalist political parties and many of them became paramilitaries throughout the conflicts in the former Yugoslav republics (1991-1995). The infamous late Zeljko Raznatovic, known as 'Arkan', gangster and a war criminal, was the leader of Red Star supporters.

yup Bang ...
tuh sekilas juga sempet diceritain di post di atas tuh ...

15-10-2010, 03:17 PM
Italia-Serbia Saling Menyalahkan
Narayana Mahendra Prastya - detiksport

Jakarta - Saga pasca kerusuhan antara Italia kontra Serbia berlanjut. Kini kedua negara saling menyalahkan satu sama lain. Seperti apa tudingan yang diberikan masing-masing pihak?

Kerusuhan pecah dalam laga kualifikasi Euro 2012 antara Italia versus Serbia di Genoa tengah pekan kemarin. Kekacauan ini memaksa pertandingan dihentikan.

UEFA menyatakan tengah memproses kasus ini. Nasib Negeri Spaghetti dan negara pecahan Yugoslavia itu bisa ditentukan pada akhir bulan.

Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, kedua negara kini saling menyalahkan. Pihak Serbia mengatakan bahwa Italia tidak mengindahkan peringatan yang mereka berikan.

"Dalam pertemuan hari Selasa pukul 10 pagi, kami menginformasikan kepada asosiasi sepakbola Italia dan delegasi bahwa insiden bisa terjadi," ujar sekjen federasi sepakbola Serbia Zoran Lakovic seperti dilansir dari Football-Italia.

"Karena tak ada respon, pukul 1 siang kami mengulangi peringatan tersebut, terutama karena para perusuh sudah datang di kota Genoa. Namun tetap tidak ada jawaban. Jadi kami memberikan peringatan terakhir melalui telepon langsung kepada kepala keamanan UEFA pukul enam sore," jelas dia.

Pihak Italia tidak tinggal diam dengan ucapan Serbia. "Semua yang terjadi di Genoa adalah kesalahan dari pihak intelejen Serbia yang bersikap meremehkan potensi (kerusuhan) yang bakal terjadi," balas menteri dalam negeri Roberto Maroni.

"Dan seperti yang sudah-sudah, setelah semuanya terjadi kini semua berusaha bertindak menggurui seperti layaknya profesor."

Maroni pun berharap agar UEFA mengadopsi sistem yang sudah berlaku di Italia soal suporter.

"Saya menekankan bahwa bila polisi tidak bertindak sebagai mana semestinya, situasinya bisa pecah kerusuhan seperti Tragedi Heysel. Saya yakin bahwa di waktu mendatang UEFA akan mengadopsi sistem fan passport yang berlaku di Italia," tuntas Maroni.

Sementara itu dari Serbia AFP memberitakan bahwa negara tersebut telah menangkap 19 perusuh yang kembali dari Italia.

"Sejauh ini 529 suporter telah kembali ke Serbia dan 169 dari mereka memiliki catatan kriminal," terang menteri dalam negari Ivica Dacic kepada Radio B92.

16-10-2010, 09:08 AM
USA withdraws from 2018 race, focuses on 2022
Soccernet - October 15, 2010

The United States has announced its withdrawal from the race to host the 2018 World Cup. The USA had been in the running to stage either the 2018 or 2022 competition, but has now decided to focus solely on the latter.

The decision means there will definitely be a European host in eight years' time, with England and Russia remaining in the running along with joint bids by Belgium/Holland and Spain/Portugal.

With FIFA statutes preventing two successive World Cups being held in the same continent, the race for the 2022 tournament will now be between Australia, Japan, South Korea, Qatar and the USA.

Chairman of the United States bid committee, Sunil Gulati, today said: "For some time we have been in conversations with FIFA and UEFA about the possibility of focusing only on the 2022 bidding process, an option we have made reference to many times. We are confident this is in the best interests of the USA bid.

"We wanted to make the announcement now - still 48 days before the final decision - in order to make our intentions clear during the last part of our campaign. This also enables FIFA to finalise the selection procedures during its upcoming scheduled executive committee meeting.''

That meeting will take place in Zurich on October 28 and 29. FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke said: "We have had an open and constructive dialogue with the USA Bid for some time now, after it became apparent that there was a growing movement to stage the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Europe.

"The announcement of today by the USA bid to focus solely on the 2022 FIFA World Cup is therefore a welcome gesture which is much appreciated by FIFA.''

The United States decision means England's bid for the 2022 World Cup has been withdrawn, a formality given that the tournament will go to a non-European country, and its focus will now be on competing to host in 2018.

A statement from the England bid team said: "England 2018/22 today confirmed to FIFA that it was withdrawing its candidature from the FIFA World Cup 2022 and will now focus on its bid to host the tournament in 2018.

"This followed consultation with UEFA president Michel Platini on the most appropriate moment to withdraw. England 2018 is delighted it is now clear the FIFA World Cup will be coming to Europe in 2018 following the withdrawal of the United States bid.''

30-10-2010, 12:10 AM
UEFA awards 3-0 win to Italy after Serbia trouble
ESPNsoccernet - October 29, 2010


UEFA has awarded Italy with a 3-0 victory after their Euro 2012 qualifier against Serbia in Genoa was abandoned due to crowd trouble. Serbia will also have to play their next two home games behind closed doors.

The game on October 12 was delayed for 35 minutes following crowd trouble and when it finally did start, the referee called off proceedings after only seven minutes when Serbian supporters hurled flares onto the pitch and in the direction of Italian fans.

Serbian supporters were also filmed attempting to smash Perspex barriers at Stadio Luigi Ferrari and cutting through protective nets separating them from the pitch.

The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) has said in a statement that UEFA has awarded a 3-0 win to Italy and imposed further sanctions on Serbia, though this has not yet been confirmed officially by UEFA.

Italy have also incurred a suspended one-match stadium ban, according to the FIGC.

A statement from the governing body detailed "a 3-0 victory in favour of Italy and two games behind closed doors for Serbia, of which one is conditional. Italy have been given a conditional one game behind closed doors.

"This is the decision of the disciplinary commission of UEFA which met today [Friday] in Nyon, based on the abandonment of the game between Italy and Serbia on October 12 in Genoa following the crowd unrest by Serbian fans."

Serbia have been fined €120,000 and Italy €100,000. Serbian fans will also not be allowed to buy tickets for their national team's away games. Both federations have six days to appeal against the decision.

The news means the Azzurri will be three points clear in Group C after four matches. Serbia are second bottom, above Faroe Islands, with four points from four games.

10-11-2010, 02:42 PM
Hannover Adakan Seremoni untuk Enke
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detiksport

Hannover - Tanggal 10 November besok tepat setahun Robert Enke meninggal dunia. Demi menghormati jasa eks kipernya tersebut, Hannover 96 akan mengadakan sejumlah seremoni yang salah satunya mengadakan latihan tertutup.

Setahun lalu Enke merenggangkan nyawanya dengan menabrakan dirinya ke kereta api yang sedang melaju kencang. Disebutkan saat itu Enke tengah depresi berat akibat kematian putri kandungnya pada tahun 2006.

Sontak seantero Jerman khususnya timnas Jerman yang kala itu tengah melakukan persiapan menuju Piala Dunia terkejut. Tangisan serta rasa duka yang mendalam menyelimuti mereka bahkan hingga saat pemakaman Enke. Padahal saat itu Enke berstatus sebagai kiper utama Der Panser.

Kini Enke yang hanya bisa dikenang dengan segala tindak tanduknya di lapangan yang membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu kiper bersahaja. Enke pun kini akan diabadikan sebagai nama sebuah jalan di kota Hannover.

Sementara Hannover sendiri untuk mengenang setahun kematian Enke akan mengadakan sesi latihan tertutup, Rabu (10/11/2010) besok, tanpa kehadiran media satu pun. Hal ini dilakukan para pemain dan pelatih untuk menghormati kiper yang wafat di usia 32 tahun itu.

"Tidak pantas rasanya jika latihan kami pada hari (Rabu) itu diliput. Kami akan berlatih dengan tenang dan tanpa gangguan di dalam stadium serta jelas kami akan mengenang Robert. Itu akan jadi sebuah berkah bagi kami," ucap pelatih Hannover Mirko Slomka seperti dilansir Reuters.

Sejak Enke meninggal, istrinya Teresa mendirikan foundation untuk menolong orang-orang yang terkena depresi berat dan diberi nama Enke Foundation. Sementara para perayaan setahun kematian Enke, Presiden Asosiasi Sepakbola Jerman Theo Zwanzinger dan pelatih timnas Joachim Loew akan melayat ke makam Enke.

26-11-2010, 01:24 PM
Klausul Kontrak: Kursus Masak Sampai Bonus Rumah
Doni Wahyudi - detiksport

Klausul dalam kontrak pesepakbola atau pelatih umumnya terkait dengan raihan atau prestasi tertentu. Namun ada juga deal yang berisi hal unik, seperti kewajiban menyertakan istri dalam kursus memasak.

Salah satu pemain yang menyertakan klausul aneh dalam kontraknya adalah kiper asal Jerman yang membela PSV Eindhoven di musim 1997, Georg Koch. Tak lama setelah dibeli Eindhoven dia langsung hengkang ke ke Arminia Bielefeld.

Disebutkan kalau Koch mendapat perlakuan rasis dari publik Belanda. Karena dalam klausul kontraknya disebut dia boleh pindah andai dapat perlakuan rasis, Koch kemudian langsung angkat kaki.

Yang paling nyeleneh mungkin klausul kontrak yang disyaratkan Rolf-Christel Guie-Mien saat dia menerima pinangan Eintracht Frankfurt. Permintaan pesepakbola asal Republik Kongo itu mudah saja, dia hanya minta istrinya disertakan dalam kursus memasak.

Beda lagi dengan Giuseppe Reina, yang dijanjikan akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah oleh Arminia Bielefeld untuk setiap tahun yang dia tepati dalam kontraknya. Sayang Reina tak teliti memerhatikan kontraknya karena meski dijanjikan dibuatkan rumah setiap tahun, besarnya bangunan tidak disebutkan.

Di tahun 1992 Udo Lattek dijanjikan mendapat bonus 500,000 mark Jerman jika bisa mengantar Schalke 04 finis di atas rival abadinya, Borussia Dortmund. Lattek tak pernah merasakan uang tersebut karena dia dipecat sebelum kompetisi tuntas.

Karena khawatir pemainnya cedera saat menjalankan hobinya bermain ski, Liverpool memasukkan hal tersebut dalam klausul kontrak Stig Inge Bjornebye. Jadilah Bjornebye yang dikenal sangat menyukai ski harus melupakan hobinya itu.

Masih dari Liga Inggris, Stefan Schwarz dilarang pergi ke luar angkasa oleh klubnya, Sunderland, di tahun 1999. Saat itu Schwarz memang berencana ikut dalam sebuah perjalanan luar angkasa di tahun 2002. Demikian dikutip dari Guardian.

16-12-2010, 11:30 AM
Di Adu Penalti, Penendang Pertama Diuntungkan
Arya Perdhana - detiksport

London - Sebuah penelitian mengungkapkan pentingnya menjadi penendang pertama dalam sebuah adu penalti. Tim yang mengambil tendangan pertama lebih besar peluangnya untuk menang.

Demikian penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Ignacio Palacios-Huerta, profesor di London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), bersama Jose Apestaguia, dosen di Universitas Pompeu Fabra di Barcelona.

Setelah meneliti 2.820 adu penalti di pertandingan tingkat nasional dan internasional antara tahun 1970-2008, keduanya menemukan bahwa 60 persen tim yang melakukan tendangan pertama menang dan 40 persen sisanya dimenangi tim yang menendang kedua.

Secara naluriah, pilihan untuk menjadi penendang pertama biasanya dimiliki oleh kapten sebuah kesebelasan. Kebanyakan dari pemenang undian koin memilih jadi penendang pertama.

"Kebanyakan televisi menayangkan iklan saat undian koin untuk menentukan siapa yang menendang pertama. Temuan kami memperlihatkan kalau ini adalah momen penentu usai pertandingan berakhir seri," kata Palacios-Huerta seperti dikutip AFP.

"Koin itu memberi keuntungan 20 persen kepada tim yang menendang pertama. Tekanan psikologis dalam keadaan tertinggal sangat memengaruhi penampilan tim yang menendang kedua," paparnya.

Dalam temuan Palacios-Huerta, 19 dari 20 kapten kesebelasan yang memenangi undian koin memilih untuk menjadi penendang pertama. Tampaknya, para pemain itu cukup menyadari keuntungan psikologis yang akan mereka dapatkan dengan menendang duluan.

Satu-satunya pemenang undian koin yang memilih menendang kedua adalah Italia saat berjumpa Spanyol di Euro 2008. Seperti menegaskan hasil penelitian di atas, Spanyol memenangi pertandingan itu.

Palacios-Huerta menawarkan alternatif untuk mengurangi ketidakadilan yang tercipta dari undian koin itu. Ia mengusulkan model tie break di tenis di mana setelah satu servis petenis pertama, petenis lawannya akan melakukan dua servis alias dengan pola ABBAABBAAB.

"Pola penalti ini mengurangi ketidakadilan yang tercipta dari situasi 'penendang pertama' tadi karena tim kedua tidak selalu menjadi tim yang mengejar," usul Palacios-Huerta.

07-01-2011, 02:17 PM

As we all know, football can be an unpredictable mistress. You only have to look back on 2010 to know that not everything happens as it is supposed to.

Who could have imagined that Liverpool, many pundit's tips for the title in 2010, would falter to mid table, which in turn allowed the unlikely Tottenham Hotspur to sneak into the Top Four.

Who could then have expected Tottenham to go into their first ever Champions League campaign, drawn in a group with Inter Milan and make the last 16 as group winners.

Did anyone expect Uruguay to make it within a whisker of the World Cup final?

I also guarantee there weren't many people who bet on a Russia/Qatar double for the next two World Cup hosts.

After Wayne Rooney's dominance in the Premier League prior to the World Cup, did anyone imagine we'd be standing here in the new year discussing why he hasn't scored a goal from open play since March?

Perhaps the only predictable thing that happened in World Football last year was that Spain became World Champions.

So here, I've compiled a list of my most outrageous predictions for 2011. May it be a mad one.

Sepp Blatter To Allow Goal Line Technology

There was outrage at the 2010 World Cup when England were denied a clear equalising goal in their Last 16 encounter with Germany, that may well have turned the game on its head.

Had there been goal line technology in place, the goal would have stood, and England would have gone into halftime with the score at 2-2 and all the momentum with them

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and as a result the technology debate goes on.

Blatter point blank refuses to bring it into the game and has so far only offered extra officials as an alternative.

If more big decisions go wrong could he be forced to make the change everybody else wants?

David Beckham To Return to the Premier League

In the last two January transfer windows, David Beckham has joined AC Milan on loan in order to keep himself fit during the MLS offseason.

This year though, Milan opted not to take him on loan again, and despite assurances in the LA Galaxy camp that Becks would not be let out on loan this year, there have been a number of inquiries according to the papers.

Tottenham head the list of potential suitors, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him return to his London routes and join the club for one last hurrah in the Premier League.

After all, we all know he's desperate to play for England again.

Chelsea To Miss Out on Champions League Qualification

On Tuesday night, Chelsea won their first league game in seven attempts with a narrow 1-0 victory over Bolton.

They had struggled to find any form since the unceremonious departure of Ray Wilkins last month, and as a result, they dropped out of the Top Four for the first time this season.

The win puts them back up into fourth place, but many have written them out of the title race already.

I'm going to go one step further and say they will miss out on the Champions League for the first time in the Abramovich era.

With Manchester United and Arsenal looking likely to remain in the places they have known as home for the last decade, and Manchester City putting up a title challenge, that leaves just one more spot, and I think the form of Tottenham will see them claim fourth spot once more.

Chelsea may well have to settle for a Europa League entry.

Manchester City To Win the Premier League

Could this be the year when the huge investment up North pays off?

In September 2008, Sheikh Mansour shocked World Football when he bought Manchester City FC and instantly signed Brazilian superstar Robinho.

Since then, the blues have gone from strength to strength and even found themselves sitting pretty at the top of the table for a brief time after Christmas.

They are currently only one point behind the leaders, arch rivals Manchester United, and with United looking sketchy at times, could this be City's year?

Birmingham City To Win the Carling Cup

Birmingham City have had a topsy turvy time since gaining promotion to the Premier League last summer.

After a bad start, they enjoyed a 12-game unbeaten streak which propelled them into the top half of the table where they stayed, eventually finishing in ninth place—their best for 50 years.

This season has been a different story, with the club currently sat just one point above the relegation zone.

However, cup football has been kind to them, and having edged past arch rivals Aston Villa in the quarter finals of the Carling Cup, they now find themselves in the semifinals with just West Ham standing in the way of a trip to Wembley.

A final against Arsenal could be on the cards, and in a one off game of football, anything can happen. Could this be the year they finally win a major trophy?

Roman Abramovich To Abandon the Sinking Chelsea Ship

The billionaire Russian has put a fortune into turning Chelsea football club from one of the also rans to one of the best football sides on the planet.

However, I'm sure many Chelsea fans have worried that with so much input from the man in charge, if he ever decided to jump ship then the club would be in turmoil.

This season has seen a lot of dissention in the ranks, and the sacking of Ray Wilkins has caused unrest at Stamford Bridge.

Could 2011 be the year Roman finally decides to head for pastures new and sell up?

Wayne Rooney To Join Real Madrid

Wayne Rooney has been the Manchester United talisman since the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo 18 months ago.

Last season, he enjoyed his greatest form, bagging 34 goals and leading United to a Carling Cup victory and within a point of winning a fourth straight League title.

This season has been the polar opposite for the scouser though he had to wait until New Year's Day to score in open play, and at one point, said he wanted to leave the club and nothing could change his mind.

Days later, he U-turned and signed a new long-term deal.

However, Ronaldo did the same before leaving the following Summer. Could Rooney have made an agreement with United to sign a new deal so that his price would be higher in the summer? Only time will tell

Steven Gerrard And Fernando Torres To Leave Liverpool

I think it's finally time for this Liverpool stalwart to call time on his Anfield career.

The captain has enjoyed almost 25 years at the club he joined as a 7-year-old in 1987 and has won two FA Cups, two League Cups, a UEFA cup, two Super Cups and who could forget the Champions League trophy—the finest night of his career.

Unfortunately, he has never won a league title, and it doesn't look like Liverpool will be winning one anytime soon.

I think Stevie G will be already contemplating life after Liverpool, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave in the summer.

And I wouldn't be surprised to see Torres follow him.

Victor Valdes To Become Spain's No. 1

It's been a long time coming hasn't it?

This poor man is clearly a blessed goalkeeper who would walk into the International team of most countries.

Unfortunately, he has found himself in the same era as Iker Casillas and Pepe Reina, which has left the Barcelona stopper with just three caps to his name.

However, as he helps propel Barcelona towards another Spanish title, while Reina toils with Liverpool and Casillas sits with almost 120 caps, possibly looking to step down soon, could it be the time of Valdes to stake his claim?

Harry Redknapp To Become England Manager

Not long ago, it would have seemed absurd to suggest that Fabio Capello could potentially face the sack, after guiding England almost flawless to the World Cup finals.

However, after the South African debacle, his position has been under threat, and after a wobbly start to Euro 2012 qualifying, many have been calling for his head.

The list of potential replacements is short, but it is topped by Harry Redknapp, at least in the minds of the fans.

Harry has had his run ins with the FA over a number of financial issues, but he has proven quality and is a favourite amongst many supporters of the game.

If things don't start going right for Don Fabio quickly, 'Arry's time might come sooner than you think.


07-01-2011, 03:55 PM
Carlo Ancelotti To Feel the Wrath of the Russian


Ancelotti came to England with a big reputation after a long successful stint with AC Milan.

He proceeded to lead his Chelsea side to Premier League victory, emulating the success of Jose Mourinho in his first year in England.

Not only that, he added the FA Cup double to his list and cemented himself as a big name in management.

However, this year has gone poorly and the departure of Ray Wilkins—against the wishes of Ancelotti—has seen Chelsea's title challenge diminish and left them with the real possibility of missing out on the Top Four.

If that happens, it is unlikely that Roman Abramovich will allow Carlo any breathing space, and he'll be back on the unemployment line

Sir Alex Ferguson To Retire

This one I'll admit is a long shot, but that's what this article is all about!

Sir Alex Ferguson has achieved everything there is to achieve in football, and he's done it repeatedly.

He's won 11 titles with Man Utd, five FA cups, four League Cups, and of course, two Champions League trophies, to name but a few.

He also recently became the longest serving manager in the club's history, surpassing the achievements of the late Sir Matt Busby.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Fergie step down in the summer, especially if he recaptures the Premier League title and wins a third European crown.

Arsene Wenger To Leave Arsenal

Could it be three of the top managers in the country leaving their respective jobs this summer?

We've already made a case for Carlo and Alex, but perhaps the most vulnerable is Arsene.

There have been long rumblings inside the Arsenal fan club that Arsene is no longer up for the job, and they are becoming increasingly frustrated by his reluctance to dip into the transfer market.

It's been so long since Arsenal spent some serious money, surely they have a goldmine saved up by now, they just need to spend it.

If Arsenal go another year without a trophy, it could be the end of the Frenchman's 15-year tenure.

A Great Britain Olympic Football Team

With London 2012 fast approaching, will there finally be an agreement reached over the inclusion of a Team GB football side for the Olympics?

It seems ridiculous to think that an Olympic Games could be held in England, without a team representing the home nations in their own national sport. Yet, nothing has been resolved to date, and it is starting to look like a doubt.

However, keep faith and maybe this year an agreement will finally be announced. The biggest stumbling block so far is that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are concerned FIFA will force them to feature Internationally as Team GB, but I don't see that happening.

Pro Evolution Soccer To Regain Its Gaming Crown

For many years, the FIFA football franchise dominated the football gaming market, but a couple of years ago, a rival came to town.

Pro Evolution took on its rival, and for a brief time, it won. With many fans turning to PES for its more realistic game play, becoming known as the gamer's favourite.

However, this year, FIFA retook the lead it had been threatening to do and the latest version has wiped its feet with the previously loved opponent.

Will next year see a resurgence in PES or will FIFA continue to dominate the market?

I fancy a comeback...

Diego Forlan Will Win the Balon D'or

Diego Forlan is unrecognisable from the player who was ridiculed at Manchester United as a 22-year-old unknown who took a long while to score his first goal for the club.

Despite a poor return of just 17 goals in 95 appearances, he became a cult hero at Old Trafford, and the fans were sad to see him leave.

Since leaving the club and moving to Spain, he has come on leaps and bounds, twice winning the golden shoe award for top goalscorer in any European League and spearheading Uruguay's charge to the semifinals of the World Cup in July. As a result, he won the award for player of the tournament.

With the likes of Messi and Xavi firing on all cylinders, it may be unlikely, but would anyone begrudge it?

Tottenham Hotspur To Win the Champions League

This did make me chuckle when I first wrote it, but why not I suppose!

Tottenham do score a lot of goals and were the top scorers in the group stages, which helped them top a group which included holders Inter Milan.

Not long ago, the Champions League Final presented Porto vs. Monaco, which no one in their right mind would have predicted.

With a bit of luck along the way and a favourable draw, there is no reason why Spurs couldn't mount a serious challenge. They've shown they can beat the best and beat them well and with talisman Gareth Bale leading the way, who knows.

Real Madrid To Fail To Reach the Champions League Quarterfinals Again

Believe it or not, Real Madrid has not reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League since the 2003/04 campaign, when they were beaten by eventual finalists Monaco.

Since then, it has been repeated disappointment, including losses to Arsenal, Liverpool and Lyon to name a few.

This year though, under the leadership of Jose Mourinho, big things are expected of the club, and many have tipped them to rival Barcelona in all competitions.

However, they have been drawn against Lyon in the last 16, the side who knocked them out at this stage last year, so they shouldn't expect an easy ride. Don't be surprised if they crash out early again.

Fabio Capello To Join Inter Milan

So maybe, it's not outrageous, but considering the promises made and the wages paid, it would be a bit of a shock to happen in 2011.

In the run up to the World Cup, there was talk of Don Fabio joining the European Champions, but he rubbished the reports, with many expecting him to lead England on a successful World Cup campaign. It didn't happen, and his stock fell.

Since then, many England fans have called for a new era, but the FA and Capello have insisted he will stay until after the next European Championships.

However, with fans losing faith and Inter in search of a new manager after the departure of Rafa Benitez, it could be the right time.

FIFA to Allow Winter World Cup in Qatar

I'm not sure there were many people that genuinely expect Sepp Blatter to announce Qatar as the hosts for the 2022 World Cup, but he did, and they will, and there's not much we can do about it now.

There were a number of perplexing questions following the decision, mainly—why did this country, ranked outside the top 100, get given the opportunity to host a World Cup?

Not only have Qatar never featured in the tournament, or even come close to qualifying, the city where they intend to hold the final doesn't currently exist.

On top of that, the searing heat in the summer months means that every stadium will have to be heavily air conditioned to make the footballing conditions bareable.

However, suggestions were made recently that the answer would be to stage this particular World Cup in the winter. As absurd as it might sound to play the tournament in the middle of the season for all of the World's major leagues, this idea has been welcomed by the powers that be.

I've decided not to let this wind me up as it will more than likely happen and worrying will only serve to annoy me further and make me loathe Sepp Blatter even more than I already do.

Oom Panda
07-01-2011, 06:35 PM
That is 20 crazy predictions!!!! Especially the one stating City to BPL Champions.. It makes me sick reading all of this stuff...
This predictions... Idk... Just merely a BS!

theater of dream
07-01-2011, 07:11 PM
Steven Gerrard And Fernando Torres To Leave Liverpool.....

If it will happen...
Its gonna be end of the world for Scouse...... :D

Oom Panda
07-01-2011, 09:18 PM
And New Leeds will be born if Roman decide to abandon his ship...

08-01-2011, 12:49 AM
Cristiano Ronaldo come back to united! Who knows!

marsel david
20-01-2011, 10:52 AM
Hasil Penelitian: Pesepakbola Eropa Makin Tinggi, Cepat dan Tua
Olahraga / / Kamis, 20 Januari 2011 10:29 WIB

Metrotvnews.com, Bern: Menurut hasil studi yang dilakukan di seluruh penjuru Eropa di dunia sepakbola, diketahui ada kecenderungan tingkat produktifitas pemain di usia yang semakin bertambah semakin tinggi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menyebutkan jika pemain Eropa saat ini rata-rata memiliki tinggi badan yang meningkat dan berlari lebih cepat.

Adalah Professional Football Players Observatory (PFPO) yang mengungkapkan hasil penelitian tersebut. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada lebih dari 13 ribu pemain di 534 klub di 36 kompetisi di Eropa, juga banyak hasil penelitian lain yang dipublikasikan.

Barcelona misalnya, mereka menjadi tim dengan rata-rata pemain dengan badan yang tidak tinggi. Sedangkan Manchester United memiliki skuat yang lebih stabil. Sementara tim dengan pemain berusia tua secara rata-rata adalah Inter, bukan Milan seperti yang diidentikan sebelumnya.

Raffaele Poli, salah satu peneliti yang bermarkas di Universitas Neuchatel di Swiss, telah mengumpulkan data dari pesepakbola Eropa sejak 2005 dan mengatakan trennya berubah sejak laporan pertama dipublikasikan tiga tahun lalu.

"Kami melihat pemain yang berlaga di liga-liga besar menjadi lebih tua, lebih cepat dan semakin tinggi," ungkapnya kepada Reuters.

"Secara umum, lebih dari 45,7 persen pindah secara internasional selama karir mereka, tapi jumlah pemain yang bermain di klub di mana mereka berkembang menurun dari 26 persen tiga tahun lalu menjadi 23,4 persen."

"Juga ada peningkatan internasionalisasi di sepakbola Eropa dengan minimnya pemain bertahan di klubnya atau di negara di mana dia memulai karirnya. Besaran prosentasenya dari 26 persen tiga tahun lalu, kini hanya 23 pesen." (Sumber: goal.com)

21-01-2011, 11:16 AM
David Beckham and the Top World Football Scandals of the Week


The world football landscape is always rife with controversy, scandal and just general trouble, but never moreso than recently.

After all, between Beckham's alleged mistress, discord at Arsenal, Steven Peinaar snubbing Stamford Bridge, and a rape in Scotland, there has been plenty of trouble to go around.

We're breaking down the 10 biggest scandals to break in recent weeks, and giving you the lowdown on all the dirt from the soccer world

Beckham's Prostitution Alibi

Rumors of footballing media juggernaut David Beckham's infidelity have been running rampant for months now, but for the first time, the LA Galaxy midfielder provided an alibi as to his whereabout that fateful night in New York.

While the "lady of the evening" claimed she'd met with Becks at the Le Parker Meridien Hotel in New York City, but the midfielder claimed he stayed with the Galaxy in the Waldorf Astoria.

He also said that at the time he was supposed to be shtoinking the escort, he was getting a massage from a team physician in his room.

I guess that settles that, then

Ryan Babel Fined

Liverpool midfielder Ryan Babel got himself into hot water last week, when it was revealed that he had posted a doctored photo of referee Howard Webb on Twitter wearing a Manchester United jersey.

The FA was not amused, and a hearing was scheduled for Monday of this week to determine a punishment for him.

Now that that hearing has taken place, we have a punishment: a £10,000 fine. Babel has admitted he probably shouldn't have posted the photo, and, odds are good, we won't see this punishment appealed

Steven Pienaar Snubs Chelsea

Superb South African playmaker Steven Pienaar is headed out of Everton, but not to the team many expected him to be joining.

Pienaar was believed to be heading to play for the Blues of Stamford Bridge, but Chelsea was apparently not appealing enough for him.

Instead, the midfielder headed to White Hart Lane and Tottenham Hotspur, deciding that Spurs presented a much better situation than Chelsea.

While Spurs are lower in the table than the Blues, Pienaar clearly felt that they were trending in an upward direction.

Denilson Stirs Up Trouble at Arsenal

Denilson, the 22-year-old Arsenal midfielder, is doing a stellar job of causing trouble at Emirates Stadium.

The Brazilian playmaker took on Gunners' captain, Cesc Fabregas, attacking the Dutchman's reputation as a leader.

“We are lacking leadership and we need leadership to go forward. There isn’t a leader. I don’t see one player as a leader.

“At Arsenal it’s more of a collective team at the moment, everyone is talking – but a leader is always important for a team.

“Fabregas is the captain but he is not a leader. It’s a personality thing and a leader can be young. It’s something they are born with.”

Given the Gunners' place near the top of the table, sitting two points out of first, this probably couldn't have come at a worse time.

Denilson has come under fire for his effort level in the past, and this isn't the way to endear himself to the Gunner faithful.

The Saudi's Revolving Door

The Saudi national soccer team have fired their coach, Nassir al-Johar, after the team failed to advance out of the second round of the Asian Cup tournament.

Al-Johar was on his fifth tour of duty with the Saudi national team, having joined the team after their first round loss to Syria.

The Saudi press agency says that al-Johar will be replaced by a high-profile international coach, but given the quick turnaround in the team (two coaches in less than a month) will anyone really be foolish enough to take the job?

Arrest Made In Salvador Cabanas Shooting

Mexican police say they have made an arrest in the near-fatal shooting of Parguayan forward Salvador Cabanas, according to multiple media reports.

Cabanas was shot in the head at close range in a Mexico nightclub last January, but somehow not only managed to survive the shot, but was also nearly able to play for Paraguay in last summer's World Cup finals.

Police say that Jose Jorge Balderas entered a bathroom at the nightclub and shot Cabanas in the head, following a disagreement regarding his play for the local club.

Balderas reportedly has ties to the drug trade, so no names or faces of the police force who arrested him were released.

Ex-Portugal Coaches Ban Appeal Begins

lifetime ban's appeal begin this week, as the coach testified to the Court of Arbitration For Sport regarding his expulsion.

Quieroz was banned for allegedly disrupting drug testing proceedings prior to his team's play in last year's World Cup. The Portuguese Football Federation suspended Quieroz from working in the country for six months, then fired him during the suspension.

It is alleged that the coach berated a surprise tester who arrived at the team's facility prior to leaving for South Africa, and that in doing so, he disrupted the drug testing procedures.

Portugal then promptly failed to find much success in the Cup, losing in the second round to Spain.

Court Tosses Ref's Ban Appeal

The Court of Arbitration for Sport tossed out the appeal of Ukranian official Oleh Orekhov's lifetime ban earlier this week for his part in allegedly tampering with match results.

Orekhov was banned for allegedly fixing matches on several occasions, although the court would not discuss which matches were tampered with.

UEFA banned Orekhov in March, and he was named as part of a German court case involving match fixing in a Europa League contest between FC Basel and CSKA Sofia for a crime syndicate's betting group.

Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii Appealing FIFA Bans

Former FIFA representatives Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii have appealed their bans from the game following allegations of bribery involving the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid process.

Temarii, a Tahitian football leader, was caught asking for $2.4 million for a football academy in Auckland in return for his vote, while Adamu was asking for $800,000 to fund pitches in Nigeria.

Both were banned from the Dec. 2 vote in Zurich on the 2018 and 2022 hosts after a FIFA ethics committee investigation into the alleged wrongdoings. Adamu also received a three-year ban for corruption.

However, Temarii claims to have a letter from FIFA proving he is free of corruption allegations, while Adamu needs to be freed of charges in order to run for an African executive committee position.

Even if he is cleared, I'd say Adamu's odds aren't great.

Former FIFA representatives Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii have appealed their bans from the game following allegations of bribery involving the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid process.

Temarii, a Tahitian football leader, was caught asking for $2.4 million for a football academy in Auckland in return for his vote, while Adamu was asking for $800,000 to fund pitches in Nigeria.

Both were banned from the Dec. 2 vote in Zurich on the 2018 and 2022 hosts after a FIFA ethics committee investigation into the alleged wrongdoings. Adamu also received a three-year ban for corruption.

However, Temarii claims to have a letter from FIFA proving he is free of corruption allegations, while Adamu needs to be freed of charges in order to run for an African executive committee position.

Even if he is cleared, I'd say Adamu's odds aren't great.

Former FIFA representatives Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii have appealed their bans from the game following allegations of bribery involving the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid process.

Temarii, a Tahitian football leader, was caught asking for $2.4 million for a football academy in Auckland in return for his vote, while Adamu was asking for $800,000 to fund pitches in Nigeria.

Both were banned from the Dec. 2 vote in Zurich on the 2018 and 2022 hosts after a FIFA ethics committee investigation into the alleged wrongdoings. Adamu also received a three-year ban for corruption.

However, Temarii claims to have a letter from FIFA proving he is free of corruption allegations, while Adamu needs to be freed of charges in order to run for an African executive committee position.

Even if he is cleared, I'd say Adamu's odds aren't great.

Goodwillie Brought On Rape Charges

Dundee striker David Goodwillie has been charged with rape, according to a report from Who Ate All the Pies.

The 21-year-old Scot was brought in after police received a complaint from a 24-year old woman, and teammate David Robinson was questioned as a potential witness.

Despite the severity of the charges, it is difficult not to make a joke regarding Goodwillie's unfortunate last name, and the charges he's facing.

26-01-2011, 01:59 PM
World Football: Top 5 Coaches to Be on the Move Next Season


With the transfer window beginning to wind down, rumors are swirling over the moves that will be made during the summer. Considering the fact that it is an off-year means that rumors, secret negotiations and transfers will be the only news all summer long.

While big moves during the Winter Window are rare, they are almost always a precursor to larger moves during the summer. Coaches are already voicing discontent and slump in players' forms mean agents are abuzz while fans become captivated in boardroom dramas over price and future sales.

Players usually get the most attention during the transfer windows, but it is often coaches that can make or break a team's fortunes like Jose Mourinho with Inter or Pep Guardiola with Barcelona.

Will Carletto Remain on King's Road?

Carlo Ancelotti started last season better than any other coach in Chelsea's history.

Taking the prized double while scoring an amazing amount of goals meant that a bright future was ahead for the Stamford Bridge faithful right?

Fast forward to midseason when the goals and wins finally began to dry up while the injuries mounted. A disastrous two months saw Chelsea fall all the way to fifth.

Though they managed to win their last game and have a slight glimmer of hope to win the Premiership; it is looking more and more likely that Carletto will make the move away from London and possibly back to Italy unless some miraculous silverware appears at Stamford Bridge.

Are Things Too Real for Jose Mourinho?

The Special One at the biggest stage in the sports world. It was supposed to be a match made in heaven.

Real Madrid have been performing well all season, but the usual cries are coming from the supporters and tensions have begun to grow between management and Mourinho.

"Less defensive style, more free-flowing glory," "why can't we beat Barcelona," "these are the players we need," "you can't sit these players...." The list goes on and on and it something that Jose has never dealt with kindly.

There is no doubt he is an extremely talented coach, maybe the best in the world, but his temper is short and his desire to have his system in place at from top to bottom does not always generate the best relationships.

Look for The Special One to be in high demand once the season is up, double the chances if he loses El Clasico again.

Who Will Get Golden Pep Guardiola?

Barcelona's Golden Boy from player to manager is on a hot streak few have ever touched.

In his first year as the first team manager he led Barcelona to unparalleled success and though he fell short of duplicating those feats in his second year; he still managed to once again win La Liga.

This year he leads the most talented club squad ever assembled and is a favorite to once again take La Liga and the Champions League for a second time in only three years!

So why is it that he would be on the move?

Once again, upper management problems that include a brand new president with differing views of how Barcelona should be run could send Pep packing for new challenges; possibly abroad.

Pep will find no shortage of clubs willing to hire him, but could he replicated the magical form he has found with Barcelona somewhere else?

Is Guus Hiddink Still in High Demand?

The Golden Guus is currently coaching the Turkish national team during the run up to Euro 2012. However, questions persist as to whether or not he will stay with the team or make the move before the tournament considering the fact that wherever he goes he brings quite a bit of success.

Directors have not forgotten his amazing runs with Russia in 2008 or South Korea in 2002 and even at the club level when he became the steward of Chelsea following the sacking of Big Phil Scolari just two years prior.

His recent comments on Chelsea's form and relationship have led many to believe that he is in negotiations with the London club to take over for Carlo Ancelotti, but only time will tell who will land the Golden Guus for one of his miraculous recovery operations.

Will Free Agent Rafael Benitez Remain Free?

How the mighty have fallen. Once one of the hottest free agent coaches on the market, Rafa Benitez has become unemployed with some rather grim prospects ahead.

The magic of that first season that ended in Istanbul has begun to fade from collective memories and has been replaced by lackluster results and non-stop boardroom confrontations.

Still, it is hard to ignore some one that has displayed great talent and zeal and the highest levels of their profession, and it is a safe bet that Benitez will have a job by the time next season starts. The question is, however: Where?

If Jose Morinho leaves Real Madrid, or Carlo Ancelotti leaves Chelsea, or perhaps a vacant national position opens up, who knows where Benitez may go.


27-01-2011, 12:30 PM
World Football - Footballers and fans killed by gunmen during match

Two of the dead were players, according to the latest reports from AP, while a 12-year-old girl was among the murdered victims.

The gunmen arrived at the stadium in three vehicles and started firing at players and fans just moments before the amateur match was due to kick off, according to Carlos Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state prosecutors' office.

At least 30 others were injured in the attack at the stadium in the Francisco I Madero neighbourhood, during which the gunmen fired over 180 rounds. No motive for the attack has yet been identified.

Ciudad Juarez, just a few miles from the border with the USA, is one of the world's most violent cities. A total of 3,100 people have been killed in the last year alone as a result of the drug wars that have ripped the city apart.

The football stadium was opened just four months ago as part of an anti-violence campaign by local authorities designed to help local youth escape from a life of drug trafficking.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been scheduled to visit the city on Tuesday.


31-01-2011, 12:04 PM
New Nike Brazil Home Kit Features Totally Redundant Green Strip!


Here’s a leaked pic of Brazil’s new Nike home shirt (Via Football Shirt Culture), which the South Americans will wear against France in a Nike-approved friendly on 9th February 2011 (as we told you a couple of weeks ago, that’s also when the French will debut their ridonkulously expensive new Nike uniform).

First impression? Well it’s lovely and yellow and ‘Brazily’, plus the crewneck collar is retro-smart, but the designers have fallen headfirst into the classic ‘this just needs one more flourish’ trap, by adding a gratuitous green strip on the chest, at nipple height (unless you’re Ronaldo, in which case the strip is way above nipple height). This shirt doesn’t need it, but then I guess these days when you bring out new kits all the time, you need to be able to distinguish the latest model from its predecessors. Shame, as there is a nice kit lurking beneath that green bar.


11-02-2011, 09:45 AM
Airport Customs Destroy £6,000 Trezeguet World Cup Final Shirt


Thanks to the hyper-sensitive times in which we live, the shirt worn by striker David Trezeguet during France’s 1998 World Cup win over Brazil has been destroyed by airport officials.

Les Bleus fan Olivier Demolis bought the shirt off eBay for over £6,000 (€7,350 to be precise), only for customs workers to burn the shirt to cinders on it’s arrival in France after mistaking it for a counterfeit knock-off, due to a stretch of dodgy-looking stitching.

Demolis, an electrician by trade, told Le Dauphine newspaper:

“It was a well-known seller and the jersey was official. It was the last piece in my collection.

“I paid €7,350 for it. That was €3,350 in cash plus two jerseys from my own collection, an ‘Anelka’ France one and one of ‘Grichting’ from Auxerre.

“I was prepared to pay so much because those French jerseys from 98 are very hard to come across. There are only six in circulation: a ‘Zidane’, a ‘Trezeguet’, a ‘Desailly’, a ‘Boghossian’ and two ‘Guivarc’hs’.

When I went to get it they told me the shirt had been destroyed by customs because it was counterfeit. I went mad.”

I should coco, but at least he’ll be able to dry his tears on one of the other classic France shirts he has in his collection, which includes two valuable numbers stained by the sweat of the great Zinedine Zidane himself.


23-02-2011, 10:16 AM
Djibril Cisse hits out at 'racist' Greek league and declares plan to quit Panathinaikos


Former Liverpool striker Djibril Cisse has vowed to quit Panathinaikos after claiming he has been racially abused this season.

Cisse, who also played for Sunderland, has revealed how he fears the Greek league is becoming increasingly hostile to black players.

He told L’Equipe: 'This season the atmosphere in the stands has got worse. Twice already, I have been the victim of monkey chants, of racist insults.'

Referring to the 2-1 defeat to leaders Olympiakos, he added: 'It was the same thing again on Saturday night.

'They managed to get inflatable bananas (into the stadium) that they were shaking around every time I touched the ball.

'This summer I’m leaving, that’s for sure. It’s impossible for me here. Even though the Pana fans are fantastic, even though the club is great, I don’t want to play in this league any more.'
Cisse was one of four Panathinaikos players attacked as fans swarmed on to the field after the final whistle.

He added: 'I was their target. Some of them hit me and I retaliated to defend myself. It’s a disgrace. I’m not going to let things lie. This week, I will make a complaint to UEFA and I can tell you I won’t drop it.'

Cisse has scored 41 goals in 49 league games for Panathinaikos.


23-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Secret of match success: suits for the dugout, tracksuits for training

Sports coaches who wear suits on match days and tracksuits on training days are more likely to get the best out of their teams, according to new research.


Sports scientists at the University of Portsmouth studied the effect a coach's appearance had on the players' impressions of their competence.

Dr Richard Thelwell said: ''We have found that the clothing that coaches wear can have a direct effect on the players' perceptions of the coach's ability.

''Players look to their coach to provide technical skills, to motivate them and to lead them.

''A coach in a suit suggests strategic prowess which is obviously ideal for a match.

''In our study, coaches wearing a suit were perceived as being more strategically competent than those wearing sporting attire.

''However, when wearing sporting attire, they were perceived to be more technically competent than those in a suit.''

For the research, published in the International Journal of Sport Psychology, the researchers asked 97 men and women to observe and give their reactions to static photographs of four different coaches.

The pictures depicted coaches who were of lean physique and dressed in a tracksuit, large physique and dressed in a tracksuit, lean physique and dressed in a suit and large physique and dressed in a suit.

The coach who was of large build and wearing smart clothes was uniformly ranked the lowest in terms of their competence to motivate, develop technique, develop game strategy, and build athlete character.

The coach who was lean and wearing a tracksuit was rated best for technical and character-building abilities which were skills most required at training and development of players and was rated equal best for ''ability to motivate players''.

The coach who was lean and smartly dressed was rated best as a strategist, the skill most expected and required at matches.

Dr Thelwell said: ''First impressions can have a powerful and long-lasting effect, no matter how quickly those judgments were made.

''From the research, we know that sportsmen and women make snap decisions about their opponents based on first impressions.

''Such impressions then often influence the expectations of the performance outcome that ultimately results in success or failure.

''In coaching it is vital a strong rapport develops between the coach and the athlete.

''Sportsmen and women have to be willing to be persuaded to push the boundaries physically and mentally because the coach believes they can push harder or even because the coach just tells them to but, to date, very little research has been done on what happens in those first few moments, and more importantly whether the athlete is prepared to go along with the ideals of the coach.

''While we are becoming more aware of how athletes might judge coaches, we are still unaware of the processes that athletes go through to be able to develop impressions of coaches and this is something that we are now starting to look at.''


Andi Istiabudi
24-02-2011, 06:51 PM
Kalau teman-teman punya artikel atau berita sepakbola umum yang unik dan menarik, silahkan diposting disini yach !

NB: Kalau sudah ada thread serupa, mohon bantuan Admin untuk dimerger. Thanks !

Andi Istiabudi
24-02-2011, 06:53 PM
Transfer Pemain Ditolak FIFA Gara-Gara Mesin Faks

Bola.net - Transfer pemain timnas Slovakia, Robert Vittek, dari Ankaragucu ke Salzburg ditolak oleh FIFA, gara-gara hanya terlambat dikirimkan 3 menit, klub Austria mengakui hal itu pada hari Rabu.

Salzburg berharap bisa mendapatkan Vittek tepat sebelum tengah malam pada tanggal 31 Januari, yang menjadi batas waktu bursa transfer Januari. Tapi usaha mereka itu tertunda karena terjadi kerusakan pada mesin faks. Hal itu berarti mereka terlambat menerima dokumen konfirmasi dari Ankaragucu.

Sebagai hasilnya, mereka baru bisa mendaftarkan pemain itu ke database TMS FIFA 3 menit setelah tengah malam dan transfer itu langsung dianggap batal.

"Dalam situasi ini, kami semua benar-benar kecewa," kata direktur olahraga Salzburg, Dietmar Beiersdorfer. (afp/cax)

Source : http://www.bola.net

Andi Istiabudi
24-02-2011, 06:57 PM
Ingin Tampil Lebih Baik, Klub Bulgaria Berpaling ke Domba
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Plovdiv - Sebuah klub asal Bulgaria bertekad meraih hasil lebih oke di kompetisinya. Salah satu cara yang digunakan, mengurbankan anak domba dan memaparkan darahnya di tiang gawang.

Hal itu dilakukan oleh klub Lokomotiv Plovdiv yang tampil di liga teratas Bulgaria. Saat ini juara liga 2004 itu masih tercecer di posisi lima klasemen ketinggalan 11 poin dari pimpiman klasemen Litex Lovech.

Kebetulan saat ini kompetisi telah memasuki paruh pertama. Tekad untuk tampil lebih baik di paruh kedua pun diusung dan menjadi tekad bersama.

Untuk mewujudkannya berlatih lebih keras tentu sudah menjadi hal mutlak. Tapi selain itu, Lokomotiv juga menggunakan cara lain. Media-media lokal yang dikutip Reuters menyebut, Lokomotiv juga menyembelih seekor anak domba.

Ritual keyakinan itu dilakukan oleh seorang ahli agama setempat, yang konon juga fans Lokomotiv, di sebuah wilayah bernama Lauta. Tujuannya, tentu saja demi kesuksesan Lokomotiv.

Setelah disembelih, darah anak domba tersebut lantas diusapkan ke tiang-tiang gawang di lapangan klub itu, oleh para pemain Lokomotiv. Kapten Zdravko Lazarov dan kiper asal Prancis Florian Lucchini dilaporkan turut ambil bagian.

Bakal sukseskah? Entahlah. (krs/din)

Source : http://www.detiksport.com

24-02-2011, 08:20 PM
Ya mungkin bisa di merge ma thread [Merged] TIMEOUT - Non United. But thanks infonya bang andi.

Andi Istiabudi
25-02-2011, 10:45 AM
Presiden UEFA Peringatkan Serbia
Fitra Iskandar - Okezone

BELGRADE – Presiden UEFA Michael Platini memperingatkan Serbia mengenai kemungkinan sanksi partai usiran dari babak kualifikasi Piala Eropa 2012 dan pelarangan kepada klub jika fans Serbia kembali berulah.

Platini merujuk pada peristiwa insiden laga Italia versus Serbia Oktober tahun lalu, ketika suporter Serbia membuat kerusuhan yang membuat laga akhirnya dihentikan meski baru berjalan tujuh menit.

Ulah suporter Serbia membuat Stadion Luigi Ferraris penuh kekacauan. Massa menyalakan kembang api dan membakar bendera Albania. Tidak hanya itu mereka merusak pagar stadion dan bentrok dengan aparat keamanan.

Akibat insiden pada laga kualifikasi Euro itu, UEFA memberikan kemenangan pada Italia 3-0 dan mengharuskan Serbia menggelar pertandingan tanpa penonton saat menghadapi Irlandia Utara.Selain itu Serbia juga didenda 120 ribu euro.

Presiden Serbia Boris Tadic yang ditemui Platini Kamis lalu mengkonfirmasikan bahwa mantan pemain Timnas Prancis itu memang memberi peringatan kepada Serbia.

Terkait itu, Tadic mengaku menyampaikan kepada Platini bahwa pihaknya akan melakukan segala upaya untuk mencegah keributan yang ditimbulkan oleh suporter. (fit)

Source : http://bola.okezone.com

01-03-2011, 09:06 AM
Sepak Burung Hantu, Pemain Sepakbola Terancam Dibui
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Bogota - Seorang pemain sepakbola dihukum klubnya sendiri, terancam sanksi dari liga dan bahkan bisa masuk penjara. Itu semua terjadi setelah ia menyepak seekor burung hantu hidup di tengah laga.

Insiden itu terjadi dalam pertandingan di liga Kolombia antara Deportivo Pereira, klub Moreno, yang dijamu tuan rumah Atletico Junior.

Di tengah-tengah laga, seekor burung hantu terlihat berada di lapangan. Malang untuknya, si kulit bundar kemudian menghantam burung hantu tersebut.

Akibat hantaman tersebut burung hantu itu terkapar di lapangan, boleh jadi dengan kondisi sedikit pusing. Nah, ketika itulah Moreno yang berposisi sebagai bek terlihat menghampiri dan menendang si burung hantu malang.

Tindakan pemain asal Panama berusia 29 tahun itu sontak membuat publik tuan rumah meradang. "Pembunuh!" seru pendukung tuan rumah ke arah Moreno, seperti dikutip en.Terra.com.

Fans tuan rumah memang sangat marah, bukan saja karena Moreno sudah berlaku kasar kepada seekor binatang hidup, tapi karena burung hantu juga menjadi salah satu ikon dan maskot klub Atletico Junior.

Disebutkan, burung-burung hantu memang acap berseliweran di Stadion Roberto Melendez tempat laga dihelat. Pada satu kejadian, wasit bahkan harus menunggu petugas khusus untuk memindahkan burung hantu yang jatuh ke lapangan usai terkena hantaman bola.

"Aku minta maaf kepada fans, itu bukan niatku, aku melakukannya hanya untuk melihat apa burung hantu itu masih bisa terbang," kilah Moreno usai pertandingan, seraya menambahkan bermaksud agar burung itu lekas keluar lapangan dan permainan dilanjutkan.

Maaf saja sepertinya tidak akan cukup. Aparat kepolisian sudah menginformasikan kepada pihak klub Pereira kalau pemainnya itu tengah diselidiki oleh otoritas lingkungan di wilayah setempat atas tuduhan perlakuan kejam terhadap hewan. Ia diancam sanksi berupa denda sampai dengan 45 hari masa kurungan.

Juga dikabarkan kalau klub Pereira sudah menjatuhkan hukuman untuk Moreno. Tindakan serupa diyakini akan diambil oleh pihak liga Kolombia.

Kabar baiknya, si burung hantu kini baik-baik saja. Sedikit retak pada tulang kaki kanannya, tapi klinik dokter hewan setempat yang sudah merawatnya menyatakan burung hantu itu akan segera pulih dan bisa kembali terbang.


Andi Istiabudi
02-03-2011, 10:11 AM
Tewaskan Burung Hantu, Pemain Sepakbola Siap Dihukum
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Bogota - Burung hantu yang disepak seorang pemain sepakbola akhirnya mati. Si pemain sendiri siap menerima ganjaran atas perbuatannya.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, seekor burung hantu ikut hadir di lapangan dalam pertandingan antara Atletico Junior kontra Deportivo Perreira di liga Kolombia.

Burung hantu itu tergeletak di lapangan, diduga karena mengalami cedera pada sayapnya. Ketika tengah teronggok di lapangan itulah Luis Moreno yang membela Perreira menyepak si burung hantu.

Tindakan itu langsung dikecam. Bukan hanya karena burung hantu adalah ikon klub Atletico Junior tapi juga karena tindakan Moreno dilakukan terhadap hewan yang sedang tidak berdaya.

Burung hantu itu sendiri lantas mendapatkan perawatan di sebuah klinik setempat dan sempat diberitakan berangsur-angsur pulih. Namun, burung tersebut lantas malah mati.

Dokter hewan yang merawat burung itu menyatakan, pasiennya mati karena masalah gangguan pernafasan, besar kemungkinan diakibatkan stres berlebihan pasca insiden sebelumnya.

Moreno sendiri saat ini tengah menanti sejumlah hukuman yang sudah mengancamnya, termasuk denda uang atau bahkan hukuman kurungan.

"Aku minta maaf kepada seluruh negeri dan juga kepada fans di Barranquilla karena itu adalah sebuah tindakan yang serius, dan jika aku mendapatkan hukuman, aku siap," terang Moreno dalam sesi konperensi pers yang dikutip Fox Sports. (krs/din)

Source : http://www.detiksport.com

Andi Istiabudi
02-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Peterborough, Pemilik Tiket Terusan Termahal di Dunia
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detiksport

Peterborough - Bukan Real Madrid, Barcelona atau Manchester United yang memiliki tiket terusan menonton stadion termahal di dunia. Pemegang predikat itu kini jadi milik klub peserta League One, Peterborough United.

Sejarah akan dicatat pada tanggal 7 Maret mendatang ketika manajemen klub memutuskan akan menjual tiket terusan seharga 15 ribu poundsterling (Rp 213,75 juta) untuk musim 2011-2012.

Tiket terusan itu memperbolehkan pemiliknya memakan kue pie sepuasnya saat laga home Peterborough di London Road, duduk di box direksi klub dan menjadi tamu spesial bersama para petinggi klub saat laga away.

Harga tiket yang lebih mahal 10 kali lipat dari Madrid yang mematok tiket terusan semusim cuma seharga 1.575 pound (Rp 22,5 juta) atau Arsenal yang memiliki harga tiket termahal sebelumnya di kompetisi Inggris yaitu 1.825 pound (Rp 26 juta).

"Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami menerapkan ini. Kami menyediakan beberapa kursi di samping ruang direksi. Jadi kami memutuskan untuk melepas tiket ini," tutur juru bicara klub seperti dilansir Dailymail.

"Harganya memang sangat mahal dan kami tidak tahu bakal seperti apa sambutannya. Namun ini adalah sesuatu yang berbeda, jadi kami harap orang-orang akan tertarik," sambungnya.

Meski terlihat harga tiket itu memberatkan bagi sebagian fans klub yang kini dilatih anak Sir Alex Ferguson, Darren Ferguson. Namun masih ada saja fans yang menganggap harga 15 ribu pounds itu wajar mengingat sejumlah fasilitas mewah selama semusim.

"Jika saya dapat membelinya, saya tentu akan membayar sejumlah itu untuk menonton mereka. Ya mereka memang pantas dihargai segitu," sahut seorang suporter Julie Harris (34 tahun).

"Saya harap ada orang-orang kaya yang akan membeli tiket ini," sambungnya.

Sebelumnya rekor tiket terusan termahal dipegang Arsenal lalu diikuti Chelsea (1.695 pounds), Madrid (1.575 pound) dan Tottenham Hotspur (1.210 pound). (mrp/nar)

Source : http://www.detiksport.com

Andi Istiabudi
05-03-2011, 12:33 PM
Beginilah Pemain Liga Rusia Menghalau Dingin
Arya Perdhana - detiksport

Moskow - Dalam sejumlah kesempatan, pemain-pemain di Liga Rusia harus bermain di bawah suhu minus 15 derajat celcius. Inilah cara yang mereka lakukan agar tidak mengalami hipotermia.

Biasanya, Liga Rusia mengatur jadwal agar tidak ada pertandingan di bulan-bulan yang sangat dingin, seperti bulan Desember dan Februari yang memang menjadi dua bulan terdingin sepanjang tahun.

Akan tetapi, kompetisi antarklub Eropa membuat hal itu susah dilakukan lagi. Mau tidak mau, para pemain pun dipaksa menahan dingin di lapangan.

"Celana dalam, celana pendek dan kaus pemain harus terbuat dari benang alami," ungkap dokter tim Lokomotiv Moskow, Savely Myshalov, membuka tips mengatasi dingin kepada situs FIFPro yang dikutip Reuters.

"Yang diutamakan adalah yang terbuat dari wool, tapi yang paling tidak diinginkan adalah yang terbuat dari katun," papar Myshalov.

Selain memakai pakaian berbahan dasar wool, pemain juga diharuskan memakai krim di wajah agar muka mereka tidak membeku. Selain itu, minuman panas juga jadi hidangan wajib saat jeda.

"Demikian juga dengan sarung tangan dan topi. Selain itu, pipi dan hidung mereka harus dilapisir krim agar tidak membeku. Selama jeda, para pemain minum teh panas manis," demikian kata Myshalov. (arp/arp)

Source : http://www.detiksport.com

Andi Istiabudi
09-03-2011, 06:25 PM
Tangkap Penyusup di Lapangan, Malah Dikartu Merah

Bola.net - Seorang pemain, yang menangkap seorang penyusup yang berlari di lapangan selama pertandingan, mendapat kartu merah dari wasit.

Bek tengah Ashley Vickers yang berusia 39 tahun mendapat sambutan dari penonton ketika dia menjatuhkan penyelundup itu, yang berpenampilan seperti Borat.

Tapi begitu penyusup itu dibawa keluar dari lapangan, wasit David Spain memberikan kartu merah pada Ashley karena dianggap melakukan kekerasan.

Saat itu klub Ashley, Dorchester Town, masih bermain imbang di 1-1 pada menit ke-70 di pertandingan tandang lawan Havant & Waterlooville FC.

Ashley yang sekaligus menjadi pelatih klub itu mengatakan, "Saya tidak bisa berkata apa-apa. Saya saat itu hanya berpikir untuk menangkap orang itu sehingga bisa melanjutkan pertandingan."

"Petugas lapangan berterima kasih pada saya, tapi wasit malah berpendapat lain."

Tidak sampai itu saja, Spain juga mengusir dua pemain Dorchester. 450 fans yang menonton pertandingan itu juga langsung mencemoohnya.

Kemarin malam, penyusup itu diidentifikasi sebagai fans Havant, Alan Young (20 tahun). Dia mengaku melakukan hal itu demi taruhan.

Alan mengatakan, "Seperti lelucon. Petugas keamanan terlalu lambat bertindak. Ashley menangkap saya dengan baik. Dia seharusnya menjadi pemain rugby."

Bos Havant, Shaun Gale, berkata, "Saya merasa kasihan melihat Ashley. Dia pasti kecewa berat." (sun/cax)

Source : http://www.bola.net

10-03-2011, 10:01 AM
Tangkap Penyusup di Lapangan, Malah Dikartu Merah


jadi kalo ada penyusup pemain gak boleh ikut 'mengamankan' neh?

sama kejadiannya kayak video dibawah ini


10-03-2011, 10:09 AM
France 11/12 Nike Away Kit


This is the new French national team away kit manufactuered by Nike, which will be available here.

PARIS March 7th: Nike today unveils the new national team away kit for the French Football Federation, celebrating the new era in French Football.

Nike's partnership with the French Football Federation was launched in Paris in January this year, and is encapsulated by an overall campaign titled 'Vive Le Football Libre'. The striking new design of the away kit captures the spirit of the French team whilst bringing superior performance innovation and unparalleled elegance on pitch.

The new away jersey takes strong visual cues from the 'marinière', a piece of French history since the last century, and now a timeless French style icon. The marinière first appeared as the uniform of sailors in the French navy in the 19th century and was first seen in civilian wardrobes in the early 20th century. Soon, it would become a symbol of French culture, adopted by free-spirited individuals in France and beyond.

The jersey has a tailored fit that allows freedom of movement on pitch. The lightweight fabric features Nike Dri-FIT technology and engineered ventilation systems to help keep players cool, coupled with ergonomic cut and soft cotton feel for player comfort.

The kit also embraces Nike's Considered Design approach and - along with the home kit launched earlier this year - is Nike's most environmentally sustainable kit to date, with shirt and shorts made from microfiber polyester that is entirely derived from recycled plastic bottles. For the shirt, this material is combined with organic cotton (96% recycled polyester, 4% organic cotton).

The kit is seen for the first time in photography shot by a true icon of the fashion and photography world, Karl Lagerfeld. The photo, which captures the revolutionary elegance of the away kit, features Alou Diarra, one of the faces of the new era of the French team.







10-03-2011, 11:08 AM
World Soccer's Top 10 Club Rankings: March 7, 2011
By Jason Platzer

Every week, I spend some time playing around with the methodology I use to calculate these rankings. It dawned on me, that we already have a ranking (calculated by UEFA) that ranks the best teams in terms of their performances in Europe this season. It's called the UEFA Club Coefficient. As of the last Champions League and Europa League matches (obviously not including today), the rankings are as follows:

Top 10 Clubs based on UEFA Club Coefficient


2.Bayern Munich

3.Real Madrid

4.Manchester United

5.Shakhtar Donetsk


7.Tottenham Hotspur

8.Schalke 04

9.FC Barcelona


It's important to keep in mind that the list above is more of a power ranking. All it tells us is which teams have performed well this season, based solely on their performances in both the Champions League and Europa League. Still, it's useful because it tells us which clubs are playing the best against European competition this year. That counts for a lot.

UEFA also gives us the top leagues in Europe based on a national UEFA coefficient. In short, it adds up the UEFA coefficients of all the teams in a particular league (say the EPL) participating in European competition. Whichever league has the strongest representation, generally has the strongest ranking. That said, here are the Top ten Leagues in Europe for the current season based on the UEFA National Coefficient:

Top 10 Leagues in Europe based on UEFA National Coefficient

1.England - 15.50 (13.79%)

2.Germany - 14.33 (12.76%)

3.Spain - 13.21 (11.76%)

4.Portugal - 11.80 (10.50%)

5.Italy - 11.00 (9.79%)

6.France - 10.58 (9.42%)

7.Netherlands - 9.83 (8.75%)

8.Russia - 9.75 (8.68%)

9.Ukraine - 8.75 (7.79%)

10.Greece - 7.60 (6.76%)

Again, this is a reflection of current strength, not historical strength. As you all know, the Italians were all up in arms over the fact that Germany has emerged as a stronger league. As a result, Germany now gets an extra Champions League spot.

So this is not a lifetime achievement rating. It's simply based on how clubs from these countries have performed in European (Champions League and Europa League) play this season.

To get a true picture of the best club however, we need to count both domestic league performance (adjusted for strength of league) and performance in Cup competitions. I'm still working on the methodology for the Cup competitions. For the time being, I have not taken into account cup performance in the rankings.

If we sum the UEFA coefficients for the top 10 leagues in Europe we get a total of 112.36. If we divide each nation's coefficient over the total, we can get a measure of how strong each team is versus the others. So 13.79% for England simply means that England represents 13.79% of the total. With Germany at 12.76% of the total, we can see that England is far and away the strongest league in Europe.

If we then take the number of points the top clubs in each league have scored, and multiply them by these league weights (which adjusts for strength of league), we get an adjusted score for each club. For example, Manchester United has scored 60 points thus far in the Premier League.

If we multiply 60 x 13.79% (strength of EPL relative to the other top 10 leagues), we get a score of 8.28. After doing that for every club, these are the teams that have performed the best domestically (after adjusting for strength of league).

Top 10 Clubs based only on Domestic League Performance

1.FC Barcelona

2.Manchester United

3.Real Madrid


5.Borussia Dortmund

6.Manchester City


8.Tottenham Hotspur

9.FC Porto

10.Valencia CF

If we cross-reference the clubs that have performed the best in Europe (based on the UEFA club coefficients above) with the clubs that I've calculated as performing the best domestically, seven out of ten are on both lists. Intuitively, this makes sense since you would expect clubs that perform well in Europe to perform well at home.

I believe that we need to reward clubs that have performed well in Europe, even if they've struggled a bit at home. After all, the goal of every club in Europe is to win the Champions League. That said, here's this week's top 10 clubs, taking into account both European and domestic league play (not including Cup competitions):

Top 10 Club World Ranking - March 7, 2011


2.Real Madrid

3.Manchester United



6.Tottenham Hotspur


8.AC Milan


10.Bayern Munich

A few people have written in over the past few weeks and asked what about some of the French clubs. Olympique Marseille and Olympique Lyon, are actually 11th and 12th respectively in the UEFA club coefficient. They've performed extremely well in Europe and are still alive in the Champions League. The reason they fail to make the list is because of the strength of the French domestic league. After adjusting for the strength of the league, they just don't earn enough combined points (Europe and domestic) to crack the top ten. Still, they're both enjoying excellent seasons.

As I mentioned earlier, there are seven teams that appear in both the top 10 UEFA club rankings and the top 10 domestic rankings. They are: Chelsea, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur, Barcelona and Valencia.

In my mind, those seven had to make the top ten. Bayern Munich, Shahktar Donetsk and Schalke 04 are all in the top ten in Europe, but fail to make the top ten domestically. Schalke is struggling mightily, so they were easy to discount. Bayern on the other hand is in the top 20 domestically, despite losses to Schalke in the German cup and to Hannover last week.

Inter is 13th in Europe and 18th domestically. Other than Milan, they were the only other club you could really make a case for. In many instances, you just have to use common sense despite the performance.

Borussia Dortmund is actually enjoying a top 5 domestic league campaign, however they've already been eliminated from Europa League play, which kept them out of the top 10 this week.

Porto is also top ten domestically and top twenty in Europe, but they just missed the cut.

I happen to like Shakhtar Donetsk a lot. They're blowing away the competition in the Ukrainian league and should advance to the round of eight in the Champions League. Still, due to the strength (or weakness) of the Ukrainian league, I couldn't put them ahead of clubs like Inter and Bayern who play in much stronger domestic leagues.

Interesting Observations

•Shakhtar Donetsk should be getting more attention. They should advance to the round of eight in the Champions League and are absolutely decimating the competition in Ukraine.
•Bayer Leverkusen is having a surprisingly good season. They're top twenty in Europe and number 11 domestically. While they could probably beat any team on a given night, I don't think they're of the same quality as the other clubs on the list.


10-03-2011, 11:13 AM
^^ nggak ada di peringkat pertama??
Donetsk Who?? yg mengejutkan namun wajar si tottenham nih...
sejak masuk liga champions dan memiliki duo bintang VDV ama Bale jadi semakin tenar nih,,, uda tinggal ngalahin tetangga sebelahnya aja sesama londoners tuh...

France 11/12 Nike Away Kit







Ini jd kayak jersey tim di liga belanda lupa namanya...
pantesnya dipake nonton bola trus jalan2 ke mall drpda dipake main bola :))

But i like it so much :thumbup:

Andi Istiabudi
10-03-2011, 03:22 PM
Pesepakbola Muda Swedia Mengaku Gay
Azwar Ferdian - Okezone

STOCKHOLM - Pemain muda asal Swedia Anton Hysen, mengakui bahwa dirinya memiliki kelainan orientasi seksual atau seorang gay.

Anton adalah putra dari mantan gelandang Liverpool Glenn Hysen. Pemain 20 tahun ini mengumumkan jika dirinya adalah seorang pecinta sesama jenis di sebuah media lokal Swedia.

Hysen saat ini bermain untuk sebuah tim di divisi empat liga Swedia. Tanpa ragu Anton menjelaskan kelainan orientasi seksualnya dalam wawancara dengan majalah Offside, Rabu (9/3/2011).

Hysen juga menyebutkan bahwa pernyataannya ini mungkin akan memberikan efek negatif dalam kariernya sebagai pemain sepakbola. Tapi dia sudah siap dengan risiko tersebut.

“Sebuah klub besar pernah tertarik dengan saya. Tapi, staf kepelatihan tahu jika saya adalah seorang gay dan mereka mengubah keputusannya untuk merekrut saya. Tapi, itu adalah masalah mereka bukan masalah saya,” tegas Anton.

Di Swedia sendiri olahraga pada umumnya dan sepakbola kurang memberikan kesempatan luas kepada kaum minoritas atau kaum gay. (zwr)

Source : http://bola.okezone.com

11-03-2011, 11:23 AM
Vancouver Whitecaps Promo New Kit By Painting It On A Topless Model (Video)


In which new MLS franchise Vancouver Whitecaps preview their new kit by airbrushing it onto a nudy-rudy lady – why the bloody heck not?


Vancouver Whitecaps Promo New Kit By Painting It On A Topless Model (Video)
By Chris Wright

In which new MLS franchise Vancouver Whitecaps preview their new kit by airbrushing it onto a nudy-rudy lady – why the bloody heck not?

The Whitecaps have released a couple of ‘Where Will You Be…’ viral clips into the ether over the past few weeks and, all in all, their body-paint effort is a lot more appealing than the preceding clip – which featured everybody’s favourite pock-marked Canadian M.O.R stalwart Bryan Adams thumping an enthusiastic but criminally mis-directed header into several thousand pound’s worth of camera equipment…


11-03-2011, 11:28 AM
Dihukum gara-gara Mau Beli Messi

PARIS, KOMPAS.com — Apes betul nasib Cedric Enjorlas, seorang presiden klub gurem di Perancis. Tindakan isengnya dengan melontarkan lelucon ingin membeli striker Barcelona, Lionel Messi, mendapatkan sanksi berat dari Federasi Sepak Bola Perancis (FFF).

Ya, Enjorlas merupakan fans berat Messi. Ia kini menjabat sebagai Presiden FC Borne, klub Ligue 2 Perancis yang berlaga di Liga Haute-Loire. Impiannya, tentu saja ingin melihat Messi main di klubnya. Ia pun berbuat iseng dengan mendaftarkan nama Messi di bursa pembelian klubnya.

"Untuk mengajukan pembelian oleh klub-klub kecil, Anda harus mendaftar di internet. Saya putuskan untuk mengajukan sebuah pembelian, jadi saya tulis nama Lionel Messi, tanggal lahirnya, dan klub asal dalam sistem itu," ujar Enjolras seperti dilansir The Guardian.

"Lalu, permintaan itu disampaikan kepada FFF. Mereka terkejut dengan hal ini dan saya dikenakan skorsing selama enam bulan. Itu hanya lelucon untuk menghibur teman-teman saya," ungkap Enjolras.

Barca sendiri belum menerima proposal resmi dari Enjorlas. Ini karena proposal itu dimentahkan pihak FFF sebelum dikirim ke Spanyol. "Tidak bisa diterima perilaku seperti itu. Itu mungkin hanya sebuah lelucon, tapi kami di sini akan mendalami faktanya," ujar Yves Begon, Kepala Registrasi FFF.

11-03-2011, 11:41 AM
Goal of the Day: Brilliant 20-Yard Bicycle Kick Slips Just Under the Bar



16-03-2011, 06:05 PM
French Football Federation Suspend Club President For ‘Joke’ Lionel Messi Bid


The French Football Federation (FFF) have suspended the coach of FC Borne, a village side that play in the second division of the Haute-Loire league, for making an official bid for Lionel Messi ‘as a joke’ earlier this week.

Borne made an offer to Barcelona for Messi’s services but the transfer was immediately flagged and reported by the killjoys over at FFF’s player registration office, who refused to submit the paperwork to the Spanish FA.

For his troubles, Borne president Cedric Enjolras was then suspended for the next months six months:

Yves Begon, the happy-go-lucky head of the FFF registration office, was unimpressed by Enjolras’ hi-jinks:

“One cannot accept such behaviour. It is perhaps a joke but we are here to judge the facts.”

Said Enjolras himself:

“To submit bids among small clubs, you need to fill out forms on the internet. I decided to register a bid so I typed the name Lionel Messi, his date of birth and his parent club into the system.

“Then the league transmitted the request to the federation. They were shocked by it and refused to send it to their Spanish counterparts. I have been suspended for six months, of which three are suspended.

“It was just a joke, to amuse friends, now I’m going to have spend three months in the bar.”

‘Every cloud’ and all that…


Andi Istiabudi
17-03-2011, 10:25 AM
Patung Michael Jackson di Markas Fulham

Bola.net - Anda fans Fulham? Bersiaplah untuk memiliki seorang 'legenda' baru bernama Michael Jackson.

Ya, Fulham telah membuat sebuah patung Raja Pop kondang itu yang nantinya akan ditempatkan di depan stadion markas Fulham, Craven Cottage.

Pembuatan patung ini adalah wujud pertemanan pemilik Fulham Mohamed Al Fayed dengan almarhum Michael Jackson.

Menurut laporan Daily Telegraph, patung tersebut menggambarkan Jacko dalam salah satu pose terkenalnya, meski tidak dideskripsikan lebih detail bagaimana pose yang dimaksud.

"Dia (Michael Jackson) adalah teman saya. Seorang pria yang berbagi banyak kenangan indah dan tewas dengan tragis," kata Al Fayed.

"Dia meninggalkan warisan musik yang sangat luas. Sesuatu yang kerap ditiru tapi tak akan bisa terganti. Michael Jackson akan selalu dan jadi satu-satunya." tegasnya.

Awalnya patung Michael Jackson akan ditaruh di depan supermarket kenamaan milik Al Fayed yang dijual ke Qatar Holdings, Harrods. Namun akhirnya Al Fayed memutuskan untuk membawa patung itu ke markas The Cottagers.

Semasa hidupnya, Jackson memang dikenal dekat dengan Al Fayed. Ia juga dekat dengan mendiang Putri Diana yang ironisnya tewas bersama putra Al Fayed, Dody, pada kecelakaan di Prancis.

Michael Jackson sendiri meninggal di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, pada 25 Agustus 2009 lalu. (bola/zul)

Source : http://www.bola.net

Andi Istiabudi
18-03-2011, 05:29 PM
Kok mirip kompetisi tarkam gitu yach ?

Lapangan Tergenang, Habis Main Bola Mandi Alkohol
Penulis: Tjatur Wiharyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo

RIO DE JANEIRO, KOMPAS.com - Sebuah pertandingan The Carioca Championship Seri B Brasil antara Itaperuna dan Aperibeense tetap dilaksanakan meski sekitar separuh lapangan Estadio Jair Bittencourt digenangi air setinggi hampir setengah betis orang dewasa.

Tidak diketahui apakah lapangan itu sudah tergenang ketika pertandingan dimulai. Yang jelas, menurut Sportstalk, wasit Carlos Torres Raphael tetap menilai genangan air belum membuat lapangan masuk tahap tidak layak dipakai.

Pertandingan kemudian berakhir dengan skor 1-0 untuk Itaperuna. Gol semata wayang mereka dicetak oleh Anderson Onion.

Usai pertandingan, Direktur Aperibeense Roginaldo Pontheste mengaku gusar terhadap keputusan wasit memaksakan pertandingan. Selain karena timnya tak bisa maksimal dan akhirnya kalah, juga karena setelah itu para pemainnya harus mandi dengan alkohol, untuk mensterilkan badan dari kuman, karena genangan itu adalah campuran air hujan dan selokan. (YT/ST)

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

18-03-2011, 06:02 PM
NFL Superstar Switching to Pro Soccer?


With the NFL's players and owners digging in for a lockout, Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco has been talking up his desire to play another kind of football while he can't play the kind involving pads and crippling profit sharing disputes.

In January, he claimed he would have trials with Real Madrid and Barcelona, but they just amounted to a visit with his pal Cristiano Ronaldo and a few photo ops. Now, Ochocinco is set for a trial with one of MLS's most publicity aggressive clubs, Sporting Kansas City. And this one is apparently for real.

From Sporting KC's official website:

Sporting Kansas City has invited National Football League star Chad Ochocinco to Kansas City next week for a four-day tryout with the Major League Soccer club. Following the tryout, set to begin on Tuesday, Sporting Kansas City will determine whether to extend the trial period. [...]

"Due to the NFL lockout, I'm excited to be able to follow my childhood dream of playing for a Major League Soccer team," Ochocinco said. "Thanks to Sporting Kansas City for giving me this opportunity."

Keep in mind that MLS is just 16 years old and Ochocinco is 33, so those are the childhood dreams of a 17-year-old who gave up the game before getting to high school that he's referring to.

Before his imaginary trial with Real Madrid, Chad publicly pondered on Twitter: "would they really sign me with no professional experience? I'm just fast as hell." And it seems that's what Sporting KC is banking on:

"We're always searching for players who can help our team and bringing in new talent," Sporting Kansas City Manager Peter Vermes said. "We know that Chad is an exceptional athlete and that he loves the sport of soccer, and he did play a lot when he was younger. We're excited to see how his skills will translate once he arrives next week and begins training with our team."

I think we're all excited to see how his skills translate. Yet, even if they don't, it will be another attention grabber for the newly rebranded club that just gave their new stadium's naming rights to Lance Armstrong's Livestrong charity for free. So in that regard it's almost guaranteed to be a success even if Ocho plays like someone who hasn't done so since middle school.


21-03-2011, 05:15 PM
Russian side Kuban Krasnodar accused of hiring gang to beat up their own player


A Montenegrin player has lodged an official complaint with UEFA and FIFA, claiming his former team, Russian Premier League side Kuban Krasnodar (currently managed by ex-Chelsea full back Dan Petrescu!), ordered a gang of heavies to beat him up in order to force him out of club.

After refusing a request to tear up his two-year contract from the club’s owners, striker Nikola Nikezic alleges he was lured to Kuban’s training ground before suffering a 20 minute attack at the hands of two ’strongmen’ who threatened him with career-ending injury.

Nikezic told press:

I signed a two-year deal with Kuban in March 2010 and helped the club to win promotion into the Premier League last year

However, this year club chiefs said they do not need my services any more and offered me to break the contract. But I refused, asking the club for a transfer move.

After my refusal two strongmen came into the room and started to beat me badly, threatening me with maiming and demanding that I sign some papers

It lasted for about 20 minutes. After that I felt myself completely exhausted and signed the papers.

Kuban Krasnodar have (obviously) denied the allegations, a spokesman saying:

I met with Nikola and talked to him. Some time ago he experienced certain problems when he failed to win a place in the team line-up. He told me he was seeking a new club but issued no complaints at all.

Perhaps because his mouth was being occupied by someone’s fist?


21-03-2011, 06:19 PM
penonton yang aneh :)) :)) :))
saking sepinya tuh stadion :D


[Only in Italia]

No fans in stadiums? Triestina have decided to print some out

Fans of Triestina, a professional soccer team from the northern Italian city of Trieste, were greeted with a surprise Saturday when they arrived at the team's stadium for a game against Padova.

For the first time in four years, nearly every seat in the "Colaussi" stand, which runs along one side of the field and faces the television cameras, appeared to be taken. That stand alone, which holds 10,000 fans, would have nearly doubled the team's average attendance from the previous year.

On television, the crowd looked impressive. But in person, the scene looked a bit strange. The fans were clad in scarves and winter coats—unusual for a balmy September afternoon. They failed to make a sound when the home team ran out on the field and didn't budge when the match ended in a scoreless draw.


23-03-2011, 10:52 AM
Satu Lagi Pebola Eropa Mengaku Gay


Akhirnya ada lagi pebola yang mengungkapkan jatidiri sesungguhnya. Pemain muda asal Swedia, Anton Hysen mengaku memiliki kelainan orientasi seksual, alias seorang homoseksual.

Kepada sebuah media lokal di Swedia, putra dari mantan bek Liverpool, Glenn Hysen ini tak sungkan mengaku dirinya sorang gay. "Aku seorang pebola, dan juga seorang gay, jika aku sedang bermain, aku tidak akan membedakan apakah suka wanita atau laki-laki," ujar Hysen kepada Offside yang dilanisr Daily Mail .

Hysen sendiri saat ini bermain di Utsiktens, klub divisi empat Liga Swedia, yang juga diarsiteki sang ayah. Dengan mengaku sebagai seorang gay, Hysen sadar konsekuensi yang akan dihadapinya di masyarakat umum, khususnya di sepak bola.

"Orang dapat menyebut aku apa saja yang mereka inginkan, hal ini hanya akan membuat jiwaku semakin tertekan," tuturnya.

Hysen sendiri menjadi pebola Eropa pertama yang mengungkapkan jatidiri sebagai seorang gay kepada publik. Sebelum dia, Justin Fashanu pernah juga mengungkapkan kelainan olrientasi seksualnya kepada publk pada 1990 lalu.

"Banyak yang bertanya kepadaku apakah aku tahu pebola lain yang juga seorang gay. Tapi aku tak mau bilang, Aku hanya mendukung mereka untuk mengungkapkan siapa diri mereka. Menyedihkan tak ada satupun yang berani berkata jujur. Aku sendiri menghargai situasi dimana kami memang menantang arus," pungkas pemuda berusia 20 tahun itu.

Di Utsiktens, Hysen bermain sebagai seorang bek, sama dengan posisi ayahnya saat masih membela Liverpool. Ayahnya, Glenn bergabung dengan Liverpool tahun 1989, dan membantu The Reds meraih gelar ke-18 mereka di musim pertamanya. Dia meninggalkan Merseyside pada 1992. (Irawan)


Andi Istiabudi
25-03-2011, 04:14 PM
Rumah Pemain Bintang AEK Diserang Ledakan Gas

Bola.net - Klub Liga Super Yunani AEK, Kamis, mengutuk ledakan kecil yang terjadi di luar rumah bintang mereka, pemain sayap asal Argentina Nacho Scocco.

"AEK mengutuk keras serangan dengan tiga tabung kecil gas di luar rumah pemain kami Nacho Scocco. Jelas bahwa tindakan kriminal dan ancaman seperti itu hanya menyebabkan kerugian pada tim kami. Tidak seorang pun punya hak untuk melanggar privasi dan ketenangan keluarga, terutama pemain sepak bola. Jika para pelaku dari insiden ini terungkap dan dibawa ke pengadilan, mereka akan disingkirkan selamanya dari keluarga AEK," demikian pernyataan dari klub.

Ledakan kecil dari tabung gas menyebabkan kerusakan kecil di rumah dua lantai milik Scocco pada Kamis dini hari.

Pada saat ledakan terjadi, Scocco, istrinya, seorang model Argentina Melissa Pochettino dan putrinya yang baru lahir Eva berada di dalam namun tidak cedera.

Media Yunani melaporkan telah mengidentifikasi kemungkinan pelaku adalah fans AEK yang marah setelah akhir pekan lalu tim tersebut dibabat 0-6 oleh saingan kuat mereka Olympiakos yang membawa Olympiakos menuju gelar juara yang ke-38.

AEK saat ini berada di posisi ketiga pada klasemen, 14 poin di bawah tim urutan kedua Panathinaikos, tetapi telah mencapai final Piala Yunani tempat mereka akan bertemu Atromitos bulan depan.

Scocco (25), datang ke AEK dari klub Meksiko Pumas pada 2008 dan November lalu memperbarui kontraknya dengan klub tersebut untuk tiga tahun berikutnya dengan pendapatan sekitar satu juta euro setiap tahunnya. (ant/cax)

Source : http://www.bola.net

Andi Istiabudi
28-03-2011, 06:30 PM
Nah, kalau Indonesia masa Mr. Riedl harus dibantu perguruan pencak silat saat pelatnas ???

Demi China, Shaolin Latih Sepak Bola
Penulis: Hery Prasetyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo

BEIJING, KOMPAS.com — Masih ingat film Shaolin Soccer yang dibintangi Stephen Chow pada 2001? Shaolin Soccer menceritakan tentang sekelompok mantan biarawan Shaolin yang mencoba menerapkan tektik kungfu untuk permainan sepak bola. Kini justru Kuil Shaolin yang terkenal di China itu sedang melatih murid kungfu yang masih muda untuk main sepak bola. Harapannya, mereka nanti dapat mengubah nasib tim nasional China. Demikian laporan media setempat.

Kuil Shaolin yang terletak di Provinsi Henan di China Tengah dan terkenal karena gerakan akrobatis para biksunya ini membuka pusat pelatihan sepak bola pada Oktober. Pusat itu memiliki lebih dari 40 murid seni bela diri yang mempelajari permainan cantik sepak bola. Demikian diberitakan kantor berita resmi China, Xinhua, baru-baru ini.

Shi Yanlu, kepala pelatih di pusat tersebut, mengatakan, disiplin dan etos kungfu dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam sepak bola yang efektif.

”Sepak bola China berada dalam keadaan menyedihkan. Ketika sebagian unsur kungfu Shaolin, terutama semangatnya, dipadukan dalam sepak bola, kami harap itu akan membantu menaikkan tingkat pelatihan sepak bola,” kata Shi Yanlu.

”Koordinasi gerak kaki dan fisik dalam kungfu juga dapat membantu pesebak bola masa depan China,” tambahnya.

Tim sepak bola nasional China jadi bahan cemoohan di dalam negeri dan jadi salah satu sumber kesedihan bagi penggemar yang kecewa oleh ketidakmampuan negara dengan penduduk paling padat di dunia itu untuk berprestasi di tingkat dunia. China gagal masuk kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010. Sepak bola mereka juga tampil buruk di Olimpiade dan baru-baru ini gagal di Piala Asia.

Liga China juga dirongrong perjudian dan skandal suap sehingga dua mantan kepala persatuan sepak bola nasional dan sejumlah pejabat rendahnya diciduk polisi.

Karena itu, Kuil Shaolin tergerak berprestasi dalam memajukan sepak bola China. Orang muda yang direkrut di pusat pelatihan kuil itu berusia sekitar 10 tahun. ”Mereka akan dilatih oleh Alphonse Tchami, pesebak bola nasional Kamerun yang sudah pensiun,” tulis Xinhua.

”Kuil tersebut berencana menarik lebih banyak orang. Sejauh ini mereka sudah memiliki 2.000 murid yang berlatih di Shaolin,” tambahnya.

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

29-03-2011, 11:28 AM
World Football in Europe: The Attackers Defenders Hate to Face


Defenders in world football do not always enjoy taking on any attacker during games. Some front men in fact appear to be too energetic. So much so that attempting to contain them requires a lot of skills and experience.

In Europe, top clubs have great advantages in their attacks, as they possess some of the best front players in the sport.

This is especially true in Spain and England, and in this slideshow, we'll look at 10 dangerous players who have the ability to trouble defenders of any level.

Note: The following slides are not organized by rankings.

Samuel Eto'o

Samuel Eto'o is still a player to fear, in some ways. His flexibility enables him to run almost anywhere and anyhow in the danger zone, and when he gets a chance on goal, it is highly probable that he will place the ball at the back of the net.

He so far has 19 goals and 6 assists in 27 league starts for Inter Milan this season, and he shares the No.1 spot in the Champions League's goalscoring chart with Bayern Munich's Mario Gomez, and Barcelona's Lionel Messi.

Aaron Lennon

With this attacker, statistics are not what we should rely on. Aaron Lennon is still a perfect combination of power and dribbling skills. Although he lacks of accuracy in his shots, he may still be regarded as a deadly winger.

Seeing him take on defenders and crossing with no trouble can easily evoke glimpses of magnificent moves performed by some of football's biggest names from the past.

Mario Gomez

In 25 appearances so far for Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga, the vigorous Mario Gomez has netted 19 goals. As one of the most efficient strikers in the UEFA Champions League this season, it would certainly be pointless to omit him from a list gathering the deadliest attackers from top flights in Europe.

Gomez is also known for his aggression, which has pushed him to commit 27 fouls in the league and collect a yellow card.

A bit of decency exercise might be needed by the German forward, but overall, one cannot doubt his capabilities on the field.


Having exhibited his unbelievable power and accuracy in long range shots on several occasions in the past, Nani is definitely not a player you would want to underestimate. Presumably, it is useless to remind how impressive the young Portuguese winger is when it comes to dribbling.

Teasing, twisting, manhandling and pacing away from defenders are just some of his wonderful abilities. Crossing, chesting balls down, passing and shooting could well form the rest of his persona.

Carlos Tevez

To contain Carlos Tevez, a lot of physical strength is required. The Argentine might only weight 67kg, but he is clearly not a “weak” player.

Relentlessness plays a key role in his success as one of his qualities, but it is more his blistering shots and rapid movements that have made him the “Tasmanian Devil” that he is now.

To all defenders, beware...

Antonio Di Natale

Facing this man is a big challenge. Although he is not as much in the spotlight as other top strikers in the Premier League and La Liga, Antonio Di Natale's productive efforts cannot be undervalued.

With 25 goals in 29 appearances, he is currently the top scorer of the Italian Serie A—a league containing the likes of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Samuel Eto'o.

Speaking of team play, he does not look too selfish either, as he can boast of seven assists in the league.

Luis Suarez

We will have to forget about the "Hand of the Devil" for a moment to acknowledge Luis Suarez's talent. The former Ajax star is still new in the Liverpool world, but he is already the club's greatest weapon in front.

His fantastic moves inside the 18-yard box against Manchester United on March 6 completely sealed his prominence, and luckily for fans of the Reds, they apparently have much more to expect from the Uruguay striker.


Do not be surprised to see Hulk in this list; this forward has 100 percent accuracy in his strikes.

In 22 league starts for FC Porto, he has made 20 shots on goal among which 20 have been on target, and through which he has earned 20 goals. Isn't that breathtaking?

There is a reason to wonder how many strikers could repeat this record—whether in the Portuguese Liga or anywhere else.

Cristiano Ronaldo

When Cristiano Ronaldo prepares to strike during a match, there is nothing less than fear and pressure in the heart of the opposing goalkeeper.

The Real Madrid superstar is a very accurate winger with a complex style of play—knowing how to cross, convert from the spot, execute free-kicks, and incontestably, his speed is one of his great assets.

Ronaldo presently has 27 goals in La Liga in 27 starts, and surely, this record shows how good and dangerous he is.

Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi has one of the most impressive records among forwards in Europe. With 27 goals and 16 assists in 26 starts for Barcelona so far in La Liga, his outstanding attacking talent is simply undeniable.

Messi is also joint top scorer of the UEFA Champions League along with Inter Milan’s Samuel Eto’o and Bayern Munich’s Mario Gomez with eight goals.

When it comes to penalties, dribbling and through balls, he is arguably the master. Perhaps, a lot of clubs would have enjoyed having him their squads, but matching his price tag would be another issue.


Andi Istiabudi
29-03-2011, 11:44 AM
Hiiii... Nonton Bola Membawa Mayat
Penulis: Hery Prasetyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo

BOGOTA, KOMPAS.com — Aneh-aneh saja kelakuan hooligan sepak bola di Kolombia. Mereka nekat membawa mayat rekannya ke stadion saat mendukung timnya bermain.

Aksi menggegerkan itu dilakukan para hooligan pendukung klub papan atas di Kolombia, Deportivo Cucuta. Saat timnya menjamu Envigado, Minggu (27/3/2011), mereka "menyelundupkan" mayat anggota geng mereka di dalam peti mati ke dalam stadion.

Cristopher Jacome (17) tertembak mati oleh sekelompok orang, Minggu (27/3/2011) malam, sebelum pertandingan. Tetapi, mayat itu masih tetap dibawa ke dalam Stadion General Santander yang berkapasitas 45.000 penonton di kawasan timur laut Cucuta itu. Pertandingan berakhir imbang 1-1.

"Insiden yang amat disesalkan itu terjadi Minggu ketika grup hooligan menyerobot penjagaan polisi dan masuk ke dalam stadion membawa mayat Cristopher Jacome," kata polisi lokal, Kolonel Alvaro Pico, kepada AFP.

Menurut polisi, Jacome memang diincar sekelompok geng bersenjata ketika sedang bermain di lapangan sepak bola di kawasan kumuh di perbatasan selatan Cucuta. Namun, tidak dijelaskan di mana pemuda itu ditembak.

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

Andi Istiabudi
30-03-2011, 06:11 PM
Sekawanan Lebah Tunda Laga Sepak Bola

Bola.net - Sebuah pertandingan junior di Brasil terpaksa harus ditunda setelah di tengah-tengah pertandingan, sekawanan lebah menyerbu masuk ke dalam lapangan.

Nautico melawat ke kandang Ypiranga-PE di area Santa Cruz do Capiperibe ketika wasit wanita, Andrea Amorim diserang oleh kawanan lebah yang tampaknya tertarik dengan kostumnya kuningnya.

"Pertama-tama, saya pikir itu adalah semacam trik dari lawan kami untuk menghentikan laga karena kami kalah 0-1 kala itu," tutur pelatih Nautico, Sergio China pada Globo.

"Namun ketika wasit berguling ke tanah, saya lihat itu amat serius. Ia yang diserang paling parah, mungkin karena kostumnya."

"Kami tak bisa mendapatkan penjelasan atas serangan lebah itu, namun kami hanya akan mencari tahu jika pertandingan benar-benar dihentikan."

Beruntung Amorim bisa kembali memimpin pertandingan dan tim tamu bangkit dan berbalik menang 3-1. (espn/row)

Source : http://www.bola.net

31-03-2011, 01:51 PM
Hiiii... Nonton Bola Membawa Mayat

Colombian fans took a dead body to football match


17-year-old fan of Colombian side Cucuta Deportivo was shot dead while playing in a neighborhood park on Saturday -- allegedly by hired assassins. So on Sunday, his fellow members of the Barra del Indio fan group took a coffin supposedly filled with his corpse to the club's match against Envigado. Seriously.

Welcome to the hardcore world of South American football. From Colombia Reports:

After his wake, friends from "Barra del Indio" took the cadaver from the funeral home and paraded it around and then into the stadium in an attempt to pay homage to the slain soccer fan.

The medic for the soccer club, Julio Rivera, told the press, "They don't let in the "barras" (fanatics) but yes, a cadaver. This is the only part of the world where this has happened."

Colonel Alvaro Pico, a local police [official] said that the boy's death had nothing to do with his love for the soccer team rather it was a consequence of criminal actions in the area where he lived.

The event has generated controversy in Cucuta and stadium officials will hold a meeting to find out who permitted the entry of the cadaver and what punishment will be given.

Colonel Pico said they have identified some individuals who took the body from the funeral home.

Wow. So with that precedent set, the next time you taunt rival fans for having a stadium with the atmosphere of a morgue, be sure that it's not because their stands are filled with actual dead people.


01-04-2011, 02:16 PM
15 of the Wackiest Records & Accolades in Football


A Brazilian goalkeeper reached an impressive milestone this week in a way that few would expect.

His bulging tally will slot nicely amongst the fifteen records and accolades set out within this slide show.

Included are goal scoring heroics, seaside themed occurrences and the occasional naughty moment! In essence they act as a reminder of the weirdly wonderful side that can be a game of two halves.

No. 15: Mind If I Join You Lads

The FA can sometimes get themselves worked up over very little can't they. Long before Sian Massey (pictured here) came along, female referee Janet Fewings decided after an Exeter Sunday League match to take the plunge into the boys changing rooms.

She was dismayed at the lack of separate facilities offered to women and hopped into the after match showers with the Exeter players. It was 1996 and shows about "Friends" sharing each others lives was common place, so it made sense.

Jealous WAG's (yes Sunday Leaguer's have WAG's) and the Devon FA saw differently however and charged her with bringing the game into disrepute.

She found herself £15 out of pocket as well as finding her refereeing career effectively ended. Yet I am sure the players didn't mind that much—they were the ones not complaining after all!

Rumour has it she was offered money for some nude photos which she respectfully declined

No. 14: A Jail Bird on Pitch

Some footballers such as Craig Bellamy and Joey Barton pick up convictions as often as they score goals.

The game of football was first subjected to a known offender in January 2000 when Gary Croft came on for Ipswich Town as a second half substitute in their First Division match against Swindon Town.

Part of his armoury was an electronic tag, making him the first player in a league match to brandish one.

His crime in case your interested was a four month stretch for driving whilst disqualified mixed with perverting the course of justice. The tag was a requirement of his release and available for all to see.

Working on a GPS signal as well opposition fans would do well to distract his tag with phones at the ready!

Additionally to make sure he stuck to a seven am to seven pm curfew Croft was disallowed from any evening kick offs until his tag was released. It was in time thankfully for him to help Ipswich defeat Barnsley 4-2 in the end of season play-off.

No. 13: Run of Successive Hat-Tricks

Right after World War 2 ended Jack Balmer became the last player to hit three hat-tricks on three successive match days.

In November 1946 the Liverpool player smashed in three against Portsmouth, with four the following weekend at Derby and a finale of three against Arsenal at Anfield.

It didn't just stop there as he totalled 15 goals in seven consecutive league matches.

In total he would come agonisingly close to a century of goals in his career, as he finished with 98 in 289 games for the Merseyside club.

Still his tally is undeniably one we would all like to replicate.

No. 12: Most Goals in a League Season (in the UK)

It would generally appear that the lower down the league rostrum you are the more goals that come your way.

This may be due to the lack of quality in goal, defense or generally throughout the pitch as games can become one big scrap heap of mediocrity.

In League terms Scottish side Raith Rovers hold the highest goal tally for a season. In their 1937-38 season they netted 142 goals in just 38 league games. Anyone who follows the Scottish League games will notice a frequency for high scoring fixtures.

Peterborough remained the most consistent before they reached the League by scoring over 100 goals in every one of their Midland League games in the five seasons before joining the Football League.

Their highest tally reached 160, but they were beaten by Chester who totalled 170 goals in their 1930-31 season in the Cheshire County league. That whole division was a goal fest with at least eight teams scoring and conceding over 100 goals in their campaigns.

The only team to have ever achieved the same feat of scoring and conceding a century of goals in one season was Manchester City who did so in 1957-58.

Wouldn't it be marvellous to see such a thing in the Premiership!

No. 11: An Own Goal Based on a Dream

Most players would like to avoid scoring for their opposition through an own goal. You would expect of all people Jamie Carragher would agree—especially after his double blow in a fixture against Manchester United in 1999.

Thankfully for Liverpool, his deliberate own goal was in a testimonial match at Anfield in 2010. In a Merseyside "derby" between Liverpool and Everton, he agreed to taking a penalty for his boyhood club Everton and in doing so fulfilled a lifelong ambition.

It is just a shame that he has still scored more goals for opposition in competitive action that he has done for Liverpool themselves.

No. 10: The Rules of Abandonment

Sometimes it's bad enough to break a sweat for a game that gets abandoned. Even worse is when your fixture gets abandoned, but then is requested to restart only a few minutes after.

In an FA Cup third round fixture in January 1927 Brentford were losing 2-1 to Oldham Athletic before fog forced the match to be abandoned after 73 minutes.

Brentford's manager Harry Curtis sent his players to the changing rooms for a bath, but the fog outside lifted and the referee decided to ask for the match to be resumed.

Harry Curtis declined citing the players health as the reason (from a hot shower to a cold pitch—nice thinking!) and the match was re-staged two days later.

In a bitter twist for Oldham it was Brentford who came out on top winning 4-2.

No. 9: A Record Attendance for a Game of Unfinished Business

Colchester United left their ground Layer Road in 2008 to move to the Colchester Community stadium.

Their highest recorded attendance at their former ground came in November 1948 in a first round FA Cup tie against Reading.

Sadly for their fans the match lasted only 35 minutes as it was abandoned due to fog (again!). They never bettered that attendance to the dismay of the fans who turned up on the day.

No. 8: The Lost Goalie

To complete a trio of abandoned themed occurrences, next comes the event of one player not realizing a match had been stopped.

Of all days, it happened on Christmas Day in 1937 (before the day was made a non-footballing day). Chelsea were entertaining Charlton Athletic, but the match was called off due to fog. Yet this was no ordinary fog.

It was so thick that Charlton's keeper San Bartram was left to look special as he remained on the pitch for ten minutes after the rest of the field had disappeared. It was only when a policeman informed him of the match being halted that he left the pitch and his story would

No. 7: A Player Tweets Too Much

Despite footballs rejection of one technological advance (goal line technology) one thing the FA were able to do was to fine a footballer for a Twitter comment.

Ryan Babel seemingly went one step further after Liverpool's FA Cup defeat to Manchester United. Two decisions were made that brought the referee and the game into disrepute. First Ryan Giggs converted a second minute penalty and then Steven Gerrard saw red, effectively ending Liverpool's chances of gaining a result.

In response Babel produced a mock picture of referee Howard Webb in a United shirt and posted it on his Twitter feed.

The entire event seemed farcical as how many of us have made jokes or posted comments on Facebook about random or controversial decisions by referees?

Yet the FA saw red and fined Babel £10,000 for his "improper conduct" No footballer has fallen foul since that event in January of this year.

Let's just give it time shall we!

No. 6: A Shared Own Goal

One own goal is an embarrassment, but when two players are credited with the same own goal at least they can share the humiliation.

In a game between Leicester City and Chelsea in December 1954, Leicester defenders Jack Froggatt and Stan Milburn both struck the ball at exactly the same time. The result was a ball which flew past their own keeper which would then be defined as a shared own goal.

Chelsea would go on to triumph 3-1 with five names on the score sheet!

No. 5: The Player with the Most Goals in One Match

In English football the accolade of most goals scored by one player in one match went to "Ten Goal Payne,"—real name Joe Payne.

He played for Luton Town and hit the net an impressive ten times in a 12-0 victory over Bristol Rovers in 1936. What created more of a legend out of it was the fact is was his first outing for the side in seven months after injuries and a loan spell in non league had halted his performance tally for Luton.

Eventually he scored 83 goals in 72 games for the Hatters and earned a transfer to Chelsea as well as a few appearances for England. If it had not been for the outbreak of World War 2 it could have been more, but sadly his career ended with injury.

Yet it is not he who holds the world record for the most goals in one game. This is a joint record between a French player Stephan Staniso in 1942 and here's a tongue twister for you, Olympos Xylofagou of Cyprian side Panagiotis Pontikos in 2007.

Both players scored 16 goals for their sides with the latter netting 12 in the second half against third division rivals SEK Ayios Athanasios FC.

No. 4: Most Players to Miss the Same Penalty

Sometimes freak events happen on the pitch that you know won't be repeated in a hurry.

Such an event occurred in 1973 in a Division Two match between Portsmouth and Notts County. The visitors were given a penalty and eventually had three attempts for the same penalty, but even more bizarrely with three different players.

First Kevin Randall attempted, but the penalty had to be retaken after the goal keeper moved. Don Masson then had his effort disallowed because he struck the ball before the referee had given the signal.

Then finally Brian Stubbs adhered to all the rules before missing the goal completely and thus ending Notts County's goal scoring opportunity.

It couldn't have been a story they would each tell their grand children!

No. 3: Beach Balls at the Ready!

If ever there was a way to offer your opposition a ludicrously strange goal it's to have one of your own supporters throw a beach ball onto the pitch and leave it lying there ready for a deflection from the actual football.

Such was the fate faced by Liverpool after a Kop fan thrust his beach ball onto the pitch only for Darren Bent to slot in for Sunderland after the football came off of the beach ball and put Liverpool keeper Pepe Reina into a bout of confusion.

Sunderland would go on to win the game 1-0 in a result that would go on to define Liverpool's somewhat disastrous 2009-10 campaign.

The only thing that didn't go down was the beach ball itself and the aftermath of taunts from rival clubs. Liverpool's club shop then reported a surge in the beach balls with opposing fans wanting a piece of football history.

The fan who threw the beach ball onto the pitch however left a little deflated.

No. 2: The Biggest Win & Most Ridiculous Tantrum

For over 115 years, Scottish side Arbroath had a stranglehold on the biggest victory record. Their Scottish Cup triumph over Aberdeen side Bon Accord 36-0 held firm as a feat unmatched for the whole 19th Century.

The occurrence itself was slightly misleading in that the Bon Accord side who turned up were in fact a cricket team who decided to play the game anyway despite their appearance being a mistake. When the correct team turned up two years later, they were still hammered 18-0 by Arbroath.

This record was finally broken, and in reality smashed in 2002 when Madagascan side AS Adema beat close rivals SOE 149-0 in a match that saw two goals per minute.

To get to such a score line could not have been achieved in open play—instead the SOE players were making a protest against a refereeing decision and proceeded to score own goal after own goal in protest. The Adema players just looked on in bewilderment, but the scoreline was left to stand as the highest in the world of football.

No. 1: The Goal Scoring Goal Keeper

And finally, the news that came to the forefront this week was of Brazilian goal keeper Rogerio Ceni's 100th career goal when he netted for Sao Paulo against Corinthians.
Not content with being a goal keeper, it would seem Ceni wants it all and now has it all with his accolade.
Watching the link included, it's not hard to see why as his technique could rival David Beckham on many occasions.
As you would do he took his jersey off in celebration, for which he was given a yellow card.
Ceni's tally of goals added to the various free kicks and penalties he has scored throughout his 900 plus featured games, making him the highest scoring goal keeper in history.
2005 proved to be his golden year as he found the net on 21 occasions. At 38, the experienced goalie must surely now be looking towards reaching one thousand games for the club he has played for in the entire duration of his professional career.


Andi Istiabudi
04-04-2011, 02:26 PM
Al Fayed: Tak Suka Patung Jacko, ke Neraka Saja
Penulis: Hery Prasetyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo


LONDON, KOMPAS.com — Pemilik Fulham, Mohammed Al Fayed, marah kepada pengkritik patung Michael Jackson (Jacko) di Stadion Craven Cottage. Bahkan, dia mengeluarkan kalimat kasar, meminta mereka yang tak setuju pergi ke neraka saja.

Pebisnis asal Mesir ini memang berkawan dekat dengan almarhum raja pop asal Amerika Serikat tersebut. Sebab itu, untuk mengenang persahabatan, dia membangun patung Jacko di stadion milik Fulham, Craven Cottage. Bahkan, Al Fayed mengundang Jacko menyaksikan pertandingan Fulham melawan Wigan pada 1999. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, tepatnya Juni 2009, Jacko meninggal dunia.

Keberadaan patung Jacko di Craven Cottage ternyata mulai memunculkan protes sebagian suporter. Patung penyanyi di stadion sepak bola dianggap aneh. Namun, Al Fayed balas menyerang pemrotes.

"Kenapa dianggap aneh? Fans sepak bola menyukainya. Jika ada sebagian suporter bodoh yang tak bisa memahami dan menghargai hadiah seperti itu, mereka boleh pergi ke neraka," katanya kepada News of the World.

"Saya tak ingin mereka menjadi fans Jacko. Jika mereka tak memahami dan tak percaya sesuatu yang saya percaya, mereka boleh pergi ke Chelsea. Mereka boleh pergi ke mana mereka suka. Orang dari seluruh Inggris sampai mengantre untuk datang dan mengunjungi patung itu. Ini sesuatu yang membuat saya dan siapa pun harusnya bangga," ujarnya.

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

theater of dream
04-04-2011, 03:25 PM
Al Fayed: Tak Suka Patung Jacko, ke Neraka Saja
Penulis: Hery Prasetyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo


Segitu nya.... =)) =))
Nonton Chelsea = neraka.....

Andi Istiabudi
04-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Mungkin Al-Fayed bingung mau pasang patung apa. Patung putranya, mendiang Dody Al-Fayed dan kekasihnya mendiang Putri Diana sudah ada di pusat perbelanjaan Harolds miliknya di London. Mau bikin seperti patung Best-Law-Charlton di depan stadion Old Trafford eh Fulham mungkin belum punya pemain yang melegenda. Akhirnya dipilihlah patung Michael Jackson, paling tidak bisa mendatangkan turis asing fans Jacko dari seluruh dunia ke stadion Fulham, hehehe ....

Berikut tampilan patung Michael Jackson yang lebih jelas :


Andi Istiabudi
04-04-2011, 09:09 PM
Parah, masih kecil sudah berkelahi ...

Pertandingan Sepak Bola Anak-Anak Picu Perkelahian

Bola.net - Suatu pertandingan sepak bola U-11 berakhir dengan penangkapan 3 orang setelah terjadi perkelahian yang melibatkan gunting dan sebuah kursi lipat, kata polisi Minggu.

Perkelahian meletus pada pertandingan di Hoxton Park di Sydney pada hari Sabtu, ketika seorang pemain diganti dan dua orang diduga mulai berdebat dengan pelatih tim.

"Dikatakan salah seorang pria kemudian mengancam dua orang lain dengan gunting," kata polisi. Dia menambahkan kalau pria yang mengancam dengan gunting itu kemudian dipukul dengan kursi.

Petugas dipanggil ke tempat kejadian dan ketiganya kemudian didakwa membuat keributan umum. (afp/cax)

Source : http://www.bola.net

05-04-2011, 10:39 AM
World Football: Ranking the Top 10 Scandals of All Time


Football has always been a sport that has never failed to cause controversy of some sort.

Football has seen incidents involving the likes of Diego Maradona, match fixing scandals and a nation denying another a chance of getting into the World Cup via a handball.

And there are probably even more incidents that could be even more outrageous that will happen in the future.

With this in mind, here are the ten biggest controversies in football history.

Marseille's 1993 Season

Throughout the late 1980's and early 1990's, Marseille were the most dominant side in France as they won Ligue 1 four consecutive seasons and in 1993, they became the first ever (and to date the only French side) to win the European Cup/Champions League by defeating AC Milan by a 1-0 score.

But after winning the Champions League, news broke that Marseille were involved in a match fixing scandal right before the Champions League final, as they told players on an opposing team to allow Marseille to win and not to injure any players before the Champions League final.

The scandal forced Marseille to lose their 1992-93 Division 1 title and the right to play in the UEFA Champions League 1993-94, the 1993 European Super Cup and the 1993 Intercontinental Cup, but Marseille were not stripped of their Champions League title.

Battle of Santiago
http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/Mariodavidbattleofsantiago1962_275x155_display_ima ge_display_image.jpg

"The most stupid, appalling, disgusting and disgraceful exhibition of football, possibly in the history of the game." - David Coleman.

That quote from David Coleman summed up one of the most grueling moments in football history as Chile faced Italy in a Group 2 clash.

There was added heat to the match as just two years prior in Chile, the largest earthquake in history (a 9.5 on the Richter Scale) and two Italian journalists (Antonio Ghiredelli and Corrado Pizzinelli) both labeled the city of Santiago as "a dump" before the World Cup, causing even higher tensions for Chile.

Just 12 seconds into the match, the first foul was committed and Honorino Landa was sent off in the 12th minute and had to be escorted off by police after refusing to leave the pitch.

Throughout the match, there were many different incidents that happened such as Chile's Leonel Sanchez punch to Italian Mario David (for which Sanchez was not sent off), but David was sent off several minutes later after kicking Sanchez in the head.

Later on, Sanchez broke Humberto Maschio's nose with a left hook and police had to intervene three more times to break up numerous scuffles during the match.

Chile won the match 2-0 on goals from Jaime Ramírez and Jorge Toro.

South Korea's 2002 World Cup

Going into the 2002 World Cup, South Korea (who were one of the two host nations) expected themselves to finally advance out of the group stage for the first time in their history, but their great World Cup run will always be overshadowed by the referees.

After the group stage, South Korea got their first "break" against Italy in the Round of 16, in which the referee (Byron Moreno of Ecuador), seemed hell-bent on ensuring the Koreans progressed, disallowing a perfectly fine Italian goal and controversially sending off Francesco Totti for diving in extra time.

As a result of this, South Korea won 2-1 on a golden goal from Ahn Jung-Hwan.

And in the quarterfinal, South Korea once again got the benefit of the doubt as Egyptian Referee Gamal Al-Ghandour disallowed two legitimate Spanish goals and his linesmen judged one Spanish attack after another to be offside.

South Korea went on to win 5-3 on penalties to reach the semifinals.

Shortly afterward, both referees were forced to retire due to match-fixing (Moreno) and allegations and receiving a new car for helping South Korea to advance (Ghandour).

Thierry Henry "Hands" France a Spot in the 2010 World Cup

In extra time of the second leg for a European spot in the 2010 World Cup between France and Ireland, the entire complexion of how a global superstar was seen was changed due to the use of his hands.

In the 104th minute of extra time, when former Arsenal and current Barcelona and French star Thierry Henry handled the ball not once, but twice, with his hand before passing to teammate William Gallas, who scored against an Irish team that was fuming that the handball call wasn't made.

Afterward, there were many a calls for the match to be replayed, for Ireland to make the World Cup as a 33rd team and for Henry to be suspended in the World Cup, but none of that happened as Henry "handed" the French a berth in the 2010 World Cup.

Algeria's Elimination from the 1982 World Cup
http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/Soccer_ap_algerian_fans_576_display_image_display_ image.jpg

Playing in their first ever FIFA World Cup, Algeria made a major splash on the world's stage in Spain.

Algeria were able to win their first match against West Germany and found themselves extremely close to advancing onto the next group.

But in the final group fixture, the games were played at different times, which allowed West Germany and Austria to learn that a 1-0 West German victory over Austria would be enough to advance onto the next round following a 3-2 Algeria win over Chile.

Within the first ten minutes of their final group stage match, West Germany were able to get a goal before the entire game came to a screeching halt with West Germany and Austria doing nothing else of major significance for the rest of the match.

Due to this, Austria and West Germany advanced over Algeria in a moment that West German manager Jupp Derwall argued "we wanted to progress, not play football."

As a result, all final fixtures in a World Cup group match are played at the same time to prevent this from repeating.

2018 and 2022 World Cup Selections

FIFA's latest massive controversy came last December during the selections for both the 2018 and 2022 World Cup's.

For the 2018 World Cup, FIFA's Executive Committee chose Russia to host the World Cup, and Qatar was later awarded the same honor for 2022.

However, there was lots of controversy around the selection.

Qatar practically bought the World Cup through star footballers such as Zinedine Zidane who came out to support the bid.

And for 2018, many expected the English to win the bid, but were unable to because the British media was unable to keep quiet about FIFA's ExCo members and their prior actions.


After the Serie A season finished in 2006, Italian police uncovered a scandal that involved Serie A Champion Juventus, AC Milan, Lazio, Fiorentina and Reggina.

The five clubs were found guilty of rigging games by selecting favorable referees for their Serie A games. After the investigation was completed, Juventus was relegated to Serie B and lost their Champions League spot.

Along with that, Milan was able to keep themselves in the Champions League, even though their original punishment had them eliminated and they won the Champions League final that year. Fiorentina couldn't compete in the Champions League and Lazio weren't allowed in the UEFA Cup.

Amazingly, Italy were albe to win the 2006 World Cup despite the investigation into the scandal containing many of these players happening at the exact same time.

The Netherlands 1978 World Cup Final

Right before the 1978 World Cup final, it was exposed that Dutch players were partying the night before the final, which was exposed by the Dutch media and caused the Dutch players to be swarmed into a massive amount of controversy.

Going to the final, the Dutch were forced to take an extra long route to the Estadio Monumental for the final, and shortly afterward they took to the pitch without the Argentinian National Team, which remained in their locker room for ten extra minute.

This forced the Dutch to face the hostile 70,000 plus Argentine fans screaming at them for ten minutes before losing 3-1 in extra time

The Hand of God

In the 1986 World Cup quarterfinal against England, in which Maradona left his mark in the 51st minute when he went into the box to challenge English keeper Peter Shilton for the ball (who held an eight inch advantage over Maradona).

But Maradona became "bigger" than Shilton for a moment, as he hit the ball into the goal with help from "The Hand of God" to give Argentina a stunning 1-0 lead as they went on to win 2-1 and win the World Cup.

Geoff Hurst's Goal in the 1966 World Cup

In the 1966 World Cup final, England's Geoff Hurst took part in one of the most controversial plays in World Cup history.

In the 101st minute, Hurst's shot hit his shot off the crossbar, which ricochet down onto the goal line and went out.

On the play, Swiss referee Gottfried Dienst was undecided if the play was a goal or not, but Soviet referee Tofik Bakhramov signaled to Dienst that the ball crossed the line. According to Bakhramov's memoirs, he believed the ball had bounced back not from the crossbar, but from the net, which made the movement insignificant.

According to a story of when Bakhramov was on his deathbed he was asked how he was so sure it was a goal and he gave the one-word reply "Stalingrad", which is the name of the city in the then Soviet Union in which over 75,000 Soviets died against Nazi Germany.


05-04-2011, 11:42 AM
World Football: Ranking the Top 10 Rock Star Footballers of All-Time


The word rock star has many meanings to many people and a raft of connotations—largely pejorative if you are a conformer, ameliorative if you have been brought up on and reveled in 1960s American and British culture.

Smashed guitars, bat-eating Brummies and hotel shenanigans may not always be prevalent in modern-day football (at least not the first two). But many wild individuals with a carefree attitude, alarming attitude to fame and money and swagger which have won them more fans than critics have brought color to the sport over the last few decades.

In this slideshow, I highlight the ten most notable "wild things," alluding to some of their purported behavior over the years.

From Dwight Yorke and Mark Bosnich's kinky sex games to Rene Higuita's conviction for smuggling drugs to cat fights and knife brawls, the sporting press has never been short of off-the-field headlines.

Enjoy the mayhem!

10: Gerald Asamoah (Germany and St. Pauli)

"Wild West-style cat fight" is how German police described the scene at German international Asamoah's flat when they were alerted to a disturbance in Hamburg.

Asamoah, thinking his wife was away on holiday, had decided to invite "Florence" and "Priscilla" back to his flat after he and St. Pauli teammates had partied in the city's red light district.

Unfortunately, his wife Linda came back at an unfortunate time and all hell broke loose as she struggled with the two women and accidentally cut herself with a kitchen knife.

Naughty boy!

9: Ronaldo (Brazil and AC Milan)

Questioned by police three years ago for trying to pay off three male, cross-dressing prostitutes he had taken home with him, Brazilian forward Ronaldo has never been far from controversy.

His initial absence from the starting lineup of the 2002 FIFA World Cup sparked numerous rumors about his health and love life, although it transpired that he had suffered convulsions in his sleep the previous night and had been unwell leading up to kick-off.

He recently retired, following much criticism from Corinthians fans that he was overweight and overpaid.

8: Dwight Yorke and Mark Bosnich (Manchester United)

Oh my! These two are a right pair and like a pair or two too.

While Aussie goalkeeper Bosnich had a cocaine problem and nearly missed his wedding after being held by police following a wild stag do, Yorke tried to deny impregnating British glamour model Jordan.

But their moment of fame truly came when Yorke failed to properly dispose of a sex tape which showed him participating in a sex orgy with a cross-dressing Bosnich and four women.

Gene Simmons would be proud!

7: David Beckham (England and LA Galaxy)

Possibly an unusual selection, but few rock stars could claim to be as ubiquitous or rich as Leytonstone's finest, David Beckham.

Sarong-wearing, Argentine-kicking, style guru Beckham is currently living it up in Los Angeles, where his glamorous wife is make headlines in the fashion industry and where he and is three sons can regularly be seen rubbing shoulders at NBA matches with film and rap stars.

And that is not to mention Irma Nici, Sarah Marbeck or Rebecca Loos...

6: Mickey Thomas (Wales and Manchester United)

''Roy Keane's on 50 grand a week. So was I until the police found the printing machine'', Mickey Thomas famously said when reflecting upon a colourful career.

Aside from money laundering while playing at Wrexham, Thomas was known for his fondness for alcohol and the fairer sex...and admitted in his biography that he sometimes slept in hostels, stadia or training grounds as he struggled for money and to keep on the straight and narrow...many women in tow.

5: Rene Higuita (Colombia)

Known by many for his ''scorpion kick'' save against England in a friendly match, crazy-haired Higuita has never managed to escape the spotlight for long.

His latest project is to become politically active in his native Colombia, after his profile was raised, following his participation in the reality TV programme La Isla de los Famosos.

Before that, he tested positive for cocaine while still playing professionally and spent seven months in jail after he received a large sum of money for delivering a kidnap ransom.

4: Peter Storey (England and Arsenal)

Known for his hard-hitting style, Arsenal legend Storey ran a pub and market stall when he quit the game.

However, he is notorious for having been involved in coin counterfeit activities, car theft and illegally importing pornographic films.

3: Robin Friday (Reading)

A very talented footballer in his heyday, Friday's career was short-lived as his alcoholism and drug addiction eventually caught up on him.

He introduced himself on his debut to Fulham's Bobby Moore by squeezing his testicles and fatally overdosed in 1989.

Perennially here today, gone tomorrow...there have been few characters like Friday

2: George Best (Northern Ireland and Manchester United)

Generally regarded not only as one of the best footballers in history but also as one of the biggest party animals.

Growing up alongside The Beatles in a cultural revolution promoting carefree fun and sexual promiscuity, Best came to own two nightclubs in Manchester and numerous fashion boutiques.

Reportedly, he also knew Manchester's young women fairly initimately also.

1: Diego Maradona (Argentina and Napoli)

Not his daughter, nor his niece, the lovely lady pictured above is, in fact, 50 year-old Argentina coach and footballing legend Diego Maradona's girlfriend, model Monica Ojeda.

Proving that Maradona still has the magic touch!

It seems that wildboy Maradona doesn't know what a quiet night in is and certainly doesn't play by the rulebook - whether it is testing positive for drugs at USA '94, karate kicking an opponent in front of the King of Spain, being chased across the globe by Italian taxmen or punching the ball into the back of the next in front of millions of spectators...


06-04-2011, 12:42 PM
Nike 2011/12 Premier League, La Liga and Serie A Balls


These are the new Nike football's to be used in the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga and Italian Serie A for the 2011/12 season.

Earlier this year we brought you the first pictures of the new Manchester United, Arsenal and Barcelona home shirts as well an illustration of a possible Juventus away shirt. Now we bring you the new balls that will be used in each one of their expected leagues.

Nike calls this design the Seitiro and they feature what looks to be their most modern design to date for their football range. Each league gets it own logo printed on the ball aswell as their own inidividual colour seemingly reflecting each nation.



06-04-2011, 12:51 PM
Fulham's Michael Jackson Tribute Is an Insult to Footballing Legends


Johnny Haynes, George Cohen, Bedford Jezzard and Alan Mullary: All of these players are Fulham legends, immortals in Craven Cottage history, black and white heroes from the black and white era.

How fitting it is, then, that Fulham's controversial, colourful and—in many people's eyes—idiotic owner, Mohammed Al-Fayed, decided to overlook all of these footballing legends when picking who to immortalise outside Craven Cottage: Michael Jackson.

The late Michael Jackson had his own associations with Fulham’s famous black and white colour scheme, as his face morphed from between the two colours over the course of his career, but that’s not directly where the connection ends.

In fact, Jackson is reported to have attended one game at the Cottage in 1999—clearly this is enough to constitute the grandest of memorials to the King of Pop, unveiled yesterday by the Fulham owner.

It’s rumored that the infamous extremist Osama Bin Laden attended a series of games at Arsenal in his earlier years and was quite the fan.

It’s a real shame then that Mohamed Al-Fayed didn’t choose to invest in the Gunners instead. If that had been the case, maybe the new Emirates Stadium would have garnered a great individual distinction for different reasons than its current reputation as a giant effigy to the world’s most wanted man that may have cast its shadow over north London.

Had this have been the case, the global media attention would have highlighted to the world what the majority of us in the southeast England already know: Mohammed Al-Fayed is a moron.

Maybe it’s unfair to compare the King of Pop to the head of Al Qaeda, but the logic remains the same. The Jackson statue is an insult to all the great players who ever pulled on the famous black and white shirt.

Al Fayed claims that this vulgar £100,000 contraption will attract fans of Jackson from across England and maybe even the world—this may well be true, but what exactly does this mean for Fulham? Are people going to converge on Craven Cottage to look take in the statue and then buy season tickets as souvenirs to take home with them?

This ghastly piece of gratuitous garbage is nothing more than one mentally deranged man’s tribute to another.


06-04-2011, 01:45 PM
Hundreds of angry Egyptian fans invade pitch after disallowed goal


The violent madness that engulfs Egyptian and Algerian footballing relations exploded yet again, this time during Saturday's African Champions League match between Egpyt's Zamalek and Tunisia's Club Africain. With Zamalek leading 2-1 in the second leg but still down 5-4 on aggregate, they had a vital late goal disallowed after being ruled offside. The home fans decided to blame the match's Algerian referee and in stoppage time, hundreds of them stormed the pitch.

The match was abandoned as the officials fled the scene and the crazies on the pitch threw stones, lit flares and attacked both the players and each other.

From Reuters:

An Egyptian official in the ministry of health said nine people were injured in the incident, according to the state news agency MENA. He did not give their nationalities.

The incident revived the soccer tension between Egypt and Algeria of the recent past.

Algeria and Egypt had a diplomatic row late in 2009 over an ill-tempered qualification match for the World Cup.

Both sides traded accusations about crowd violence and intimidation and Cairo withdrew its ambassador from Algiers.

Africain will likely be awarded the victory once this mess is sorted out and Zamalek should be in for some kind of sanctions (key word there being "should"). Also, note how the video above ends with a creepy horror movie type cut out, making it just that much more disturbing. We don't know for sure, but there's a good chance that's when Godzilla attacked.

UPDATE: Egypt prime minister Essam Sharaf has apologized to Tunisia, the Africain players and the Algerian referee for what he described as "an act of thuggery" at Cairo Stadium. He has ordered the interior ministry to launch an investigation and called for the African Champions League to be suspended


06-04-2011, 05:54 PM
Ranking the Top 10 Penalty-Stoppers in World Football


Arguably the most important position on the pitch, a goalkeeper is often called upon to come up big in massive situations.

For a goalkeeper, often the most important stressful part of the job comes in the form of stopping penalties.

With this in mind, here is a list of the ten best penalty stoppers in the world today.

1. Oleksandr Shovkovskiy

In the 2006 World Cup, Ukrainian goalkeeper Oleksandr Shovkovskiy became the first goalkeeper in World Cup history to not allow a goal in a penalty shootout in a round of 16 matchup against Switzerland.

Since 1993, Shovkovskiy has been the top goalkeeper for Dynamo Kiev and has won 12 Ukrainian Premier League titles.

2. Robert Green

Robert Green has had a successful past in terms of stopping penalties.

In the 2007-2008 Premier League season, Green stopped the first three penalties that he saw, and has continued to be huge for West Ham as they try to stay up this season.

3. Jens Lehmann

Now that he is an active player again for Arsenal, Jens Lehmann is able to make this list following the infamous quarterfinal penalty shootout in the 2006 World Cup.

Aided by a note that he kept in his sock telling where each of the Argentine players was supposed to shoot, Lehmann was able to stop two of the penalties and Germany reached the semifinals.

4. Brad Friedel

Nicknamed "the human wall," Brad Friedel made his mark on penalties back in the 2002 World Cup, stopping two penalties in the group stage and becoming the first goalkeeper to stop two penalties in the group stage of the World Cup since 1974.

Since then, Friedel has continued to come up huge for Aston Villa and has the most consecutive starts in Premier League history.

5. Tim Howard

The American goalkeeper has made a huge mark with Everton when it comes to penalty shootouts.

In the last three seasons, Howard has beaten both Manchester United and Chelsea on penalty shootouts in the FA Cup, and he has also came up huge in multiple penalty situations over the last several years.

6. Gianluigi Buffon

Long considered to be the best goalkeeper in the world, Gianluigi Buffon has found himself in some massive penalty situations throughout the years.

Buffon's biggest penalty save probably came in Euro 2008, where he was able to stop a penalty from Adrian Mutu to keep Italy in the tournament and deny Romania a historic win.

7. Petr Cech

A huge goalkeeper throughout the years, Petr Cech has helped Chelsea in multiple penalty shootouts.

Cech was able to help Chelsea win multiple penalty shootouts, and his penalty save on Kevin-Prince Boateng proved to be the difference for Chelsea as they completed the double.

8. Pepe Reina

One of the best penalty stoppers the Premier League has ever seen, Pepe Reina has came up huge in his career in terms of penalties.

Reina was able to stop three out of four penalties in the 2007 FA Cup final and two out of three against Chelsea in the Champions League semifinal during the same year to enforce his amazing record.

9. Edwin Van Der Sar

e of the greatest goalkeepers in recent years, Edwin Van der Sar has played great in penalty shootouts throughout his career.

Van der Sar has won a penalty shootout for the Dutch in Euro 2004, stopped three straight penalties in the 2007 Community Shield, and stopped Nicolas Anelka in the 2008 Champions League final to win Manchester United the Champions League.

10. Iker Casillas

Currently the best goalkeeper in the world, Iker Casillas has been clutch in penalties throughout his career.

In Euro 2008, Casillas was able to stop Italy twice to help Spain advance to a Euro 2008 title, and he stopped Paraguay's Oscar Cardoza in the 2010 World Cup quarterfinal as Spain went on to win the World Cup.


08-04-2011, 06:09 PM
Neymar scores, gets sent off for wearing mask of his own face


In a matter of moments, Neymar showed off his superior skill and hazardous immaturity during Santos' Copa Libertadores group stage match against Colo Colo on Wednesday night. With Santos already up 2-0, Neymar skipped the ball over the flailing legs of defenders and chipped the keeper to give his side a 3-0 lead in the 51st minute.

He decided to celebrate the way he toyed with Colo Colo by grabbing a mask of his own face from someone in the stands and putting it on upside down. Funny, but not to the ref, who showed Neymar a yellow card for illegal celebration. And since that was his second booking of the match, it was quickly followed by a red card.

Three minutes later, both sides had a player sent off to make it nine against 10, and Colo Colo used that advantage to score twice in the final 10 minutes before each side had another player sent off in added time. Final red card tally: Five. Neymar's goal remained the difference in the end, though, with the score finishing at 3-2.


Actually, that might be how Neymar's hairdo is supposed to be worn.


Andi Istiabudi
08-04-2011, 06:37 PM
Gara-Gara Tanda Tangan, Bis Hamburg Dihentikan Polisi

Bola.net - Para pemain klub Jerman, Hamburg, menceritakan peristiwa membingungkan yang mereka alami di mana mereka dihentikan oleh mobil polisi dengan sirine yang meraung-raung gara-gara hanya sebuah tanda tangan.

Pemain Hamburg sedang bersama pelatih tim mereka dalam perjalanan mereka ke suatu pertandingan ketika mereka dipaksa menepi dari jalan raya oleh polisi lalu lintas.

Anehnya bukan surat tilang yang mereka dapat, melainkan suatu permintaan dari seorang polisi wanita berambut pirang yang menginginkan tanda tangan dari striker Mladen Petric.

Striker asal Kroasia berusia 30 tahun itu berkata, "Semua pemain lain tersenyum, jadi saya tidak menyadari apa-apa pada awalnya."

"Akhirnya saya menyadari kalau mereka benar-benar ingin saya keluar dari bis. Ketika saya tiba di sana, seorang polisi wanita muda mengatakan kalau dia adalah penggemar berat saya, dan kemudian mengeluarkan bukunya dan meminta tanda tangan saya."

Permintaan aneh itu diketahui publik ketika klub menuliskan kejadian itu di Twitter setelah selesai bertanding.

"Bis tim kami dihentikan oleh polisi karena polisi menginginkan sebuah tanda tangan," tulis pernyataan dari klub. (sun/cax)

Source : http://www.bola.net

Andi Istiabudi
12-04-2011, 11:02 AM
Mengaku Homo, Pebola Swedia Siap Dikecam
Penulis: Hery Prasetyo | Editor: Hery Prasetyo

PEMAIN bola Swedia, Anton Hysen, terang-terangan mengaku homoseksual. Ia pun tak takut dikecam maupun kesulitan dalam kariernya.

Hysen merupakan putra legenda Fiorentina dan Liverpool, Glenn Hysen. Pemain 20 tahun ini kini memperkuat tim Divisi IV Swedia, Utsiktens BK. Dia pemain sepak bola pertama yang terang-terangan mengaku homoseksual. Pengakuan itu dia sampaikan dalam wawancara dengan majalah Offside, bulan lalu.

Selama ini isu homo sangat sensitif di sepak bola. Pemain pertama yang diributkan karena homo adalah Justin Fashanu. Dia akhirnya mengakhiri hidup dengan cara bunuh diri.

Disinyalir, banyak pemain bola yang homoseksual. Namun, mereka tak mau mengaku karena takut kariernya akan hancur. Sementara, publik bola sendiri sebagian besar menolak pemain homoseksual bermain bola.

Salah satu yang paling keras menentangnya adalah mantan Direktur Umum Juventus, Luciano Moggi. Pada 2008, dia bahkan menyatakan bahwa sepak bola bukan tempatnya kaum homoseksual.

"Tak ada kaum gay dalam sepakbola. Saya tak tahu, apakah para pemain menentang atau menerima kaum gay berada dalam tim mereka. Yang pasti, saya menentangnya. Tak ada tempat buat kaum gay di sepakbola," kata Moggi ketus dalam acara KlausCondicio di sebuah televisi.

Meski begitu, Hysen tak canggung mengakuinya. Bahkan, dia berharap peamin bola lainnya yang gay terang-terangan mengungkapkan jati dirinya.

"Aku seorang pemain bola dan gay. Jika aku tampil sebagai pemain bola, maka aku tak memikirkan masalah apakah aku suka wanita atau pria," tegas Hysen.

Dia mengakui, pengakuannya itu bisa memengaruhi kariernya. Namun, katanya, dia dan pemain lain harus melawan setiap jenis rasisme dari para pelatih atau bos klub.

"Itu masalah mereka. Publik boleh saja menyebut diriku apa saja sesuai keinginan mereka. Itu hanya akan membuat diriku semakin kuat," katanya.

Pengakuan Hysen itu mendapat dukungan dari Federasi Internasional Pesepak Bola Internasional (FIFPro). Anggota Dewan FIFPro, Tony Higgins, mengatakan, "Pengakuan Hysen akan menyemangati pemain lain yang homoseksual untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Sebab, homoseksual masih menjadi masalah tabu di sepak bola. FIFPro memberi dukungan kepada Hysen dan mendesak agar semua pemain mendapat perlakuan yang sama dalam kondisi apa pun."

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

12-04-2011, 03:43 PM
15 Strange Club Names You Need to Learn


Some football devotees look upon themselves as advanced followers of the game due to their vast knowledge of past and present events in the sport. Undoubtedly, this is something that could be described as admirable, but when it comes to club names, one might need to take his knowledge to a higher level.

In this article, we present to you 15 strange football club names from around world, which you might have never heard of, but need to get familiar with in order to elevate your standard among other experts.

Llanfairpwll F.C.

Llanfairpwll FC is football club based in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio gogogoch, a community on the island of Anglesay.

The club was founded back in 1899 as Llanfair Rovers, and it competes in the Welsh Alliance League Division 1--precisely, in the Cymru Alliance League.

Do not rush to pronounce Llanfairpwll FC's team name as "Yanfairpool FC", for you might just be wrong

Zalaegerszegi Torna Egylet

You will probably often see this club's name written in abbreviation as ZTE. But in fact, it is important to know that ZTE actually stands for Zalaegerszegi Torna Egylet. The latter is a Hungarian football team based in the city of Zalaegerszeg.

The club, coached by János Csank, was founded in 1920, and is currently a member of the Soproni Liga.

Gençlerbirliği Spor Kulüb

Best known simply as Gençlerbirliğ SK, Gençlerbirliği Spor Kulübü is a Turkish football club located in Ankara. Founded in 1923, the club is a two-time Kupasi winner.

Taumata FC (FULL Name)
http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakit anatahu-funny-football-names_display_image.jpg

You must probably be thinking that Taumata FC is an ordinary club name, very easy to remember. The truth is that Taumata is just a shortened name given to a hill close to Porangahau in New Zealand.

The real Māori name for Taumata is in fact Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakit anatahu; and strangely, there happened to be a football club there.

If you ever try to fully mention the name above (Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuaki tanatahu), you might need to be patient and relaxed.

Jaworznickie Stowarzyszenie Piłkarskie Szczakowianka

Jaworznickie Stowarzyszenie Piłkarskie Szczakowianka, also known as Garbarnia Szczakowianka Jaworzno, is the name of a Polish soccer team currently playing in the IV Liga.

The club was founded in 1923, and its present coach is Andrzej Sojka.

NAC Breda (Real Name)

The majority of football lovers are aware that NAC Breda is the name of a soccer team based in the Netherlands. What many do not know, however, is that this name in full is one of the longest club names in the sport.

NAC was founded subsequent to the merging of two separate clubs back in 1912: NOAD and ADVENDO.

NOAD is a Dutch abbreviation standing for Nooit Ophouden, Altijd Doorgaan--which means "Never give up, always persevere" in the English Language.

ADVENDO is also a Dutch abbreviation, but it stands for Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning--which means "Pleasant for its entertainment and useful for its relaxation".

The "C" in NAC thus stands for Combinatie--meaning "combination"--while Breda is the name of the city in which the club is based.

So, to recap, NAC Breda's full name is: Nooit opgeven altijd doorgaan, Aangenaam door vermaak en nuttig door ontspanning, Combinatie Breda.

Bangkok Bravo FC (Real FULL Name)

Bangkok Bravo FC is a Thai club based in the country's capital.

Its full name is: Amon Rattanakosin Krung Thep Mahanakhon Mahinthara Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Ayuthaya Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit Bravo Association Football Club.

Bangkok Bravo FC officially has the longest club name in football at the moment.

Borussia Dortmund (Real FULL Name)

This club is often referred to as Borussia Dortmund, or BVB09 Dortmund, but Ballvereinborussiadortmundneunzehnhundertundneun is in reality its full name.

Founded in 1909, the club currently plays in the German Bundesliga under the leadership of Coach Jürgen Klopp.

Botswana Meat Commission Football Club

The Botswana Meat Commission Football Club, also known as BMC FC is based in Lobatse. It was founded in 1969 and competes in the Mascom Premier League.

Fans may also refer to the team as The MeatMen.

Club Deportivo Morón

Club Deportivo Morón is an Argentine football club based in Buenos Aires. It was founded in 1947 and currently plays in the Primera B Metropolitana.

For readers' information, the team name's third word has nothing to do with its possible English sense. Morón simply means "Hummock", in English.

FL Fart

FL Fart is a Norwegian football club located in Vang. It was founded in 1934, and can also be called Fotballaget Fart.

If you are a fluent English speaker, then you might want to keep your ideas over this club's name to yourself as a sign of respect, decency and maturity.

Blood, Sweat, and Beers FC

Blood, Sweat, and Beers FC is an English team competing in the Ledbury Tuesday 6 Aside. Their slogan is: "Where the beer is part of the game!"

Quite daring...

Club Always Ready

Club Always Ready, also known simply as Always Ready, is a Bolivian football club based in La Paz. It was founded in 1933, and plays in the Primera B league.

The New Saints of Oswestry Town & Llansantffraid Football Club

The New Saints of Oswestry Town & Llansantffraid Football Club, better known as The New Saints or TNS, is a professional British club based in Wales.

From 1997 to 2006, it was known as Total Network Solutions FC. It was founded in 1959 and plays in the Welsh Premier League.

Panthessaloníkios Athlitikós Ómilos Konstantinoupolitón Football Club

You probably know this team from the Greek Super League under the name of PAOK FC. This club was founded in Thessaloniki back in 1926, and its full name is: Panthessaloníkios Athlitikós Ómilos Konstantinoupolitón.

It means "Pan-Thessalonian Athletic Club of Constantinopolitans" in English.


19-04-2011, 11:43 AM
Si Penendang Burung Hantu Dihukum Lagi
Arya Perdhana - detiksport

Bogota - Anda masih ingat dengan Luis Moreno, pemain yang pernah dikecam dan dihukum gara-gara menendang seekor burung hantu? Moreno kembali dikenai sanksi, tapi kali ini bukan karena menyepak hewan.

Moreno yang bermain buat Deportivo Pereira dikenai skorsing larangan bertanding selama tujuh pertandingan akibat menendang seorang lawan. Demikian seperti yang diwartakan Reuters.

Peristiwa itu terjadi akhir pekan lalu saat Pereira dikalahkan oleh tuan rumah Deportivo Cali dalam Liga Apertura Divisi Satu Kolombia.

Moreno yang berkebangsaan Panama itu menendang badan pemain lawan, Pablo Andres Escobar, di bagian perut saat Escobar tengah terbaring di lapangan usai dilanggar. Wasit lantas mengacungkan kartu merah buat Moreno.

Selain skorsing yang membuatnya bakal absen hingga berakhirnya Liga Apertura, Moreno juga dijatuhi hukuman denda sebesar 731 ribu peso Kolombia atau sekitar 402 dolar AS alias sekitar Rp 3,5 juta.

Hampir dua bulan lalu, Moreno menciptakan kontroversi ketika ia menendang seekor burung hantu yang tengah teronggok di lapangan akibat sayapnya terluka. Burung hantu itu adalah maskot dari klub Atletico Junior, lawan Pereira saat itu.

Burung hantu itu kemudian mendapat perawatan, tetapi akhirnya malah mati. Moreno kemudian dikenai hukuman skorsing dua laga.

19-04-2011, 12:09 PM
Di Tajikistan, Pemain Berjenggot Dilarang Bermain Bola
Ada fakta unik di Tajikistan, di mana pelatih dilarang untuk menurunkan pemain yang memiliki jenggot dalam sebuah pertandingan.

Pelatih dari klub papan atas Tajikistan Khayr Vakhdat, Tokhir Muminov, mengaku dilarang pihak kepolisian untuk menurunkan salah satu pemainnya dalam pertandingan. Alasannya, pemain yang akan dimainkan memiliki jenggot.

Pemain berjenggot itu adalah Parviz Tursunov. Pemain ini dikenal dengan penampilan berjenggot tebal.

"Selama dia mengurusi masalah dengan jenggotnya, absennya dia memiliki efek negatif pada performa tim," kata Muminov, Selasa (19/4).

Larangan oleh pihak kepolisian tersebut tak bisa lepas dari aturan pemerintah untuk menekan tanda-tanda munculnya paham ekstrim berlandaskan agama.

Tajikistan, negara pecahan Soviet yang mayoritas berpenduduk Muslim, memang menerapkan aturan ketat seputar hal ini. Bahkan di bulan Januari pihak kepolisian sempat menahan sekitar 30 orang yang memiliki jenggot. Jurubicara Menteri Dalam Negeri Tajikistan berdalih hal ini dilakukan karena pihak kepolisian tak menemukan kesamaan dalam hal penampilan asli dan di kartu identitas mereka.

Ada pun Tursunov, pemain yang dilarang tampil karena jenggotnya itu, lebih memilih untuk tidak lagi bermain sepakbola ketimbang harus memotong jenggotnya.


Andi Istiabudi
19-04-2011, 02:48 PM
Wasit Moldova Mengundurkan Diri Setelah Diancam

Bola.net - Dua wasit sepak bola di Moldova mundur setelah mendapat ancaman kekerasan akhir minggu lalu.

Vladislav Ivanchenko mengatakan, ia memutuskan mengakhiri karirnya setelah menerima pesan singkat dari seseorang ketika akan memimpin pertandingan antara Rapid dan pimpinan klasemen kompetisi liga Dacia Chisinau.

"Pesan itu berisi ancaman bila saya tidak mengikuti keinginan si pengirim pesan pada pertandingan itu, maka sesuatu akan terjadi pada keluarga saya," kata wasit berusia 42 tahun itu dalam wawancara dengan televisi lokal.

"Ancaman itu ditujukan kepada keluarga saya, jadi saya memilih menghentikan pekerjaan saya. Saya sudah menyatakan keputusan saya ini kepada federasi sepak bola nasional," kata Ivanchenko, yang pernah dihukum Moldova FA (FMF) dua pertandingan karena memimpin pertandingan memprihatinkan tahun lalu.

Wasit FIFA, Gennady Sidorenko, yang memimpin pertandingan Sabtu antara juara Sheriff Tiraspol dan penantang dalam perburuan gelar juara Zimbru Chisinau, juga menerima ancaman sama atas keluarganya.

Sidorenko (38) mengatakan, ia sudah meminta agar istri dan puterinya jangan keluar rumah.

Keempat klub itu menyatakan mereka tidak ada tersangkut dalam ancam mengancam itu, tetapi mengakui polisi dan FMF sudah mulai melakukan pemeriksaan.

Dacia, dilatih mantan striker Soviet Igor Dobrovolsky, memimpin Sheriff, yang sudah menyandang gelar domestik 10 kali, kini memimpin dengan empat poin dan sisa pertandingan masih enam kali lagi.

Rangkaian insiden itu merupakan yang terakhir terjadi dalam sepak bola Moldova, cabang olahraga paling populer dewasa ini di negara itu.

Pada petinggi klub selalu mengeluh atas buruknya kepemimpinan wasit sedangkan wasit mengatakan mereka selalu mendapat tekanan dari para pengurus klub. (ant/mac)

Source : http://www.bola.net

20-04-2011, 02:02 PM
Bees stop play at Italian match!


An Italian league match was suspended on Sunday after a swarm of bees invaded the pitch.

The ref cleared the players and fans from the Fortunati stadium for 15 minutes until the swarm passed and the Serie C1 match between Pavia and Gubbio could continue.


26-04-2011, 01:10 PM
maaf kalo repost

Barcelona Klub Olahraga dengan Bayaran Tertinggi
Meylan Fredy Ismawan - detiksport

Barcelona - Barcelona menjadi klub olahraga dengan rata-rata gaji pemain tertinggi di dunia. The Catalans mengungguli rival abadi mereka, Real Madrid, dan klub baseball New York Yankees.

Berdasarkan Global Sports Salaries Survey 2011 yang melibatkan 272 tim di 14 liga di tujuh cabang olahraga di sepuluh negara dan dipublikasikan oleh sportingintelligence, rata-rata gaji pemain tim utama Barca adalah 95.081 pounds per pekan. Kalau dihitung per tahun, anak buah Pep Guardiola rata-rata menerima 4.944.211 pounds.

Dalam survei ini, Madrid menduduki posisi kedua. Para pemain Los Merengues rata-rata digaji 88.421 pounds per pekan (4,6 juta pounds per tahun). Sementara Yankees yang menempati peringkat ketiga membayar pemainnya rata-rata 81.206 pounds per pekan (4,2 juta pounds per tahun).

Klub sepakbola lain yang masuk sepuluh besar adalah Chelsea, Inter Milan, dan Manchester City. The Blues menghuni peringkat keenam dengan rata-rata gaji pemain 72.365 pounds per pekan, Nerazzurri di peringkat ketujuh (72.111 pounds per pekan), dan The Citizens di posisi kesepuluh (70.476 pounds per pekan).

Berikut peringkat 12 besar klub olahraga dengan rata-rata gaji pemain tertinggi di dunia:

Klub-Negara-Cabang Olahraga-Liga-Gaji Per Pekan
1. Barcelona Spanyol Sepakbola La Liga 95.081 pounds
2. Real Madrid Spanyol Sepakbola La Liga 88.421 pounds
3. New York Yankees AS Baseball MLB 81.206 pounds
4. LA Lakers AS Basket NBA 78.614 pounds
5. Orlando Magic AS Basket NBA 76.528 pounds
6. Chelsea Inggris Sepakbola Premier League 72.365 pounds
7. Inter Milan Italia Sepakbola Seri A 72.111 pounds
8. Boston Red Sox AS Baseball MLB 72.010 pounds
9. Denver Nuggets AS Basket NBA 71.997 pounds
10. Man.City Inggris Sepakbola Premier League 70.476 pounds
11. Utah Jazz AS Basket NBA 70.068 pounds
12. Bayern Munich Jerman Sepakbola Bundesliga 69.475 pounds

Andi Istiabudi
26-04-2011, 02:27 PM
Laga di Liga Swedia Ditunda Akibat Petasan

Bola.net - Kejuaraan sepak bola di Swedia antara Syrianska dan AIK Stockholm dihentikan setelah berjalan 20 menit, Senin (25/4), karena hakim garis Daniel Warnmark dihantam lemparan petasan.

"Ia harus dibawa ke rumah sakit dan karena itu pertandingan dihentikan," kata wasit Martin Stroemberg kepada wartawan, setelah ia mendengar kondisi penjaga garis itu mengkhawatirkan.

"Ia terkena lemparan petasan pada telinganya sehingga mengganggu pendengarannya. Ia amat terkejut," katanya.

Syrianska baru memimpin 1-0 ketika tim tamu AIK mengalami nasib nahas karena pemain depan mereka Teteh Bangura dikeluarkan dari lapangan karena bereaksi keras kepada penjaga gawang tuan rumah.

Tidak lama kemudian, petasan berterbangan ke lapangan sampai akhirnya pertandingan dihentikan. Belum diketahui apakah hasil pertandingan diputuskan 1-0 atau laga akan diperpanjang.

Pertandingan derby di Stockholm antara AIK dan Djurgarden juga sempat terganggu beberapa kali karena banyak petasan yang dilemparkan ke lapangan.

AIK berada di urutan keenam klasemen sementara dengan simpanan delapan poin dari empat pertandingan sedangkan Syrianska di nomor buncit dengan koleksi satu poin. (ant/lex)

Source : http://www.bola.net

26-04-2011, 02:41 PM
Parcel Bomb Sent To Celtic Manager Neil Lennon


Strathclyde Police have launched an investigation after a Royal Mail sorting office intercepted a liquid parcel bomb that was addressed to Celtic manager Neil Lennon.

In the past few weeks two other devices have also been detected, one addressed to Labour politician Trish Godman and one addressed to lawyer Paul McBride – the man who represented Lennon throughout his legal dispute with the SFA.

Both Godman and McBride are well known to be avid Celtic fans.

All three packages were initially thought to be hoaxes, but analysis has revealed that they could have worked and were ‘viably designed to kill or maim’ – though they have also been deemed ‘rudimentary’ and probably not made by anyone with any level of para-military training.

The news comes months after packages containing bullets were sent to Lennon as well as Celtic players Paddy McCourt and Niall McGinn – all three of whom hail from Northern Ireland.


Andi Istiabudi
26-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Wah apes banget pengurus, official dan pemain di klub ini ...

Jika Degradasi, Pemain Cologne Diancam Dibunuh Fans

Bola.net - Tim Anda kalah dan akan terdegradasi? Siap-siaplah menerima ancaman pembunuhan. Itu lah yang terjadi di Bundesliga. Pemain Cologne kini harus was-was setelah suporter mengancam akan membunuh mereka.

Ancaman itu datang usai Cologne takluk dari Wolfsburg 4-1 akhir pekan lalu. Kekalahan itu membuat Cologne terdampar di peringkat ke-14. Hanya berbeda 3 angka saja dengan zona degradasi yang dihuni Wolfsburg dengan 32 angka.

Beberapa suporter mendatangi kompleks latihan Cologne Senin (25/4) dan membentangkan spanduk sepanjang 20 meter dengan tulisan "Jika turun (degradasi) kami akan membunuhmu." Sebuah tulisan yang tidak bisa dianggap main-main oleh pemain mereka.

"Saya tidak mengerti bagaimana mereka yang disebut suporter bisa melakukan aksi itu," ujar kapten Cologne, Lukas Podolski seperti yang dikutip Bild versi online.

Sementara sang pelatih Frank Schaefer, mengaku terkejut dengan aksi ini. "Saya terkejut, hal seperti itu tak perlu dilakukan dalam sepakbola," ujar pelatih yang memutuskan akan mundur dari jabatannya di akhir musim ini. Keputusannya tersebut juga diyakini atas desakan dari kemarahan fans. (afp/fjr)

Source : http://www.bola.net

26-04-2011, 08:37 PM
Wah apes banget pengurus, official dan pemain di klub ini ...

Jika Degradasi, Pemain Cologne Diancam Dibunuh Fans

buset parah... :serem:
kalo jadi ngebunuh trus dihukum, penjaranya langsung penuh tuh ama fans, trus pada ngechant di sel :D

27-04-2011, 04:22 PM
Avai vs. Botafogo Video: Watch WWE Meet Soccer in Post-Match Brawl


There's an Avai vs. Botafogo video making the rounds in the football world today, after last Wednesday's clash between the two Brazilian sides ended with an all-out brawl on the pitch.

While the video doesn't show us what started the fight (although it does tell us that Sebastian "El Loco" Abreu and Marquinhos are the people who start it), one can only assume something was said that someone didn't like too much, and mothers may have been involved.

Whatever the cause, the two teams quickly descend into violence after the match.

When two players fell to the ground grappling with one another, the two teams quickly raced to their aid.

Unfortunately, rather than breaking up the fight, the two sides managed to make things worse, stomping the players rolling around on the ground and shoving one another around.

Eventually, the two sides are separated, thanks in large part to riot gear-toting police, who step between the two teams. But that doesn't stop them from trading slaps across the police line at one another.

When the dust settled, the two sides were both escorted off the pitch, much to the chagrin of the now chanting fans.

Every once in a while, a fight like this mars the football world, and when they do, suspensions tend to follow.

One can only assume that Abreu and Marquinhos will both find themselves on the receiving end of a nice little ban, as will the Botafogo player caught stomping on Marquinhos on the ground, among others.


29-04-2011, 01:16 PM
Royal Wedding: Ranking the Athletes on Will and Kate's Guest List


In case you hadn't noticed, there's a wedding this side of the Atlantic on Friday. It's a rather big deal, apparently.

There are already people camping out outside Westminster Abbey for a glimpse of Prince William and Kate Middleton, but the lucky few won't need to bother with that. They're on the guest list.

Their number includes a handful of celebrities from the world of sport, and that gives us at Bleacher Report all the excuse we need to put together a nice little slideshow.

Time to rank the athletes invited the biggest wedding...like EVER.

7. Rugby Star Gareth Thomas

Gareth Thomas was the first Welshman to win 100 caps for his country. He was also the first international rugby player to come out as openly gay.

Thomas is currently playing Rugby League for Crusaders. Meanwhile, a film of his life is being made with Micky Rourke in the lead role.

He'll be one of a few rugby types at Will and Kate's wedding.

6. Former England Footballer and FA Director of Development Sir Trevor Brooking

Sir Trevor Brooking is an institution of English football. As a player he made his name for West Ham and England before going on to a distinguished career as an administrator in the game.

Brooking is now the FA's director of development.

5. Former England Rugby Coach Sir Clive Woodward

In 2003, Clive Woodward led the England rugby team to dramatic World Cup triumph in Australia.

As a result, he was knighted and probably as a result of that, he's been invited to the wedding.

4. Leinster and Ireland Rugby Star Brian O'Driscoll

Brian O'Driscoll is rugby royalty in Ireland and a highly respected player throughout the world.

The center, seen here scoring against England, was invited to the royal wedding...but has respectfully declined, citing the commitments of his club side Leinster.

3. England Rugby Star Mike Tindall

Mike Tindall is a no-nonsense rugby player who's been at the top for what seems like 50 years.

He's also the fiancee of Zara Phillips, granddaughter of The Queen. And that's more than enough for an invite.

2. Olympic Champion Swimmer Ian Thorpe

Australian Ian Thorpe has won five gold medals at the Olympics. No wonder they call him the "Thopedo".

He'll be at Will and Kate's wedding and back in 2012 to compete at the London Games.

1. Football Legend David Beckham

David Beckham is practically royalty in England, so it's hardly surprising he's been invited to the wedding, along with Victoria.

It's only a matter of time before he becomes Sir Becks and stands for Prime Minister.


04-05-2011, 05:36 PM
Brazilian Game Halted By Swarm Of Bees, Ends In Brawl And Fatal Shooting


he Brazilian Goiania state championship semi-final between Vila Nova and Goias over the weekend was notable for three reasons. Firstly, the first-half had to be delayed for 20 minutes while firefighters removed a swarm of bees from one of the stantions with fire extinguishers…

Once the makeshift hive had succesfully been removed, the game eventually finished in a 2-2 draw which meant that Goias advanced through to the final of the tournament – though the players’ celebrations then sparked a brawl on the pitch which had to be broken up by the local police after 15 minutes of squabbling.

Then, to really cap the madness, came the showstopper. After the game, a 19-year-old Goias fan was shot dead outside the Serra Dourada stadium as supporters milled in and around the surrounding area – though it’s thought that the shooting was a result of a ‘private matter’ and not of the tension in the stadium.

Bees = a sign of the footballing apocalype.



Lebah Ganggu Laga Sepakbola di Brasil
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Rio de Janeiro - Di partai sepakbola, fans niscaya menunggu-nunggu momen indah saat bola bersarang di gawang tim lawan. Dalam sebuah laga di Brasil, yang lebih dulu bersarang justru adalah lebah.

Kejadian ini terjadi dalam pertandingan semifinal wilayah Goiania antara Vila Nova kontra Goias di Stadion Serra Dourada, Minggu (1/5/2011) waktu setempat, seperti dilansir Reuters.

Sebelum wasit meniup peluit tanda dimulainya pertandingan tiba-tiba ditemukan seratusan lebah berkerumun di pojok gawang yang saat itu akan dikawal oleh Pedro Henrique dari Goias. Rupanya ada sarang lebah di sana.

Tak ayal wasit pun menunda waktu dimulainya pertandingan. Untuk mengatasi laskar lebah itu pun tidak mudah. Pemadam kebakaran harus dipanggil dan mereka kemudian menggunakan alat pemadam dan juga api untuk mengusir lebah-lebah tersebut.

Setelah 20 menit berlalu, pertandingan barulah benar-benar dimulai. Itu pun tidak kesemua lebah sudah minggat.

Dalam pertandingan sendiri ada empat gol tercipta dalam skor akhir 2-2. Hasil ini disambut gembira Goias karena itu cukup untuk mengantar mereka ke final.

Parahnya, perayaan itu berujung dengan tukar pukul antar kedua tim. Para fans lantas ikut berkecimpung dengan melemparkan kursi stadion dan menyerbu lapangan. Belakangan juga dilaporkan kalau keributan ini memakan korban jiwa dari kubu fans.

Stadion Serra Dourada yang salah satu mistar gawangnya sempat dihuni lebah ini rencananya akan menjadi tempat digelarnya partai persahabatan antara Brasil kontra Belanda pada tanggal 4 Juni depan.

04-05-2011, 06:03 PM
Atletico Mineiro Midfielder Richarlyson Sent Off After 25 Seconds (Video)

An extremely early bath for Mineirão player.


The Campeonato Mineiro encounter between Atletico Mineiro and America Mineiro on Saturday produced one of the quickest red cards ever.



Andi Istiabudi
10-05-2011, 01:16 AM
Terinspirasi Eric Cantona ???

Tendangan Kungfu Akhiri Karier Masimzhanov
Tjatur Wiharyo

ASTANA, KOMPAS.com — Gelandang Kairat, Armand Masimzhanov, diskors seumur hidup oleh Federasi Sepak Bola Kazakhstan karena menendang punggung pemain Lokomotiv Astana, Radmir Muksinova, dalam sebuah pertandingan Divisi Dua Kazakhstan.

Insiden itu bermula dari sebuah pelanggaran yang dilakukan seorang pemain Kairat kepada pemain lawan. Pelanggaran ini disusul keributan antarpemain. Dalam situasi kacau itulah Masimzhanov menendang punggung Muksinova. (EURO/YT)

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

10-05-2011, 01:40 PM
Blanc looks to be out on his arse after French racism row


If there was one thing that helped stop thousands of English football fans throwing themselves in front of buses or drinking even more than usual last summer it was this thought - at least England’s World Cup wasn’t as bad as France’s.

It was a disastrous campaign for the French that saw walk-outs, strops and a bottom placed finish in their group. Boss Raymond Domenech was subsequently sacked and Laurent Blanc was put in place to turn things around.
Somehow things seem to have got even worse…

Pretty much ALL of the French media are reporting that Blanc is so close to the boot that he can smell the dubbin - and here’s why…

At a meeting last November with French head honchos, there was a disagreement about how best to teach football to French youngsters. Should they recruit strong, athletic players (as Britain seems to have done forever) or go for the more technically gifted whippersnappers (a philosophy Spain are reaping the rewards of)?

Blanc wanted to pursue the second option. Quite right, many will feel. Well Done. However, how he chose to phrase his argument was far less admirable. He said:

“You have the impression that they really train the same prototype of players: big, strong, powerful … What is there that is currently big, strong, powerful? The blacks. That’s the way it is. It’s a current fact. God knows that in the training centres and football schools there are loads of them.”

Blanc is also thought to have said this:

“I’m basing this on the Spanish example where they have few problems because they don’t have any black players.”

It’s a sad state of affairs, although, in the interest of fairness, it should be noted that the French FA deny everything and this was recorded on tape by French football official/whitleblower Mohammed Belkacemi in a private meeting.

Still, no excuse is it? Let us know what you think about things with a comment below…


10-05-2011, 05:06 PM
Ranking the Top 10 Long Free Kick Specialists of All-Time


here is little more invigorating than a goal scored from a long-range free kick, and only a handful of footballers possess the capability of such an audacious attempt on goal.

While capitalizing on long free kicks is quite the spectacle, the number of attempts at it vastly outnumber the goals, which makes the feat all the more exhilarating.

Here are the top 10 long free kick specialists of all-time.

Steven Gerrard

He's not the flashiest. He doesn't have that coveted curling free kick style. But Steven Gerrard belongs in the class of great long-distance free kick specialists.

What he lacks in flair on his set pieces, he makes up with accuracy and power.

This particular clip may not do long-distance great justice, but it fully captures Gerrard's capability off a free kick.

Frank Lampard

Some may consider Frank Lampard an upgrade over his countryman Steven Gerrard in terms of a distance free kick specialist, and there is plenty of merit.

The Chelsea midfielder is widely known for his long-distance attempts on goal during open play, but his ability on set pieces is equally as dangerous.

Placement, movement and power all characterize the strikes from the England international, and this FA Cup goal against Ipswich Town is a prime example of his mastery.

Andrea Pirlo

Perhaps one of the most adept long free kick takers in all of Italian football is Andrea Pirlo, who has made a worldwide name for himself at AC Milan for his pinpoint distribution and immaculate control of the ball.

Though he has experienced a slight dip in form, he is still one of the best finishers when it comes to set pieces. And there are few who can match his accuracy from distance.

Exhibit A: a curling strike against Schalke that could not have been placed any better.

Alessandro Del Piero

Alessandro Del Piero lives among Andrea Pirlo as one of the most prolific free kick specialists of all-time. The 36-year-old Juventus star has become so efficient at set pieces that some have created the "Del Piero Zone," recognizing that rash challenges within range may result in a Del Piero celebration.

From just outside the box or from beyond 30 meters, Del Piero can do damage from all around the final third.

This compilation provides a wide variety of goals from set pieces, some close and others long. But when the dust settles, the Italian will have stamped his name into history.


What would a list of free kick specialists be without Ronaldinho?

Although his form has tanked in recent seasons, the Brazilian star is still very much capable of mesmerizing the crowd with his world-renowned dribbling skills or wondrous ball-bending ability.

Of course his capacity from short-distance set pieces are world class, but his competency from beyond that is equally delicious.

Maybe one of his most well-known attempts from distance was his tantalizing curler from over 35 meters out against England in the 2002 World Cup.

Pierre Van Hooijdonk

One of the classic free kick specialists was the Dutchman Pierre Van Hooijdonk, known for his powerful and curling set pieces.

His long strides to the ball generated immense force, but his touch is matched by only a few.

Van Hooijdonk is often placed amongst the very best of set piece masters, but his potential from long distance put him in a highly distinguished class.

This particular set piece while with Feyenoord provides a glimpse of the 6'4" striker's free kick capacity.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Ronaldo's menacing stance prior to taking his set piece has become legendary, but his execution deserves similar credit and applause.

The 26-year-old's talent can be considered other-worldly, ranging from dribbling, finishing, pace and athleticism. Included in his vast array of skills is the set piece.

The ultra-talented forward is widely considered the top player in the world, but his ability on free kicks have not gone unnoticed.

A stunning blister of a goal from likely more than 35 meters out against Arsenal in the Champions League lends evidence to Ronaldo's long distance set piece capabilities

Roberto Carlos

This legendary Brazilian fullback is known for menacing runs up the field and powerful distribution and strikes on goal.

But Roberto Carlos may forever been known by his reverse banana wonder goal against France in 1997.

If there is any extra persuasion needed for how deadly this man is from distance, look no further than here

Sinisa Mihajlovic

He may be Fiorentina's manager now, but when Sinisa Mihajlovic took the pitch as a defender, he made impacts on both sides of the ball.

Some consider him the best free kick taker of all-time, and there is evidence to entertain that argument.

Mihajlovic is known for his majestic free kick hat trick, shining light on his incredible ability on set pieces.

But while his scoring prowess from short range free kicks are reputable, his attempts from distance belongs among the best.


He has become the gold standard of deadly free kicks.

Whenever any conversation of great set piece specialists arises, Juninho's name is immediately thrown into the hat.

From short, medium or long distance, the 36-year-old Brazilian is a goal threat from virtually anywhere on the attacking half of the field.

Gifted with impeccable accuracy, power and the audacity to take attempts on goal from any spot on the pitch has dawned him as one of the greatest free kick specialists of all-time, nevermind from long distance.

This compilation provides little room for argument as to why Juninho is top.


marsel david
10-05-2011, 05:23 PM
mata saya yg salah atau memang tak aada nama beckham ya dilist diatas..

10-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Kazakh Nutcase Banned For Life After Two-Footed Kamikaze Assault (Video)


First off the bat, it’s worth noting that this clip is roughly a month old now, but such is the circulation rate of footage from the Kazakhstani Second Division, it only arrived on the doorstep of Pies Towers this very morn.

Anyway, it will probably come as a surprise to positively nobody that FC Kairat’s Armand Masimzhanov has been banned for life by the Kazakh football federation for what can only be described as the two-footed, kamikaze dropkick that he planted between his opponents’ shoulder blades during a feisty encounter with Lokomotiv…


Oh yeah, I knew there was something I’d forgotten to mention. Masimzhanov wasn’t even on the pitch at the time!

As the resultant fighting caused the match to be abandoned with three minutes left to play, both Kairat and Lokomotiv were forced to forfeit the fixture, with each side being handed a 0-3 result by way of punishment.

The fun wasn’t quite over though, as the KDK FFK cited ‘terrible cruetly’ before banning Masimzhanov for the rest of his days – but only after he and four other players were questioned by the police over their respective roles in the post-match scuffle.


10-05-2011, 06:12 PM
Pachuca put entire first team on the transfer list


A year after winning the CONCACAF Champions League, Pachuca have decided to take the measured and conservative step of putting their entire freaking squad on the transfer list.

From Reuters:

"After a meeting, we decided to make all the first team players transferable," the Pachuca board said in a statement.

"This doesn't mean they will go, but that they have [the] option of leaving the club if that suits their interests and those of the club."

And if they don't go we'll probably put them in a storage locker and "forget" to pay the rent.

Pachuca were upset by TP Mazembe in the quarterfinals of the Club World Cup back in December and ended the Clausura on a four-match winless streak last weekend to finish last in its group.

Their squad includes Paraguay national team striker Edgar Benitez, former Colombia goalkeeper Miguel Calero, as well as Herculez Gomez and Jose Francisco Torres of the U.S. So there could be some good values in this fire sale. Especially if they throw in a free T-shirt with every purchase.


Andi Istiabudi
12-05-2011, 03:08 PM
mata saya yg salah atau memang tak aada nama beckham ya dilist diatas..

Matanya gak salah kok, tapi gak tau yach kalau ada minus atau silindernya, hehehe... Iya David Beckham memang tidak ada di list itu. Kenapa yach ?

Andi Istiabudi
12-05-2011, 03:09 PM
Hina Wasit di Facebook, Dihukum Dua Laga

Bola.net - Seorang pemain junior di Italia harus menerima hukuman dua laga karena menghina wasit dalam status Facebook pribadinya.

Seperti yang dilaporkan kantor berita Italia, Ansa, Rabu (11/5), pemain yang tidak disebutkan namanya itu bermain untuk tim junior dari Polisportiva Gambatesa, sebuah klub dari daerah Molise, Italia Selatan.

Pemain junior ini merasa tidak terima dengan perlakuan wasit yang memimpin partai timnya melawan Campobasso dalam lanjutan liga Il Secondo Livello Regionale, yakni liga divisi dua regional setempat.

Meski laga itu sebenarnya berlangsung 25 oktober tahun lalu namun komisi disiplin setempat tetap menghadiahi hukuman dua laga. Klub Gambatesa sendiri juga harus mendapatkan denda sebesar 200 euro (sekitar 2,5 juta rupiah) karena aksi pemain mereka ini. (afp/fjr)

Source : http://www.bola.net

20-05-2011, 01:08 PM
Celtic-Rangers: Old Firm the Most Heated Rivalry in World Football?


Said to be worth £120 million to Scotland's economy, the Old Firm derby between Celtic and Rangers is one of the most highly-anticipated, hotly-contested and important rivalries on the football calendar.

Breaching the Glasgow divide to cross paths at least four times a season, Celtic and Rangers have a long history of being locked together in mortal combat.

And unlike most rivalries in world football, there's more riding on these games than just three points, a bit of pride or a place in the next round of the cup.

The Old Firm may not have the world famous superstars of El Clásico, or be as colourful as El Superclásico, and it may not even be as downright vicious as the Derby delle Capitale or the Clássico dos Milhões, but it certainly is the most fervent.

When these two meet in the Old Firm, it's not just about football. It's about politics, religion, and differing social attitudes.

And at the moment, it's about religion especially, with sectarian chanting rife in the Ibrox or Parkhead stands, as the Protestants of Rangers and the Catholics of Celtic clash yet again.

One man at the centre of such sectarianism is Celtic boss Neil Lennon, a former Northern Ireland international and a well-renowned Catholic, who if reports in the newspapers and the words of die-hard Rangers fans are to be believed, is almost a "dead man walking."

Rangers fans, and their unionist supporters from Northern Ireland, target Lennon as he's a well-known Catholic and nationalist, the antithesis of the typical Rangers fan and Northern Irish citizen.

Lennon is also targeted because he doesn't exactly help himself in social situations, having clashed with Rangers fans before and "biting the bait," so to speak. Also, his so-called "dirty attitude" on the pitch in his playing days, and for some bizarre reason the fact he has ginger hair, are other reasons for the wide-spread hate campaign against the Celtic manager.
In general, the typical Celtic fan is a Catholic and a nationalist, i.e. they distance themselves from being British and see themselves as Scottish—or as is the case from their large following from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, they see themselves as Irish.

It's a stark contrast to the Rangers fan, meaning the clashes between these two teams are not only about who emerges victorious in the football match and wins the SPL title, but about who wins in the battle of religion, and the battle of politics.

A Celtic win is a victory for Catholicism and nationalism, while a Rangers victory is another step forward for the unionists and the Protestants.

And because it's not nice seeing an opposing religion one has no faith in and political views one despises emerge victorious, violent clashes at Old Firm games have seemingly become the accepted norm.

It's estimated that from 1996 to 2003, eight deaths were directly linked to matches between Celtic and Rangers, along with thousands of assaults and arrests.

In a rivalry which has hugely significant meaning in not just Scotland, but Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland also, there has even been heavy violence in these two states as well, as a direct result of the outcome of Old Firm games in Glasgow.

In fact, for a considerable amount of supporters the football on the pitch is quite irrelevant, as it merely provides a platform for religious and political sectarianism.

The matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona may be exciting football matches with plenty of superstars, while games between Inter Milan and AC Milan may have the Serie A title and pride of Milan riding on them, but none has quite the impact in their respective countries, and abroad, as the Old Firm between Celtic and Rangers does.

A complicated battle on and off the pitch, intertwined with various political and religious undertones, the Glasgow showdown between Rangers


24-05-2011, 01:02 PM
Goalless glory, stars and strangleholds

This week, title celebrations in Manchester, Amsterdam and Glasgow feature alongside a Javier Zanetti milestone and the most unusual of Russian Cup runs.


Milan’s Coppa Italia semi-final against Roma last Wednesday. This remarkable tally, which rose to 1,001 at Napoli on Sunday, is made up of 750 games for Inter, 33 for Talleres, his first club, 66 with Banfield, 12 for Argentina’s U-23 side and a record 140 with the Albiceleste seniors. The veteran utility man, who turns 38 in August, has now played 535 league matches without picking up a single red card, and is steadily closing in on Giuseppe Bergomi’s Inter appearance record of 758. He has also joined an exclusive club by hitting the 1,000-mark, with Tommy Hutchison (1,000), Roberto Carlos (1,010), Paolo Maldini (1,032) and Alan Ball (1,084) the only outfield players on a list topped comfortably by goalkeeping legend Peter Shilton (1,390).


national league titles have now been won by Rangers, strengthening the Scottish giants’ hold on the world record. This latest championship, the Ibrox club’s third in succession, leaves them four clear of Linfield of Northern Ireland, their closest challengers, with Uruguay’s Penarol another two behind on 48. For outgoing manager Walter Smith, this was his tenth league title and 21st major trophy over two separate and hugely successful spells in charge. As for old foes Celtic, they had the small consolation of breaking the Scottish Premier League’s clean sheet record with their 23rd shutout of the season in the 4-0 win over Motherwell. Between them, these Glasgow rivals have now won the Scottish title in each of the last 26 seasons, a run that dates back to Sir Alex Ferguson’s Aberdeen’s second straight championship in 1985/86.


domestic championships is a landmark that, before Sunday, only seven teams in continental Europe had reached. In pipping Twente to the Eredivisie title, Ajax became the eighth to join this elite club, following in the footsteps of Anderlecht, Benfica, CSKA Sofia, Olympiacos, Rapid Vienna, Real Madrid and Sparta Prague. It was the Amsterdam outfit’s first championship in seven years, ending their longest drought in over half a century, since they went a decade without a league title between 1947 and 1957. Another team rewriting history this week were Porto, who became only the third team to complete a Portuguese top-flight season without defeat, a feat managed by Benfica in 1972/73 and 1977/78, and set a new points record of 84 in the process.


top-flight titles is the tally that has established Manchester United as the most successful team in English league history. This latest, landmark championship, secured with a 1-1 draw at Blackburn Rovers on Saturday, took the Red Devils beyond the long-coveted tally of old rivals Liverpool. Since the Premier League was formed in 1992, United have finished on top in 12 of the division’s 19 seasons, and Saturday also witnessed Ryan Giggs break David James’s Premier League appearance record by turning out for the 573rd time. Yet Sir Alex Ferguson’s 16th league title as a manager was secured despite his side boasting the worst away record of any Premier League champions, having won just five of their 19 fixtures on the road. Nor were United the only Manchester club celebrating, with City toasting their first major trophy in 35 years, a 1-0 final win over Stoke City having extended their run of over seven hours without conceding in the FA Cup.


goals have been scored by Alania Vladikavkaz en route to reaching the Russian Cup final for the first time in their history. This seemingly impossible statistic has come about thanks to a remarkable run that has taken the second tier outfit to within 90 minutes of silverware – or, more likely, to within 120 minutes and beyond. After all, Alania have advanced to the final on the back of three goalless draws, three penalty shoot-out wins and another fortuitous twist of fate, when quarter-final opponents FC Saturn went bankrupt. Only CSKA Moscow, who have scored eight times en route to the final and boast three previous cup wins, can now prevent Alania completing their unusual journey to the trophy. And regardless of the outcome in the 22 May showpiece, this goalless campaign has ensured that team from the foothills of the Caucasus mountains will be playing in Europe next season, with CSKA’s UEFA Champions League participation guaranteeing their opponents a place in the UEFA Europa League.

http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/statisticsandrecords/news/newsid=1436432.html?cid=newsletter_en_20110519_new sid1436432

27-05-2011, 02:37 PM
Redknapp has weird way of calling ‘skinny runt’ Messi the best


Spurs manager Harry Redknapp will never be confused with Mark Twain, but that didn't stop The Sun from giving him a regular column and for that, we should be thankful. The latest example of his hilarious brand of nonsense comes in the form of a timely and ridiculous comparison between Lionel Messi and Wayne Rooney.

This is what old Harry has to say about Messi:

A mate of mine said to me the other day, after watching Messi destroy a team on his own, that the Argentine looks like the sort of bloke you'd find sitting in a bookies in the afternoon, smoking a fag and betting on horses.

He's a skinny runt who looks nothing like a modern-day footballer really.

He has funny little legs that move awkwardly when he runs and if he turned up at your club as a 16-year-old, you'd send him away with a pat on the head and tell him he'd no chance of making it.

Don't get him wrong, though. Even though he describes Lionel as some sort of goofy gnome who looks like he spends his days smoking cigarettes and betting on horse races, he still thinks he's "undoubtedly" the best player in the world (with Ronaldo second and Rooney "definitely in the top 10"). However, I don't think you'll ever find a stranger preamble to that point. Well, until Harry writes another column about Messi.


05-06-2011, 06:18 PM
The Spoiler awards - Biggest Mistake of the Season


This season hasn’t all been great goals and magic matches and stuff like that. Unfortunately, there have also been plenty of things happening that shouldn’t have happened.

In fact, there have been so many things that have gone wrong this season past, that The Spoiler’s head nearly exploded while trying to remember all the things that didn’t quite go according to plan.

There’s the England 2018 bid, the whole FIFA thing, the whole Darron Gibson joining Twitter thing, the Gattuso v Jordan thing, the Kolo Toure thing. The list is quite literally really long. So long in fact that we’ve decided to keep things patriotically British for this one…

Remember when Wayne Rooney decided he wanted to leave Man Utd because they’d never win anything ever again with the players they have? It seems like a strange cheese dream now but it really did happen.

Rooney was vilified by the Man Utd support and one United supporting member of Team Spoiler still holds a grudge that burns right to his very core. However, while it was definitely a mistake in terms of fan love, Rooney has admitted his mistake, got a massive pay rise out of it and most people don’t really seem to care anymore.

Or do they, United fans?

Andy Gray and Richard Keys have to be in the melting mixer for their comments on Sian Massey. It cost them their very nice jobs and confirmed what a lot of people had long suspected. It was sexist, it was horrible but it’s not our Mistake of the Season.

Similarly, Ryan Giggs’ decision to first boff a Big Brother contestant, then get a super injunction and then TRY AND SUE TWITTER has to be regarded as one big, spectacular eff-up.

However, The Spoiler has pretty much forgotten about the whole thing. It’s only taken two weeks for those who said Giggs would now be remembered as a legal landmark rather than a genius footballer to be proved wrong.

Elsewhere, Chelsea also look to have made a £50million mistake with the signing of Fernando Torres, although we’re prepared to reserve judgement on that. The FA deciding to fine Blackpool for fielding a weakened team got The Spoiler’s goat and Sir Alex Ferguson’s decision to get Bebe is looking increasingly rubbish.

There can only be one winner though, and Mistake of the Season is…


Let’s get one thing out the way - Avram Grant seems like a lovely man. However, he is, by all accounts, an absolutely rubbish manager. APPARENTLY, John Terry and Steve Clarke ran things at Chelsea, at Portsmouth it didn’t really matter what he did and at West Ham he got found out.

While all of the other mistakes we’ve listed haven’t been terminal, relegation for West Ham is an absolutely massive blow and a lot of the blame can be laid at the door of - not just Grant - but Gold, Sullivan and Brady for their rubbish appointment and indecisiveness.



10-06-2011, 12:25 PM
Madjid Bougherra Exposes Transfer Loophole to Leave Rangers Under Webster Ruling


Five years after benefiting from the "Webster ruling," Rangers look set to lose out on one of their star players after Madjid Bougherra signalled that he wants to leave the SPL champions.

It is widely believed that the Algerian defender, a signing from Charlton in 2008 for £2.5 million, has told the club that he will not only will turn down their recent contract extension offer, but that he will now most likely invoke Article 17 of the FIFA transfers and contracts rulebook if he is not sold. Under the ruling, players over the age of 28 can buy out the remaining years of their contract, regardless of length.

In 2006, Andy Webster made football transfer history when he became the first player to invoke a loophole in Article 17 of new transfer regulations FIFA had adopted to bring football's transfer system into line with EU working time law.

This enabled the centre half to cancel his contract with Hearts in the third year of a four-year deal, with the main proviso that he join a club in a foreign country and that he issue sufficient notice to his former club about the impending transfer.

Webster's transfer to Wigan Athletic was then ratified by FIFA on Sept. 4, 2006, thus creating a legal precedent for the conduct of international football transfers.

The ex-Hearts defender's stay with the Latics was a short one though, as after just four games he amazingly returned to Scotland on loan to Rangers. Unfortunately for the player, though, his time with the Gers was devastated by injury and he only managed to play three times over the following two seasons.

It is generally accepted that the "Webster ruling" could hold the same kind of significance as the "Bosman ruling" as far as football is concerned, but as of yet, no major player has chosen to use the ruling to his benefit.

In October 2010, as Wayne Rooney began contract negotiations with Manchester United, it was revealed that the Red Devils striker had informed the club that he would look into using Article 17 if contract talks did not go as he and his advisor hoped. Under the ruling, it is believed that Rooney could have bought out the remainder of his contract for as little as £5 million.

This time last year, Rangers Old Firm rivals, Celtic, benefited from a similar contact loophole when they signed Joe Ledley from Cardiff City on a free transfer. The midfielder was out of contract, but as he was under the age of 23, Cardiff could claim compensation but only if he moved to a team in the same jurisdiction.

Stoke City had already agreed upon a transfer fee of £3 million with the Welsh club only for Ledley to choose to move north of the border to Celtic where no compensation would have to paid.

As far as Bougherra is concerned, his potential loss will come as a major blow to the champions as they prepare for life in the Champions League next term. Since joining in 2008, the skilful centre back has won many admirers for the manner of his impressive performances, and he has become something of a fixture in the Rangers rearguard with 79 appearances over the last three seasons.

In the title run, the 28-year-old defender had signalled his intentions at extending his stay at Ibrox, but with QPR having won promotion to the Premier League and seemingly interested in signing him, Bougherra has now said he wants to leave.

Should Bougherra decide to invoke the ruling, it is understood that he will have to pay the club an estimated £1 million, so Rangers are now faced with either having to sell the player now for a similar amount, taking the £1 million from the player, or the worst case scenario, where the player sits out the next year of his contract before leaving for free in June 2012.

Having given Rangers the required notice of 15 days and his intention to leave, it looks as if the 2011/12 SPL season has already gotten off to a tough start, and a ball has yet to be even been kicked.


21-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Dynamo Kiev fine their players if they don’t win

Or a bit harsh?


The Spoiler absolutely hates it when we’re having a nice chat with someone about life, love and why England don’t win anything, and they come out and say:

“Yea, well the reason England are rubbish is because they’re all over-paid prima donnas who only care about money and stuff.”

The reason we hate that argument is because, you know, it’s b*llocks - Barcelona are the highest paid sports team in the world after all. However, Dynamo Kiev are currently testing the theory to breaking point by docking players wages if they lose…
Speaking to BBC Sport, Nigerian midfielder Yusuf Atanda Ayila had this to say:

“It’s really difficult in Dynamo. If you’re there you always want to win, because if you lose they take it out of your salary.

“At first, I protested but other players told me that everyone pays for losing here.

“Yea, well the reason England are rubbish is because they’re all over-paid prima donnas who only care about money and stuff.”

The reason we hate that argument is because, you know, it’s b*llocks - Barcelona are the highest paid sports team in the world after all. However, Dynamo Kiev are currently testing the theory to breaking point by docking players wages if they lose…
Speaking to BBC Sport, Nigerian midfielder Yusuf Atanda Ayila had this to say:

“It’s really difficult in Dynamo. If you’re there you always want to win, because if you lose they take it out of your salary.

“At first, I protested but other players told me that everyone pays for losing here.”So you see the players fighting on the pitch for two major reasons: to win and keep our money in our pockets.

“You don’t get paid for a difficult home or away draw, so at the club it’s all about winning and nothing else.

“Generally people understand that in sport you win, lose or draw but at this club winning is the only language they understand.”

It appears there may have been some language difficulties in recent years, with Shakhtar Donetsk winning the Ukrainian Premier League for the past two seasons.

They’ve only lost eight games in that period though, so they won’t be out on the streets just yet.

Does seem a bit harsh to us though. Thoughts?


22-06-2011, 03:55 PM
Germans to hold oracle octopus competition during Women’s WC

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/germans_to_hold_oracle_octopus_competition_during_ womens_world_cup.jpg

Spain's magnificent run in last summer's men's World Cup was nearly overshadowed by a now deceased octopus named Paul, who successfully "predicted" their win over the Netherlands in the final as well as Germany's seven matches in the tournament. Now, it's the women's turn to share the spotlight with aquarium dwelling cephalopods.

Germany, which was home to Paul and will host the Women's World Cup starting on Sunday, will also be the site of the search for Paul's successor. It will be an "Octopus Idol" or "The O Factor" of sorts, as the country's Sea Life centers try to recreate the worldwide interest (and money) generating delight that was Paul's massive fame that somehow lasted until his death last October at the age of 2 1/2.

Instead of just one octopus choosing which mussel it would like to eat out of two boxes bearing the flags of nations participating in a given match and having the result called a prediction of who will win that match, there will be eight. And those eight octopuses will unknowingly battle to see which of them will become the next Paul as the German women's team attempt to win their third straight World Cup.

From the AFP:

"We are currently conducting different skills-training exercises with the octopuses in the hope that at least one of them can forecast as well as Paul," said Britta Anlauf, spokeswoman for Sea Life Germany.

In order to ensure a level playing field, each of the eight Sea Life centres in Germany, which is host to the June 26-July 17 women's competition, will have exactly the same equipment, which will be delivered this week.

On the day of every Germany match at 11:00 am (0900 GMT), the octopuses will be put through their paces in Berlin, Hanover, Koenigswinter, Konstanz, Munich, Speyer, Timmendorfer Strand and at Paul's old home in Oberhausen.

The format of the competition is being kept secret. And along with the mysterious "skills-training" exercises (which implies there is not only skill involved in this, but skills that require the octopuses to train) Anlauf mentioned, there is certainly as much intrigue to this as a story about football match predicting sea creatures can have.

Some might advise the participating octopuses to just pick Germany every time if they want to be the next to have a shrine built in their honor, but they're octopuses, so that probably wouldn't do much good.


01-07-2011, 06:08 PM
Pemain Sepakbola Siuman Setelah 50 Hari Koma
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Jeju - Pada bulan Mei lalu seorang pemain sepakbola Korea tiba-tiba tidak sadarkan diri di tengah-tengah pertandingan. Usai 50 hari berselang, ia akhirnya siuman.

Kisah yang dialami oleh Shin Young Rok, pemain klub Korea Jeju United FC, itu diawali pada tanggal 8 Mei silam. Saat membela timnya menghadapi Daegu di partai K-League, Shin tiba-tiba jatuh pingsan.

Diketahui kemudian kalau pemain sepakbola berusia 24 tahun tersebut mengalami serangan jantung mendadak. Setelah 12 hari dirawat, selama sesaat Shin sebenarnya sempat memperlihatkan tanda-tanda tersadar, tetapi kemudian kembali koma.

Senin (27/6/2011), setelah genap 50 hari dirawat, di mana ia terus mendapatkan bantuan pernafasan, barulah Shin akhirnya benar-benar siuman. Mantan pemain Bursaspor Turki itu pun sudah tak lagi menginap di ruang UGD.

Kian membahagiakan karena Shin bahkan sudah bisa berkomunikasi singkat. Disebutkan The Jeju Weekly, Shin sudah bisa mengucapkan kata-kata, "ibu", "ayah" dan juga "terima kasih."

"Shin sudah bisa mengenali orang-orang di sekitarnya," kata Dr. Jeon Jong-eun, kepala neurologi RS Jeju Halla tempat Shin dirawat.

Meski begitu, akibat kurangnya pasokan oksigen pada menit-menit pertama ia kehilangan kesadaran di lapangan, Shin saat ini dilaporkan belum bisa mengeluarkan reaksi dengan cepat. Namun, ada optimisme yang cukup kalau ia akan mampu pulih sepenuhnya.

Optimisme serupa diucapkan Manajer Jeju United Park Kyung Hoon, setelah ia mengunjungi Shin pasca siuman. "Ia akan kembali mampu berdiri tegar," ujarnya.

06-07-2011, 04:13 PM
Russian Women’s Club FC Rossiyanka Playing in Bikinis to Fill the Stands


In the midst of the Women’s World Cup, a tournament that is drawing big crowds in Germany thanks to the high-level soccer on display, a Russian women’s club team has decided to take a radically different approach to selling tickets. This one will undoubtedly have the Sepp Blatter Seal of Approval.
The club is FC Rossiyanka, a club in the Russian Women’s Premier League. Their stated goal is to bring attention to women’s football, and while we applaud that aim, we’re not sure this is the best way to go about it. Strike that, it’s pretty much the worst way to go about it. Not that we’re complaining about women wearing bikinis, exactly…

With this project we want to draw attention to women’s soccer, to increase his popularity among the male population. Necessary to break the stereotype of women’s football as a faint, not a spectacular sport. Throughout the world, the sport is on the first cast and is growing rapidly, largely thanks to government support and assistance to national associations. The main thing is that our athletes understand and support our ideas. Together we will achieve our goals, because women’s football in Russia is doomed to success!

“Doomed to success” is an example of bad translation, but seems somewhat appropriate considering the circumstances.


27-07-2011, 12:51 PM
Top 5 Backheel Goals of All Time

Soccer headlines around the world today are once again focused on Mario Balotelli of Manchester City.

The Italian has once again become an Internet video hit as his ridiculous attempt to score against LA Galaxy in a preseason friendly ended with him looking like a complete idiot.

At least he didn't have to put on a bib.

After Balotelli was dragged from the field by Roberto Mancini after his failed attempt to score with a backheel, we take a look at some of those who have succeeded where he failed.

5. The Backheel Penalty

Awana Diab of the United Arab Emirates had been brought on as a substitute earlier in the game but was quickly taken back off by his manager after this audacious penalty against Lebanon.

4. The Flying Backheel

On the biggest stage in club football, PSG forward Charles-Edouard Coridon pulled out this spectacular diving backheel to give his team the lead.

3. Rafael Van Der Vaart Guides One Home

A fresh-faced Rafael Van Der Vaart scores with his heels for Ajax against rivals Feyenoord.

2. Before Balotelli There Was Mancini

Before he was a serious manager Roberto Mancini was a pretty good player himself, as proven with this fantastic backheel finish. Maybe he was just annoyed that Mario Balotelli wasn't as good as him!

1. Burrows Digs His Heel in

Coming deep into injury time of a Northern Irish Premier League game, this goal from Glentoran striker Matty Burrows will go down as one of the best ever.


27-07-2011, 02:02 PM
Sport Recife Keeper Viciously Kicks Unsuspecting Opponent In Neck, Promptly Banned For Life


In which Sport Recife’s youth-string ‘keeper Gustavo connects with an appalling, neck-high kick on unsuspecting Vasco de Gama midfielder Elivelton at the end of a Belo Horizonte Youth Cup tie yesterday evening – a horrifying dick move that has promptly seen the young stopper forcibly ejected from the club and banned for life…


Sickening, just sickening – in fact, Gustavo is lucky that Elivelton wasn’t left paralysed or worse after that.


29-07-2011, 01:34 PM
El-Hadji Diouf given five-year Senegal ban

Blackburn Rovers' El-Hadji Diouf has been banned from all football-related activities in Senegal for five years.


The Senegalese Football Federation (FSF) slapped the ban on the forward after remarks he made in the media about corruption in African football.

An FSF statement read: "Diouf is banned from performing any football-related activity for a period of five years."

Diouf reacted angrily to the FSF's claims that he had failed to appear for a disciplinary hearing last week.

The committee wanted to ask the Blackburn striker about comments he had made on Radio France International, claiming that "the whole system of African football is corrupt".

The federation claimed Diouf had been called to a hearing on 20 July, but the Blackburn forward insisted he had heard nothing of it.

He subsequently told French magazine Stade he would "go to war" with the FSF if they took further action.

It remains possible, according to the FSF, that the decision could be reversed if Diouf were to appear before the disciplinary committee.

The news comes as Diouf's club career hangs in the balance.

He has been fined by Blackburn for failing to report on time for pre-season training, and was left out for their pre-season tour to Hong Kong.

Manager Steve Kean said in an interview this week that he thought it was time for Diouf to leave the club, indicating that enquiries have been made by other clubs.


03-08-2011, 12:06 PM
Santos players hold back their eyes for regrettable Japan trip ad

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/santos_hold_back_their_eyes_for_regrettable_japan_ trip_ad.jpg

If you're going to copy any advertising campaign for a sporting trip to Asia, the 2008 Spanish basketball team's racism flavored ad for the Beijing Olympics is not the one to copy. Santos, however, decided that it was.

Perhaps still drunk off their Copa Libertadores title, Santos decided to advertise their trip to Japan for the Club World Cup in December by having several of their players -- including young stars Neymar and Ganso -- hold back their eyes.

In case you don't believe a professional sports team could be dumb enough to do this (regardless of how common casual racism is in some places), here's video of it...


Couldn't they have just gone with a Godzilla reference and left it at that?


11-08-2011, 02:01 PM
7 Coolest Tattoos in Soccer


You'd be hard-pressed to find a footballer these days without a few tattoos.

Some are literally covered in tattoos, while some just have one or two.

With tattoos and Twitter seemingly the biggest issues in world football these days, let's take a look at some of the coolest tattoos in soccer, in no particular order.

David Beckham

Let's just get him out of the way now.

While I'm not a huge fan of the full sleeve tattoos, David Beckham makes them look not half bad (that won't be the case in about 30 years).

Among his most interesting tattoos are the names of his wife and sons (maybe daughter by now as well) in Hindi because English would've been "tacky."

Daniel Agger

Daniel Agger loves tattoos so much, he not only has them all over his upper body, but he's also a licensed tattoo artist.

In 2009, When Liverpool were in the hunt for the Premier League title, Agger told his teammates he'd give each of them a commemorative tat if they won it. I'd love to see him try and ink up Jamie Carragher.

But back to Agger. He has a large drawing of Vikings and a graveyard that covers his whole back, but I prefer the small design on his left ring finger.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has a number of large tattoos, and some of them aren't that obnoxious.

Like this design on his upper arm. Or the red dragon tattoo down his side just below, which is pretty cool. The pair of aces on his chest however, are a little off.

Sergio Aguero and Fernando Torres

Former Atletico Madrid teammates, it's clear Fernando Torres and Sergio Aguero had a connection.

They both have tattoos on their arms of their names, written in the elfish language from the Lord of the Rings.

Clint Dempsey

Clint Dempsey is proud to be an American, and he's certainly proud to be a Texan, judging by the outline of his home state he has on his left elbow.

He's even got a star to mark his hometown of Nacogdoches.

Sergio Ramos

Sergio Ramos is another one who makes lots of tattoos look pretty good, or at least not that bad.

He has several tattoos to match his siblings, like the one around his wrist.

One of many tattoos is an elfish phrase similar to compatriot Fernando Torres. Either those books weren't released in Spain until about 15 years ago, or they just have some serious staying power...and a really good translation.

Marco Materazzi

If Marco Materazzi is tough enough to get all these large, painful looking tattoos, I have to wonder why he went down so easily on Zinedine Zidane's headbutt.

But anyway, if I won the World Cup, I'd probably get a tattoo of the trophy somewhere too, maybe not my thigh though.

Stephen Ireland

Totally kidding. This is awful.

But it feels wrong have a footballer's tattoo list of any kind without at least mentioning Stephen Ireland.


20-08-2011, 12:02 AM
Sporting KC keeper hit in the face with Omar Bravo bobblehead

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/sporting_kc_keeper_hit_in_the_face_with_omar_bravo _bobblehead.jpg

Sporting KC goalkeeper Jimmy Nielsen was nine minutes away from notching a shutout in what ended up being a 3-1 win over the Portland Timbers, despite getting hit in the eye with the head from a bobblehead doll (pictured above) early in the match. Yes, the head from a bobblehead doll.

The incident happened just after Graham Zusi scored the opening goal in the 25th minute. From the AP:

Nielsen was struck by a piece from an Omar Bravo bobblehead doll, one of thousands given away to fans in attendance. The Danish keeper lay on the field for 4 minutes but was able to continue after being checked out by medical personnel.

Two people were arrested.

Nielsen, who was getting a drink beside the goal when he was hit, said he's had objects thrown at him "a million times, but never at home.

"It happens," he said. "It's no big deal."

No, that really doesn't happen. People don't get hit in the face with the decapitated heads of Omar Bravo dolls everyday. But, it happened to you, Jimmy, and you didn't let it throw you off. Well done.

More photos right this way...

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/sporting_kc_keeper_hit_in_the_face_with_omar_bravo _bobblehead2.jpg

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/sporting_kc_keeper_hit_in_the_face_with_omar_bravo _bobblehead3.jpg


20-08-2011, 01:11 AM
Sporting Gijon’s Javi Poves Denounces ‘Rotten’ Football, Quits Forever And Refuses To Accept His Wages


While the young people of Spain continue to protest on the streets against the country’s manifest political corruption, Sporting Gijon defender Javi Poves has taken a moral stand – turning his back on the club and quitting football altogether aged 24, after spending too long in direct contact with the game’s grubby underbelly.

Poves told Spanish paper ABC’s website:

“The more you know about football the more you realise it is all about money, that it is rotten and this takes away your enthusiasm. What point is there is earning €800 or €1,000 if you know that you are obtaining it through the suffering of many people.

“I don’t want to become an icon, I am just one more and I fight against inequality. I want everyone to be equal and that we all unite and stop arguing over trivial matters and try to move forward. As it stands the world is preparing to destroy itself.

“There are certain personalities at a world level, Pele, Ronaldinho, Messi who are ambassadors for UNICEF and who on the face of it are very good, but they could do much more” he added.

“These people have such influence they should involve themselves in a much more direct way.”

El Pais are also reporting that Poves (who has vowed to return to education and ‘offer his help socially’) refused to allow Gijon to pay him the rest of his wages via bank transfer after stating that he wouldn’t allow the Spanish banks to ‘speculate with his money’ and that he also returned the keys to a car that had been provided to him through the club’s sponsors.

Take that ‘The Man’.


09-09-2011, 10:09 PM
Rafa: I've turned down job offers from all over the world


Rafa Benitez has claimed he has turned down jobs all over the world as he awaits his return to football management.

The former Liverpool boss, who was sacked by Inter Milan last December and is now back living on Merseyside, said: “Roma, indirectly, contacted me over the last few months, as well as three clubs in Spain and two in Germany.

“There were also a few national sides in Asia and Africa, but I’m waiting for the right time and the right project.”

And the Spaniard claimed Inter’s failure to sign one of his former Liverpool players had contributed to the breakdown with the then Italian champions.

“A lot of promises were made to me, but they bought me nothing,” he added.

“I asked for Javier Mascherano, as well as Alexis Sanchez in January - Barcelona’s big summer signing - who cost half the price back then.”


09-09-2011, 11:37 PM
Bursaspor’s Incredible New ‘Crocodile Stadium’ Given Green Light

Great news for fans of incredible reptilia-inspired 45,000-seater stadiums everywhere, as work has just begun on Bursaspor’s new Timsah Arena – ‘timsah’ being the Turkish word for ‘crocodile’…






That…my friends…is friggin’ spectacular!


10-09-2011, 08:56 AM
These Maryland University Under Armour Soccer Cleats Are… Well Just Look At Them

Maryland’s college football team made a huge splash with their absolutely insane uniforms earlier in the week thanks to school sponsor Under Armour, founded by Maryland alumni Kevin Plank. The uniforms are inspired by the Maryland state flag, which was drawn by angry children. When the college football team debuted the unis, I heard descriptions from “awesome” to “muscular clowns”. The soccer team been unlucky lucky enough to be Under Armour’s next victims recipients for a public display of humiliation state pride.



Andi Istiabudi
14-09-2011, 06:29 PM
Semoga pemain sepakbola Indonesia tidak seperti ini, hehe ...

Setelah Pensiun, Pemain Ini Jadi Bintang Film Porno


Bola.net - Banyak profesi yang jamak dilakukan mantan pemain sepak bola profesional. Mulai pelatih, agen pemain, komentator televisi, hingga membuka bisnis sendiri.

Tapi yang dilakukan pemain asal Belgia ini cukup unik dan jarang dilakukan pemain lain. Jonathan De Falco, mantan pemain Racing Mechelen, kini menjadi bintang film porno film gay.

De Falco masih berusia 27 tahun. Ia pensiun dini karena cedera. Kini ia banting setir menjadi bintang film porno dengan "nama panggung" Stany Falcone.

De Falco alias Falcone mengungkapkan ia memang sudah memiliki kelainan seksual sejak masih aktif bermain di lapangan hijau. Tapi ia tak merasa terganggu dengan hal tersebut.

"Selama beberapa bulan, saya punya pacar laki-laki," kata De Falco seperti dilansir Pies. "Sebelumnya saya punya pacar perempuan, tapi saya merasa lebih tertarik pada laki-laki,"

"Saya tak pernah menyembunyikan rahasia. Sejak berusia 20 tahun saya sudah berada di lingkaran gay, tapi ketika saya bermain sepak bola, tak ada orang yang tahu. Bila orientasi saya diketahui orang (saat masih aktif bermain) mungkin hal itu akan menjadi masalah," terangnya. (pies/zul)

Source : http://www.bola.net

17-09-2011, 12:29 PM
Bournemouth Chairman Gets Drunk, Verbally Abuses Fans Who Naturally Verbally Abuse Him Back


Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea for Bournemouth chairman Eddie Mitchell to go down the pitch after his club lost 3-0 at home to Chesterfield over the weekend. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for Mitchell to appear ready to fight Bournemouth fans. This is the modern world. People have cameras in their mobile phones. Warning: there’s some salty language in this video.

Mitchell’s four-letter explosion and antagonistic actions were met – understandably – by a larger four-letter explosion from the group of Bournemouth fans he chose to address. After a three-nil drubbing and a little alcohol, hackles were naturally raised.

Does Mitchell regret his decision to interact with the fans? Uh…maybe?

“If I had stayed in my box or left early then I would have regretted it,” Mitchell told BBC Radio Solent.

“I’m the chairman but I’m also a fan, if I can’t go down to the pitch then there’s something wrong.”

Right then. It’s the chairman’s privilege to go down to the pitch, and Mitchell would have regretted not doing it. The bit that ended with Mitchell being ushered away by security is a slightly different story.

“I went down to greet the players as I always do and saw the fans were still clapping and I thought to go and join in. Perhaps that wasn’t the wisest thing to do.”

The chairman of a club that just got throttled at home, with the team now in 23rd position in the league table after dismantling much of last year’s sixth place squad, thought he’d have a jolly moment with fans. Hmm. Maybe not the best judgement.

Then again, maybe the fans got it wrong.

“Last season when I went down there people were chanting my name and wanting their picture taken with me.

“Ok, we aren’t winning games at the moment but when you are injured you need support. The team is hurting at the moment and we need support.”

Okay Eddie, let’s review. Last year: a promotion playoff side that didn’t lose a home match until the end of October. This year: three points from seven and a -11 goal differential. Perhaps you might not be as popular as last year…


20-09-2011, 08:53 PM
‘Super Fan’ Moves Into One-Bedroom Flat Inside Wisbech Town’s Ground

This ‘ere is Spenny Larham.

He’s 41, an avid supporter of Rigeons League Premier Division side Wisbech Town (someone’s got to be) and he’s just ditched his family home – he’s got two kids – in the centre of the Cambridgeshire town to move into the former security hut at the club’s Elgoods Fenland Stadium, a tiny building which has recently been renovated into a one-bedroom flat with unparalleled views out across the pitch…


Larham told the Metro:

“My second home is about to become my only home. When I heard it was going to be a flat I thought I’d be the number one suspect to move in.

“It hasn’t really crossed my mind that I’ll be here all the time because I’m frequently at the club anyway with games, events and training sessions.

“It will be very different to my place at the moment. I know that my rent will be going to a very good cause and although it’s a bit smaller inside I’ve certainly got a much bigger back garden.”

Yep, completely crackers.


20-09-2011, 09:29 PM
If You Had A Luxury Car Stolen In Central Europe, Ex-Czech Star Tomáš Skuhravý Might Have Been Behind It


Tomáš Skuhravý starred for Sparta Prague, Genoa, and the Czechoslovakian National Team during a fifteen year career, and was the second leading scorer at the 1990 World Cup. Nowadays, Skuhravý lives in Italy where he owns a night club, works as a TV pundit, and is a key figure in a central European car theft ring. Allegedly.

The ring, which is not alleged and definitely exists, steals BMWs, Audis, and Porsches in Germany and the Czech Republic, then modifies them to hide their origins. The cars are re-registered in the Czech Republic to wipe out any trace of their former ownership. This is not your run-of-the-mill car theft ring. At some point, the characters from Gone in 60 Seconds were probably involved.

If you happen to read KCKRS in the Czech Republic or Germany and own a BMW, Audi, or Porsche, it might be a good time to update your ant-theft measures.

Skuhravý’s alleged involvement resulted in him being detained by Czech police, though he is now free pending further investigation.

I’ll go ahead and say it: former-footballing-star-turned-international-car-thief has a blockbuster movie feel to it. Like Gone in 60 Seconds, the plot could take some liberties and make Skuhravý a sympathetic figure. Hell, make it a semi-sequel to Gone in 60 Seconds and call it Gone in 90 Minutes.

A former soccer star, in debt to gambling concerns and/or the Mafia, must steal some arbitrary number of cars in 90 minutes or his creditors will do something horrible. Insert chase scene.

Ugh. That’s terrible. Forget I said anything.


20-09-2011, 11:31 PM
Mansfield Appoint Football’s Youngest Chief Exec, 29-Year Old Carolyn Still

Huzzah for Blue Square Premier side Mansfield Town, who have just appointed the youngest ever chief exec – 29-year old Carolyn Still, a politics graduate from the University of Durham…


Not bad Mansfield, not bad at all.


22-09-2011, 02:56 PM
Turkey imposes 'women and children only' rule on badly behaved clubs
• Clubs whose fans misbehave will face ban on male supporters
• Turkish FA: ruling will protect 'beauty and values of football'

Turkish clubs whose fans are involved in crowd trouble face having all males over the age of 12 banned from their grounds as an alternative to playing games behind closed doors.

The Turkish Football Federation policy means that only women and children will be allowed in to matches for the duration of a ban. Children will need ID to prove their age before being granted free entry.

The TFF said: "After this decision, which is a first in world football, there will be no silent and unexciting games played without spectators. The change will make teams remember the beauty and values of football."

The first match subject to the new ruling will be Fenerbahce's game against Manisaspor. Fenerbahce were sanctioned after fans invaded the pitch during a friendly against the Ukrainian champions Shakhtar Donetsk in July, forcing the game to be abandoned.


Andi Istiabudi
23-09-2011, 12:18 PM
Mereka Ini Rela Rugi demi Suporter
Tjatur Wiharyo

LONDON, KOMPAS.com - Tanpa penonton, sepak bola tak lebih dari sekadar olahraga. Dengan begitu, sudah merupakan hal wajar, atau bahkan seharusnya, "produsen" sepak bola mengganti uang suporter, jika "produk" mereka tak memuaskan.

Belum lama ini, Everton memberikan ganti rugi kepada penonton, terkait dengan transfer Mikel Arteta (ke Arsenal) dan Jermaine Beckford (Leicester City). Kedua pemain dilepas pada hari terakhir bursa transfer, 31 Agustus lalu, dan suporter yang membeli bisa menjual kembali replika kostum kedua pemain tersebut.

Dalam kolomnya di Guardian, Rob Smtyh mengatakan bahwa di masa lalu, tindakan seperti yang dilakukan Everton lebih sering muncul dari pemain, ketimbang klub.

Pada 2009, Nicklas Bendtner (yang saat itu bermain untuk Arsenal), menawarkan ganti rugi berupa pembelian kembali replika kostumnya, karena berganti nomor punggung dari 26 ke 52. Pada musim panas tahun 2000, pemain Coventry, Mustapha Hadji, melakukan hal serupa.

Seandainya semua pemilik kostum lama mereka mengambil kesempatan yang ditawarkan, Bendtner dan Hadji masing-masing kehilangan 10.000 poundsterling (Rp 141 juta) dan 18.000 poundsterling (Rp 254 juta).

Pada musim panas 2000 juga, Coventry menjual Robbie Keane ke Inter Milan dan menawarkan ganti rugi 50 persen untuk pendukung yang telanjur membeli replika kostum Keane.

Loyalitas dan semangat siap berkorban untuk suporter tak selalu ditunjukkan dengan uang. Beberapa gelandang Stoke City, Jermaine Pennant, berganti nomor punggung dari 16 ke 7. Sejumlah suporter yang telanjur membeli kostum bernomor punggung 16 memprotes tindakan itu dan Pennant memutuskan kembali menggunakan nomor punggung 16.

Tahun lalu, Reading menjual Gylfi Sigurdsson. Seorang anak berusia 13 tahun yang memiliki replika kostum Sigurdsson menuntut Reading ke pengadilan. Reading memberikan ganti rugi penuh senilai 71 poundsterling (Rp 1 juta) plus biaya peradilan.

Source : http://bola.kompas.com

27-09-2011, 01:52 PM
South American Linesman Hit With Roll Of Paper, Milks It Like Brawny Bavarian Dairy Maid, Gets Game Called Off

Here we see linesman Milciades Saldivar, flat out on the touchline after being pelted with a projectile during the South American Cup game between Universidad de Chile and Nacional in Montevideo last night…


The ‘projectile’, as can clearly be seen in the photo above, was nothing more than a rolled-up paper streamer – a missile that would weigh no more than a few grammes even if it were wet-through.

Still, that didn’t stop Senor Saldivar from milking the incident for all that it was worth, lying ‘unconscious’ on the floor until he was carted from the pitch by paramedics and loaded into the back of an ambulance while the referee was left with no option other than to call the match off with 43 minutes of the second-half remaining…


Here’s the video of the whole ridiculous debacle…



28-09-2011, 11:19 AM
UAE footballer Theyab Awana dies following car accident
• Awana became internet sensation for back-heeled penalty
• 21-year-old killed travelling back from training


The United Arab Emirates winger Theyab Awana, who became an internet sensation when he scored a back-heeled penalty in the summer, has died following a car accident.

The country's football federation confirmed that the 21-year-old, who also played for the UAE club Bani Yas, was killed while travelling back from training in Al Ain to Abu Dhabi.

"I feel the loss of one of my family," the UAE's football president Mohammed Khalfan al-Rumaithi said. "I felt bitter tragedy. May the almighty bless him and may he rest in eternal peace."

Awana was considered a rising star in the UAE team, but his biggest claim to fame was the back-heeled penalty he scored in a 6-2 win over Lebanon in July, for which he was reprimanded by the then coach Srecko Katanec.

The Asian Football Confederation expressed its sympathy in a statement: "On behalf of AFC and the Asian football family, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the UAE football community, family and friends of Awana," the acting president Zhang Jilong said. "His demise at such a young age is a great loss to Asian and UAE football in particular."

The roads in the United Arab Emirates are among the region's most dangerous. A goalkeeper for the Under-23 side was badly injured in a car crash last year.


28-09-2011, 12:28 PM
Luton Town's Alex Lawless breaks hand in wall punch


Luton Town midfielder Alex Lawless has broken his hand by punching a wall at half-time in Saturday's loss to York.

With the Hatters 3-0 down, the Welshman, 28, did not re-emerge for the second half against his former club.

He will be out for about a month and has been disciplined by the club, with the punishment undisclosed.

"He does care and it was against his former club, I can understand the frustration," boss Gary Brabin told BBC Three Counties Radio.

"But his act has now cost us for the next month or so.

"I've spoken to Alex at length, he's absolutely gutted. He understands [the punishment] but we'll be keeping that in-house. He realises he's let us down and he'll be dealt with accordingly."

Lawless was already suspended for the visit of Cambridge United on Tuesday.

Saturday's defeat sent morning leaders Luton crashing from first to sixth in the Blue Square Bet Premier.


04-10-2011, 01:46 PM
Kobe Bryant takes penalty kicks in Turkey


Video has surfaced of Kobe Bryant taking penalty kicks against a goalkeeper in Turkey. Lakers fans may want to turn away.

Bryant, who professes to love the sport of soccer and believes he has some chops on the pitch, is in Europe this week on a Nike promotional tour. He had the chance to take PKs on Ufuk Ceylan, the goalie for Turkish club Galatasaray.

After hitting his first attempt right at Ceylan, who stopped it easily, Bryant’s second shot trickled wide of the left goal post. He was successful on his third shot. In fairness, he did show off some pretty impressive juggling skills before his strikes from the penalty spot.


07-10-2011, 03:23 PM
Ranking the Worst Kits in Football History


The world football stage has played host to hundreds of kits over the years, and some have left lasting impressions on fans for many years. The kits to come have been nothing short of laughable, as designers learned that art doesn't always go hand-in-hand with football.

The whole world has been taken into account for this one, and here are my worst kits. Enjoy.

England Goalkeeping Shirt

We'll kick things off with an England shirt that looks like something you'd find in a pharmacy. The blue-green shade may look nice for a dress but doesn't quite match sporting requirements.

Scunthorpe, 1994

The sponsorship of "Pleasure Island" doesn't help this one. The colour is difficult to work with as it is, so why complicate it with whatever those things are all over the shirt?

Mexico Goalkeeping Shirt

Another goalkeeping kit then. This one is my favourite because it typifies South America. It's colorful and just full of life. Whether or not the football pitch is the right place to wear "that," I'm not so sure.

Athletic Bilbao

This one may be a failed attempt at making a football kit look 3D. I understand the Bilbao colours are white and red, so no problems there, but why make the red part so...extorted?

Hull, 1992

We'll round it off with this thing then, and while some of you may think this one looks epic, I'd strongly agree. In fact, most Hull fans would disagree, with one even calling the kit a disgrace. Nice.

Remember this is in no particular order, what do you think? Did I miss any more horrible kits?


11-10-2011, 01:10 PM
Fans throwing fire and seats get Greece-Croatia match halted

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/fans_throwing_fire_and_seats_get_greececroatia_mat ch_halted2.jpg

In a series of events that only seems to have caught riot police by surprise, a group of Greek fans sneaked through the stands and attacked their Croatian counterparts at the start of Friday's Euro 2012 qualifier. This prompted referee Howard Webb to take action. And since he is a police sergeant, he didn't just run away.

From the AP:

The Euro 2012 qualifier between Greece and Croatia was temporarily suspended less than three minutes after kickoff on Friday when over 100 masked individuals entered a stand and attacked the Croatia supporters.

The group, some wearing motorcycle helmets, threw flares and at least one petrol bomb in their direction. Some Croatia fans responded by ripping off seats and throwing them at their attackers.

The game resumed after a six-minute interruption, but the Croat supporters, said to number about 700, continued ripping seats and throwing them at riot police, who responded with pepper spray.

Croatia fans were involved in pre-game incidents, causing damages in the port of Piraeus, near the stadium where the game is being played.

Given all the violence Greek fans have caused during domestic matches in recent months, it's amazing they're not playing every game behind closed doors. Then again, after this incident, that might be coming.

Here's incredible video of the fire bomb going off...


http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/fans_throwing_fire_and_seats_get_greececroatia_mat ch_halted.jpg


12-10-2011, 03:03 PM
Hugh Jackman turned down chance to become Norwich City owner


Move over, Stephen Fry! Norwich City has an even more unlikely celebrity fan! Hugh Jackman — whom you may have seen in Wolverine and the first few hours of Australia when you weren't asleep — is a proud Canary, as his mother lives in Norfolk.

According to a story on the BBC, Huge Action was approached by the club when they were in League One, asking if he would like to become a part-owner. It's hard to believe that a man who would star in a movie version of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots would make a regrettable decision, but he turned them down:

"I got a letter about a year ago saying, 'Being such a huge Norwich City fan would I like to be a celebrity investor?', like a small part-owner."

"I said, 'I think that's a little stretched, I've been to Carrow Road once, my mum took me', so I decided not to invest."

Since offering the Aussie star a piece of the action, Norwich won back-to-back promotions, a course of events which lends itself nicely to a Hollywood underdog cliché:

"People say to me about these underdog stories in Hollywood, 'it never happens in real life', but hey, Norwich city are in the Premier League.

"I have the Milk Cup shirt, the commemorative shirt from 1984, there's really been nothing since that, except for Delia Smith's* poached eggs."

Somehow, I think that Jackman will make ends meet despite missing this shrewd investment opportunity, but he needs to scratch up on his Norwich statistics — they actually won the League Cup (Milk Cup) in 1985. Incidentally, in doing so, they became the first club to win a major trophy and get relegated from the top flight in the same season.


12-10-2011, 03:58 PM
Race Issues: Paolo Di Canio Gets Lost On Two-Mile Fun Run, Completes Half Marathon By Mistake


This way?”

According to the Beeb, Swindon Town manager Paolo di Canio unwittingly completed the town’s half marathon after making an impromptu right turn on the two-mile fun run course he was supposed to be running.

43-year-old Di Canio was present to sound the horn to start Sunday’s 13.1-mile main race before completing the short course for charity, but managed to lose his bearings after half a mile and ended up finishing the half marathon in one hour and 49 minutes – only 36 minutes behind the race winner.

Di Canio told BBC Wiltshire:

“I couldn’t stop, there was a challenge. There were three options, I thought I should start with the fun run marathon but unfortunately we changed direction, kept going and followed the first group.

“Unfortunately I ended up doing a full half marathon plus 800 metres. At the end I was very happy because I finished without stopping, even for one second. I wasn’t ready but I never stopped running.

“I’m very happy, but it was very tough.”

Which isn’t the first time Di Canio’s had to explain himself after having a little ‘race issue’, now is it?


14-10-2011, 01:44 PM
Palmeiras player attacked by angry fans outside stadium


Palmeiras have dropped to ninth in the Brasileiro table with just one win in their last nine matches. This has not pleased their fans. So, a group of them decided to attack a player in his first year with the club as a twisted way of expressing that displeasure. And it was caught on video.

From the AP:

Brazilian police said fans of one of the team's organized fan groups punched and kicked reserve midfielder Joao Vitor after he was recognized arriving at the team's official store outside the Palestra Italia stadium on Tuesday.

Joao Vitor sustained minor injuries and had to visit hospital briefly.

Palmeiras lawyer Andre Sica told local television the fans confronted Joao Vitor over the team's recent results and the verbal altercation escalated into a physical confrontation. The 22-year-old player was with friends, who also got involved in the fight before police intervened with no arrests made.

That's Joao Vitor in the tattered yellow shirt in the video above, being defended by his friend with a traffic cone and probably regretting his move to Palmeiras from Gremio.

What makes all of this even worse is that Vitor isn't even playing a regular role in Palmeiras' misfortune. Plus, he was already scheduled to miss Wednesday's match against Flamengo with an injury. Anyway, he really should get a security guard who carries more than an orange cone.


14-10-2011, 02:22 PM
Female fans strip off to raise money for struggling Polish football club

Several female supporters of Polish football team Hutnik Krakow have stripped off and posed for a calendar in order to raise money for the struggling club.


The saucy images see the women bare all in a series of seductive shots. In one photo a dark-haired lady has her arms over her naked chest with the flag of Hutnik Krakow painted on her right arm.

In another shot you can see the bare torso of a woman with her hands once again protecting her modesty.

Commenting on the calendar, club spokesman Daniel Urbaniec said: 'We hope it will give the male fans a real thrill and raise some cash for us so we can improve the facilities at the club.

'The girls are all genuine fans and 100 per cent beautiful with their kit on or off.'

Klub Sportowy Hutnik Kraków was dissolved after it suffered crippling debts and then refounded in 2010 in the Polish IV League. The club is once again facing a financial crisis.


17-10-2011, 01:44 PM
Colombian Footballer Arrested In Saudi Arabia For Jesus Tattoos


Colombian Juan Pablo Pino obviously didn’t invest in a copy of The A-Z Of Saudi Etiquette when he moved on loan from Galatasaray to Saudi Arabian club Al Nassr in the summer.

The winger was arrested by Saudi “moral police” in a shopping mall in Riyadh after fellow shoppers complained about the Colombian’s tattoos on his arms, which were exposed by his sleeveless top. Rather than the usual clichéd footballer tats (see Chinese writing, snakes or stars etc), Pino’s body is adorned in religious symbols, including the face of Jesus, which, as you can imagine, didn’t go down to well in the extremely strict Saudi Arabia.

Eventually the Colombian did escape the wrath of the country’s hardcore justice system and was released after expressing “deep sorrow” for his actions.

The Saudi Football Federation had sent a circular to all clubs asking their players to respect the country’s traditions and keep their dodgy tats hidden in public but I guess Pino missed that one.

If only the FA could send around a similar memo, warning footballers to keep every single one of their naff tats hidden at all times.


17-10-2011, 02:11 PM
Brazilian fans sneak into match in an ambulance


This is genius. Like Greeks in the Trojan Horse, a group of supporters snuck into a cup match between Sampaio Correa and Moto Clube in an ambulance and it appears to have worked perfectly.

The plan seems to have worked with a little help from actual emergency personnel, because the cops at the gate didn't give them a second glance as they eased through the gate. Once inside, the ambulance parked in its usual place in the tunnel and the stowaway fans climbed out of the back. Simple as that.

The lesson here: Make friends with an ambulance driver.


18-10-2011, 05:20 PM
wah,..makin sadis & keren neh ntuk masa depan sepakbola d masa yg akan datang,.... :-bd

Tes DNA untuk Mengetahui Bakat Sepakbola

London - Di masa mendatang bakat sepakbola seseorang sudah akan diketahui saat dia masih berusia sangat muda. Hal itu memungkinkan menyusul mulai dilakukannya tes DNA oleh sebuah di sebuah klub sepakbola profesional.

Pemanfaatan teknologi gen dalam dunia sepakbola kini mulai dikembangkan oleh sebuah klub di Premier League. Tak disebutkan klub apa yang dimaksud, namun seperti dikutip dari Telegraph penelitian itu bisa mengubah masa depan sepakbola di seluruh dunia.

Saat ini penelitian awal dilakukan untuk mengetahui kenapa beberapa pemain di klub yang tak disebut namanya itu lebih rentan cedera dibanding pemain lainnya. Diharapkan hasil penelitian itu akan membuat pelatih dapat informasi lebih akurat terkait kekuatan fisik sang pemain, durasi bermain dan jadwal latihan harian.

Seorang ahli genetik dari Universitas Yale, Marios Kambouris, telah menerima ratusan sample DNA untuk diteliti. Dan dari penelitian tersebut didapat hasil memuaskan karena bisa diidentifikasi sample-sample mana yang lebih rentan dan sample yang lebih kuat.

"Saya tidak tahu pemain-pemain mana saja mereka tapi ditemukan gen yang bagus di sana, hal yang bisa mempengaruhi performa mereka, seperti kemampuan untuk melakukan pemanasan aerobik lebih baik, yang nantinya akan memberi mereka stamina lebih baik di atas lapangan," sahut Kambouris.

Disebutkan kalau dalam pengembangannya ke depan tes DNA ini tak cuma akan bisa mengetahui pemain mana yang punya kecenderungan cedera lebih besar dan pemain mana yang memiliki kekuatan lebih baik. Di masa mendatang tes DNA ini diprediksi bisa mengetahui potensi seorang pemain muda, yang membantu klub untuk memutuskan apakah ingin mengontrak atau melepasnya.

Namun hal ini kemudian menjadi perdebatan. Teknik tes DNA ini dianggap tidak fair karena bisa memupus harapan anak-anak yang punya impian menjadi pesepakbola.

"Itu bisa menjadi tidak fair untuk anak-anak yang menyukai sepakbola, yang harus menerima kabar bahwa dia tak akan bisa melakukannya hanya karena dia memiliki gen yang tak sesuai," sahut Professor Nicola Maffulli dari University of London.


19-10-2011, 09:55 AM
adu magic skil neh kyakNya,...... :mudance:

Kirimi Messi Video, Pele 'Pamer' Kebolehan

Jakarta - Pele disebut-sebut sebagai pesepakbola terbaik sepanjang masa. Dengan Lionel Messi kini dianggap tengah menuju predikat yang sama, Pele ingin menunjukkan pada pesepakbola Barcelona itu siapa dirinya sebenarnya.

Bersama Maradona, Pele adalah legenda sepakbola dunia dan hingga kini dianggap sebagai yang terbaik sepanjang masa. Di eranya masing-masing kedua nama tersebut meraih sukses besar baik di level klub maupun negara.

Kini, beberapa dekade setelahnya, muncul Lionel Messi. Juga meraih sukses luar biasa bersama Barcelona dan telah memenangi dua penghargaan pemain terbaik dunia, banyak yang memprediksi kalau pesepakbola asal Argentina itu bakal bisa berdiri sejajar dengan dua seniornya itu.

Terkait perbandingan dirinya dengan Pele, beberapa waktu lalu Messi menyebut kalau dirinya tak pernah aksi melihat pria yang kini berusia 70 tahun itu di atas lapangan. Atas dasar itulah Pele kemudian berencana mengirimi Messi video yang berisi aksi-aksinnya saat masih aktif mengolah si kulit bundar.

"Adalah sesuatu yang normal saat seorang pemain dibandingkan (dengan pemain dari periode yang berbeda), kadang dia tak tertarik dengan pembandingan tersebut," sahut Pele pada Globoesporte dan dikutip dari ESPN Star.

"Jika dia benar-benar tidak melihat saya, saya akan melakukan apa yang pernah saya lakukan bersama Maradona: saya akan mengiriminya video 'Pele Eterno' dan dia akan mengetahui (kehebatan saya)," lanjut Pele.

Satu hal yang mungkin akan menjadi cacat bagi Messi adalah dia belum berkontribusi buat Argentina padahal Pele tercatat tiga kali masuk skuad Brasil saat menjadi juara dunia. Pele juga tercatat sebagai topskorer Brasil dengan 77 gol dan diklaim total telah membuat lebih dari 1.000 gol.


21-10-2011, 04:26 PM
Shakhtar Donetsk Launch Replica Kits…For Dogs

Now available from the Shakhtar Donetsk club shop as of this very morning, a full range of canine-sized replica kits to give your mutt a new ‘leash’ of life (sorry)…



Looks like very ‘paw’ quality merchandise to me (sorry…again).


24-10-2011, 04:28 PM
Guadalajara fine players for 'gunshot' celebration

• Celebration had sparked outrage in Mexico
• Forwards also make donation to orphanage


The Mexican side Guadalajara have fined two players for a goal celebration in which one pretended to shoot the other in the head, sparking outrage in the country where drugs-related violence has claimed 44,000 lives.

Forwards Marco Fabian de la Mora, who scored a hat-trick, and Alberto Medina were each fined 50,000 Mexican pesos (£2,345) for the incident during the Chivas' 5-2 league victory over city rivals Estudiantes UAG on Saturday.

"I greatly regret what happened. When I saw the video I was filled with anger and regret for playing around with something as sacred as the life of a human being," De la Mora said after donating a million pesos to an orphanage in the northern border town of Ciudad Juarez.

De la Mora and Medina paid double their fines and the rest of the money was raised by their team-mates. Ciudad Juarez is one of the most violent towns in Mexico and the main drugs route into the United States.

"It's good to celebrate in football but never like that. My respects to Mexico, for a Mexico free of violence, for the mothers and siblings of the victims," added De la Mora.


25-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Ranking the Top Football Commercials From the Past 15 Years


In what has long been one of my favorite aspects of any major sporting competition, the major sportswear companies release commercials (often just one full-length piece of work) that often sear themselves into my memory.

I can't help it. I'm a sucker for creativity, and soccer commercials are my virtual blonde bombshell.

Who will ever forget Nike's brilliant "Write the Future" promotional campaign in the month ahead of the 2010 World Cup?

Many labeled the full-length commercial, directed by acclaimed film director Alejandro González Iñárritu (if you haven't seen Biutiful, do), as the best sports advertisement of all time. All-time.

High praise, but not exactly hyperbole. This one held its own as an enduring classic.

While that ad was always going to be the odds-on favorite to claim top spot, here's a list of four others that captured my imagination with inexorable holds.

5. "Take It to the Next Level" — Nike

It was the perfect encapsulation of every kid's dream.

Training alone on some windswept field, hours having passed in blissful oblivion. Just a soccer ball and your imagination.

Those two things can be a potent combination for a youngster, who is susceptible to rose-tinted visions of future grandeur—playing on the world's biggest stages, amongst your heroes.

It's a far cry from humble beginnings, but that background provides a fitting base for the most breathtaking of dreams.

The ads from this campaign that ran on TV were much shorter—often 30 seconds' worth of what was, in fact, more than three minutes of footage, but the message came across all the same.

Keep working, and you can realize your dreams. A feat made easier if you wear Nike gear, of course.

All joking aside, it was a classic bit of work from a company that has made brilliance a standard over the years.

4. "The Secret Tournament" — Nike

Again, I decided to use the longer version of the commercial, mainly because it's more fun (at least to my mind) to watch this faux tournament play out in its entirety.

World Cup 2002 brings back memories of staying up until 2 a.m. in the United States to watch games halfway around the world.

Popcorn and soda in tow. My family all gone to bed.

Those matches in Japan and South Korea were a veritable video version of what National Geographic must have provided for youngsters in generations before mine.

There was something infinitely enthralling about watching an event so closely followed by so many. I felt like I was a part of something during those wondrous collections of 90 minutes.

This publicity hits a resonant chord with me, since I received a promotional CD-ROM (remember those) video game version of the commercial in a Eurosport order.

It wasn't the best quality, but it was still quite a thrill to play with my heroes of that time—Figo, Henry, et. al on my computer. Dictating the blinding pace of indoor play with the click of mouse.

No one kid should have all that power, I must have thought at the time.

This was also one of the first times I remember seeing Eric Cantona as the emcee of a Nike ad.

I'd previously known him as that annoying forward with the popped collar (who does that?) from rivals Manchester United.

I have to admit that he's surprised me with the breadth and depth of his acting over the years.

I'll never forget staring dumbfounded in some Parisien metro station at a poster promoting Cantona's star turn in a French theater production. Never saw that coming, I'd thought then.

3. "Impossible Is Nothing" — Adidas

This was sheer brilliance from the folks at Adidas, who've long provided some of the best ads during major competitions.

("The Road to Lisbon" from Euro 2004 has long been a personal favorite).

Any grown-up could feel a concerted tug at their nostalgic heart strings while watching two kids pick teams chock-full of legends.

It's any sporting enthusiast's dream come to life.

The digital additions of past heroes such as Beckenbauer and Platini, juxtaposed with the then-current generation of top players from around the world was top-drawer ingenuity.

2. "Good vs. Evil" — Nike

What was initially supposed to be a collection of the top commercials from the past decade stretched to 15 years in order to include this enduring classic from the mid-nineties.

The uniforms were baggier, and certainly not Dri-Fit (copyright), and the players wearing those vintage threads have long since retired.

But the idea is timeless.

Athletes are a kid's heroes; a perfect example of all that is good with the world. The juxtaposition with demonic elements may have been a bit over-the-top, but the idea was there.

And though I'm certainly not his biggest fan, there was no better way to end this ad than with Cantona popping his collar before unleashing a firecracker toward goal

1. "Write the Future" — Nike

I remember watching this for the first time.

It's one of those moments, eternal in your mind, able to be recalled instantly despite the myriad information your mind collects on a daily basis.

Most of those thoughts pass through like the morning paper carried about by a strong gust of wind. The great memories linger.

The commercial first aired during the 2010 Champions League final, though it had gone viral days earlier.

Halftime of the Inter Milan-Bayern Munich match was the first time I'd seen it, however.

I'll never forget the room going deathly quiet around me—my friends and I dumbstruck by the rapid-fire brilliance thrown at us in the guise of a commercial.

You had to race to take in all the cultural references and quick-cuts. Even for a kid who's part of the YouTube generation, my short attention span was tested.

It was the sort of career-defining work consistently seen from Inarritu's work, his message delivered in a most engaging manner.

When football is at its best, its pace is blinding. It's difficult to keep up as your mind races along that downhill ski-slope of ecstatic feeling, but that's part of the fun.

You want to remain in that amethyst daze, in danger of careening off course, wrapped up in the moment.

I have no doubt that this will go down as one of the greatest bits of television work ever. Not just for a commercial, mind you, but any form of video entertainment.

It was a perfect homage for the greatest sporting tournament on the face of the earth.

(In some ways, it surpassed the oft-cumbersome spectacle provided by the actual football in South Africa that summer.)


26-10-2011, 03:07 PM
Drunk referee sends three players off for no particular reason


The last time I visited the Czech Republic, there were two occasions on which I was given beer before midday. They love the stuff so much that they bathe in it. Yet most Czechs don't let their predisposition for the grain get in the way of their professional lives — an recent exception being the referee who was so loaded during a recent match that he could barely stand up:

A referee was so drunk at a Czech football match that he constantly fell over, sent off three players for no apparent reason before police stepped in and breathalysed the boozed-up official.

"His breath smelt like a brewery and he didn't hide the fact that he had been celebrating a birthday," Karel Dusek, an official from the Jestrabi Lhota club, told the Lidove Noviny newspaper.

The man in question is Tomas Fidra, who judged himself fit enough to take charge of Jestrabi's visit to Tynec-nad-Labem, despite being more tanked than Lindsay Lohan on a night out with Charlie Sheen. Fidra's lack of control was so blatant, that when the former were reduced to eight men, the home side demonstrated some good sportsmanship by agreeing not to attack. As there's no rule stopping a drunk referee presiding over a match, if either side had refused to play, they could have been sanctioned.

According to the English report and the original Czech newspaper, the ref had a 1.94 alcohol level in his blood. Either that's a typo, a European measurement scale or he has a superhuman tolerance for alcohol, as a level above 0.5% would kill most mortal folk.

Thankfully, the regional football authority decided to annul the match, and the shamed ref could face a 12-month suspension. Suddenly, Chris Foy's perceived errors don't seem so bad...

UPDATE: Mad props to reader Zoltan Baba, who reveals that the blood alcohol figure in the article is 1.94 permille, which equals 0.194% BAC. Which is still enough to bring down a herd of rampaging Keith Richardses.


kacau neh kalo wasitnya mabuk. kira2 kartu yg dikasih dicabut lagi gak yah? kyknya hukuman dah menanti buat sang wasit

31-10-2011, 05:11 PM
Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas Talk Futbol, New Movie


Drooling and stumbling over my words. That was my nightmare.

No matter how many times I rehearsed the questions I would ask Salma Hayek—the gorgeous, Mexican bombshell, passionate soccer fan, and co-star of the Shrek spin-off Puss in Boots—I couldn’t help but imagine myself freezing up, forgetting my own name, and sweating bullets on the red carpet premiere of her movie.

Luckily, she was sweet and affable. Salma stood alongside the other Puss in Boots star, Antonio Banderas, the original brass cat, and the two gave B/R some time to dish on everything, from their soccer allegiances to why sports fans will love this movie.

Why Should Sports Fans Go See Puss in Boots?
AB: Well, we have sport-ish moves. In the movie, we dance, we are energetic, but most of all, cats don’t sweat, so sports fans can learn from us.

SH: What about the fencing? Don’t forget that! There’s great fencing.

AB: We could be in the Olympics! Even though I didn’t have to work out for this role like I did for Zorro.

SH: People just don’t realize cats are so athletic, so all the athletes out there will identify very well.

What Futbol Team Do You Follow?
AB: Although I am sympathetic to Real Madrid and have followed them for many years, I am from Malaga, and my team is the team of my hometown.

SH: Mexico all the way!

Who Will Win the Champions League?
AB: In the Champions League, with all of the groups and playoffs, anything can happen. I'd like to see Real Madrid play well, but (I) don’t know how (they) will do because it will be (a) hard competition. In the end, though, Barcelona is obviously the favorite.

Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?
AB: Messi, no question.

SH: I have to pick Messi. I love him. I think he is the best player in the world right now.

How Will Mexico Fare in the World Cup in 2014?
SH: I say watch out! Our team didn’t do so bad last year. They were just young and a little bit disorganized at times. But next time around, things will be different for Mexico. Look out in 2014!

What Footballer Best Represents Puss in Boots?
It seemed almost fortuitous that both Hayek and Banderas agreed upon their mutual appreciation for Lionel Messi—who is not only the world’s premiere soccer player, but the one player who most reflects the character of Puss in Boots.

Considering his tiny, but speedy and scrappy nature on the field, Messi emits the confidence and composure under pressure, just as Puss does time and again.

Watch the Puss in Boots Movie Trailer

Don't be quick to assume this is just some animated "kid's movie." Antonio Banderas plays Puss, a fearless, swashbuckling, sword-fighting cat, notorious for his lustrous leather boots.

Like a Robin Hood with nine lives, Puss courageously defends the innocent against the movie's nefarious villains, Jack and Jill (played by Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris).

Alongside Puss are his trusty friend Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) and the enchanting Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek), Puss braves the boldest and riskiest journey of his kitty career.



31-10-2011, 05:54 PM
This Lion Plays Soccer, Is Probably Less Dangerous Than Nigel De Jong

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/LionSoccer_JoanhesburgZooSouthAfricaJohnLiebenberg _BarcroftMedia_FamePictures.jpg

This is a soccer playing lion. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like, and no, I cannot stop watching.
Here’s five more thoughts I had while watching this video.

1.This may be a guerrilla marketing campaign for a new Disney movie. I’d totally watch that.
2.Or Wayne Rooney’s Euro 2012 replacement. So what if he’s from South Africa? It worked for Kevin Pietersen.
3.His footwork is already more impressive than Emile Heskey’s.
4.Why wasn’t this a part of every World Cup 2010 broadcast?
5.Possibly the world’s only soccer player who could give Marouane Fellaini hair-envy.



01-11-2011, 02:55 PM
Celtic Dreams: Debt-Ridden Rangers Could Be Docked 75 Points

Taxing times: Rangers’ owner Craig Whyte

75 points is a fairly hefty points deduction, but according the the Daily Record, that’s the kind of points haul that Rangers could be docked if they don’t manage to sort out their financial mess.

The Glasgow giants face a massive £49million tax bill which is seriously damaging the club. Currently involved in two different disputes with HM Revenue and Customs, Rangers have not yet paid a tax bill of almost £3million which relates to staff payments made between 1999 and 2003.

The Daily Record believes that Rangers have no way of paying the overall £49million tax bill, leaving the club with little option but to re-enter the SPL under a new guise, something which would carry with it a massive penalty.

The newpaper then adds up all the potential point deductions (for three consecutive seasons) which could potentially hit 75 points.

Neil Lennon and co. will no doubt be wishing their Glasgow neighbours the best of luck in the coming months.


02-11-2011, 01:04 PM
Mexican Club Jaguares Replace Shirt Names With Player’s Twitter Addresses


Oh, these heady times in which we live.

A couple of weeks after Valencia swapped their shirt sponsor for the club’s Twitter address, Mexican Premeira Division outfit Jaguares have leapt aboard the high-speed train to Futuresville by replacing the names on their player’s shirts with their respective Twitter handles along with the account of the club’s main sponsor, Cerveza Sol beer.

Said a spokesman on behalf of the club:

“Conscious of the age we live in, where we can all stay in touch through the Internet no matter how distant.

“In football as in life, 140 characters are enough to decide which side you’re on.”

There’s a quote for the ages.


kalo diterapkan di United, ntar Rio akan memakai jersey dengan nama punggung @rioferdy5, Valencia pake nama @AntoV25 dst

02-11-2011, 01:50 PM
Petrolul ultras cross the line with sinister attack on Steaua player

The incident in which George Galamaz was left deaf in an ear after a punch by a pitch invader has tarnished Romanian football


There is a fourth wall in football that surrounds the pitch. There may be scraps on the field, rioting on the terraces, or missiles thrown from the stands on to the playing area, but it is very rare that a player or a fan breaks that line. Which is what makes events on Sunday evening in the Romanian city of Ploiesti so shocking.

The YouTube footage has been circulating widely, but a brief recap: with 42 minutes played Steaua, leading their league match against Petrolul 1-0, were awarded a penalty. As Mihai Costea prepared to take it, three fans vaulted from the stand and attempted to run on to the pitch. Two were blocked by stewards but a third, Stefan Dragos Enache, evaded security, ran towards the defender George Galamaz and, from behind, punched him on the side of the head, breaking a zygomatic bone and leaving him deaf in his right ear – a condition which may or may not be temporary.

Enache kept running and was kicked – hard – by the Steaua defender Novak Martinovic, knocking him to the ground. As other players and Steaua's coaching staff raced over, Enache was kicked again by Martinovic and then the goalkeeper Razvan Stanca. The fan got to his feet and was led away by police.

Steaua representatives claim Enache had a metal object in his hand, but dropped it after hitting Galamaz, and that the object was then smuggled off the pitch by the Petrolul defender Enes Sipovic, who walked over to his team's bench to have a drink of water shortly after the incident. Sipovic himself insists he merely picked up a lighter thrown from the crowd and handed that to club officials.

Steaua have also been critical of the stewards who, once Enache had broken past them, failed to react in any way. When they were asked by the Petrolul manager Valeriu Rachita, a former Steaua player, why they had done nothing, they replied that they had thought they were not allowed to enter the pitch. For them, the fourth wall remained in place.

The referee, Robert Dumitru, tried to continue the game, which meant sending off Martinovic and Stanca for violent conduct, a decision that, although technically correct, has been widely criticised. Costea, demonstrating remarkable sang-froid, dinked his penalty Panenka-style to make it 2-0, at which the reserve goalkeeper Ciprian Tatarasanu, who had come on after Stanca's dismissal, was struck by a flare thrown from the stand behind the goal, suffering burns to his back.

Only then did the referee decide to delay the game for 10 minutes. He explained that he had not realised how badly hurt Galamaz was and said that he thought he had been taken off purely as part of a tactical reshuffle after the two sendings off. "I thought it was an isolated incident," he added. "I was 60 metres away and I didn't know what the situation was over there." After consultation with the other match officials and stadium security, he abandoned the game.

Petrolul are a club with a fine tradition, winning three league titles in the 1950s and 60s. In 1966 they even beat Liverpool 3-1 at home in a European Cup match (although that merely levelled the aggregate scores at 3-3 and lost the play-off). This is their first season back in the top flight after relegation in 2004 and with a new 15,500-seat stadium, opened in September, this should be a positive time for them.

Their fans, though, have caused persistent problems. Rachita has even been accused of giving them money and providing alcohol for them. Last year, for reasons that remain opaque, they vowed that there "will be blood" at the game against Steaua. Enache is part of an ultra group known as the Drug Addicts, who stoned the team bus of Petrolul's local rivals Astra before their Romania Cup match this season.

As the Romanian League considers what action to take against Petrolul, the ruling body's president, Dumitru Dragomir, has made it clear that Martinovic and Stanca will not have their red cards rescinded. He claimed to have spent most of Monday poring over the rulebook to find a way of letting them off and to have discovered nothing. The suspicion, though, is that his reluctance to help is related to a recent falling out with Steaua's controversial and broadly unsympathetic president Gigi Becali.

"It's impossible," said a predictably outraged Becali. "I can't believe what I'm seeing. It was all premeditated. I can't believe it. Why did the referee send off my players? They only defended themselves and their honour. It's incredible!"

Even if he is suspended, though, Martinovic has seen his reputation enhanced. The Serbian centre-back had looked to be on his way out of Steaua after Becali criticised him following a poor performance, and has been playing at right-back because of an injury crisis. Now, though, fans have called for him to be made captain, although given Alexandru Bourceanu was handed the job only last month and that Becali has already said Martinovic still has to impress with his football ability, that is unlikely to happen.

The attack on Galamaz, though, has prompted a new sense of unity among Steaua fans. After the 5-0 Europa League defeat to Maccabi Haifa, which left them four points behind the Israelis and five behind Schalke 04, there had been little interest in Thursday's home game against Maccabi. Now a bumper crowd is expected at the National Arena. Talk of a 50,000 sell-out is probably overambitious, but Enache's assault has reinvigorated Steaua's European campaign.

It's doubtful Galamaz thinks it a price worth paying.



07-11-2011, 01:46 PM
Dnipro's Samuel Inkoom sent off for removing shirt while being substituted

Dnipro defender Samuel Inkoom was the recipient of one of the most bizarre red cards of all time, after he was booked for a second time for taking off his shirt while making his way off the pitch after being substituted.


The Ghanaian international looked bemused after referee Oleg Derevinsky produced a second yellow card and sent him off in the 62nd minute.

Dnipro were two goals up against Karpaty Lviv in a Ukrainian Premier League match when the baffling incident happened.

Nevertheless, despite how harsh the yellow card seemed, manager Juande Ramos still had little sympathy for his player after the match.

'Samuel was already on a yellow card, and we know if you take your shirt off on the field you'll be shown a yellow card,' the former Spurs boss said.

'It was an unforgivable mistake on the part of our player.

'A professional can't allow himself to make such mistakes.'

Inkoom, who was fortunate that Dnipro managed to see out the game 2-0 with ten men, bizarrely defended his actions by blaming the weather - because it's freezing...

'It's cold here,' he told Swiss newspaper Blick.

'At the moment the temperature is about zero.'

The 22-year-old has been linked with a transfer to Liverpool, with scouts from the Premier League thought to have been present at the match



09-11-2011, 01:17 PM
Hibs keeper Graham Stack arrested over nightclub fight

A Scottish Premier League footballer has been arrested over an alleged fight in a London nightclub.


Hibernian goalkeeper Graham Stack, 30, was arrested on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm after a man in his 20s was treated in hospital.

It is understood the London-born player was arrested outside a club in Kingly Street at about 0230 GMT on Sunday.

He was questioned at a central London police station and bailed pending further inquiries.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "A 30-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of ABH and taken into custody at a central police station.

"He was bailed pending further inquiries, returning in mid-January 2012.

"A man in his 20s suffering from facial injuries was taken to hospital and subsequently discharged."

Hibernian said they would not be issuing a statement on the case.

Stack started his career at Arsenal, and joined the Easter Road side in Edinburgh in the summer of 2009.


09-11-2011, 03:56 PM
Ray Hudson or Gus Johnson: Which Announcer Is More Insane?


The sporting world has had its fair share of incredible commentators: Murray Walker, Jack Buck, Vin Scully or Joaquim Maria Puyal.

But now, there are two names that stand head and shoulders above the rest: college basketball, football and occasional boxing commentator Gus Johnson and Gol TV football commentator Ray "Rocky" Hudson. Both men have provided countless hours of entertainment for fans with their remarks and outbursts and possess gifts for reading and understanding the games they love. But who is the ultimate madcap play-by-play guy? Let's break down their styles and strengths, and figure out who has the upper hand on crazy.

Ray Hudson:

After a brief stint at Newcastle United, Ray Hudson made his career in the North American Soccer League with the Fort Lauderdale Strikers, but it wasn't until he became a commentator on GolTV, a small bilingual entirely football-devoted television network based in Florida, that fans everywhere were able to fully appreciate his genius.

Armed with a Cheryl Cole-thick Geordie accent and an encyclopedia of references—from high art to pop culture—at his disposal, Hudson has entranced viewers with his highly original and hilarious calls, not to mention his enthusiasm. He's become one of the game's biggest cult heroes and his calls are frequently chronicled on the Internet and compared to poetry.

One of the most frequent targets of his admiration—his muse, if you will—is Argentine star and Boca Juniors icon Juan Román Riquelme, who Hudson calls a "big, beautiful zombie." In response to one Riquelme goal, he said rather vehemently, raw-throated with excitement, that he would "go to his grave" defending Riquelme as the greatest in the world. Another of his favorite muses is Lionel Messi, whose goals he has called "a Bernini sculpture of a finish" and "merciless... like Kathy Bates with that sledgehammer."

And that's just the Argentine national team. When Hudson covers La Liga, it gets even better. He's served up pure gold for Real Madrid, calling then-manager Fabio Capello "braver than a matador in high heels and a pink tutu" and "braver than a bullfighter with no knickers on" for a cracking substitution, and more recently, referring to Mesut Özil as having "Avatar eyes." I see you laughing there. Stop that.

Basically, it doesn't matter if it's the final of the World Cup and Garrincha and George Best have come back from the dead to represent their sides. If you're not watching a match where Ray Hudson is on the mic, you should probably just change the channel because chances are the commentators are just absolutely substandard in terms of originality and enthusiasm compared to this Geordie giant.

Gus Johnson:

If we were to judge these men on versatility alone, Johnson would win, as he can bring his enthusiasm, knowledge and own brand of crazy to a number of sports. He's got a big, commanding voice and an arsenal of catch-phrases that stick in the minds of sports fans everywhere like: "Rise and fire", "Count it!" and the maniacal "Ha-HA." It is pure enthusiasm and volume that are the source of Johnson's crazy, and make him one of the greatest commentators of all time.

But what sets Johnson apart is the almost eerie way in which every game he calls seems to get more exciting just so he can call the spectacular endings. ESPN's Bill Simmons refers to this as the "Law of Gus," highlighting a number of games which Gus Johnson has called—in this case, in the NFL—which had wildly exciting finishes all with appropriately madcap Johnson calls.

Here's Simmons' explanation of the "Law of Gus":

I keep mentioning the Law of Gus without ever really defining it, so let's do it right now. If Gus Johnson is calling an NFL game, the odds quintuple that (A) the lead will change hands in the fourth quarter; (B) someone will complete a long pass in a big moment that will make Gus' voice hit an octave only dogs can hear; and (C) the game will go into overtime or at least come damned close. It seems impossible that the mere presence of an announcer would alter the course of the game, but here's my theory: I think God sits in his Man Cave on Sundays and says, 'Which game is that Gus Johnson calling? I get a kick out of that guy. I think I'll make his game exciting and see if he completely loses his mind.'"

But it's college basketball where the commentator truly shines. His raw enthusiasm crescendos with the fast pace of the game, and he's never afraid to take his voice up to 11, and then some.

Johnson's most iconic call came from a 2006 NCAA tournament Sweet 16 college basketball game between Gonzaga and UCLA. With UCLA, who had been down by a 17-point deficit coming back to win and advance in the tournament, Johnson was as loud as ever and made the most famous exclamation of his career. The phrase "Heart Break City!" will forever be ingrained in the minds of college basketball fans, particularly those with resonant memories of that tournament. That call helped assert Gus Johnson as one of the sporting world's most entertaining commentators.

Verdict: It was a tough call, especially considering Johnson's inexplicable cosmic force over the games he calls (the "Law of Gus"), but for his flair for the unusual and the ridiculous in his calls, it's gotta be Ray Hudson.


09-11-2011, 04:21 PM
Union’s Marcelo Sarmiento Suffers Gruesome Broken Leg vs Newell’s Old Boys

In which Marcelo Sarmiento of Union de Santa Fe (Southampton fans may recognise the name, Sarmiento briefly didn’t play for Saints back in 2006) goes in for a challenge with Newells Old Boy’s Fabian Munoz, only to look down and find his foot pointing in what can only be described as ‘the wrong direction’ if you’ll excuse the medical jargon.

Warning: This one is not for the faint-hearted…


Sarmiento splintered both is tibia and fibula and is now expected to miss at least the next six months. Even so, it was he that had to console a ‘heart-broken’ Munoz after the game:

“[Munoz] came to the locker room while I was being treated. He was heartbroken, he could not stop crying as he tried to apologise to me. It was then that I realised [the tackle] was not intentional.”

“It was stupid, but I know it was not intended to hurt me. I understood and I reassured him too.”

How lovely. What a chief.


17-11-2011, 02:28 PM
Samuel Eto'o: Anzhi Makhachkala are striving to be like Barcelona

The striker says he joined the club from Dagestan to bring hope to the southern Russian region


When you earn €423,000 a week and are the highest-paid player in football history, the downside is that people are going to want to talk about it and, more often than not, jump to unfavourable conclusions. Samuel Eto'o has heard the questions and the assumptions many times.

The intensity of them is magnified as his salary is net, netto, après impôt and the club that pays him is not one of the established, trophy-chasing elite. It is Anzhi Makhachkala, the team from civil war-torn Dagestan, which has been funded since January by Suleiman Kerimov, the local boy turned billionaire oligarch.

Eto'o does not want to talk about it. He attempts to shrug it off by saying that he earned pots of cash anyway at Internazionale, the club that he left for Anzhi in August; Kerimov paid a fee of €28m (£24m) for him. It is clear the interview will not last very long if money is a principal theme. Eto'o is passionate and engaging but he has a nice line in latently hostile defensiveness.

And so this icon of modern football sets about explaining his reasons for leaving San Siro and the pursuit of silverware in favour of a start-up project, which is underpinned by social and philanthropic goals. Eto'o has the league titles (three in Spain; one in Italy); the Champions Leagues (three) and the African Cups of Nations with Cameroon (two). He has never before attempted to drive the regeneration of a region through one of his clubs.

"I am really adventurous, that's something that you need to know about me," Eto'o said. "I left Cameroon when I was 13 years old and I've lived more in Europe than Africa. The question for me in the summer was whether I should stay at the club where I would be playing or if I should look for a new opportunity and look to the future. I asked myself as well whether I could give faith and hope to a region, and really create something."

He felt that he could. "The only thing that I want to give is hope and we all know that hope lets us live," he said. "There is nothing more valuable than to be healthy and to have the hope of living a better day tomorrow."

The people of Dagestan would not appear to be living such great days at present. The impoverished southern Russian province, of which Makhachkala is the capital city, sees almost daily attacks from rebels who want to build a separate Islamist state. The target of the bombings and sniper shootings are the police and religious leaders sanctioned by the Russian state but, inevitably, civilians have been caught in the crossfire. In the first half of this year, 204 people were killed and 149 injured, which has helped to make Dagestan Russia's most violent republic. High levels of unemployment and corruption number among the ills.

Anzhi's players live and train in Moscow. They fly in and out of Makhachkala for home matches in the same way English clubs travel to and from Champions League away fixtures, with the bolt back to the airport after full-time very much a feature. The club, though, say Makhachkala does not yet have adequate training facilities and it is a necessary short-term measure to base the squad in Moscow. With Kerimov's backing, the facilities will come, together with a new stadium. The project remains in its infancy.

The club also insist that there are no security issues relating to the players and Eto'o is slightly huffy about the preconceptions of people who have never visited the area. "I can only say what I have lived and experienced," he said. "And the majority of people who have been to Makhachkala have come back with different opinions.

"It's a relaxed city but very lively, like many of the capitals in the world. At first sight, you would never say that there are political problems. I have had the chance to discover a really beautiful region in Dagestan and, so far, my experiences have been really nice. I have my bodyguard but he is with me in London or Paris or wherever so there is nothing special or different in Makhachkala."

Nationalist sentiment has built in Russia's heartland and there is a view that Dagestan ought to be cut off, that the state would be better off without it. A section of the national team's support has barracked the midfielder Yuri Zhirkov for his decision to join Anzhi from Chelsea in August, with racial tensions motivating the spite. Russian football has faced serious race problems and Eto'o, who has campaigned against discrimination, might consider the fight against the issue to be part of his mission.

The notion that success on the football field can help to erase deep-rooted social problems is open to debate. But what is clear is that Kerimov's project, with Eto'o as its poster boy and persuasive orator, has brought the region and its various issues to prominence.

"I am really happy to see that there is an interest to follow me and to discuss the reasons why I came to the club because the first goal was to bring interest from Europe," Eto'o said at Puma's launch of the kits for the African Cup of Nations. "The club is not only a football club, it represents the whole region and it represents the hope of everything.

"I must say, though, that I am not a politician and I don't know how to do politics. I am a footballer, I know how to play football and I know how to manage projects in the area of football. This is what I want to limit myself to."

Kerimov's first major signing was the former Brazil left-back Roberto Carlos in February – he is also now the joint-caretaker manager – and the owner has since discussed moves for an array of world stars including Robin van Persie, Andrey Arshavin, Neymar, Nicolas Anelka and even Lionel Messi. It was put to Roberto Carlos that it was crazy trying to sign Messi from Barcelona. "Yeah, but you don't know Suleiman Kerimov," he replied. Anzhi have shown an interest in the England manager, Fabio Capello.

There have been comparisons to Manchester City, another club with fabulous financial backing and the desire to gatecrash the elite in a hurry. City were forced to pay wildly inflated wages to attract the players that they needed; Anzhi have simply upped the ante with Eto'o's annual €22m.

The Russian Premier League finished at the beginning of this month, with Anzhi in a disappointing eighth position. Eto'o scored seven goals in nine appearances. But the league is in a period of transition, as it switches its schedule to fall into line with most of the rest of Europe and so the 16-team division is set to divide into two mini-leagues, with the top eight clubs to chase, after the winter break, the country's three Champions League spots and two Europa League places. Anzhi's anticipated January transfer window splurge could yet propel them into the 2012-13 Champions League.

"We are striving to be like Barcelona, they are the inspiration," Eto'o said. "Barcelona are the reference point in football today, not Manchester City. It is a matter of opinion whether City provide the closest parallel to Anzhi … money should not be the reason to compare these clubs. The goal at Anzhi is to achieve something from a region that has not been explored and to bring this team, through a nice football philosophy, to a better standing in the world of football. And that is it."

Cynicism may chase Eto'o on his adventure but to him, there is a priceless quality about the creation of something fresh.


23-11-2011, 01:10 PM
Eboue pelted by objects in Turkey


Former Arsenal midfielder Emmanuel Eboue was repeatedly pelted by missiles during Galatasaray's 0-0 draw with arch-rivals Besiktas on Sunday.

The home fans at Besiktas' Inonu Stadium threw a series of objects, including water bottles and lighters, whenever the Ivory Coast international went near the touchline.

Eboue, who signed for Galatasaray in the summer after spending six seasons with Arsenal, appealed in vain for the match officials to intervene as the missiles rained down, but was not badly hurt.

During his time in the Turkish Super Lig, the 28-year-old has attracted allegations that he is a diver and it is thought a section of the Besiktas crowd were aggrieved at what they deemed was an over-reaction by Eboue following a tackle on the midfielder.

Eboue has had a mixed opening to his career in Turkey, featuring in all but one game for third-placed Galatasaray, although has been substituted in almost half of those.


25-11-2011, 02:13 PM
Goalkeepers who belied their size

Many believe size matters when it comes to a goalkeeper, and it is hardly rare for an aspiring youngster to get overlooked because he doesn't tower over his opponents. However, history tells us that height isn’t everything, with FIFA World Cups™ being won by many a smaller No1. FIFA.com takes a look back at some of the outstanding keepers who measured under 6ft.

Among them is Jorge Campos, who, with 130 caps to his name, sits fourth on Mexico's list of all-time appearances. He won back-to-back CONCACAF Gold Cups in 1993 and 1996, conceding just two goals in the former and zero in the latter, and also claimed the FIFA Confederations Cup in 1999.

Perhaps best remembered for his flamboyant shirts at USA 1994 and France 1998, the 5ft 8ins shot-stopper began his career up front, scoring 14 times in his first full season, before repositioning himself between the sticks to help Pumas to the 1990/91 Mexican title. Not that Campos's striking spirit ended, as he was thereafter sent outfield as part of substitutions or seen dashing forward while still the designated keeper, causing havoc for both defences.

Goalkeepers are often remembered for the goals that don’t go in, but none so in the way Ladislao Mazurkiewicz is, playing a role in the greatest goal that almost was. A Uruguayan of Polish decent, the moment came when the 5ft 10in keeper was playing in the Mexico 1970 semi-finals. As La Celeste faced Brazil in Mexico City, Pele ran to latch on to a Tostao pass, and as Mazurkiewicz advanced, O Rei let the ball run past them both before rounding the stranded Uruguayan to fire back across goal, narrowly missing.

However this single event unfairly defined a fantastic goalkeeper’s career. A superbly athletic shot-stopper with magnetic hands who wrote his name in Penarol’s history, winning five league titles during two spells at the side, including back-to-back national championships. The fact he sits 12th on the International Federation of Football History and Statistics’ (IFFHS) goalkeeper of the century standings says it all.

Italian world champion
Being regarded as Italy’s third-best goalkeeper, behind Dino Zoff and Walter Zenga, is a huge accolade for anyone, but with Giampiero Combi only measuring 5ft 8in he can take it with particular pride. He shone as the goalkeeper who took Italy to their maiden FIFA World Cup title in 1934.

In fine form throughout the tournament, Combi captained the side to glory and collected a bronze medal at the 1928 Olympics, but his records at club level are similarly notable. Not only does he hold the Serie A record for the longest run without conceding at 934 minutes, he also helped Juventus, his only club, win five Scudetti, including four successive ones between 1930 and '34.

The smallest member of this list is also arguably the best. Frantisek Planicka reached his pinnacle during numerous stirring performances at the 1934 FIFA World Cup with Czechoslovakia, where he faced off opposite Combi. Sitting at ninth in the IFFHS goalkeeper of the century poll, to be so well revered at just 5ft 7in is a wonderful achievement.

In only the second edition of the FIFA World Cup, Planicka was in sensational form throughout before ultimately losing 2-1 to Italy in the final. On that defeat he said: “Even though we lost, we returned home as heroes. We travelled back by train and there were thousands of fans applauding us at every station.”

He showed his commitment to his national side four years later as, during one of his 76 caps in the quarter-final against Brazil, then captain Planicka battled through to a 1-1 extra-time draw, known as ‘the Battle of Bordeaux’, despite spending much of the game with a broken arm. He had a reputation for this, having soldiered on through a semi-final of the Eastern European Mitropa Cup in 1932 with Slavia Prague having been hit in the head by rock thrown from the crowd.

As keeper for the great Mighty Magyars side of the 1950s, Gyula Grosics would have gone down in Hungarian football history just for being on the pitch with the likes of Ferenc Puskas, Sandor Kocsis and Jozsef Bozsik. However, the 5ft 10in stopper, nicknamed the Black Panther, was a talent in his own right. Not only did he help the side to four years and 33 games without defeat, he was also good with his feet, being credited with helping create the sweeper-keeper role, playing the ball out from the back.

However, he will always be part of footballing folklore thanks to his exploits in that team’s greatest achievements. First they defied the status quo by beating England 6-3 at Wembley, and then he helped take the Golden Team to the 1954 FIFA World Cup Final, missing out on the title courtesy of a 3-2 defeat by West Germany.

Argentine great
Arguably Argentina’s greatest-ever goalkeeper, Ubaldo Fillol played for over two decades between the sticks at club level and more than half of that period as part of the national team set-up. The tallest of this selection at 5ft 11in, but still dwarfed by many opponents, he played in three FIFA World Cups, getting his hands on the Trophy in 1978. Fillol was voted the goalkeeper of that tournament having kept clean sheets in all three of Argentina's second-round group matches and made a brilliant penalty save against Poland.

He began his career at 19 with Quilmes, but started to stand out during a two-year spell at Racing Club, where at the age of 21 he saved six spot-kicks in a season - a league record - and was snapped up by River Plate. He went on to play his way into the hearts of Los Millonarios’ fans during an 11-year spell, encompassing more than 350 games. Fillol won seven titles - including three national championships - with River and helped end an 18-year barren spell for the club in the process.

An eccentric in every sense of the word, Rene Higuita was able to command his area despite being just 5ft 9in. Known as 'El Loco' (The Crazy One), his most memorable moment will always be his scorpion kick against England, clearing the ball off the line with his heels while airborne. It was with Colombia where his legacy stands tallest, claiming 68 caps and eight goals, mostly from free-kicks. He was part of the side that reached the Round of 16 at Italy 1990, but was hugely at fault for their exit, losing the ball on the halfway line to Roger Milla of Cameroon, who subsequently scored.

At club level his finest achievement was undoubtedly winning the Copa Libertadores in 1989 with Atletico National, triumphing on penalties over Olimpia of Paraguay.

http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/news/newsid=1544328.html?cid=newsletter_en_20111124_new sid1544328

28-11-2011, 01:40 PM
10 Things World Football Wants for Christmas


OK, it's early. Really early. It's not even December yet for goodness sake. We haven't even had the Coca-Cola ad that officially launches Christmas in England these days.

But if football really wants the best gifts of the season, we need to get that list off to Santa sharpish—or risk the kind of bitter disappointment known by every football fan who doesn't support Barcelona these days.

Dear Santa, here are 10 things the beautiful game could really use this Christmas.

1. The End of Sepp Blatter
Dear Santa,

Here are a few things the most powerful man in football has said over the years. Hopefully you'll agree, it's time he disappeared from the game.

"Let the women play in more feminine clothes like they do in volleyball. They could, for example, have tighter shorts." - Blatter on women's football

"He should say that this is a game. We are in a game, and at the end of the game, we shake hands, and this can happen, because we have worked so hard against racism and discrimination." - Blatter on how to deal with racism in football

"I think in football, there's too much modern slavery in transferring players or buying players here and there, and putting them somewhere." - Blatter comparing Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer demands to slavery

2. An American Superstar
Dear Santa,

It was supposed to be Freddy Adu, but it doesn't look like that's happening.

What football could really use is an American superstar to spread the gospel of the game, and help conquer the biggest territory we've yet to dominate.

It's all very well sending aging European stars to the MLS, but I'm not convinced that's sending the right message to the good people of the US of A.

3. Another Mourinho
Dear Santa,

Thanks again for Jose Mourinho. Coaches get so much air time these days, and we can't tell how much we appreciate a personality like The Special One keeping us entertained. Remember when he predicated the entire Barcelona lineup in 2005? Or when he called Barcelona a "small team."

Anyway, the thing is we need another one—and it's not Andre Villas-Boas. What we need is an impossibly cocksure coach with some serious swagger. And we need him to go head-to-head with Mourinho.

4. A Decent World Cup
Dear Santa,

It wasn't South Africa's fault. They were great hosts and did everything they could to make the greatest show on earth...well, the greatest show on earth.

But it didn't really work out that way, did it? A good deal of the games were boring and there was a lack of momentum that left us longing for the heady rush of Germany 2006.

It's Brazil next, and I know it's still three years away, but is there anything you can do to make sure we're suitably entertained? One idea would be to convince certain teams to stop playing so negatively. And others to stop trying to play like Spain.

5. A Maverick Genius
Dear Santa,

We really can't thank you enough for Lionel Messi. The little guy has become pretty much unstoppable for Barcelona and his attitude can't be faulted either.

The same is almost true for Cristiano Ronaldo. OK, he pouts too much and in England we still haven't forgiven him for winking at the 2006 World Cup, but he's still a footballing god of his time.

What we really need though, is a football genius with a touch a madness thrown in. We need a maverick—part Zinedine Zidane, part Diego Maradona, part Eric Cantona. We need some personality, Santa.

6. Video Technology
Dear Santa,

Being English, I have rather strong feelings about video technology. Here's why.

OK, I'll admit England were rubbish for the entire 2010 World Cup and probably would have lost anyway against Germany, but that's not the point.

The point is, why not cut out ridiculous mistakes by deploying technology we already have available? They say it's coming, but I won't believe it until it happens, and what if Michel Platini takes over from Sepp Blatter before then?

I'd like goal-line technology everywhere, and also the potential to rule on penalty decisions and red cards, too.

7. A New Financial Model
Dear Santa,

I failed economics at school, so I'm not best placed to address the financial turmoil in football. But it's pretty clear something's awry when "four in five" Premier League clubs are operating at a loss.

The UEFA financial fair play rules are set to come in next season, but I'm not sure they're the answer. As Martin Samuel pointed out in the Daily Mail, they could actually have the opposite effect to that desired.

"What UEFA did by going further and linking spending power to generated income was effectively outlaw new money coming into the game to upset the established order. City then had a deadline in which to join the elite or be left behind," Samuel wrote.

The suggestion here, is that UEFA may well have made it impossible for a new club to rise to prominence, and that surely can't be right. We need a solution, Santa. Get your thinking Santa hat on.

8. An Answer to Barcelona and Spain
Dear Santa,

While it's been great watching Spain and Barcelona keep the ball for almost three years solid, football could really use an answer to tiki taka right now—and it's not somebody trying to do it better (impossible).

The response needs to be a fast-moving, direct and aggressive approach. It's time for the football powerbase to shift, and somebody else to get a taste of glory.

9. An Authentic TV Show
Dear Santa,

Football is the most popular sport on the planet, so surely there's a market for an authentic, original television series?

It's yet to be made. I give you Footballers' Wives and Dream Team as evidence—two shows so bad, they were almost good. Movies like Goal! and Bend it Like Beckham missed the point, too.

What we need is a TV series that includes speeches like this one, and this one. Get it right and tens of millions will watch it.

10. A Euro 2012 Fairytale
Dear Santa,

I think I've made it clear I don't want Spain to win Euro 2012. They've already bagged two major tournaments in a row, and it's time for another nation to prevail in Po-kraine next summer.

I'd rather it wasn't Italy (too boring) and I certainly don't want a repeat of Greece's success in 2004 (nice fairytale, but not exactly the attack-minded celebration I had in mind).

Here's what I'd like. Call me crazy, but I want Republic of Ireland to reach the semi-finals. Their fans are amazing, and they are still owed big-time for this. Wouldn't it be great if they beat France in the quarters? On penalties.

As for the winners, clearly I'm going to ask for England—I know it's far-fetched, but we've been through hell in this country and surely the fans deserve a reward for keeping faith all these years? We promise Rooney will behave (once his ban ends), and we might even surprise you if Jack Wilshere returns to work his magic in midfield.

What's that, you say? Not possible? Well, let Germany have it then. They're the most exciting team in Europe right now.


28-11-2011, 02:00 PM
Lens Defender Gabriel Cichero Given Five-Month Ban For Breaking Bastia Director’s Nose, Jaw And Eye Socket


The FFF have today announced that Lens’ Venezuelan defender Gabriel Cichero will not be allowed to play again until March 15th 2012 after being caught on CCTV assaulting Bastia director Alain Seghi in the tunnel following a match in the French second division on October 15th

While the Bastia stadium footage is a little grainy and inconclusive, reports are claiming that, after being sent-off in the last minute of the game and brawling on the pitch for a while, Cichero then pushed Bastia president Pierre Marie Geronimi before kicking Seghi in the face – breaking his conk, jaw and fracturing his eye socket into the bargain.

Cichero has refused to apologise, claiming that he is ‘an intelligent family man with God at his side’ and that he ‘reacted normally’ to the provocation he received from the Bastia contingent on his way to the dressing room.

He is likely to appeal his five-month suspension, a move which could land him with a ten-month lay-off if unsuccessful. Bonne chance Gabriel!


05-12-2011, 03:24 PM
Ex-Liverpool FC player Ryan Babel’s clash with Spongebob Squarepants (yes, you really did read that)


FORMER Liverpool FC star Ryan Babel has been involved in a foul-mouthed fall-out... with TV character Spongebob Squarepants!

The Dutchman who now plays in Germany for Hoffenheim, revealed the bizarre story on his Twitter feed this week.

It has since been revealed to be a comedy routine by American funnyman Kevin Hart, although the Dutchman made no reference to the comic in his tweets.

A kids’ party staged by Babel turned sour when a children’s entertainer dressed as Spongebob removed his face covering to light a cigarette, started blowing smoke in the children’s faces, then revealed he had recently been released from jail!

He began: “If you invite a character to a kid’s birthday party, you want to see that character be that character.

“Spongebob was taking his helmet off and was smoking a cigarette in front of the kids.

“Spongebob doesn’t take his face off on TV and show a black face underneath it.

“So, I got mad at Spongebob in front of the kids – and when I get mad, I get loud, I get rude.

“I said: ‘Spongebob! Put your helmet on and put the damn cigarettes out! You can’t smoke in front of the kids man, are you crazy?!”

But ‘Spongebob’ had a surprise in store for Babel.

“Here is the thing that made it bad,” said the winger. “Nobody told me that Spongebob was fresh out of jail.


Babel continued: “I’m such a sissy that when I heard ‘jail’ my wholeeeee attitude changed.

“I said: ‘Noo, noo, ur not listening – I didn’t say you CAN’T smoke. I just said don’t blow it in their faces.

“‘That’s all I’m saying, Spongebob. I mean, blow the smoke up or something – smoke... but just give the kids a chance 2 not have cancer, that’s it.’”

In response to a follower, who clearly found the episode rather amusing, Babel said: “Laugh at my pain!”

During his Anfield days, Babel got into trouble with his Twitter account for posting a mocked up photograph of referee Howard Webb wearing a Manchester United shirt.

And this week the Dutch international was forced to hit back at criticism from Hoffenheim team-mate Tom Starke.

Under fire for supposedly failing to help Hoffenheim in their bid to climb the Bundesliga table from their current position of ninth, Starke claimed that Babel, who is Hoffenheim’s second highest scorer in the league this season with three goals, has not been portraying a positive attitude.

But Babel told BILD: “I think it is not one player who loses a game. It’s a team that wins or loses matches.”


06-12-2011, 04:23 PM
Wiyam Amashe, A Player With No Country, Given Permission To Play For Israel


Maccabi Haifa striker Wiyam Amashe is a member of the Druze community, a small and insular religious sect with members in several Middle Eastern countries. Amashe’s family is from Golan Heights, that highly contested strip of mountainous land between Israel and Syria, which, while technically under Israeli control since 1967, is not officially a part of that country. And when Israeli offered citizenship to the Golan Druze in the 1980s, Amashe’s town chose not to accept it. That makes Amashe a player without a country.
Amashe is not a citizen of any country and does not hold a passport. His only documentation is an Israeli Travel Document, and he is required to obtain a visa each time he travels abroad to play for Maccabi Haifa. Despite his citizenship-less circumstance, the 26-year old striker played for Israeli youth international sides in the past, thanks to laxer rules regarding eligibility. Now that the rules require a passport or citizenship, it wasn’t clear if Amashe would ever get a chance to play for the senior squad.

Just today came word that FIFA will allow special dispensation for Amashe – who currently leads the Israeli Premier League with 12 goals – to play for Israel despite his status as a player without a country. Israeli FA chairman Avi Luzon used his influence with the sport’s governing body to lobby for the decision.

“We are very satisfied that we managed to get permission from FIFA,” Luzon said on Wednesday. “We managed the issue quietly, and we are glad that the next national coach will have the option of calling up one of the most successful strikers currently in Israeli soccer.”

The decision is notable because Amashe does not intend to obtain Israeli citizenship, as doing so would see him excommunicated from the Druze community. Last year, he explained the choice.

“I might play for the national team for a year or two, but I will then suffer for the rest of my life,” Amashe has said. “My family and I will be excommunicated, no one will want to marry my relations and my children will suffer as well.”

Amashe was also approached by the Syrian National Team, but joining them would have required leaving the Golan. It was another decision Amashe was unwilling to make, leaving his only chance at international football a favorable decision by FIFA.

It’s undoubtedly a relief to Amashe that it finally came. It’s too bad that it came too late for Amashe to factor in Israel’s Euro 2012 qualifying campaign.


07-12-2011, 01:06 PM
This Is A Game Of Football, But With Random, Painful Electrical Shocks


Hilarious foreign languages? Check. Senseless, nonlethal violence? Check. Evidence of humanity’s unceasing desire to inflict needless suffering on our fellow man for our own twisted enjoyment and disturbing sense of power? DEFINITE CHECK. Oh, and it’s about soccer, so we can post it.


13-12-2011, 02:41 PM
Diving, Pemain Dihukum Klub Sendiri
Andi Abdullah Sururi - detiksport

Sydney - Shannon Cole menjadi korban peraturan klubnya sendiri, Sydney FC, yang melarang pemainnya melakukan diving dalam pertandingan. Meski tak minta penalti, ia tetap dijatuhi hukuman oleh klubnya itu.

Pada pertandingan Liga Australia hari Minggu lalu, Cole terbukti menjatuhkan diri sendiri alias diving, saat mendapat tekanan dari seorang pemain lawan di kotak penalti Gold Coast Uniteddi menit 93 . Partai itu berkesudahan tanpa gol (0-0).

Sadar bahwa dirinya melakukan kesalahan, karena Sydney FC menerapkan "kebijakan tidak melakukan diving", pemain berposisi defender itu tidak melakukan hal yang biasa dilakukan seorang diver, yakni meminta hadiah penalti.

"Begitu jatuh, saya langsung tahu, saya melakukan kesalahan. Makanya saya bangun tanpa minta penalti dan langsung lari ke posisi saya semula," ungkap Cole dalam keterangan resmi pihak klub, dikutip Reuters, Selasa (13/12/2011).

"Saya tadinya berharap dilanggar, ketika dia (pemain lawan) datang memotong. Tapi setelah terjatuh, saya langsung sadar, dia tidak melanggar saya," tambah pemain berusia 27 tahun itu.

Larangan diving diperkenalkan Sydney FC dari insiden penyerang Mark Bridge yang dikartu merah oleh wasit di awal musim ini, setelah berbenturan dengan bek Melbourne Victory, Roddy Vargas.

Pihak Sydney memang tidak menuding Vargas berpura-pura cedera dari benturan tersebut, tapi mereka malah mengeluarkan kebijakan internal baru, karena Bridge terkena larangan main dua kali dari kartu merahnya itu.

"Shannon telah menunjukkan integritas dan kejujurannya dengan langsung mengangkat tangan, dan mengakui bahwa dia melakukan kesalahan," puji ketua ekskutif klub, Dirk Melton.

"Sebagai sebuah klub kami semua mendukung 'No Diving Policy', dan Shannon cukup berani untuk mengakui bahwa perbuatannya itu salah, dan dia menerima hukumannya."

Atas kesalahannya itu Cole dihukum denda, tapi tidak disebutkan berapa jumlahnya.


patut ditiru ama klub laen

13-12-2011, 03:18 PM
Benzema Pemain Terbaik Prancis 2011
Doni Wahyudi - detiksport

Paris - Menjelang akhir tahun Karim Benzema dapat penghargaan bergengsi di negaranya sendiri. Majalah France Football menobatkan dia sebagai pesepakbola terbaik Prancis tahun 2011.

Dikutip dari AS, ini merupakan kali pertama Benzema terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik versi majalah France Football. Striker Real Madrid itu menggusur Samir Nasri, yang tahun lalu berhak atas penghargaan tersebut.

Meski 'hanya' mempersembahkan titel Copa del Rey untuk Madrid, performa Benzema dianggap mengalami peningkatan pesat musim lalu. Dengan Gonzalo Higuain didera cedera panjang, pesepakbola 23 tahun itu total membuat 26 gol dari 48 laga di semua kompetisi untuk El Real.

Pada saat bersamaan France Football juga memilih pelatih terbaik untuk tahun 2011. Dan yang berhak mendapatkannya adalah pelatih Lille, Rudy Garcia.

Musim lalu Garcia sukses memberi Lille dua gelar bergengsi yakni menjuarai Ligue 1 dan meraih trofi Coupe de France.


14-12-2011, 01:14 PM
Diving, Pemain Dihukum Klub Sendiri

Sydney FC’s ‘No Diving Policy’ might actually be working

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv189/zudomiriku/zudo%20II/sydney_fcs_no_diving_policy_might_actually_be_work ing.jpg

Imagine, if you will, a place where football clubs fine their own players for diving and they do so after those players voluntarily admit to the offense. It may seem hard to believe, but A-League side Sydney FC instituted such a policy this season and defender Shannon Cole is the player who confessed to breaking it.

From Reuters:

Cole admitted the offence against the club's "No Diving Policy" after going down under pressure from a Gold Coast United player in stoppage time at the end of a 0-0 draw on Sunday.

"I knew I did the wrong thing as soon as I hit the ground so I got up without asking for a penalty and ran straight back into position," Cole said in a club news release.

"I was expecting to be fouled when he came across but after going to the ground I realised straight away he had not fouled me."

As far as I can tell, this is not a dispatch from the Twilight Zone.

Why doesn't every club adopt this policy? Not only would it show fans that they're serious about condemning and curtailing simulation, but it would be a great way to get back a large percentage of the inflated wages paid to players that cause so many clubs to go into debt. Then again, Luis Suarez and many others might need to get a second job just to pay off those fines.


19-12-2011, 12:47 PM
Steaua Bucharest Fans Get Their Choreography A Little Wrong


55,000 Steaua Bucharest fans filled Romania’s National Stadium yesterday, hoping to see their club advance to the last 32 of the Europa League. Naturally, they wanted to celebrate their club and its history. Screwing up the number “9″ in their pre-match display probably isn’t the best way to do that. Oops.

In case you’re unsure, that should read “1947″, as in the year Steaua Bucharest was founded.


20-12-2011, 10:00 AM
Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev poised to take over at Monaco

• Rybolovlev offer put before financial watchdog
• Monaco president confident takeover will go ahead

Prince Albert, left, takes a keen interest in the running of Monaco, who are likely to be bought by Dmitry Rybolovlev. Photograph: Andreas Rentz/Bongarts/Getty Images

The Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev is poised to take over at struggling Monaco before the end of the year, according to the club's president, Etienne Franzi.

Rybolovlev's offer for the club was put before the French football league's financial watchdog on Tuesday, and Franzi is optimistic the takeover will go ahead.

"Things are not quite finalised but are moving along very well," Franzi told the newspaper Nice Matin. "We are in discussions with Rybolovlev and his group. We hope that he will be Monaco's new majority shareholder before the end of the year."

Monaco are owned by Monaco Sport Partners, which groups together several local businessmen. Rybolovlev would effectively buy them out.

Rybolovlev, who made his billions in fertiliser products, bought Donald Trump's Palm Beach mansion for $100m in 2008.

Monaco were relegated last year and are bottom of the French second division with only one win in 16 games. They won the last of seven league titles in the 2000-01 season, and reached the final of the Champions League in 2004, losing to Porto.

Prince Albert of Monaco takes a keen interest in the running of the club and regularly attends games at Stade Louis II.


09-01-2012, 12:26 PM
New 50p coin aimed at explaining offside law 'gets offside law wrong'

• Experts say coin is based on old version of offside law
• 'Unfortunately it just confuses the issue even more'

The new 50p coin, to commemorate the 2012 Olympics, showing an explanation of the offside law. Photograph: EPA

A new football-themed 50p coin designed to ease confusion around the offside law has been written off as "totally out of date" and "confusing" by refereeing experts.

The design, unveiled on Wednesday, is one of 29 coins produced to commemorate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, each featuring a different sport.

The football coin – half a million of which are now in circulation – shows a midfielder about to pass to one of two team-mates, with the first player, on the left, marked as offside, and the second, level with the defender, not offside. But the diagram appears to illustrate the offside law as it was until 1995, when it was overhauled by the International FA Board to reduce the number of stoppages in matches.

The revision to the law meant that any player in an offside position when the ball is played is no longer automatically penalised. It states: "It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position."

Instead, for the past 17 years assistant referees have been told to wait and see whether a player in an offside position becomes involved in active play, either by "interfering with play, or interfering with an opponent, or by gaining an advantage by being in that position". That means that if the midfielder on the coin passes to the striker on his left, but the striker chooses not to play the ball or interfere with an opponent, he is not offside and play continues.

The Royal Mint says the coin was designed "to provoke discussion", but the Referees' Association member Mal Davies, who works with the former head of Premier League referees Keith Hackett on the Observer's long-running You are the Ref feature, said using such old information was "embarrassing".

"The public will assume this has been thoroughly checked, but sadly it's totally out of date," Davies said. "And on parks pitches it will just encourage players to keep pressurising officials to blow the whistle immediately any time a player is in an offside position – and to abuse them when they don't. It's always good to see attempts to explain the Law to a wider audience, and the coin looks good – but unfortunately it takes us back to the last century and just confuses the issue even more."

Launching the football 50p, Susannah Lee, a spokeswoman for the Royal Mint, said the reaction to them had been "phenomenal". "It's an unusual and eye-catching design and has generated significant interest from collectors and sports fans as a result," she said. "The coin depicts a clear representation of the offside rule which I think is useful and easily understood for anyone who happens to find it in their purse or pockets. There are currently half a million of the offside rule 50ps in circulation."

The coins are also being sold by the Royal Mint in presentation packs

The designer of the coin, however, disagrees with Davies. "With all due respect, I reject Mal Davies's interpretation of the coin (rather than his interpretation of the offside law)," said Neil Wolfson. "Nowhere on the coin does it say that the 'offside' player is committing an offence – that is a supposition entirely of Mal's creation.

"The coin simply states that the player is 'offside' – which is true, irrespective of whether or not an 'offside offence' results from this scenario. Furthermore, there are clearly space limitations on the coinface so it was obviously impossible to go into the finer details of the offside rule.

"But for those who don't understand offside, it's not a bad starting point (with further explanation) – and the coin seems to amuse those who do appreciate the offside rule.

"So I simply don't agree with Mal's objection – on the basis that he refers to the 'offside offence', despite the coin having no such reference. I just hope Mal doesn't book me for showing dissent."

__________________________________________________ ______________
Ada Aturan Offside di Uang Koin Inggris
Novitasari Dewi Salusi - detikSport

London - Anda penonton sepakbola, tapi masih bingung dengan peraturan offside? Jangan khawatir. Kini sebuah diagram yang menjelaskan aturan ini tergambar di uang koin Inggris.

Sebuah koin bernilai 50 penny yang bergambar diagram aturan offside akan diluncurkan di negerinya Ratu Elizabeth itu. Koin ini merupakan satu dari 29 koin edisi khusus untuk menyambut Olimpiade 2012 yang akan digelar di London.

Di sisi belakang koin yang menjadi tempat digambarkannya diagram itu, tergambar sebuah kotak yang menggambarkan separuh lapangan. Di dalam kotak itu terdapat empat titik yang masing-masing mewakili pemain yang mengumpan, pemain bertahan, dan dua penyerang.

Di titik yang mewakili pengumpan tergambar dua garis panah yang mengarah ke dua titik penyerang yang ada di posisi berbeda. Di satu titik penyerang yang berada sejajar dengan titik yang merupakan pemain bertahan, tertulis 'NOT OFFSIDE' di sampingnya. Sedangkan satu titik penyerang yang posisinya lebih maju dibanding pemain bertahan tertulis 'OFFSIDE' di sampingnya.

Desain itu merupakan karya seorang jurnalis yang bernama Neil Wolfson. Ia merancang diagram di koin ini setelah mengikuti kompetisi desain dua tahun lalu.

"Saya adalah seorang jurnalis olahraga dan saya melihat peluang ini sebagai perluasan yang alami dari apa yang saya lakukan," ujar Wolfson seperti dilansir oleh AFP.

"Saya adalah penggemar sepakbola, saya mengikuti Premier League sejak awal dan jika saya memperoleh 50 penny untuk setiap orang yang bertanya pada saya tentang aturan offside maka saya akan jadi orang kaya."

"Ketika koin ini diedarkan saya berharap orang-orang menyukainya dan bisa menggunakannya untuk menjelaskan aturan offside," harapnya.


10-01-2012, 12:58 PM
Liverpool Great Robbie Fowler ‘Blacks Up’ As Lionel Richie, Causes Minor Twitter Outrage

Lionel Richie? I was going for Craig Johnston meets Bruce Grobbelaar…

This hasn’t been the best of periods for Liverpool FC, certainly in terms of PR. With the club tying itself in all kinds of knots over the Luis Suarez affair, and then Anfield legend Alan Hansen getting lambasted for his out-dated use of the word “coloured”, it’s been a heck a few weeks for the club.

Well, they say bad things come in threes, so I guess it was inevitable that someone else with links to the Merseyside club would have to jump on the bandwagon. And with that we say a big hello to Robbie Fowler, Kop idol, player/manager of Muangthong United and, apparently, amateur Lionel Richie impersonator.

The former England man posted a photo of himself ‘blacked up’ and in full Richie garb on Twitter, in a perfect example of bad timing. After getting a whole load of abuse from Twitter users who were practically dancing on the ceiling with rage, Fowler promptly took the incriminating photo down, but only after it had been up on the web all night long, and not before it had seeped into the judgemental hands of the media.

Anyway, to be honest, Fowler’s whole Lionel Richie thing is utterly harmless. However, rather ironically, for a player whose timing in the box was super sharp, he could have picked a better moment to ‘black up’ on Twitter, couldn’t he?


11-01-2012, 12:39 PM
Martin Keown Smacked In Face By Rogue Football During Leeds Warm-Up


In which, during the warm-up, ESPN pundit Martin Keown is accidentally-on-purpose thwacked in the side of the head by a ball launched toward the pitchside podium by one of the Leeds players/Ruud van Nistelrooy in a Leeds shirt…


So satisfying. Like a deep bubble bath for the soul.


mantep tuh rasanya :))

12-01-2012, 12:37 PM
La Liga Terkuat di Dunia Versi IFFHS
Okdwitya Karina Sari - detikSport

Liga Primera Spanyol mempertahankan predikat sebagai liga terkuat di dunia 2011 pilihan IFFHS (Federasi Internasional Sejarah dan Statistik Sepakbola). Lantas di peringkat berapa Liga Indonesia?

Dikutip dari situs IFFHS.de, Liga Spanyol menempati urutan teratas dengan perolehan 1.194 poin, atau unggul 91 poin dari Premier League yang ada di bawahnya.

Ini adalah kali kedua beruntun Liga Spanyol dinilai sebagai yang terkuat setelah tiga tahun sebelumnya didominasi oleh Liga Inggris.

Liga Jerman atau Bundesliga hanya menempati urutan keenam dengan perolehan 880 poin, di bawah Liga Brasil, Liga Portugal dan Liga Prancis.

Yang cukup mengejutkan adalah Liga Italia yang cuma ada di urutan ketujuh terbaik dengan nilai 873 poin diikuti oleh Liga Argentina dan Liga Belanda. Padahal di tahun sebelumnya Serie A menempati peringkat ketiga.

Liga Jepang jadi yang terkuat di Asia dengan menempati peringkat ke-25, lebih baik dari MLS yang hanya menduduki peringkat 32 dengan 447 poin.

Sementara Liga Singapura menjadi yang terkuat di Asia Tenggara dengan berada di peringkat 53 dengan 331 poin disusul Thailand di urutan 60 dengan 318,5 poin.

Liga Indonesia hanya bertengger di urutan 73 dengan 266,5 poin selisih satu angka dari Liga Australia di atasnya. Namun, Liga Indonesia masih lebih baik dari Liga Vietnam di urutan 82 dan Liga Malaysia yang jauh ada di peringkat 91.

Rangking dari liga terkuat ditentukan IFFHS setiap tahunnya yang dimulai dari 1991 dengan berdasar hasil dari klub di kompetisi nasional dan internasional (kompetisi konfederasi dan FIFA).

Daftar Peringkat Liga Terkuat 2011 versi IFFHS
Peringkat Negara Poin
1. Spanyol 1.194,0
2. Inggris 1.103,0
3. Brasil 889,0
4. Portugal 886,0
5. Prancis 883,0
6. Jerman 880,0
7. Italia 873,0
8. Argentina 840,0
9. Belanda 791,5
10. Chile 741,5

73. Indonesia 266,5
74. Afrika Selatan 266,0
75. India 265,5


12-01-2012, 12:40 PM
Diliat dari sisimana ya liga terkuat itu spanyol?
Kayaknya lebih kepada duo raksasa madrid ama barca yg ada di champions..
Kalo dr keseluruhan tim jelasss gk masuk akal. La liga begitu2 mulu dr dulu, tropi bolakbalik di bernabeu ama campnou, akhir musim selisih poin dgn peringkat 3 dst jauh bgt.. gk ada persaingan ketat...

13-01-2012, 12:17 PM
Diliat dari sisimana ya liga terkuat itu spanyol?
Kayaknya lebih kepada duo raksasa madrid ama barca yg ada di champions..
Kalo dr keseluruhan tim jelasss gk masuk akal. La liga begitu2 mulu dr dulu, tropi bolakbalik di bernabeu ama campnou, akhir musim selisih poin dgn peringkat 3 dst jauh bgt.. gk ada persaingan ketat...

Rangking dari liga terkuat ditentukan IFFHS setiap tahunnya yang dimulai dari 1991 dengan berdasar hasil dari klub di kompetisi nasional dan internasional (kompetisi konfederasi dan FIFA).

kalo menurut ane seh yg 'terkuat' dlm arti kompetisinya bersaing yah Premier League, apalagi musim ini Spurs & City sudah menggebrak Big Four
jangankan 'gelar' liga terkuat, untuk gelar Ballon d'Or aja masih terjadi perdebatan
IMO seh JM ama Ronaldo gak hadir kmrn bukan krn persiapan melawan Malaga, tp masih 'sakit hati' ama FIFA. kmrn kan sempat keluar komen, kalo gelar pemain terbaik sudah dibuktikan lewat banyaknya gol, maksudnya penampilan pemain itu sendir dilapangan

13-01-2012, 12:30 PM
UEFA wants Sporting to remove ‘violent’ wallpaper in stadium

The "violent" wallpaper that isn't particularly violent. (Reuters)

The interior decorating division of UEFA has taken issue with Portuguese club Sporting's choice of photographs used as wallpaper inside their stadium. Yes, UEFA has other matters like match fixing, racism, homophobia and corruption so totally under control that they're now spending their time worrying about wallpaper.

From Reuters:

"The scenes depicted in the images are clearly contrary to the values of respect and tolerance UEFA works hard to promote," European football's governing body said in a statement on Wednesday.

The images, plastered on wallpaper on the walls of the Alvalade stadium's tunnel leading to the pitch, show a group of aggressive-looking, masked fans clashing with stadium stewards. One of the fans is pictured burning a flare, an illegal object to bring inside stadiums in Portugal.

"UEFA has a zero-tolerance approach to violence and these images show at the very least an ambivalent position towards fan trouble and fan violence," UEFA said, explaining its decision to request that the club remove or cover the images for UEFA matches.

Sporting has previously said that the wallpaper is "part of management's decision to show respect for the history of the club and its fans" and that UEFA and the Portuguese Liga have both praised the images in the past.

So as this wallpaper standoff digs in, we can all rest assured that this is truly the best use of everyone's time.


17-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Cannavaro & Crespo Akan Bermain di Liga India
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detikSport

New Delhi - Dua eks bintang Liga Italia, Fabio Cannavaro serta Hernan Crespo, akan membuka lembaran baru di penghujung karier mereka sebagai pesepakbola. Mulai bulan depan keduanya akan merumput di Liga Primer India.

"Saya kembali bermain dengan Asosiasi Sepakboal India, West Bengal," demikian tulis Cannavaro di akun twitter-nya yang dilansir Football Italia.

Cannavaro sendiri enam bulan lalu sudah mengatakan pensiun dari sepakbola usai bermain di Liga Uni Emirat Arab. Sedangkan Crespo masih bermain untuk Parma sejak Januari 2010.

Kini bersama eks rekan timnya di Parma, Crespo, eks kapten timnas Italia di Piala Dunia 2006 itu akhirnya memilih India sebagai tempat berkarier mereka yang baru.

Asosiasi sepakbola India baru saja "merenovasi" liga lokal mereka dan melahirkan apa yang disebut Liga Primer India. Di sana akan ada enam tim franchise yang mewakili enam kota yakni Kolkata, Haldia, Durgapur, Barasat, Siliguri dan Howrah.

Kompetisi akan dimulai pada 25 Februari dan berlangsung selama tujuh pekan. Selain Cannavaro dan Crespo, bakal ada bintang-bintang gaek lain macam eks kapten Argentina, Juan Pablo Sorin, mantan bintang Nigeria Jay Jay Okocha, eks bntang Arsenal Robert Pires dan serta penyerang legendaris Liverpool, Robbie Fowler.

Keenam pemain bintang itu akan bermain di masing-masing tim tersebut. Nantinya tim-tim itu akan dilatih oleh pelatih-pelatih ternama yang akan diproses dalam waktu 10 pekan ke depan,termasuk di antaranya Peter Reid, John Barnes, Tony Adams, Samson Saisia, Marco Etcheverry, Colin Todd, Teitur Thodarson dan Milos Rus.

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Sudah 39 Tahun, Rivaldo Terima Pinangan Klub Angola
Andi Abdullah Sururi - detikSport

Luanda - Mantan pemain terbaik dunia Rivaldo masih memakai sepatunya di lapangan hijau. Dalam usianya yang sudah 39 tahun, ia malah mengikat kontrak satu tahun dengan sebuah klub di Angola.

Dilansir Reuters, Minggu (15/1/2012) dinihari WIB, Rivaldo menerima pinangan Kabuscorp, yang di musim lalu menjadi runner up Liga Angola.

"Ini akan menjadi sebuah pengalaman baru buatku. Aku senang berada di sini, seperti halnya di klub-klub yang pernah aku huni. Aku akan mencoba menghormati kostum Kabuscorp, dan semoga bisa memenuhi ekspektasi di lapangan," ujarnya dalam jumpa pers di Luanda.

Rivaldo, pesepakbola terbaik dunia dan Eropa 1999, memiliki 12 klub sepanjang kariernya, termasuk Barcelona, AC Milan, Olympiakos, AEK Athens, dan terakhir Sao Paulo.

Ia memiliki 74 caps bersama timnas Brasil dengan 34 gol, dan menjadi salah satu skuad tim Samba saat menjuarai Piala Dunia 2002.


17-01-2012, 01:19 PM
Tactical Formations We'd Like to See More of in 2012

Since the innovation of the flat 4 in the late 1980’s, most professional and international teams have adopted the system as part of their standard tactics.

In its most common evolution, the flat 4 is deployed as a straight forward 4-4-2 and is easily the most widely used formation in Europe and a favorite of Sir Alex Ferguson and Manchester United.

While some top clubs use a 4-3-3—like Chelsea, Barcelona, Arsenal and Manchester City—only a few outside the elite are willing to challenge the orthodox gospel that is the 4-4-2.

Here are five formations that more clubs should be using.


Systems with three in the back are rarely seen outside of South America.

However, when deployed, they allow for a great deal of creativity and free-flowing play.

The system does not allow for the backs to move forward very often, but it still gives the defenders cover when playing against two strikers.

This formation works best when a team has outside midfielders who work back defensively to provide cover on the flanks and attacking players who can hold the ball.

With the potential for attacking the flanks with two wide forwards, counter-attacking with three dedicated strikers and being tough to mark because of its unorthodox set-up, the 3-4-3 can not only be a fun system to play in, but can also be a deadly effective system.

4-1-2-1-2 or 4-3-1-2
Many teams in Italy play with a traditional playmaker underneath the forwards, but it is rarely seen in leagues such as the English Premier League.

One of the best examples of a team that could benefit from such a formation switch is Chelsea, who often deploy their creative midfielder Juan Mata as a left striker.

This system allows the forwards to sit higher than normal, as they let the maestro underneath provide them service.

The weakness of this formation can be defending against wide play because, with no natural wing players, responsibility for defending the flanks often falls solely to the outside backs.

Playing with five in the back is rare, although a few teams have tinkered with it recently.

When Kenny Dalglish first took over at Liverpool, he faced a dilemma trying to work Martin Skrtel, Jamie Carragher and Daniel Agger into the same side.

For a few games, Dalglish tinkered with a five-man backline, experiencing some success. Some Liverpool fans might wish for him to return to such a formation, especially appreciating the extra cover when Glen Johnson goes wandering forward at inopportune times.

Norwich City also experimented with a five-man backline earlier this season, as the newly promoted side sought to combat more talented EPL teams by staying tight defensively and looking for counterattacks.


As stated before, teams in top European leagues rarely try to go three in the back, but the 3-5-2 can be a very dynamic system.

The beauty of the 3-5-2 is that it provides three center backs to maintain defensive cover, while crowding the midfield with three central players and two wide players. This still leaves two forwards to maintain a high line and keep the opponent honest.

Most of the world abandoned the 3-5-2 in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, but a new, innovative and risk-taking coach could make his side very tough to play against by resurrecting this classic formation.

A favorite of Jose Mourinho since his move to Real Madrid, the 4-2-3-1 is a very flexible system that provides two holding midfielders and four dedicated attacking players.

The fluidity of the wide attackers and the withdrawn forward make defending this system a nightmare, as late runners into the box frequently end up unmarked.

This system requires a very talented maestro to play underneath the lone striker and speedy wingers. It works best with a strong, big, technical forward who can take advantage of the service he’ll see from the flanks.

Despite losing in the finals, the Netherlands deployed this system with great effectiveness in the 2010 World Cup and certainly could have won the game with some better finishing from their attackers.


18-01-2012, 11:10 AM
India to start its own Premier League


In 2008, India revolutionized cricket with the Indian Premier League — it features fast-paced games, big salaries, distracting bright colors, loud music and lots of other things to make cricket much less boring. Following its huge success, a company called the Celebrity Management Group (CMG) has inked a deal with the Indian Football Association to give soccer a similar makeover. The radical new league will last only six weeks, with 30 players auctioned between six teams. I'm no fancy mathematician, but I believe that makes the league 5-a-side. ESPN reports:

"We have signed seven 'icon' players for the auction and each of the six teams will have one such player with a $600,000 salary cap," Bhaswar Goswami, executive director of CMG told Reuters. "We have started with six teams this year, all in the state of West Bengal but have already been approached to expand the league to other parts of the country.

"Every team will have $2.5 million to spend in the first year. They will have a maximum of four foreigners and a compulsory six under-21 Indian players in their squad."

The seven "icons" are reportedly World Cup winner Fabio Cannavaro, Robert Pires, Hernan Crespo, Fernando Morientes, Jay-Jay Okocha, Maniche and popular blackface wearer Robbie Fowler. The term "icon" appears to have been applied loosely in some cases, but Pires told French paper L'Equipe that he is proud to be the first Frenchman to play in the region, and is equally proud to potentially earn €790,000 ($1M) for a few weeks work if he is in favor with his club president.

Organizers expect the pioneering new league to mimic the success of IPL cricket, and since the English Premier League attracts around 60 million television viewers in the nation, the logic seems sound. However, in a country with a population of over 1.2 billion, this represents less than 5 percent of the people. The Indian national team currently sit 162nd in the FIFA rankings and the current domestic league is poorly supported in comparison to the nation's favorite obsession — cricket. It's hard to believe that a new venture with the dazzling talents and star power of Hernan Crespo and Jay-Jay Okocha will struggle to grow, but only time will tell.

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Lewat Bintang Gaek, India Coba Tarik Perhatian Dunia
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detikSport

Kalkuta - Sepakbola India mencoba menarik perhatian dunia dengan mengundang sejumlah bintang veteran internasional. Mereka akan mengikuti kompetisi yang cuma diikuti enam klub dan berlangsung dua bulan.

Kompetisi untuk negara bagian Benggala Barat (West Bengal) tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Celebrity Management Group (CMG), yang mencoba mengikuti kesuksesan liga utama kriket, yang merupakan olahraga nomor satu di negara tersebut.

CMG menandatangani kontrak berjangka waktu 30 tahun dengan Asosiasi Sepakbola India (IFA) yang bermarkas di Kalkuta, ibukota negara bagian Benggala Barat.

India sendiri punya liga nasional yang dinamakan I-League dan diikuti 14 tim. Kompetisi ini digelar oleh All Indian Football Federation (AIFF), yang berafiliasi dengan AFC dan FIFA.

Kompetisi baru itu hanya akan diikuti enam klub yang mewakili enam kota di Benggala Barat. Penyelenggaraanya pun relatif singkat, dari 25 Februari hingga 8 April.

Untuk menaikkan pamor kompetisi itu, dan khususnya sepakbola lokal, -- timnas India ada di urutan 162 daftar peringkat FIFA -- otoritas liga mencoba mendatangkan pemain-pemain top dunia, walaupu sudah sangat berumur.

Mereka adalah eks bek timnas Italia Fabio Cannavaro, lalu mantan penyerang Argentina, Hernan Crespo, eks penyerang Real Madrid Fernando Morientes, mantan kapten timnas Nigeria Jay-Jay Okocha, gelandang senior Portugal Maniche, eks bintang Lazio Juan Pablo Sorin, legenda hidup Liverpool Robbie Fowler dan eks gelandang Prancis dan Arsenal, Robert Pires.

Ke klub mana mereka akan ditentukan dalam lelang yang akan dilakukan di Kalkuta. Sistem yang sama diberlakukan untuk penentuan keenam pelatih dan 30 pemain per klub.

Di musim pertama setiap tim akan diberi modal sebesar 2,5 juta dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 23 miliar, serta wajib mempunyai enam pemain muda India U-21, dan dibatasi hanya diperkuat empat pemain asing.

"Kami sudah mengontrak tujuh pemain yang akan menjadi 'ikon' untuk acara lelang, dan masing-masing tim akan punya satu pemain itu dengan salary cap senilai 600 ribu dollar AS," tutur Direktur Eksekutif CMG, Bhaswar Goswami, kepada Reuters.

"Kami memulai dengan enam tim tahun ini, semua berada di provinsi Benggala Barat. Tapi kami sudah berencana meluaskan liga ke kota-kota lain di negara ini," sambungnya.

Pires antusias menyambut petualangan baru dalam kariernya itu. Konon pesepakbola 38 tahun itu akan dibayar minimal 395 ribu euro atau sekitar Rp 4,6 miliar untuk kontrak dua bulan.

"Sejak saya tidak bermain lagi di Eropa, kenapa tidak mencoba sesuatu yang benar-benar belum saya kenal? Saya belum pernah ke sana. Saya bangga menjadi orang Prancis pertama yang pergi dan bermain di sana. Delapan minggu itu tidak ada apa-apanya," tutur Pires seperti dilansir Soccernet.

"Jika presiden klub saya menyukai saya, mungkin saja kontrak saya bisa menjadi 790 ribu euro (Rp 9,2 miliar). Itu jumlah uang yang besar. Apakah saya harus protes? Tapi saya ke sana bukan sebagai turis. Ini adalah petualangan baru," pungkasnya.


18-01-2012, 12:58 PM
Pesepakbola Bergelar Sarjana
Meylan Fredy Ismawan - detikSport

Mantan kapten timnas Jerman Oliver Bierhoff adalah satu dari sedikit pesepakbola yang juga dikenal memiliki gelar akademis dari bangku kuliah. Siapa lagi pemain yang punya titel sarjana?

Pararel dengan karier sepakbolanya, Bierhoff pernah menempuh pendidikan kuliah jarak jauh di Universitas Hagen, Jerman. Mengambil jurusan ekonomi bisnis dari 1988, mantan penyerang klub Udinese dan AC Milan itu lulus di tahun 2002, setahun sebelum gantung sepatu.

Selain Bierhoff, yang kini menjabat manajer umum timnas Jerman, pesepakbola top lain yang juga punya gelar akademis adalah Socrates. Mantan bintang internasional Brasil itu, yang meninggal 5 Desember lalu, adalah seorang dokter.

Socrates memiliki titel itu dari Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto dari Universitas Sao Paulo. Setelah pensiun sebagai pemain ia juga pernah membuka praktek di kota Ribeirao Preto.

Steve Palmer mungkin satu-satunya pesepakbola di era modern yang bisa menempuh studi di universitas besar di Inggris, Universitas Cambridge. Mantan pemain Queens Park Rangers, Watford, dan Ipswich itu mengambil jurusan software engineering.

"Kemampuan saya untuk belajar mungkin dikarenakan atribut yang sama yang memungkinkan saya untuk memahami pertandingan," ujar Palmer.

Dilansir situs Guardian, ada beberapa nama pemain lain yang juga punya gelar sarjana, antara lain:
- Steve Heighway (eks Liverpool, bidang ekonomi)
- Brian McClair (eks Manchester United, bidang matematika)
- Slaven Bilic (eks pemain Everton, pelatih timnas Kroasia, bidang hukum)
- Iain Dowie (eks West Ham United, master di bidang Aeronautic Engineering)
- Steve Coppell (eks MU, bidang ekonomi)
- Arsene Wenger (eks Strasbourg, manajer Arsenal, bidang ekonomi)
- Gudni Bergsson (eks Tottenham Hotspur, bidang hukum)


19-01-2012, 12:59 PM
Chris Coleman set to land Wales manager's job

Chris Coleman is expected to be named as Wales manager on Thursday.


The Football Association of Wales has called a media conference in Cardiff at which the appointment will be confirmed.

Former Wales defender Coleman, 41, held talks with the FAW earlier this week after expressing his desire to be Gary Speed's successor.

"Every manager wants one day to be in charge of his country and I'm no different," said Coleman on Sunday.

"But ideally for me the opportunity wouldn't be here. It's only here because of one reason, and I wish it wasn't.

"But of course if I do get the position I'll be a very proud Welshman."

After treading carefully under difficult circumstances following Speed's death in November, the FAW has accelerated its search for a new manager over the past few days.

Former Fulham boss Coleman says he was contacted by the governing body last week after resigning as manager of Larissa because of financial problems at the Greek club.

John Hartson, another former Wales international, was the only other candidate to publicly announce his interest, while Ryan Giggs and Ian Rush had been suggested as possible "figureheads".

The FAW is keen to ensure a smooth transition from the structure put in place by Speed over the past 12 months, and Coleman has said he is willing to work with assistant manager Raymond Verheijen and coach Osian Roberts.

Verheijen and Roberts have received the backing of many of the players, with captain Aaron Ramsey particularly strong in his belief that "as little change as possible" should take place.

Coleman joined Larissa in May 2011 as he attempted to resurrect his managerial career after a year out of the game.

His last job in England was with Coventry City, but he was sacked in 2010 after a difficult two and a half years in charge.

Before joining the Sky Blues, a promising start as manager of Real Sociedad ended in resignation following internal upheaval at the Spanish club.

Injuries suffered in a car accident cut short Coleman's playing career at the age of 32. His last match was a bief appearance as a substitute in a 1-0 win against Germany to win his 32nd Wales cap.

but his managerial career began less than a year later when he was appointed by Fulham following Jean Tigana's dismissal.

He spent four years in charge at Craven Cottage, leading the club to their then highest Premier League finish of ninth, before being sacked in 2007.

[B]Chris Coleman[/B
•Born 10 June 1970 in Swansea
•Won 32 caps for Wales
•Played for Swansea City, Crystal Palace, Blackburn Rovers and Fulham
•Managed Fulham, Real Sociedad, Coventry City and Larissa


19-01-2012, 02:17 PM
Darlington saved from going out of business by fans' intervention

• Darlington Rescue Group steps in with cash injection
• Administrator confirms interim deal has been agreed

Darlington's game against Fleetwood Town this Saturday will go ahead after fans intervened to save the club. Photograph: Stu Forster/Getty Images

Darlington Football Club's future has been dramatically salvaged for just their next three matches, hours after the administrator told the manager and players the club were going into liquidation. Supporters involved in the Darlington Football Club Rescue Group, which has been searching ceaselessly for potential deals to save the 129-year-old club, went to the stadium after that news broke, to plead with the administrator to keep the club going.

During a frantic morning, the group had scrambled together enough money, thought to be £50,000, to pay players, staff and the administrator, and keep the club alive for two weeks. Doug Embleton, the group's spokesman, said it had been "very emotional", with supporters crying outside the 25,000-seat arena in which Darlington play. He said it would now be a huge effort to get Saturday's Blue Square Bet Conference Premier game with Fleetwood on, and called for a large crowd to come and support the club.

Craig Liddle, a former long-serving defender and current caretaker manager of Darlington, said he was "devastated" when told by the administrator that the club was finished. "All the players and myself were devastated to think of all that history going down the pan," he said. "Then we had a glimmer of hope, and the club was saved just for the near future, which is massive. Saturday will be another rollercoaster."

On Monday Harvey Madden, of Rowlands Accountants, who has said since his appointment that there was very little money to keep Darlington going, made Liddle, the players and remaining staff redundant. At 11.30am Wednesday he told Liddle in a meeting that the club were going to be liquidated because there was no money to carry on.

Then Madden had a meeting with the players, at which he told them, too, that no solution had been found and the club was to fold. One of the players, James Gray, a striker capped at Northern Ireland Under-21 level, tweeted after that meeting: "Not the news everyone is after! So sorry to all fans! Clubs gone #gutted."

Madden was about to return to his office and issue a statement announcing the end of the club, formed in 1883, when, Embleton said, his group called Madden. Embleton and another group member, Shaun Campbell, then went to the arena to offer the money, which has been contributed by individuals, the supporters' club, and £10,000 from the supporters' trust.

A meeting was then held at the local Blackwell Grange hotel, where Madden agreed that if the money was in his firm's bank account by 3pm he would keep the club going through the home matches against Fleetwood then York City, and the away match at Hayes & Yeading.

Peter Barron, the editor of the local newspaper, the Northern Echo, which sponsors the 25,000-seat stadium built by the former owner George Reynolds, was at the meeting. Barron said it had been "impassioned" and even tearful. The local Labour MP, Jenny Chapman, who has been involved in the struggle to find a solution, was in touch with the meeting by telephone from Westminster and talking to the club's owner, Raj Singh. He put the club into administration owing him around £2m which he had spent in a failed bid to win Darlington promotion to the Football League.

A deal will need to be done with Singh, and the two investors who own the arena, Philip Scott and Graham Sizer, and, probably, the local authority, which has covenants governing use of the arena site – no supermarket will be granted planning permission – if a long-term future is to be secured for the stricken club.

Chapman said that if the club are to be sustainable it will need a more practical home than the outsized stadium Reynolds built, for which the club left their historic ground, Feethams, in 2003. "There has to be a move from the arena; the aim is some form of community and supporter ownership whose details need to be worked out," she said. "We are not out of the woods yet."


Andi Istiabudi
20-01-2012, 06:07 PM
Memalukan.. Semoga mereka mendapat hukuman setimpal !

Pelecehan Seksual, Enam Pemain Inggris Ditahan

Bola.net - Sepak bola Inggris kembali tercoreng kasus indisipliner pemain. Setelah marak kasus rasisme, enam pemain ditahan kepolisian setempat setelah diduga melakukan kekerasan seksual pada seorang wanita.

Menurut laporan Sportinglife, lima pemain yang ditahan tersebut berasal dari klub divisi satu, Brighton, sedangkan satu lagi bermain di tim divisi dua, Bournemouth.

Keenamnya ditahan pada Kamis pagi oleh kepolisian Surrey and Sussex dan menjadi tersangka atas kasus kekerasan seksual.

Namun mereka kemudian dilepaskan pada Kamis malam setelah juru bicara polisi menangguhkan pemeriksaan hingga 21 Maret mendatang.

Identitas pemain yang ditangkap tersebut dirahasiakan oleh polisi, namun terungkap bahwa pemain Brighton yang ditangkap berusia 18, 19, 24 tahun, dan dua pemain berusia 20 tahun. Sedangkan pemain Bournemouth berusia 20 tahun.

Informasi penahanan tersebut diumumkan polisi setelah Brighton lolos dari putaran tiga Piala FA setelah menang adu penalti pada laga replay lawan Wrexham, Rabu malam.

Brighton saat ini bermain di divisi satu dan dilatih oleh mantan pemain Chelsea, Gustavo Poyet. (spo/zul)

25-01-2012, 03:21 PM
Norwegian Bubble Football Looks Insanely Fun


Remember a while back, when we showed you the hilarious video of electroshock football played in Norway? Well, this is from the same people, and it looks a lot less painful for the participants. We fully expect this to replace regular football within the decade.


26-01-2012, 12:59 PM
Nyaris Berkelahi karena Rebutan Penalti
Meylan Fredy Ismawan - detikSport


Bury - Sebuah kejadian menggelikan terjadi dalam pertandingan Bury versus Yeovil Town di kasta ketiga Liga Inggris, League One. Dua pemain Bury, Giles Coke dan Steven Schumacher, sempat terlibat drama seru perebutan tendangan penalti.

Saat menjamu Yeovil di Gigg Lane, Sabtu (21/1/2012), Bury mendapatkan hadiah penalti pada menit ke-35. Sebabnya, Coke dilanggar pemain lawan di area terlarang.

Setelah wasit menunjuk titik putih, Coke yang tadi dilanggar kemudian mengambil bola dan berjalan ke tengah ke kotak penalti. Rupanya, dia ingin mengeksekusi sendiri tendangan 12 pas ini.

Tapi, keinginan gelandang 25 tahun itu mengeksekusi penalti tak direstui oleh Schumacher. Schumacher merasa lebih berhak karena dialah eksekutor penalti reguler di Bury. Kapten tim ini pun berlari mendekati Coke dan berupaya mengambil bola dari tangan rekannya itu.

Coke tak mau begitu saja mengalah. Dia bersikeras ingin mengeksekusi sendiri hadiah penalti ini. Schumacher yang awalnya berupaya membujuk secara halus pun lama-lama kehilangan kesabaran dan mencoba merebut bola secara paksa.

Drama rebutan bola ini antara Coke dan Schumacher ini lama-lama berujung ke aksi saling dorong di antara keduanya. Mereka terlibat adu mulut sambil saling tarik baju.

Melihat dua rekannya bersitegang, Efe Sodje kemudian mencoba melerai. Tapi, Coke dan Schumacher tetap saja perang kata-kata meski bola telah ada di tangan Sodje. Baru setelah beberapa pemain Bury lainnya dan wasit turun tangan, ketegangan di antara keduanya mereda. Drama selama sekitar setengah semenit itu pun selesai.

Pada akhirnya, Schumacher-lah yang jadi "pemenang" dan menendang penalti. Untungnya, eksekusinya masuk dan mengubah skor jadi 3-1 untuk Bury.

"Saya meminta maaf secara pribadi kepada tim, kapten, manajer, dan ke suporter Bury," ungkap Coke setelah pertandingan, seperti dikutip Independent.

"Yang saya pikirkan adalah menaruh bola di titik putih lalu membuat skor jadi 3-1. Saya tidak akan minta maaf karena ingin menang, namun saya juga pesepakbola profesional dan sangat mengapresiasi keharusan untuk menghormati kapten dan manajer, bahkan saat emosi sedang meninggi," katanya.

Schumacher sendiri mengaku kaget dengan sikap Coke yang sempat ngotot ingin mengeksekusi penalti.

"Saya bilang 'saya eksekutor penalti'. Saya mengatakannya lagi sebelum pertandingan. Jadi, melihat dia mengambil bola dan kemudian jadi seperti itu mengecewakan," akunya.


02-02-2012, 11:52 AM
Brest fans support porn site with match banner


Amidst attempts to pass legislation that would destroy Internet freedoms and the U.S. Department of Justice's takedown of file-sharing site MegaUpload, Internet users around the world are rightfully worried about this wonderful thing that allows me to help you be less productive. And football fans are no different. They too have had enough of governments' attempts to trample our precious freedoms.

So during Brest's Ligue 1 match against Ligue 1 leaders PSG last weekend, fans held up banners warning those in power that there are just some lines they better not cross and certain websites they better not target. The banners read:

"MegaUpload OK ... YouPorn never!"

Brest lost the match 1-0 on a 6th minute goal from Milan Bisevac, but the result would be secondary to their point. After all, that is just football. This...is Internet porn.


02-02-2012, 01:13 PM
Ahn Jung-Hwan Pensiun
Rossi Finza Noor - detikSport

Seoul - Pria yang menyingkirkan Italia di Piala Dunia 2002 itu akhirnya mengakhiri kariernya sebagai pesepakbola. Ya, hari ini Ahn Jung-Hwan telah mengumumkan bahwa ia memutuskan untuk pensiun.

Laga di Daejeon World Cup Stadium itu memasuki menit ke-117 ketika sebuah umpan silang dari sisi kanan pertahanan Italia ditanduk oleh Ahn. Bola melaju ke sebelah kiri Gianluigi Buffon tanpa bisa dihalau oleh sang kiper. Gli Azzurri kalah 1-2 meski unggul lebih dulu lewat gol Christian Vieri dan tersingkir di babak 16 besar.

Ahn, yang ketika itu menjadi pemain Perugia, bak menjadi pesakitan di Italia. Nasibnya sama seperti wasit Byron Moreno yang memimpin pertandingan tersebut dan memberikan kartu merah untuk Francesco Totti; dibenci publik Italia. Ia pun didepak dari Perugia dan menghabiskan semusim berikutnya bermain untuk klub J-League, Shimizu S-Pulse.

Setelah malang melintang bermain di berbagai klub selama 10 tahun setelah Piala Dunia tersebut, Ahn yang kini berusia 36 tahun memutuskan untuk gantung sepatu. Klub asal China, Dalian Shide, menjadi klub terakhir yang dibelanya.

"Setelah 14 tahun, saya memutuskan untuk pensiun dan saya ingin mencari tantangan baru di dalam hidup," ujarnya seperti dilansir oleh Reuters, Selasa (31/1/2012).

Meski sudah pensiun, Ahn akan tetap menyaksikan pertandingan sepakbola dari rumah, tempat dirinya akan menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak dengan keluarga.

"Setelah tak lagi menjadi pesepakbola, tapi sebagai seorang kepala keluarga dan penggemar sepakbola, saya akan bersorak untuk mendukung sepakbola Korea. Sekarang saya ingin beristirahat," ucapnya.


07-02-2012, 12:37 PM
Djokovic, Barcelona Menang di Laureus Awards 2012
Okdwitya Karina Sari - detiksport

London - Atas penampilannya yang memukau sepanjang tahun lalu, Novak Djokovic diganjar penghargaan sebagai olahragawan terbaik dalam Laureus Awards 2012. Sedangkan Barcelona memperoleh titel tim terbaik.

Upacara penyerahan penghargaan ini dilangsungkan di London pada Senin (6/2) malam waktu setempat.

Djokovic pantas mendapatkan penghargaan individual prestisius ini karena prestasinya pada 2011. Petenis rangking satu dunia asal Serbia itu sukses menjuarai tiga grand slam; Australia Terbuka, Wimbledon dan AS Terbuka.

Petenis berusia 24 tahun itu baru-baru ini kembali menambahkan koleksi gelarnya dengan kembali memenangi Australia Terbuka untuk menjadikan dia sebagai petenis kelima dalam era Terbuka yang sukses merebut tiga titel grand slam secara beruntun.

Tim sepakbola asal Spanyol, Barcelona muncul sebagai pemenang penghargaan tim terbaik setelah di musim lalu sukses menjuarai La Liga dan Liga Champions.

Penghargaan atlet putri terbaik disabet oleh pelari jarak jauh asal Kenya, Vivian Cheruiyot atas prestasinya menjuarai Kejuaraan Dunia lari di nomor 5.000 meter dan 10.000 meter pada tahun lalu.

Pegolf berusia 43 tahun asal Irlandia Utara, Darren Clarke menggondol penghargaan di kategori comeback of the year atas keberhasilannya menjuarai turnamen mayor Britania Terbuka di Royal St. George.

Masih dari golf, Rory McIlroy mendapatkan penghargaan breakthrough of the year usai sukses menjuarai AS Terbuka yang menjadikan dia sebagai pegolf termuda kedua yang memenangi turnamen mayor sejak 1934.

Legenda sepakbola Inggris dan Manchester United, Bobby Charlton dianugerahi life achievement award, tepat 54 tahun setelah ia berhasil selamat dari tragedi kecelakaan pesawat di Munich yang menewaskan delapan anggota timnya.

Charlton sayangnya, tidak bisa hadir untuk menerima penghargaan ini. Ofisial resmi Laureus mengatakan bahwa pria berusia 74 tahun ini merasa sakit pada hari Minggu (5/2) dan kembali ke Manchester untuk menjalani operasi kecil. Manajer MU, Sir Alex Ferguson tampil mewakili Charlton untuk menerimanya.

Sementara disability award jatuh pada atlet asal Afrika Selatan, Oscar Pistorius. Pelari spesialis nomor 400 meter ini sukses memenangi medali perak relay pada kejuaraan dunia di Daegu, Korea Selatan pada tahun lalu.

Daftar Penerima Laureus Award 2012

Sportsman of the year Novak Djokovic
Sportswoman of the year Vivian Cheruiyo
Team of the year Barcelona
Breakthrough of the year Rory McIlroy
Comeback of the year Darren Clarke
Sportsperson with a Disability Oscar Pistorius
Action Sportsperson Kelly Slater
Lifetime Achievement Bobby Charlton
Sport for Good Rai


09-02-2012, 10:45 AM
Player Commits ‘De Jong Kung-Fu’ Assault, Only Gets a Yellow Card



09-02-2012, 04:36 PM
Report shows match-fixing rife in Southern and Eastern Europe

The true scale of match-fixing, racism and violence in European football has been revealed in new statistical research due to be released on Tuesday.

FIFPro, the worldwide union for professional footballers, conducted a survey of thousands of players in Eastern and Southern Europe.

Almost a quarter of players (23.6%) are aware of match-fixing in their league.

The stats may cause particular concern for 2018 World Cup hosts Russia, where that figure is as high as 43.5%.

The Black Book, a copy of which has been seen by the BBC, shows that 11.9% of footballers have been approached to consider fixing the result of a game, with that figure reaching 30.3% in Greece.

The research found a clear link between non-payment of player salaries and match-fixing.

As many as 41.1% of players have not had their salary paid on time, of which more than half were approached to consider fixing a match.

"These are very worrying results," said FIFPro Director Anthony Higgins. "A massive wake-up call for football, including in Western Europe.

"In the east, players regularly discover they are not paid by their clubs and then find themselves being targeted by corrupt influences. They are vulnerable."

Turkey is currently embroiled in a match-fixing scandal that has ensnared some of the country's top clubs.

Last year, the Uefa lawyer charged with fighting corruption in football, Pierre Cornu, admitted that match-fixing cannot be wiped out.

Despite that, Fifa have set up an early warning system to detect suspicious betting patterns, and Uefa have just announced a link-up with Interpol to clamp down on match-fixing.

Meanwhile, 9.6% of respondents in the Black Book survey reported examples of racism or other forms of discrimination, mainly caused by supporters (65.3%).

Every ninth player had been a victim of a violent act (11.7%). This was caused by fans (55.8%), club management (13.3%) or even the club's coach (8.3%).

FIFPro say their research proves that Fifa's current club licensing system is failing.

Designed to improve the way clubs are run, the licensing system is administered by national associations.

It defines the standards that clubs must adhere to in order to be allowed to gain a licence and participate in international competitions.

As many as 100 European clubs were denied licences last season.


13-02-2012, 01:24 PM
Insane CCTV: Samsunspor survive a bus crash with a train. Yes, you read that correctly!


Turkish top flight outfit Samsunspor survived a mega-disaster on Tuesday night after their team bus suffered a side-on collision with a train as the vehicle passed over a crossroad. The crash occurred during Samsunspor’s bus ride home following a 2-1 loss at Kardemir Karabukspor.

Making the episode all the more frightening was the fact that the collision was recorded by a CCTV camera.

The images captured the moment the Samsunspor bus crossed over a roundabout onto a train crossroad seconds before an onrushing train slammed into the back of the bus.

Miraculously, not only were no players killed in the shocking crash, but only 23-year-old defender Hakan Arslan and 24-year-old midfielder Serdar Ozkan were injured in the accident.

Speaking to the press, bus driver Recep Terzi explained “It was midnight. The ramps were up when I was about to cross. While slowly crossing, I realized a train was approaching and had its lights off. I immediately accelerated. After I stepped on the gas, the train hit the left back wheel of the bus and pushed us aside. If I had not seen the train at the last second, it would have hit the middle of the bus and that would have led to great damage and could have even cost many lives. The players awoke in panic; many later said they were lucky to have survived.”

Whilst not wishing to cast too many aspersions on Terzi’s testimony (which kind of positioned him as the new Sully Sullenberger), it must be pointed out that the CCTV footage clearly shows that the train had it’s lights beaming at the moment of impact.

It should be noted that Samsunspor experienced a similar train-crash accident twenty-three years ago in which the technical director, the driver and three players died.


14-02-2012, 12:06 PM
Nadal Diusik TV Prancis, Spanyol Meradang
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Madrid - Sebuah video yang ditayangkan stasiun televisi Prancis Canal+ secara khusus membuat Federasi Tenis Spanyol (RFET) berang. Pasalnya video itu memberi indikasi kalau petenis Rafael Nadal dan rekan-rekan atlet senegaranya suka menggunakan doping.

Video kontroversial itu tampil di dalam sebuah tayangan sketsa dari acara "Les Guignols". Di video itu, sebuah sosok yang mirip Nadal ditampilkan mengisi tangki bahan bakarnya dengan air seninya sendiri sebelum kemudian dihentikan polisi lalu lintas karena melaju terlalu cepat.

Di akhir tayangan tersebut muncul tulisan "Atlet-atlet Spanyol. Mereka menang bukan karena kebetulan" di tengah-tengah layar, dikelilingi logo-logo federasi olahraga Spanyol, termasuk tenis, sepakbola dan balap sepeda.

Video tersebut tak pelak bikin RFET meradang. Disiarkan setelah pebalap sepeda Spanyol Alberto Contador dihukum dua tahun karena positif doping di Tour de France 2012, jelas bahwa materi tayangan itu adalah cibiran terhadap atlet-atlet Spanyol secara umum, dan dunia tenis Spanyol dan Nadal pada khususnya.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan yang dikutip Reuters, Rabu (8/2/2012), RFET pun menegaskan sudah berencana menuntut Canal+ atas tudingan "memublikasikan sebuah video yang menggunakan emblem dan anagram federasi (olahraga Spanyol), dan berisikan sindiran keras yang merusak dan tidak dapat diterima".

RFET juga akan menuntut agar video itu segera ditarik, logo-logo yang muncul juga tak digunakan lagi, dan Canal+ membayar denda atas penggunannya yang tanpa izin.

"Dalam kejadian ini batas-batas yang dapat ditoleransi sudah dilanggar dan kami di RFET tidak bisa mengabaikan pendiskreditan dan penghinaan terhadap para atlet kami," tegas Presiden RFET Jose Luis Escanuela.

Tayangan dari Canal+ itu sendiri juga disebut-sebut sebagai sebuah bentuk "serangan" teranyar dari kubu Prancis ke para atlet Spanyol. Pada bulan November lalu, kampiun Prancis Terbuka 1983 dari Prancis, Yannick Noah, juga menuduh sukses para atlet Spanyol adalah berkat "ramuan ajaib".

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Nadal & Menlu Spanyol Kecam 'Video Doping Atlet Spanyol'
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Madrid - Rafael Nadal mengecam adanya "usaha bersama" dari Prancis untuk mendiskreditkan dirinya dan rekan-rekannya sesama atlet Spanyol, dengan mengindikasikan sukses mereka adalah berkat doping.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, televisi Prancis Canal+ memublikasikan sebuah video yang berisikan sindiran tajam ke para atlet Spanyol.

Video yang juga mengetengahkan sebuah sosok mirip Nadal tersebut tak ayal bikin kesal Federasi Tenis Spanyol (RFET) yang siap mengajukan tuntutan hukum.

Nadal pun sama kesalnya. Apalagi itu bukan kali pertama kubu Prancis melakukan cibiran terhadap olahragawan Spanyol, sesuatu yang bikin Nadal menilainya sebagai sebuah usaha yang memang sengaja diplot oleh dunia olahraga Prancis.

"Itu adalah jenis humor yang tak masalah untuk satu hari, tapi jika diulang-ulang tidaklah benar dan aku pikir itu sedikit melewati batas," cetus Nadal usai sebuah sesi latihan di kampung halamannya di Mallorca, seperti dilansir Reuters.

"Aku pikir ini bukan cuma satu media saja, ini adalah sebuah gerakan bersama-sama dari negara tetangga kami. Sedih sekali melihat hal seperti ini menodai sukses yang sudah dicapai dengan susah payah. Aku jamin sama sekali tak ada obat-obatan atau jarum suntik (doping)," beber petenis peringkat kedua dunia yang pernah enam kali juara di Prancis Terbuka tersebut.

Selain video Nadal, Canal+ disebutkan juga sudah menyiarkan beberapa tayangan materi lainnya yang turut mengindikasikan kalau para atlet Spanyol sudah menggunakan obat ilegal.

Perkara ini kian serius karena ikut memancing komentar keras dari Menteri Luar Negeri Spanyol Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo. Ia bahkan menyatakan, kedutaan besar Spanyol di Paris akan mengirimkan suat keberatan resmi ke media-media Prancis, dan Canal+ secara khusus.

"Videonya bercita rasa buruk dan memperlihatkan ketiadaan etika, selain juga kebohongan," sergahnya menambahkan.


video 'aslinya' dah diblock



14-02-2012, 12:09 PM
Nadal Diusik TV Prancis, Spanyol Meradang
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Madrid - Sebuah video yang ditayangkan stasiun televisi Prancis Canal+ secara khusus membuat Federasi Tenis Spanyol (RFET) berang. Pasalnya video itu memberi indikasi kalau petenis Rafael Nadal dan rekan-rekan atlet senegaranya suka menggunakan doping.

Video kontroversial itu tampil di dalam sebuah tayangan sketsa dari acara "Les Guignols". Di video itu, sebuah sosok yang mirip Nadal ditampilkan mengisi tangki bahan bakarnya dengan air seninya sendiri sebelum kemudian dihentikan polisi lalu lintas karena melaju terlalu cepat.

Di akhir tayangan tersebut muncul tulisan "Atlet-atlet Spanyol. Mereka menang bukan karena kebetulan" di tengah-tengah layar, dikelilingi logo-logo federasi olahraga Spanyol, termasuk tenis, sepakbola dan balap sepeda.

Video tersebut tak pelak bikin RFET meradang. Disiarkan setelah pebalap sepeda Spanyol Alberto Contador dihukum dua tahun karena positif doping di Tour de France 2012, jelas bahwa materi tayangan itu adalah cibiran terhadap atlet-atlet Spanyol secara umum, dan dunia tenis Spanyol dan Nadal pada khususnya.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan yang dikutip Reuters, Rabu (8/2/2012), RFET pun menegaskan sudah berencana menuntut Canal+ atas tudingan "memublikasikan sebuah video yang menggunakan emblem dan anagram federasi (olahraga Spanyol), dan berisikan sindiran keras yang merusak dan tidak dapat diterima".

RFET juga akan menuntut agar video itu segera ditarik, logo-logo yang muncul juga tak digunakan lagi, dan Canal+ membayar denda atas penggunannya yang tanpa izin.

"Dalam kejadian ini batas-batas yang dapat ditoleransi sudah dilanggar dan kami di RFET tidak bisa mengabaikan pendiskreditan dan penghinaan terhadap para atlet kami," tegas Presiden RFET Jose Luis Escanuela.

Tayangan dari Canal+ itu sendiri juga disebut-sebut sebagai sebuah bentuk "serangan" teranyar dari kubu Prancis ke para atlet Spanyol. Pada bulan November lalu, kampiun Prancis Terbuka 1983 dari Prancis, Yannick Noah, juga menuduh sukses para atlet Spanyol adalah berkat "ramuan ajaib".

__________________________________________________ _____________

Nadal & Menlu Spanyol Kecam 'Video Doping Atlet Spanyol'
Kris Fathoni W - detiksport

Madrid - Rafael Nadal mengecam adanya "usaha bersama" dari Prancis untuk mendiskreditkan dirinya dan rekan-rekannya sesama atlet Spanyol, dengan mengindikasikan sukses mereka adalah berkat doping.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, televisi Prancis Canal+ memublikasikan sebuah video yang berisikan sindiran tajam ke para atlet Spanyol.

Video yang juga mengetengahkan sebuah sosok mirip Nadal tersebut tak ayal bikin kesal Federasi Tenis Spanyol (RFET) yang siap mengajukan tuntutan hukum.

Nadal pun sama kesalnya. Apalagi itu bukan kali pertama kubu Prancis melakukan cibiran terhadap olahragawan Spanyol, sesuatu yang bikin Nadal menilainya sebagai sebuah usaha yang memang sengaja diplot oleh dunia olahraga Prancis.

"Itu adalah jenis humor yang tak masalah untuk satu hari, tapi jika diulang-ulang tidaklah benar dan aku pikir itu sedikit melewati batas," cetus Nadal usai sebuah sesi latihan di kampung halamannya di Mallorca, seperti dilansir Reuters.

"Aku pikir ini bukan cuma satu media saja, ini adalah sebuah gerakan bersama-sama dari negara tetangga kami. Sedih sekali melihat hal seperti ini menodai sukses yang sudah dicapai dengan susah payah. Aku jamin sama sekali tak ada obat-obatan atau jarum suntik (doping)," beber petenis peringkat kedua dunia yang pernah enam kali juara di Prancis Terbuka tersebut.

Selain video Nadal, Canal+ disebutkan juga sudah menyiarkan beberapa tayangan materi lainnya yang turut mengindikasikan kalau para atlet Spanyol sudah menggunakan obat ilegal.

Perkara ini kian serius karena ikut memancing komentar keras dari Menteri Luar Negeri Spanyol Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo. Ia bahkan menyatakan, kedutaan besar Spanyol di Paris akan mengirimkan suat keberatan resmi ke media-media Prancis, dan Canal+ secara khusus.

"Videonya bercita rasa buruk dan memperlihatkan ketiadaan etika, selain juga kebohongan," sergahnya menambahkan.


video 'aslinya' dah diblock


15-02-2012, 10:52 AM
Rangers appoint administrators and incur 10-point deduction

• The Court of Session had given club until 3.30pm
• Club has failed to conclude negotiations with HMRC


Rangers have appointed administrators Duff and Phelps after a court battle with Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs. The Glasgow club were given an ultimatum to move into administration at the Court of Session in Edinburgh 24 hours after lodging notice of intent.

The move will trigger an automatic 10-point deduction by the Scottish Premier League all but handing the title to Celtic.

The Court of Session had given Rangers until 3.30pm to appoint an administrator, at which point a challenge by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs to do exactly that at Ibrox would have been ruled upon.

When signalling their intention to move into administration on Monday, Rangers named Duff and Phelps as the firm set to assist with that. A partner in that London-based company, David Grier, was photographed alongside the Rangers owner Craig Whyte in the Rangers directors box before a match on 10 May last year.

HMRC had challenged Rangers' plans in court by quoting articles from the 1986 Insolvency Act stating that five days' written notice must be given before administrators are appointed. HMRC – who have been involved in a tax tribunal with Rangers worth tens of millions of pounds – wanted the court to appoint the administrator.

A statement from Duff and Phelps on Tuesday morning said: "Duff and Phelps has been engaged by the directors of the Rangers Football Club plc [RFC] to assist its negotiations with HMRC, and possible restructuring options.

"As a result the inability of RFC to conclude negotiations with HMRC the board of directors have filed a notice of intention to appoint administrators.

"The purpose of this notice is to provide a moratorium against potential creditor actions. Meetings are due to take place with HMRC in relation to the tax position of the company. Management remain hopeful that with the assistance of HMRC a consensual and solvent solution can be found. In the meantime RFC is continuing to trade as usual."

__________________________________________________ _______________
Terlilit Utang, Rangers Terancam Pengurangan Poin
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detikSport

Glasgow - Kabar buruk menimpa klub kuat asal Skotlandia, Glasgow Rangers, kala mereka dinyatakan terlibat utang dalam jumlah besar dan terancam pengurangan poin.

Ini setelah Rangers dinyatakan harus masuk Administrasi karena terlibat utang senilai lebih dari 50 juta poundsterling.

Untuk mengatasi masalah inipun, pihak pengadilan di Edinburg sudah menunjuk perusahaan asal Londonm, Duff & Phelps, untuk mengurusi keuangan klub itu dan mengambil alih kontrol dari manajemen lama yang kini sudah dibekukan.

Duff & Phelps akan jadi administrator klub sampai Gers mampu membayar utang tersebut.

Kini laga Rangers kontra Kilmarnock pada akhir pekan ini terancam ditunda dan Rangers pun dalam ancaman pengurangan 10 poin. Jika begitu kondisinya, maka juara bertahan SPL musim lalu itu harus rela menyerahkan titel juara pada rival abadinya, Celtic.

Saat ini Rangers berada di posisi kedua Liga Skotlandia dengan 61 poin, selisih tiga dari Celtic di puncak.

"Kami sedang ingin mengadakan pertemuan penting dengan administraor untuk memastikan jaminan pembayaran polis untuk Rangers di waktu mendatang," demikian pernyataan Strathclyde Police yang dilansir BBC.

"Sampai kami mendapat jaminan, kami tidak berada dalam posisi untuk bisa menggelar event publik, kecuali kami mendapat jaminan bahwa pembayaran kami akan dilunasi."
