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-   -   Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No! (http://www.unitedindonesia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3372)

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:19 AM

Is using the term "MAN U" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: NO!
Saya sudah lama tidak main ke forum ini. Kemarin sempat ngobrol dengan @ing_areese di twitter soal sebutan "MAN U". Dan akhirnya masuk forum, eh ternyata ada thread resminya mengenai sebutan ini.

Terus terang, sejak saya mulai menyukai United tahun 1992 ke atas, saya baru mendengar soal sebutan "MAN U" sebagai suatu istilah yang menghina itu baru sekitar tahun 2006-2008 di forum kaskus. Dan memang ternyata berita ini begitu cepat menyebar. Saat itu saya tidak begitu yakin akan kebenaran berita tersebut karena saya cukup sering melihat tayangan televisi yang menuliskan Manchester United sebagai "MAN U" sebelum berita itu beredar. Jadi ya saya biarkan saja, toh itu tidak penting bagi saya karena saya dari awal memang lebih menyukai menyebut Manchester United dengan sebutan UNITED (baca: YUNAITID).

Nah, setelah selidik punya selidik... ternyata sebenarnya ucapan itu sebenarnya tidak mengandung konotasi bawaan yang menghina Manchester United seperti yang dituduhkan selama ini di internet. Saya tidak tahu siapa yang memulai isu soal sebutan Man U sebagai sebutan yang ditujukan untuk menghina Manchester United berkaitan dengan tragedi Munich.

Buktinya adalah sebagai berikut:

Foto di atas adalah gambar sebuah pin yang dibuat oleh seorang wanita fans United (ditengarai bernama Brenda) yang berjualan di sebuah kios kecil di area yang sekarang sudah menjadi jam peringatan tragedi Munich. Kios yang menjual pernak-pernik United sebelum adanya toko resmi MEGASTORE itu dimiliki oleh tidak lain tidak bukan, Sir Matt Busby sendiri.

Di pin tersebut adalah gambar Geoff Bent, yang ikut meninggal saat tragedi Munich. Bayangkan, jika istilah "MAN U" itu memang secara intrinsik mengandung konotasi yang bernada menghina, apakah mungkin Sir Matt membiarkan pin tersebut dijual di kios miliknya? Coba gunakan akal sehat Anda semua.

Istilah atau sebutan "MAN U" itu sendiri, menurut Tom Clare, mulai digunakan di sekitar tahun 50-an. Ini adalah ceritanya dari buku "Forever Babe: Growing Up with Manchester United" yang saya terjemahkan secara bebas:


"Ini adalah guyonan yang sering kali muncul ke permukaan. Untuk menjelaskan sedikit sejarah munculnya istilah "MAN U", saya harus kembali ke tahun 50-an.

Jika Anda membaca surat kabar pada era tersebut, terutama di area yang memuat hasil-hasil pertandingan sepak bola, Anda akan melihat sebuah penjelasan yang sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Surat kabar pada masa itu dibuat dengan cara yang sangat sederhana di mana mesin penyusun huruf (typesetter) akan menyusun lay-out halaman-halaman surat kabar sebelum mereka masuk ke mesin cetak. Dengan susunan hasil-hasil pertandingan seperti itu, jelas tidak memungkinkan setiap nama klub dicetak penuh pada sebuah kolom kecil surat kabar saat itu. Jadi yang mereka lakukan adalah menyingkat nama-nama klub agar sesuai dengan ukuran kolom yang memuat hasil pertandingan. Jadi Anda akan melihat bahwa klub seperti Birmingham City disingkat menjadi B'ham City, Sunderland menjadi S'land, Sheffield Wed menjadi Sheff W dan seterusnya. Dalam kasus Manchester United, singkatan yang digunakan adalah Man Utd atau Man U, tergantung surat kabar mana yang memuatnya.

Jelas bahwa dua singkatan yang disebut terakhir itu tidak ada kaitannya sama sekali dengan tragedi Munich. Ini hanya sebuah cerita yang berputar selama bertahun-tahun belakangan ini tapi tidak memiliki fakta sejarah. Awalnya sepertinya hanya ada orang-orang yang mencoba menciptakan kebohongan dan seperti bola salju, menjadi sebuah cerita yang semakin besar.

Pada tahun 50-an, BBC adalah satu-satunya stasiun televisi yang ada, tapi mereka tidak pernah menyingkat nama sebuah tim.

Tapi, pada pertengahan tahun 60-an, ITV muncul dan mulai berkecimpung dalam mengomentari dunia sepak bola, juga muncul generasi baru jurnalis sepak bola, dan pada saat inilah istilah "MAN U" mulai lebih sering digunakan. Ini tidak lebih dari sebuah kecerobohan penggunaan frasa dan lazy journalism. Dunia mulai berubah saat itu dan saat sepak bola semakin populer, begitu pula kedua sebutan tadi. Tak pernah ada satu muatan penghinaan dalam kedua istilah tersebut-tapi itulah yang mereka lihat dan mereka baca.

Dan yang menarik adalah, jika Anda melihat ke belakang, bahkan Big Fat Ron (Ron Atkinson, manajer United 1981-1986), saat ia menjadi manajer di Albion, United, dan bahkan klub lainnya setelah itu, selalu menyebut United dengan sebutan "Man U".

Catatan lain adalah; pada tahun 50-an dan 60-an kita belum melihat adanya toko pernak-pernik (merchandise) United. Toko pernak-pernik pertama yang berdiri di pertengahan tahun 60-an adalah sebuah kios kecil dari kayu (yang dimiliki oleh Sir Matt!!) yang berlokasi di bawah jam Munich sekarang ini. Toko ini menjual badge untuk kerah, pin, dsb. dan nama klub sering disingkat pada benda-benda tersebut... kios kecil inilah yang merupakan cikal bakal Megastore, dan saat keluarga Edwards membeli kios itu dari Sandy Busby, ia mengikuti ide Michael Knighton tentang merchandising dan apa yang kita lihat sekarang ini adalah perkembangan dari kios kayu kecil tersebut!

Jadi satu-satunya alasan seseorang tidak menggunakan sebutan "MAN U" adalah karena itu merupakan kecerobahan dalam penggunaan istilah saja. Ada sebutan yang lebih enak didengar dan lebih kontekstual daripada itu. Tak ada seorang pun yang memanggil Geordies Newcastle U atau The Hammers sebagai West Ham U... tapi ingat, tak ada muatan yang bernada menghina pada sebutan itu. Itu hanyalah sebuah gosip/rumor konyol yang menjadi semakin besar dan mendapatkan sorotan karena beredar di internet.

Jadi jangan gunakan pengetahuan Anda soal ini seolah-olah Anda mengerti sejarah United, seolah-olah karena tidak menggunakan sebutan itu Anda menjadi suporter United sejati, karena memang tidak! Bahkan jika Anda mengkonfrontasi orang lain yang menggunakan sebutan itu dengan alasan bahwa sebutan itu menghina tragedi Munich, justru Anda-lah yang sebenarnya terlihat bodoh, karena Anda tidak tahu apa yang Anda bicarakan.

Bahkan jika memang benar sebutan itu diciptakan untuk menghina United, 99% fans lawan yang menggunakannya tidak tahu alasan yang sebenarnya... jadi itu saja sudah menghilangkan maksud hinaan tadi kan?

Singkatnya, jika ada pelajaran yang bisa ditarik dari sini, maka itu adalah "jangan percaya internet"... kecuali yang satu ini tentunya.

Terima kasih dan selamat malam. Pastikan Anda menyikat gigi Anda sebelum tidur
Another bunch of proof...

Jadi fanzines ini majalah yang dibuat oleh fans untuk fans, sudah EPL kan? MAN U tuh.

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:21 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Ini sanggahan langsung dari Tom Clare di forum MUST



For those of you who haven't seen it:

“Man U” or “Man Utd” – Where Did it Originate From?

Once again the old chestnut about the origination of the term “Man U” or “Man Utd” has reared its ugly head. Just a few days ago the following poster was displayed upon a FaceBook Page, and it caused quite a lot of controversy thereafter. The poster was uploaded by somebody in India who goes under the pseudonym of Red Devils In India. The controversy caused did not surprise me, simply because the poster was misleading at best, and at its worst, so inaccurate in its accusations. It is an old chestnut that rears its head, mainly with younger supporters, time and time again. Perhaps it is time to nail this myth once and for all.

There is certainly nothing sinister, nor derogatory in either term, and neither reflect anything whatsoever to do with the Munich Air Disaster. To find the roots of both of those titles, you have to go back into early part of the 1900’s, and maybe even earlier than that. They are to be found in the history of newspapers both national, and local. Back then when there were no computers, reporters at football matches would telephone their match reports in to the newspaper, and they would speak to a copy writer who would manually type down what the reporter was saying. The copy writer would then send what he had typed, down to the print room where the compositors (typesetters) would set the report manually on the print plates, ready for the presses to roll.

The reporters were actually in the lap of the Gods where the copy writers were concerned because most of those copy writers would be employed on an ad-hoc or part time basis, and sometimes, the spoken word and what was passed to the print room, differed enormously, and the finished result could be quite comical. For example, the Irish football team Crusaders once appeared in print as “Crewe Sailors”, and “chunky” Sammy Lee appeared as “junkie” Sammy Lee. “Revie shot up in the air” became “Revie **** up in the air”. Years ago when the late Polish international Kaz Deyna was leaving City it was reported that he was “going home to Warsaw because he cannot understand the language” but it appeared in the paper as “going home to Walsall.”

Probably one of the funniest examples concerned the late Frank McGhee, who for years was the Daily Mirror’s chief football writer, and on this particular occasion was covering a European cup-tie during Shankly’s era. He began dictating copy over the ‘phone to the copy taker at his newspaper; “Liverpool produced another glory night at Anfield when they crushed the pride of Italian football………..” at which point, the copy taker, a “casual”, and an Indian who was as unfamiliar with Liverpool as he was with football, stopped him. “Excuse me Mr. McGhee, but I am stopping you because your grammar is incorrect.” Now Frank was an old school type reporter and could fly off the handle very quickly, and a “casual” copy writer pulling him for grammar was something that very easily lit his fuse.
Frank roared; “What the **** are you talking about? There’s nothing wrong with my ****ing grammar ……. Just take the bleeding copy ….. the ****ing desk want it NOW!”
What dear old Frank had to listen to next was hilarious. “I am sorry Mr. McGhee, but I am insisting that you are very wrong. You are very fine writer but I am knowing from my school in Bombay that what you are saying is, gra – mat – ic – ally incorrect. You can say ‘a field’ or ‘the field’, but you most certainly must not say ‘an field!” But I digress.

Other news, and results would come in via telegraph etc, and again, these would be put together and sent down to the print room. The classified Football Results would then be set in type and in columns, a separate one for each Division of the Football League. These columns had to be uniformly aligned both horizontally and vertically. It would have been impossible to do this if the typesetters had to set in the full names of most of the clubs concerned. To alleviate this, they would use a club’s nickname i.e. Wolves, ‘Spurs, or they would abbreviate a club’s name. Sunderland for example would become S’land, Sheffield Wednesday would become Sheff Wed, Portsmouth would read as P’mouth. So a result that was to read like Middlesborough 2 Manchester United 2, would be altered to read something like, M’Boro 2 Man Utd 2. However, the end result was that all the columns would be uniformly set out and perfectly aligned when the newspaper was printed.
It was the same in later years when the results appeared on television screens, although back then, the reader would always read the abbreviation as the club’s full name, especially if it was the BBC. However, as we got into the mid ‘60’s and things got more technical, a new breed of journalist/reporter began to appear. Reporting got more sloppy and lazy, and the terms “Man U” and “Man Utd” started to be heard more and more from these people, and so it was inevitable that opposing team’s fans picked up on this. It was same when the teleprinter became a popular way of showing results on the tv – United’s name would come up and be shown as Man U or Man Utd. But these terms never, ever had anything to do with Munich, nor were they meant to be derogatory in any way. Just like the proverbial rolling stone, they have gathered stories as the years have rolled along through people who have put a slant on it to suit their own ends.

In the end, on top of lazy, sloppy journalism, it was just what the football fan saw, read, or heard that brought these terms for Manchester United into more frequent use. It is interesting to note that Big Fat Ron, even when he was managing United, has always referred to the club as “Man U.” So the real explanation for both terms is just very plain and simple.

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:23 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Mungkin awal dari bola salju soal sebutan Man Utd ini datangnya dari artikel ini, yang sebenarnya juga sudah tidak bisa diakses lagi di situs goal.com. Makanya dari dulu saya tidak mau terlalu percaya terhadap kredibilitas goal.com, karena mereka lebih sering mengarang-ngarang berita.

Artikel ini dimuat di forum MUST juga



Feature: No Man U, Only Man Utd
Dhruv Tikka
Goal.com 11/01/2008

In India, there are a number of amateur football fans who tend to call the club they follow by names which are an utter insult to the same. An avid Manchester United fan and the moderator of Manchester United Fans in Mumbai community on Orkut, Dhruv Tikka voices his concerns as to why the Red Devils mustn’t be referred as ‘Man U’ at least by their fans.

This term is only used by United rivals as a complete and utter insult to the club. Many United competitors would sing a song about the Munich air disaster which claimed the lives of eight players.

Man U Man U went on a plane Man U Man U never came back again...

If you’re a Man United fan and that doesn’t get your blood boiling, I’m sure nothing will.

Manchester United are nicknamed UNITED, MAN UNITED, MAN UTD and RED DEVILS.

There are no official songs with a ‘Man U’ word nor will one lay his hands on an official merchandise using that term. Manchester City isn’t christened Man C or an Aston Villa as Ast V. Like the song goes ‘There’s Only One United’ so people will know where your loyalty is.

The term Utd is the proper abbreviation for the word United and nothing else. Why can’t some accept this and get over themselves....

The Scousers (Liverpool fans) often tease United about the Munich incident again by chanting ‘Man U Never Intended Coming Home.’ It wasn’t just chants as it was also popular to write this as graffiti.

When did this chant originate? Possibly in the 1960’s.

There was huge competition between clubs to sign Duncan Edwards when he was a schoolboy in the early 50s and there was even a newspaper campaign in the Midlands to pressure him into signing for a Midlands club, as he came from Dudley. His signing for United caused a lot of people in the Midlands to regard him as a traitor and was hate figure for them.

It was West Brom fans who first began this mantra.

Duncan Edwards is manure, rotting in his grave,Man you are manure-rotting in your grave,

The origin of Man U is a song to insult the dead Duncan Edwards. The Liverpool and Leeds fans copied this with their own versions. It is strange to hear from United fans referring them as ‘Man U.’

There was literally a bloodbath up on the old Scoreboard End at Old Trafford in 1964-65 season when the West Bromwich Albion fans sang. A big battle took place with the home fans outnumbering the visiting ones and hammering them to the utmost.Get the picture?

Most clubs did try to ban the chant. After United won the European Cup , it sprang up again but this time there was also ‘Who's that lying in the aircraft.’ The West Brom fans taunted using a United song ‘Who's that team we call United.’

But by the end of the decade it became universal and the term "Man U" became the word used by almost all rival fans to affront United. Everyone knew what it meant. It was laughter at the death of Duncan and the Babes.Fans of Spurs and oddly enough Chelsea never sang Munich songs either.

A place where the word ‘Man U’ could spell doom was Millwall, even if you were a United fan .United played them when they were in the second division and the policemen were asked to work despite having a leave.

The League officials had even tried to stop allocating United fans a ticket to Millwall.The kick off was put forward to 11 am to try and stop all United fans from going down there. It was billed as the ‘fight of the century.’

Not one single punch was thrown inside the ground. There was even a picture in the Sunday Mirror of two United fans with "Harry the Dog" What did happen was after the match a combined force of 20,000 plus United and Millwall fans descended on the Kings Road and smashed the place up, including the football ground.

But a lot of the violence that happened with United fans around that time was usually sparked by the words ‘Man U.’

When Teddy Sheringham signed for United, incidentally he referred the club as ‘Man U’ and received a dressing down from Sir Alex Ferguson.

So, I expect the so-called Unite fans stop chanting ‘Man U’ and as far as rival fans are concerned…..

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:27 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Ada lagi sebuah artikel surat kabar Singapura yang juga memuat polemik ini. Bahkan di artikel ini, sang jurnalis sempat bertanya ke Steve Bates seorang jurnalis di Inggris yang telah meliput Manchester United selama 30 tahun dan ia bahkan tidak pernah mengetahui soal ini selama ia meliput United, juga setelah Bates mencoba mengecek dengan "orang dalam" United ia mendapatkan jawaban bahwa tidak ada masalah dengan sebutan "Man U".



What's wrong with saying MAN U?
By Gary Lim
Electric New Paper - Singapore, September 14, 2008

MAN U for Manchester United. It may sound like a convenient short form for some. But it has caused a mini storm among some football supporters.

The term 'Man U' has often been used freely, by the media, fans and even United players themselves.

But according to some, there is a negative connotation to 'Man U'.

United fan Wilson Sim, 26, thinks that the origins of the term is a dark one, which is why he wrote in to The New Paper.

He wrote: It seems like the 'U' means 'you', and it started from a tasteless song that rival fans sang about the Munich Disaster.

It goes like this: 'Man U, Man U went on a plane. Man U, Man U never came back again.'

There is also another line that goes: 'Man U never intended coming home'.

If one would combine the first letter of each word, you would get the word 'Munich'.

At least, Sim took The New Paper to task for using 'Man U' references in our stories all these years.

In 1958, British European Airways Flight 609 crashed during take-off, killing 23 out of 44 passengers onboard, including United players and officials.

The club had chartered the plane to fly them home from a European Cup fixture against Yugoslavian side Red Star Belgrade (the game ended 3-3).

Sim, who learnt about the origins of the term last year on an Internet forum, said: 'I have been a United fan for more than half my lifetime and I see it as a personal responsibility to correct misinformed youths, who might proclaim to be a United fan, but who know nothing of their club's history.'

The New Paper sought our man on the spot for the official view, from the Red Devils themselves.

Official view

Steve Bates, a journalist based in the UK and who also corresponds for The New Paper, said: 'I have been covering Manchester United stories for almost 30 years, and I have never heard anyone come up to me to say that it's wrong to call the club 'Man U'.

'I have also checked with an official who has been with the club for many years, and he told me there's nothing wrong with that.'

The New Paper spoke to fans who have heard about it, and it became clear that all of them found out through Internet forums.

Attempts to get a response from the club have been unsuccessful, so the authenticity of these Internet postings could not be verified.

As it is, most Man U fans in Singapore are unaware of the Internet debate.

Of the 20 Man U fans The New Paper spoke to, only three knew about it.

Not Kelvin Kwek though.

The 25-year-old auditor uses it frequently during conversations with friends and sees nothing wrong with it.

The Man U fan said: 'My friends and I say Man U all the time when we discuss about football. I never thought that there could be negative connotations to it.'

Even local Man U fan club president Louis Chia only found out about it 10 years after he started supporting the club.

Said Chia, 35, who has been a fan since he was 15: 'I don't really feel upset when people refer to the club as Man U, although I feel that we should educate them and make sure that if they support the club, they should use the proper full term.

'I believe it's just because they don't know about the background. I wouldn't go as far as calling these people untrue supporters. But I do know of some fans who feel very strongly about it.'

The Man U camp is divided.

So, Man U or Man Utd or United or Manchester United?

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:37 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!

Tom Clare lahir pada bulan April 1945 di area pinggiran kota Manchester bernama Chorlton dan hidup di sana hingga April 1960.

Cintanya kepada Manchester United Football Club dipupuk sejak ia masih kecil oleh kakeknya sendiri, dan ia sendiri tumbuh dewasa dengan menyaksikan sebuah tim muda United yang akhirnya akan lebih dikenal sebagai 'The Busby Babes". Ia menyaksikan kemenangan-kemenangan mereka, dan juga tragedi yang menimpa mereka (gue merinding nulis kalimat barusan), dan ia akhirnya menulis sebuah buku berjudul FOREVER A BABE yang menceritakan kisah tentang mereka dengan penuh gairah, cinta, dan emosi. Ia menceritakan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi semasa mudanya yang tidak hanya mempengaruhi kehidupannya, tapi juga membentuk masa depan sebuah klub sepak bola terbesar di dunia.

Tom meninggalkan bangku sekolah pada 1960 dan mencoba peruntungannya di dunia sepak bola profesional selama beberapa tahun sebagai ground staff di Preston North End. Pada bulan April 1963 ia berhenti dari Preston dan pada bulan Agustus tahun itu, ia masuk ke dalam angkatan bersenjata Inggris di mana ia menghabiskan 22 tahun hidupnya.

Ini tidak memupuskan rasa cintanya terhadap Manchester United dan ia bepergian secara berkala untuk menyaksikan pertandingan klub tercintanya tersebut setiap ada kesempatan. Ia juga terus bermain sepak bola di tim-tim militer ataupun tim-sim sipil baik di dalam negeri ataupun di luar. Beberapa kali tugasnya sebagai tentara menyebabkan ia ditempatkan di luar negeri, dan ia sempat bermain bagi klub-klub di Malta, Jerman, Singapura, dan Hong Kong.

Saat akhirnya pensiun di tahun 1984 ia kembali ke area Manchester. Ia adalah seorang pemegang tiket terusan di Old Trafford hingga tahun 1999, dan setelah menyaksikan klub tercintanya merebut TREBLE, ia pindah ke Amerika Serikat dan hingga kini tinggal di Houston, Texas.

Oom_Sapi 02-04-2011 04:40 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Jadi, saya mohon dengan sangat, thread sticky tentang sebutan Man U yang katanya menghina tragedi Munich itu dihapus saja deh karena dasar argumennya tidak jelas.

Taruhlah kalau ada teman-teman yang merasa sebutan "Man U" itu menghina, ya silahkan saja. Tapi jangan gunakan alasan bahwa sebutan itu diciptakan untuk menghina tragedi Munich. ALASAN INI TIDAK BENAR DAN DIBUAT-BUAT.

Mari kita belajar menghargai sejarah sebagai fakta yang sebenarnya dan bukan yang dibelokkan oleh waktu. TERIMA KASIH.

fredrian.seven 02-04-2011 04:54 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Waduh.. Jadi makin bingung. Aku mbaca lagi dulu aja pelan2 dari atas. Btw, makasih sob ilmunya. Layak dapet cendol tapi maap lagi di hape.

VaDLi 02-04-2011 05:18 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
wow, jujur saja gw juga baru tau di forum :ui4: ini kalo sebutan Man U yang katanya penghinaan, sebelumnya gw ga pernah mempermasalahkannya.

gw jadi setuju ama masbro ini, karena gw liat di pertandingan FA penulisan skor Manchester United terpampang jelas dgn tulisan MAN U.

thanx infonya yaaa... :thumbup:
ntar dicendolin deh insyaAllah...

rondwisan 02-04-2011 07:27 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
Hahahaha ....
Dari dulu disuruh posting males2 aja ...
Cuman ngasih link doang ...
Ya udah gw tungguin aja
Ternyata Mbak Ing yg bisa memaksa Oom Sapi kembali ke forum dengan pencerahan .....

Rujak Soto deh ..., eh soto apa rawon ya ... :)):)):))

Hihihihi .... :peace:

bang_zak 02-04-2011 08:15 AM

Re: Is using the term "man u" disrespectful, offensive and an insult? Answer: No!
om sapi......cendol segera meluncur...
Thanks ilmunya...markimaksisorubanyu.... :D

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