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Old 01-08-2009, 10:39 AM   #12
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Hillsborough disaster

The Hillsborough disaster occurred on April 15, 1989, at Hillsborough, a football stadium in Sheffield, England, resulting in the loss of 96 lives.
Liverpool F.C. were involved in their 17th FA Cup Semi-Final, to be played against Nottingham Forest F.C. at Hillsborough, the home of Sheffield Wednesday F.C..

Football had been plagued by hooliganism for years in many countries but particularly in the United Kingdom. Football hooliganism in the UK often involves pitch invasions and the throwing of a variety of missiles - in response most stadiums placed high chainlink fences between the seats and terraces and the pitch (terraces were cheaper standing areas without seats). However, it was not hooliganism that day, but the fear of it, that led to the death of ninety-six people.

The stadium was divided into two parts in order to keep the opposing fans apart: the Liverpool supporters being assigned to the Leppings Lane End. Kick off was scheduled for 3.00pm and many of the Liverpool supporters were late arriving. By 2.45pm there was a considerable buildup of fans outside the turnstiles at the Leppings Lane End, all eager to enter the stadium before the match started. With a crowd of 5000 fans (est) trying to get through the turnstiles the police decided to open a second set of gates which did not have turnstiles. The resulting inpouring of hundreds (possibly thousands) of fans at the rear of the terraces caused a crush at the front where people were pressed against the fencing. For some time the problem was not noticed and it was not until 3:06pm that the referee stopped the game. By this time a small door in the fencing had been opened and by this route many escaped the crush - others climbed over the fencing.

The pitch quickly started to fill with people sweating and gasping for breath and with the bodies of the dead. The police and ambulance services were overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster and fans helped as best they could, many attempting CPR and some tearing down advertising hoardings to act as makeshift stretchers. The crush ultimately took the lives of 96 people.

Graphic footage of the disaster was available because the match was being broadcast and this along with the number of fatalities made an extreme impact on the general population.

A permanent tribute to those who lost their lives can be found alongside the Shankly Gates at Anfield. A further tribute was set up in 1999 at Hillsborough.

The Taylor Inquiry

Following the disaster, Lord Justice Taylor was appointed to conduct an inquiry into the tragedy. Taylor's inquiry sat for thirty one days and published two reports, one interim report that laid out the events of the day and immediate conclusions and one final report that made general recommendations on football ground safety. As a result of the inquiry, fences in front of fans were removed and stadia were converted to become all-seated.

There was considerable debate over some aspects of the disaster; in particular, attention was focused on the decision to open the secondary gates. It was suggested that it would have been better to delay the start of the game as had often been done at other venues and matches. The police claimed that they were concerned that the crush outside the stadium was getting out of control and accusations were made that some Liverpool fans did not have tickets and were trying to force the turnstiles. Other accusations of misbehaviour were made in relation to the crowd, however, no substantial evidence was presented to this effect.
Don't buy the s*n
The Sun newspaper

On the Tuesday following the disaster, Kelvin MacKenzie, then editor of The Sun, a British tabloid newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, used the front page headline 'THE TRUTH', with three sub-headlines: 'Some fans picked pockets of victims'; 'Some fans urinated on the brave cops'; 'Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life'.

The story accompanying these headlines claimed that 'drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims' and 'police officers, firemen and ambulance crew were punched, kicked and urinated upon'. A quote, attributed to an unnamed policeman, claimed that a dead girl had been abused and that Liverpool fans 'were openly urinating on us and the bodies of the dead'.

In their history of The Sun, Peter Chippendale and Chris Horrie wrote:
'As MacKenzie's layout was seen by more and more people, a collective shudder ran through the office [but] MacKenzie's dominance was so total there was nobody left in the organisation who could rein him in except Murdoch. [Everyone] seemed paralysed, "looking like rabbits in the headlights", as one hack described them. The error staring them in the face was too glaring. It obviously wasn't a silly mistake; nor was it a simple oversight. Nobody really had any comment on it—they just took one look and went away shaking their heads in wonder at the enormity of it. It was a "classic smear".'

Lord Justice Taylor's official inquiry into the disaster disparaged The Sun's story and was unequivocal as to the disaster's cause:
'The real cause of the Hillsborough disaster [was] overcrowding, the main reason for the disaster was the failure of police control.'

Following The Sun's report, the newspaper was boycotted by most newsagents in Liverpool, with many refusing to stock the tabloid and large numbers of readers cancelling orders and even refusing to buy from shops which did stock the newspaper.

MacKenzie explained his reporting in 1993. Talking to a House of Commons National Heritage Select Committee he said "I regret Hillsborough. It was a fundamental mistake. The mistake was I believed what an MP said. It was a Tory MP. If he had not said it and the chief superintendent had not agreed with it, we would not have gone with it." This explanation was not accepted by families of Hillsborough victims. Even fifteen years after the Hillsborough disaster, the circulation of The Sun in Liverpool is still reckoned to be only 12,000 copies a day where previously it was around 200,000.

The Sun itself issued an apology "without reservation" in a full page opinion piece on 7 July 2004, saying it had that "committed the most terrible mistake in its history." The Sun was responding to the intense criticism of Wayne Rooney, a Liverpool-born football star who then still played in the city (for Everton), who had sold his life story to the newspaper. Rooney's actions had incensed Liverpool dwellers still angry at The Sun. The Sun's apology was somewhat bullish, saying that the "campaign of hate" against Rooney was organised in part by the Liverpool Daily Post & Echo, owned by Trinity Mirror, who also own the Daily Mirror, arch-rivals of The Sun. Thus the apology actually served to anger some Liverpudlians further. The Liverpool Echo itself did not accept the apology, calling it "shabby" and "an attempt, once again, to exploit the Hillsborough dead."
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Sedikit pembahasan yang gw tulis mengenai Tragedi Hillsborough dan Heysel untuk menanggapi komentar dari bro forest fan pada waktu itu
Originally Posted by ForestFan View Post
kalo boleh pengen cerita dikit mengenai pengalaman gw kemaren di forum BR:ngebul suka posting di forum BR, Indomanutd, CISC & Arsenal krn walopun gw fansnya juga fans berat premiership. cuma baru2 ini gw dapet pengalaman yg kurang menyenangkan di forum BR. ceritanya gini...jadi pada suatu thread ada member yg mengutip berita dari tabloid The Sun. kemudian ada beberapa member dan moderator yg mencela berita tsb krn mereka gak sudi dapet berita dari The Sun...beberapa malah bilang mereka anti dgn semua yg berbau The Sun. FYI juga...sebagian supporter Liverpool emang benci bgt ma The Sun. awal mulanya dari tragedi Hillsborough yg menewaskan 96 supporter the reds di taun 89 pas semifinal FA cup lawan Nottingham Forest. The Sun pada saat itu menyebarkan berita bohong bhw sebagian supporter Pool menjarah dan mencopet para korban, memukuli serta mengencingi polisi2 yg membantu korban. hal ini menyebabkan sebagian liverpudlian punya dendam kesumat sama The Sun. walopun tabloid ini telah meminta maaf 1 halaman penuh di taun 2004 (15 thn kemudian)...tetep aja masih banyak fans pool yg sakit hati. nah...balik ke forum BR...waktu itu gw kasih comment yg isinya kira2 begini "walopun gw ngerti kalo ada fans pool yg masih sakit hati ma the sun...maybe it's time to move on...lagian memberi maaf itu dapet pahala loh". reaksi yg gw dapet beragam. ada yg bilang mereka ga bisa maafin The Sun...ada yg bilang ini urusan fans pool jadi gw yg org luar ga akan ngerti...ada juga yg nyuruh gw minta maaf. tapi satu yg bikin gw kecewa...salah satu moderator nyuruh gw pergi dari forum. ya udah krn salah satu moderatornya ngomong gitu gw langsung pamit. moderator yg lain (kalo ga salah VPnya BR mas Iman) langsung pm gw bilang minta maaf kalo gw tersinggung krn topik The Sun emang sensitif dan ngarep gw tetep jadi member. cuma mungkin gw udah kecewa duluan makanya gw bilang makasih ma mas Iman tapi kayanya gw ga bisa tetep gabung. pdhl gw ga pernah nge-flame ato nyampah di forum manapun loh. dlm hati gw cuma mikir...kalo fans pool ngarep mereka dimaafkan oleh fans juve atas tragedi heysel yg menewaskan 39 fans juve, kenapa mereka ga bisa maafin The Sun yg ga terlibat langsung atas tragedi hillsborough? aneh aja sih menurut gw:gila tapi gpp sih...mungkin gw emang orgnya terlalu pemaaf:ompong itung2 ini juga jadi pengalaman berharga buat gw...
Originally Posted by Emelyn Hughes View Post
Gw juga mau ikut komen atas komentar yg gw quote diatas biar orang mengerti kenapa kita ga pernah memaafkan the sun....
kita gak akan pernah memaafkan the sun karena mereka tidak pernah meminta maaf secara tulus atas peristiwa itu. Permintaan maaf mereka di tahun 2004 itu kesannya oportunis dan malah melecehkan warga kota liverpool dan hanya dibuat setelah banyak aksi protes dari penduduk liverpool atas wawancara eksklusif wayne rooney di the Sun.

lihat di thread Hillsborough di forum BR.

Soal tragedi heysel, learn the facts before you write it.
39 supporter juve terbunuh karena dinding stadion rubuh. Yes, mereka saat itu sedang di serang oleh supporter Liverpool, tapi ini juga karena pembalasan atas timpukan batu supporter Juve ke arah mereka. Faktanya, itu stadion tidak pantas menggelar laga final champions (sehabis laga itu langsung ditutup dan direnovasi) serta authority pun kurang tanggap karena ternyata banyak sekali supporter dari kedua kubu yang tidak dipisahkan tempat duduknya dan bercampur di satu tribun.
Dan lagi setelah kejadian pihak Liverpool langsung meminta maaf bahkan mereka membiarkan pertandingan utk dimenangkan Juve ( penalti utk Juve seperti direkayasa karena melakukan pelanggaran jelas2 1-2 meter diluar kotak penalti dan tidak mungkin utk tdk dilihat jelas oleh wasit-gw punya rekaman pertandinganya )

Kedua tragedi tersebut adalah sangat menyedihkan buat sepakbola. Untuk tragedi Heysel, LFC sudah dihukum oleh UEFA dan menjadi klub inggris paling lama yang kena hukuman larangan bertanding di eropa. We did our time. We apologized wholeheartedly.

Untuk tragedi Hillsborough, yang paling menyakitkan adalah ada pihak yang mencoba berbohong dan menyebarkan berita sampah demi menaikkan keuntungan pribadi mereka semata tanpa menghiraukan bahwa ada 96 orang meninggal. The Sun gak terlibat secara langsung dalam tragedi ini? Try telling that to the family's victims. Dengan kebohongan mereka, itu sama saja mereka mencoba menumpahkan kesalahan kepada orang2 yang tidak berdosa, dan ini sama kejinya dengan pembunuhan terencana IMO.

Dan kenapa "permintaan maaf" nya harus menunggu 14 tahun kemudian? dan kenapa hanya dibuat setelah ada reaksi keras thd wawancara eksklusif wayne rooney? Aneh bukan?

Jadi saya pikir wajar wajar aja kalo banyak liverpudlian yang terluka dan belum mau memaafkan The Sun. Seperti kata kenny Dalglish, satu satunya hal yang bisa membuat The Sun dimaafkan publik liverpool adalah jika mereka membuat judul headline besar besaran di cover mereka dgn tulisan "WE LIED" untuk mengcounter judul "THE TRUTH" buatan mereka dulu.

Justice for the 96.
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