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Old 02-08-2018, 01:56 PM   #371
theater of dream
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Old 11-10-2018, 12:29 AM   #372
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

Untuk Merawat Sejarah, Manchester United Perlu Menjadi Modern

10 October 2018 17:04*WIB

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Giuseppe Marotta, mantan Direktur Olahraga Juventus. (Foto:GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP)

Bagi setiap klub, sejarah juga bisa berarti hantu yang menggentayangi langkah mereka di masa kini dan mengaburkan perjalanan mereka di masa depan.

Manchester United, contohnya. Gelimang nama besar ada dalam catatan sejarah mereka. Hingga masa kepelatihan Sir Alex Ferguson berakhir, United mengamankan 20 gelar juara Premier League, 11 trofi Piala FA, empat gelar Piala Liga Inggris, 20 gelar Community Shield, tiga trofi Liga Champions, satu gelar European Cup Winners' Cup, dan 1 trofi kemenangan Piala Super Eropa. Itu belum ditambah dengan satu trofi Piala Interkontinental, Piala Dunia Antarklub, dan dua gelar juara di Divisi Dua (League One).

Sejarah dan nama besar seharusnya menjadi modal baik bagi setiap klub untuk tetap bertahan sebagai yang nomor satu atau setidaknya berprestasi di masa kini. Sejarah yang demikian panjang seharusnya menjadi pengingat bahwa rangkaian keberhasilan itu tidak didapat United dengan berdiam diri.

Perubahan demi perubahan menjadi menu mutlak. Bandingkan saja era United sebelum dan sesudah Fergie. Kegigihan Fergie untuk merawat pembinaan muda, membangun United sebagai klub yang menjadi pabrik tempat memproduksi pemain-pemain bintang dengan menumbuhkan mental bahwa tak satu pemain pun yang lebih besar dari klub merupakan metronom yang pada akhirnya sanggup menjadikan United sebagai salah satu klub paling digdaya.

Entah Fergie pergi tanpa meninggalkan kesadaran kepada penghuni Old Trafford untuk bangkit atau memang para petinggilah yang abai dengan segala permasalahan --yang jelas, selepas Fergie pergi, United ibarat menjadi sekelompok penganut sejarah antikuarian, sekumpulan orang yang punya libido tinggi pada pencapaian masa lalu.

Begitu kukuh untuk percaya bahwa apa-apa yang diraih di masa lalu adalah identitas yang tidak mungkin ditinggalkan. Karena mereka beranjak dari identitas itu, maka habislah segala sesuatu yang telah dibangun.

Old Trafford (Foto:Oli SCARFF / AFP)

Bagi klub sepak bola, sejarah bukan dosa. Tapi, karena sepak bola telah bergerak dalam modernisasi seharusnya orang-orang yang berkecimpung dalam sepak bola juga tak boleh abai dengan modernisasi. Jika demikian, yang ada justru tertinggal, tertatih-tatih menanggung beban tak perlu bernama sejarah.

Keputusan untuk bergerak dalam modernisasi pada kenyataannya dilakoni dengan apik oleh rival United, Manchester City. Klub yang terletak di timur Manchester ini tak perlu besar di masa lampau untuk tampil memukau di masa sekarang. City kerap dipandang sebagai klub orang kaya baru, fans mereka dipandang sebagai fans karbitan, atau klub bola yang oportunis.

City hidup dengan satu prinsip memenangi sepak bola dan bisnis sekaligus. Di ranah tempat sejumlah pemain top bertanding dengan biaya selangit, tayangan pertandingan yang menyedot jutaan penonton, hingga pemilik klub yang tercatat sebagai salah satu manusia paling kaya di dunia, uang menjadi sumber dari segala keunggulan kompetitif.

Namun, kondisi ini tak bertahan lama. Semuanya bermula dari gelar juara Premier League yang berhasil direbut City pada musim 2011/12. Ini menjadi gelar juara Premier League pertama mereka setelah 44 tahun. Yang dimiliki City, tapi dipunyai United adalah jembatan antara ranah kepelatihan dan manajemen.

Bila diperhatikan, kehebatan City dewasa ini tidak hanya ditopang oleh kegeniusan taktik dan kemampuan para pemainnya, tapi juga tangan dingin Ferran Soriano dan Txiki Begiristain. Jika suatu saat Guardiola akan hengkang, ide-ide untuk mendapatkan orang-orang seperti Guardiola masih ada dalam benak Soriano dan Begiristian. Jika keduanya yang pergi, gagasan untuk melanjutkan hidup itu tetap ada dalam struktur manajemen yang rapi dan kompleks itu.

Akhir Mei lalu, Manchester Evening News mewartakan bahwa United akan menunjuk seorang direktur olahraga. Akan tetapi, direktur olahraga di yang dimaksud tidak akan punya wewenang dalam urusan transfer. Sebab, direktur olahraga di Manchester United adalah pengembangan dari jabatan sekretaris klub yang sebelumnya dipegang oleh John Alexander.

Kini, Alexander sudah pensiun dan restrukturisasi pun dilakukan di manajemen Manchester United. Peran Alexander, dibagi ke dalam tiga peran berbeda, yakni sekretaris klub, direktur olahraga, dan kepala pengembangan sepak bola. Saat ini United sudah punya sekretaris baru dalam diri Rebecca Britain dan jabatan kepala pengembangan sepak bola masih dipegang John Murtaugh.

Sebetulnya, Manchester United sekarang ini sudah memiliki sosok yang tugasnya kurang lebih sama dengan direktur olahraga, yaitu Ed Woodward. Akan tetapi, Woodward sendiri sudah punya tugas berat sebagai CEO.

Sehari-hari, Woodward selalu menjalin komunikasi dengan Mourinho. Secara sederhana, selain sebagai pelatih, Mourinho juga bertugas untuk mengidentifikasi apa saja kelemahan timnya dan seperti apa dia ingin timnya bermain. Dari sana, muncullah daftar beli yang akan dieksekusi oleh Woodward.

Tugas bertumpuk yang diemban oleh Woodward sepintas menunjukkan kredibilitasnya sebagai petinggi United. Namun, penumpukan tugas tak jarang membikin ketimpangan dalam tubuh perusahaan. Seandainya orang tersebut berhenti, bukannya tak mungkin klub bakal kalang-kabut karena kehilangan beberapa pilar sekaligus dalam satu orang.

CEO Man. United, Ed Woodward. (Foto:AFP/Oli Scarff)

Setidaknya, masalah seperti inilah yang muncul sepeninggal Sir Alex. Itu baru efek jangka panjang. Efek jangka pendeknya, kompleksnya tugas tak jarang membuat tanggung jawab luput. Padahal, ibarat tubuh manusia, rusaknya satu fungsi, bahkan mungkin yang terkecil sekalipun, bakal berdampak pada fungsi lainnya.

Kabar baik bagi suporter United, pihak manajemen tampaknya mulai serius memandang persoalan ini. Per Selasa (9/10/2018), Football Italia mengabarkan bahwa United sedang melakoni pembicaraan serius dengan mantan petinggi Juventus, Beppe Marotta.

Keputusan untuk mengontak orang-orang demi mengisi posisi-posisi puncak tentunya tak pernah menjadi keputusan tanpa dasar. Kalau itu yang dilakukan maka sama dengan bunuh diri. Harus ada kasus-kasus identik yang membikin orang tersebut cocok untuk mengangkat suatu perusahaan, dalam hal ini United, dari keterpurukan. Lantas yang menjadi pertanyaan, apa yang membikin Marotta patut buat disebut sebagai orang yang paling diperhitungkan oleh United?

Beppe Marotta bukan Bill Shankly. Marotta bukan sosok yang mewujud menjadi sebentuk mitologi. Jiwanya tidak bersemayam dalam keseluruhan sejarah Juventus. Kata-katanya tidak dipandang sebagai nubuatan yang membangkitkan harapan orang-orang bahwa keterpurukan di satu masa bukan berarti membuat mereka terbenam dalam kesemenjanaan seumur hidup.

Marotta dan Shankly, bersama Fergie memang ada di era keterpurukan masing-masing klub. Merekalah yang memunguti puing-puing lalu membangunnya kembali menjadi Juventus, Liverpool, dan United yang kita kenal sekarang. Lantas, bangunan itu dipugar oleh siapa pun yang bertugas dalam sistem manajemen, dan dijaga oleh mereka yang berjibaku di atas lapangan, di bawah tumpukan taktik.

Namun, Marotta berbeda dengan Shankly dan Fergie. Orang-orang tidak membutuhkannya sebagai patung sesembahan layaknya Fergie dan Shankly, orang-orang memerlukannya sebagai sosok yang mengangkat Juventus dari keterpurukan.

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Para petinggi Juventus, Carlo Tavecchio dan Beppe Marotta. (Foto:MASSIMO PINCA / AFP)

Saat Marotta menginjakkan kakinya pertama kali ke Turin sebagai Direktur dan CEO pada 2010, Juventus sedang babak-belur dihajar mediokritas. Juventus mengakhiri musim 2009/10 di peringkat tujuh. Bagi Juventus, itu merupakan capaian terburuk sejak mereka kembali ke Serie A pada 2007 akibat skandal yang mencoreng nama besar mereka sejadi-jadinya. Tak pelak, performa yang dinilai menyedihkan itu membidani kelahiran protes besar-besaran dari para suporter dan loyalisnya.

Rekam jejak menjadi frasa kunci mengapa Juventus menjatuhkan pilihannya kepada Marotta. Bila dirunut, Marotta masuk ke Sampdoria pada 2002, saat Blucerchiati terpuruk. Kedatangannya ditandai dengan perekrutan Walter Novellino sebagai pelatih. Yang dilakukan setelahnya, Marotta dan Novellino membangun klub dengan merombak skuat. Andrera Gasbarroni dan Fabio Bazzani menjadi salah dua yang didatangkan.

Idealisme yang berpadu dengan keputusan-keputusan profesional itu pada akhirnya berhasil mengangkat Sampdoria dari Serie B ke Serie A. Hebatnya, Sampdoria pun mampu menembus babak perempat final Coppa Italia.

Fabio Paratici menjadi orang yang langsung diajak Marotta begitu ia menjejak ke Juventus. Ini bukan pertama kalinya Marotta dan Paratici bekerja sama, karena di Sampdoria, Paratici-lah yang ditunjuk Marotta sebagai pencari bakat.

Lapangan bola bukan arena sulap. Target demi target mesti ditempuh setahap demi setahap. Itulah sebabnya, Marotta tidak mau menenteng misi muluk-muluk di awal-awal kepelatihannya. Yang menjadi pekerjaannya adalah cukup mengembalikan Juventus ke persaingan elite klub Italia. Artinya, Juventus harus dibawa dulu untuk berkompetisi di papan atas sebelum merengkuh kedigdayaan.

Serupa dengan langkahnya di Sampdoria, Marotta melakukan perombakan skuat sebagai langkah awal. Pemain-pemain yang dinilainya tidak kompeten lagi segera disingkirkan. Mulai dari Mauro Camoranesi, Jonathan Zebina, Cannavaro, David Trezeguet, Sergio Almiron, Nicola Legrottaglie, Christian Molinaro, Christian Poulsen, Diego Ribas, hingga Martin Caceres.

Sepintas, keputusan seperti ini bakal membuat klub terlihat tidak tahu berterima kasih kepada mereka yang sudah memberikan gelar juara. Namun, klub tidak akan bisa hidup jika mementingkan romantisme belaka. Harus ada tindakan-tindakan realistis yang membuat klub mampu bertahan hidup.

Istilah kasarnya, pemain-pemain yang tak kompeten lagi bisa disebut sebagai racun yang menggerogoti tubuh klub. Lantas, bagaimana klub bisa sehat bila di dalam tubuhnya bersemayam penyakit dan kesemenjanaan?

Untuk menambal skuat yang bolong, Marotta pun mendatangkan talenta-talenta yang dinilai sesuai, tentunya dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan kepelatihan. Menariknya, Marotta juga berhasil menggaet sejumlah nama besar secara gratis.

Yang menjadi pertimbangan Marotta adalah, bisnis tidak bisa dijalankan secara naif, harus ada hitung-hitungan jelas, memahami titik laba dan rugi supaya klub tidak hanya hidup satu atau dua musim. Bila banyak klub muak dengan Financial Fair Play, Marotta melihat aturan ini sebagai koridor yang melindungi langkah Juventus dari keterpurukan manajemen keuangan.

Walau tetap menutup musim perdananya di posisi tujuh, Marotta sudah memiliki gambaran pasti tentang apa yang seharusnya ia lakukan bersama Juventus. Lantas, musim keduanya dibuka dengan perekrutan Antonio Conte sebagai pelatih. Itu ditambah dengan kedatangan Andrea Pirlo sebagai buangan dari AC Milan, dan disertai dengan kemunculan Stephan Lichtsteiner dan Arturo Vidal yang biaya transfernya tak lebih dari kisaran 20 juta euro.

Conte yang meledak-ledak itu pada akhirnya menjadi allenatore yang paling sesuai untuk Juventus. Kedatangannya ke Juventus tidak hanya ditandai dengan pakem tiga bek yang baru dan ternyata sesuai, tapi juga dengan perubahan mental yang membikin klub melihat kekalahan sebagai perkara najis. Hasilnya tak sia-sia, Juventus menutup musim 2011/12 dengan raihan scudetto dan finalis Coppa Italia. Bahkan di Serie A musim tersebut, Juventus tak mengalami satu kekalahan pun.

Kata orang-orang, mempertahankan jauh lebih sulit daripada meraih. Untungnya, Marotta tak terperdaya dengan kesuksesannya sendiri sehingga melahirkan strategi untuk menstabilkan Juventus di ranah kompetisi. Menjadi juara Eropa tentu menjadi impian bagi setiap klub liga-liga top Benua Biru. Namun, Marotta juga tak mau buru-buru. Fokus utamanya adalah membuat langkah Juventus stabil di kompetisi liga.

Strateginya hingga musim 2013/14 masih tak berbeda jauh dengan dua musim sebelumnya. Ia mendatangkan pemain-pemain buangan tapi cocok dengan taktik yang diusung oleh pelatih. Nama Paul Pogba dan Carlos Tevez menjadi salah duanya.

Aral bagi Marotta itu datang pada akhir 2014/15. Wujudnya cukup mengerikan, Conte mengundurkan diri dan dipastikan bergabung dengan Chelsea. Namun, di sinilah letak keunggulan strategi manajemen Juventus. Ia tidak seperti, katakanlah United, yang mengusung prinsip one man show. Pelatih hanya berperan sebagai juru taktik, sehingga begitu keluar, tidak mengganggu fungsi manajemen yang lain. Ide untuk melanjutkan perjalanan klub tidak terputus. Itu terbukti dengan kemantapan Juventus untuk memanggil Massimiliano Allegri sebagai suksesor Conte.

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Juventus kalahkan Lazio di Olimpico. (Foto:REUTERS/Max Rossi)

Pemanggilan Allegri serupa dengan Conte: Menuai keraguan dari berbagai pihak, terutama suporter. Untuk kasus Conte, orang-orang meragukan karena nama Walter Mazzarri dan Luciano Spalletti sempat dikait-kaitkan. Nah di awal pemanggilan Allegri, publik meragukan karena sang allenatore hanya tampil meyakinkan semusim bersama Milan.

Apalagi, di musim-musim akhirnya, Allegri juga muncul sebagai sosok yang begitu dicemooh oleh pendukung Milan. Ia dianggap sebagai pelatih yang tidak sanggup mengangkat performa Milan yang kala itu juga sedang dilanda eksodus pemain-pemain bintangnya.

Namun, perhitungan Marotta lagi-lagi tepat. Allegri dan pemain-pemain Juventus berhasil mempertahankan gelar scudetto, bahkan pada 2015 Juventus berhasil menjejak ke final Liga Champions.

Keberhasilan mempertahankan dominasi di Serie A tak serta-merta membuat target Marotta mandek dan jalan di tempat. Kali ini, Liga Champions menjadi bidikannya.

Seiring dengan meningginya target, strategi pun harus diubah. Juventus mulai berbelanja pemain bintang. Paulo Dybala, Alex Sandro, dan Mario Mandzukic. Persoalan baru pada musim 2016/17 muncul. Pogba memutuskan untuk hijrah ke United. Otomatis, Juventus kehilangan salah satu pemain paling produktif sekaligus sumber kreativitasnya. Namun, Marotta tak berhenti menambah amunisi. Pemain-pemain papan atas kembali didatangkan walaupun target juara Liga Champions belum juga tercapai.

Marotta memang sudah hengkang dari Juventus pada awal 2018/19 ini. Namun, sebelum pergi, ia sudah meninggalkan warisan yang membuat Juventus tak hanya kuat di lapangan bola, tapi juga di atas laporan dan neraca keuangan: Cristiano Ronaldo. Sang megabintang tidak hanya diborong untuk menunaikan asa Juventus meraih gelar juara Liga Champions, tapi meningkatkan performa bisnis klub.

Juventus memang sudah kehilangan Marotta. Namun, yang terpenting. Ide-ide itu tak terhenti di Marotta, karena toh pada 25 Oktober 2018 nanti, Juventus dikabarkan akan mengumumkan siapa yang menjadi pengganti Marotta.

United pun tak salah untuk bergegas. Mengikutsertakan Marotta ataupun nama lain di posisi Direktur Olahraga memang bakal menjadi perkara baru bagi United. Namun, serupa sepak bola yang tak pernah tinggal tetap, United pun seharusnya paham, bahwa cara-cara lama tidak akan memberikan kejayaan yang baru bagi mereka. Apalah artinya membangga-banggakan sejarah jika lumpuh di masa kini? Toh, bila demikian, segala capaian gemilang itu hanya akan menjadi cerita usang yang membuktikan bahwa United tak ada apa-apanya di masa kini, apalagi masa depan.


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Old 04-12-2018, 09:21 AM   #373
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

Bournemouth boss Eddie Howe would be the perfect fit for Manchester United... if he wasn't English

* Eddie Howe, in so many ways, would be the perfect fit for Manchester United
* He improves players, he plays good football, fearlessly, no matter the opposition

In this of all over-achieving seasons, Jeff Mostyn knows he is getting lucky. As chairman of Bournemouth in any other era of English football he would be looking for a new manager by now. Eddie Howe would be long gone, tempted away by a bigger club.

Instead, he remains: the longest serving manager in the Premier League, and the third most enduring across four divisions. Only Jim Bentley at Morecambe and Gareth Ainsworth of Wycombe have outlasted Howe's six years and 48 days at Bournemouth, but the elite are never going to come looking in the lower leagues for coaching talent; not anymore.

They used to search there and across the ranks of overachievers in the top division, though, for a manager doing an impressive job in inauspicious circumstances. Ron Atkinson got the position at Manchester United because he came third, then fourth, with West Bromwich Albion.

Bournemouth manager Eddie Howe would be the perfect fit for struggling Manchester United. If Jose Mourinho does leave United, would Howe get so much as a cursory second glance?

Dave Sexton, another United appointment, had narrowly missed out on the league title with Queens Park Rangers. George Graham went to Arsenal having won promotion with Millwall. Bruce Rioch succeeded him because creditable spells with Middlesbrough, Millwall and Bolton counted for something. As did Howard Kendall's time at Blackburn Rovers; or Howard Wilkinson's rebuilding of Sheffield Wednesday; or Glenn Hoddle's success with Swindon.

Yet if Manchester United do tire of Jose Mourinho at the end of this season – and failure to qualify for the Champions League has done for his two predecessors – would Howe get so much as a cursory second glance? It hasn't got him a sniff so far. Chelsea and Arsenal replaced their managers this summer and he didn't get a look in.

Chelsea haven't appointed an English manager since Roman Abramovich took over; the same with Sheikh Mansour and Manchester City. If Howe's name is mentioned it is in connection with mid-table clubs, as a stepping stone, to see if he could handle being in a slightly more advantageous position to now.

Yet West Ham and Everton both changed managers this summer, and went for foreign coaches with a reputation for playing attractive football. An English coach with a similar reputation didn't interest them.

Howe would, in so many ways, be a perfect fit at Manchester United. Without doubt he improves players – and he plays good football, fearlessly, no matter the opposition. Bournemouth did not beat Manchester City on Saturday, but they had as good a go at it as Manchester United did recently, and on a fraction of the resources. Pep Guardiola says privately that Howe is the English coach he most admires, particularly his commitment to playing an attacking style and the way he sets out his team.

Guardiola says he sees, in every game, evidence of Howe's coaching, the impression he makes on his team, the way they respond to him. Were it not for the fact that Manchester City's football executives are Spanish and their appointments, so far, have reflected this, Howe would be a good choice to succeed Guardiola one day. He certainly has supporters within the club, albeit not those who will make the final call.

Manchester United, meanwhile, are more commonly linked with Zinedine Zidane. It makes sense. He's a big name, they're a big name, and the modern game is like an episode of Absolutely Fabulous these days. Names, names, names, Bubble darling.

Ed Woodward will be the man making the recommendations and he has a brand to protect. United went with David Moyes before, and it didn't work out. Since then, mind, not much has but at least if Mourinho is lying seventh he's famous. Win or lose, he dominates the news agenda. If Howe was in that position would every conversation be about him?

Howe has never handled a squad of world class players, runs one counter argument, never played in the Champions League, never set out a team against Real Madrid. But how to get that experience at Bournemouth – even at Everton? Isn't what he is doing on the south coast evidence of transferable skills? What if Howe was precisely the type of brave soul to get Manchester United talked about the way they used to be?

What if he could one day inherit the Guardiola project at Manchester City, or what Maurico Pochettino has achieved at Tottenham, and continue getting improvements from those players?

In just about every country in Europe, Howe's achievement in elite company would have led to career promotion by now. Only here does he remain Bournemouth's private treasure.

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Old 04-12-2018, 10:49 PM   #374
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Soton aja langsung ngga puas cuma draw lawan United..
Lah ini kita draw main jelek masing anteng anteng aja
Liverpool last won the League when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits

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Old 07-05-2019, 09:55 AM   #375
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

Razor-sharp off the pitch but on it Manchester United are a blunt force

* Off the pitch, Manchester United remain the biggest commercial attraction
* On the pitch it is a different story with the current side far adrift of the leaders
* To get world class stars, United will need to offer pay packets bigger than rivals

It is a pity that Manchester United are not in the market for high-end commercial people this summer, because they would have them queuing around the block.

In that field, United remain football's biggest attraction - but players are what Ole Gunnar Solskjaer needs right now, and they're more of a problem.

Manchester United are currently fronting up an advertising campaign for Remington shavers. Remington are a famous name. 'Est. New York 1937' says their branding, but the company actually dates back to E. Remington & Sons, a gun manufacturer from 1816.

This Remington branched out into typewriters and were first to use the QWERTY keyboard which is standard today. Subsequently, the Remington brand broke up across several markets.

Still, it's an instantly recognisable sell, particularly now they are the 'official electrical styling partner of Manchester United'.

See what they did there, though? Left a door open to cut a deal with another firm for wet shavers. United are smart like that. They break their commercial contracts up into individual products, and then individual countries and continents.

Who are Manchester United's soft drink partners? Well, that depends where you are. In Nigeria, it's CHI; in China, it's Uni-President; in Indonesia, it's You C1000.

It's brilliant. Manchester United are the market leaders in monetising their commercial arm. If there was a league table for that, they'd be winning it by 30 points.

Manchester United are unbeatable off the pitch but are simply second best on the pitch

So if, this transfer window, the club needed to recruit teams of suits, it would be a cinch. That they need a squad capable of restoring them to the pinnacle of English football is more of an issue, because United are no longer market leaders in football.

The Remington advert — 'The story of you' is the slogan, whatever that means — shows three Manchester United players sculpted and ready for business in their red and black strips.

Chris Smalling holds up a shaver, flanked by Paul Pogba and Marcus Rashford. They look like masters of the athletic universe. Of course, if that image depicted United as it really is now, one of them would be covered in shaving cuts, blood and bits of soggy tissue paper, another would have a patchy six-day growth where he simply couldn't be bothered and a third would be telling anyone who would listen that he prefers Braun. It's a mess.

Speaking before the latest disappointment, at Huddersfield, Solskjaer said that he thought United could still attract world-class talent, even without Champions League football.

'You'd be surprised how many agents have been touting their players, telling us they would love to be part of United in the future,' he said.

Of course, that was before a year in the Europa League — and, potentially, a campaign that starts in its second qualifying round on July 25 — was part of that future. Interesting to hear if the phone is still ringing this morning. If it is, what those conversations will sound like when it comes down to brass tacks.

For there is a way for United to attract world-class players — but it is the same way they have done it in previously underwhelming seasons. They pay through the nose for them.

The summer that the club brought in Paul Pogba, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Eric Bailly and Henrikh Mkhitaryan, they were also only offering Europa League football. It came with a premium. Romelu Lukaku rejected Chelsea for United the summer after the club had finished 24 points behind them and, again, it cost.

The day Alexis Sanchez chose United over Manchester City they were 12 points and 19 goals behind, and quite obviously second best. So United made it a financial call. What other option did they have?

Solskjaer said that players know because of United's size and potential they will eventually return to the good days, but that isn't true. Other clubs are growing in stature, and economic strength, too.

Solskjaer is naive if he thinks the agents who are touting players around Old Trafford are not making the same calls to Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Tottenham, who will all be offering Champions League football next season.

Arsenal as well — if they can win the Europa League. And many of those clubs are engaged in rebuilding projects of their own, except with firmer existing foundations, and clearer visions. Bigger managerial reputations, too. Solskjaer may be a legend at Old Trafford, but beyond?

Despite dipping in and out of the Champions League, United managed to pay big for top stars. Since Sir Alex Ferguson retired, United have spent £686.7million trying to build a title team

United's transfer market is global, meaning Solskjaer may be going up against the draw of Zinedine Zidane and Real Madrid for players. And that's the nub of it: because if United intend replacing one set of marquee names with others, this can only pan out as another expensive gamble.

Manchester United have spent £686.7million on players since Sir Alex Ferguson stood down, and nobody is any the wiser about direction or strategy. Even the shortlist for director of football is inconsistent. What do Mike Phelan, Edwin van der Sar and Rio Ferdinand have in common, apart from that they used to play for Manchester United?

Where is the philosophy, other than turning the clock back to the good old days of the Stone Roses and Manchester United teams who knew what they were about and what they stood for.

'We're Manchester United, we'll do what we want,' the fans used to sing. Except that's not true, any more. Everything they do, these days, needs paying for — and, unlike Remington shavers, never at a discount.

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Old 08-05-2019, 09:20 AM   #376
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer ready to build his side around young midfielder Scott McTominay after fine displays in Manchester United's poor run of form

* Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been impressed with Scott McTominay this season
* The Man United boss sees the midfielder as an automatic starter next season
* He believes the Scot can be a central figure in the team going forward

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is ready to build his team around young midfielder Scott McTominay as he looks ahead to next season.

The Red Devils saw their feint hopes of finishing in the top four end with Sunday's draw to relegated Huddersfield but McTominay was one of the few players to do himself justice on the day.

The 22-year-old showed the kind of desire and work-rate that United have been lacking so often this season, capping his display with a goal.

Scott McTominay has impressed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer since he took charge of Man United. Solskjaer is ready to build his United side around the young Scottish midfielder going forward

McTominay, a United academy product, made his senior debut two years ago on Tuesday.

He has gone on to play an increasing role in the side with Jose Mourinho awarding him his Manager’s Player of the Year award last season.

The Scot has finished this campaign strongly, starting six of his side's last 11 Premier League games, and The Mirror claim Solskjaer now sees him as an automatic starter and central figure for next term.

Fellow midfielders Ander Herrera is joining Paris Saint-Germain in the summer while Paul Pogba is pushing for a move to Real Madrid.

McTominay was rewarded with a new contract in January until 2023 and Solskjaer has since been impressed by how he has performed in what have been difficult circumstances.

His reading of the game, passing range, attitude and commitment have caught the eye in particular.

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Old 15-07-2019, 01:48 PM   #377
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

The new Carrick, the one with the ruthless streak and the midfield maestro - meet the Manchester United kids in the spotlight as they look to break into Solskjaer's first-team

* Manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has some exciting young talent at his disposal
* The Manchester United boss will look to bring through academy stars next term
* Sportsmail has taken a look at what talents could have their say going forward

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer may be busy in the transfer market but there are youngsters looking to force their way into the first-team squad during Manchester United's pre-season.

After a hugely disappointing 2018-19 campaign, which saw them miss out on Champions League football with a sixth-placed finish in the Premier League, there may now be chances for the club's young stars to make their moves.

Here, Sportsmail's Jack Gaughan has taken a look at five youngsters that could have their say in pre-season and beyond...

Tahith Chong

Solskjaer's verdict after Chong's debut against Reading in the FA Cup last January was that 'he got the crowd going,' and that is exactly what United's supporters expect from the 19-year-old.

His direct style, running at and slaloming around defenders from the right wing, has prompted excitement among the fans and he won the young player of the year in 2018.

Solskjaer threw Chong on when United needed a late goal away at Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League and he positively affected the second leg. The Dutchman was handed two substitute appearances in the Premier League too.

Tahith Chong's direct style and pace has prompted excitement among the United fanbase. Solskjaer threw Chong on when United needed a late goal away at Paris Saint-Germain

James Garner

A talented central midfielder who screens the back four and can pick a pass, Garner has come right through United's academy after joining aged eight.

Expectations are high, with Solskjaer recently comparing him to one of the club's best midfielders in recent years.

'Jimmy Garner is a Michael Carrick, but 20 years younger,' Solskjaer said last season. 'I'm sure he'll do well.' Garner was afforded his debut towards the end of a 3-1 win at Crystal Palace in February.

Solskjaer recently compared talented central midfielder James Garner to Michael Carrick. Garner was afforded his debut towards the end of a 3-1 win at Crystal Palace in February

Angel Gomes

The creative midfielder, who impressed on last year's tour of the States, has long been a promising talent in the academy. He's been a focal point of a number of the youth teams, captaining the Under 18s, and has family pedigree.

His dad, Gil, is a retired striker who won the Under-20 World Cup with Portugal in 1991. Gil ended his career playing for Salford and Hyde United.

Nani is the 18-year-old's godfather and acts as a sounding board, with the two in regular contact. Gomes also used to ballboy at Old Trafford.

Angel Gomes has been a focal point of a number of United's youth teams down the years

Mason Greenwood

The next great hope from the academy, Greenwood is a ruthless finisher through the middle and United hope he will flourish into a first-team regular.

Not 18 until October, Greenwood already has four senior games under his belt – starting the final day defeat by Cardiff at Old Trafford. Solskjaer has promised more games this term.

'You saw Mason in the last training session (in Perth),' Solskjaer said. 'Bang, bang, bang. Three goals.

'He could have had five goals against Cardiff but didn't score. If a striker gets into a good vein of form, he will score goals.

'Mason will definitely play more games. He has grown over the summer and I think his confidence has grown too after the Cardiff game, as he was our best player.'

Mason Greenwood is a ruthless finisher and United hope he will become a first-team regular. Not 18 until October, Greenwood already has four senior games for United under his belt

Axel Tuanzebe

Now 21, the central defender can't be considered a kid in terms of age. But he still has only eight senior matches under his belt at United and so remains a rookie at the club.

Tuanzebe's stock is rising rapidly, however. The promotion-winning campaign with Aston Villa has been huge in his development and he managed 25 Championship games despite suffering a metatarsal injury in December.

Tuanzebe, who starred in the play-off final victory over Derby, has signed a new three-year contract at Old Trafford, while Villa are hoping to take him back on loan.

Axel Tuanzebe's stock is rising rapidly after the promotion-winning campaign with Aston Villa

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Old 19-07-2019, 12:40 PM   #378
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has a huge dilemma over the club captaincy... so who will be the man to lead Man United back to the glory days?

* Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is weighing up options for Manchester United captain
* Antonio Valencia was club skipper last year but he has left Old Trafford
* There's no obvious alternative but Solskjaer has a few names in the frame
* He name-checked David de Gea, Chris Smalling and Ashley Young among others

Uncertainty swirls around Manchester United this summer and one situation that needs to be remedied is the leadership vacuum.

Antonio Valencia had the club captaincy last season but has since departed on a free transfer to LDU Quito after a decade of service at Old Trafford.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is considering a number of options, so who will be the man to take United into what they hope will be a new era of success?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has a tricky decision about who will succeed Antonio Valencia

Paul Pogba

What a turn up for the books this would be. It's almost like the teacher's tactic in school to give a naughty child more responsibility so they behave better.

Pogba has made no secret of his desire to leave the club this summer and his agent Mino Raiola even came out to declare that everyone at United knows how much he wants to go.

Real Madrid and Juventus have been the two interested parties but with United reluctant to sell, and the buying clubs struggling to come up with £150m, there's every chance he starts for United against Chelsea on August 11.

Pogba showed superb leadership qualities in the French World Cup winning side and dressing room footage from the final showed him laying down the law to his team-mates.

But after what many fans must regard as a betrayal over the last month or so, Solskjaer would have to anticipate a backlash if he gave Pogba the armband.

Captaincy material rating - 2/5

Paul Pogba would be an incredibly controversial choice as the next club captain

Ashley Young

One of the more experienced players in the United squad at 34, Young is now the elder statesman of the group.

He is known for his professionalism and dedication and was name-checked by Solskjaer last season as a leader who stepped into the role seamlessly for the injured Valencia along with Paul Pogba, David de Gea and Chris Smalling.

Young is unquestionably entering the twilight of his career and may struggle for consistent game time this season, which would count against him in the captaincy stakes, although his versatility will work in his favour.

The England international has been at the club since 2011, a rare commodity in the current United squad and he knows the set-up inside out.

Captain material rating - 3/5

Ashley Young stood in as captain last season on occasions and could take up the role

Chris Smalling

The centre-back is well respected by his team-mates but crucially adored by those in Manchester for his contribution to the local community.

He is incredibly active with charity work and paid out of his own pocket for a Christmas party last year for Barnabus. Smalling is also an ambassador for Football Beyond Borders and brought along a number of team-mates to a dinner in April.

Clearly he is looked up to and a shining example to young players, so the 29-year-old is definitely in the running for the job.

That said, Smalling's place in the team is under threat as Solskjaer is looking for big money reinforcements in central defence this summer.

Captaincy material rating - 3.5/5

Chris Smalling is respected by his team-mates but faces a fight for his place

Marcus Rashford

This might be a bit of a wildcard selection with Rashford still just 21-years-old. But the striker is United through and through and could be seen as the man to spearhead a fresh new team full of youth and attacking endevour.

Having graduated from the academy to establish himself as a first team star, already with more than 100 appearances to his name, Rashford could be an inspired choice.

The club have already backed him with a new £250,000-per-week four-year deal, so he'd expect to play every week, and there aren't many captaincy candidates you can say that about.

That said, there is still a level of immaturity about the forward and it would be a huge risk, not to mention a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Captaincy material rating - 2.5/5

Marcus Rashford still has some growing up to do but could be the man for a new era

David de Gea

The Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year for four of the last six seasons, De Gea is United's most consistent top level performer despite a few wobbles last term.

He is set to sign a whopping new £375,000-per-week deal and could lead the team for years to come.

De Gea isn't a particularly demonstrative or vocal character which might count against him but there is a quiet authority and he has plenty of experience at Old Trafford since moving from Atletico Madrid eight years ago.

He's the first name on the team sheet and would be a solid choice.

Captaincy material rating - 4/5

David de Gea has a great chance at being named the new Manchester United club captain

Victor Lindelof

The defender has improved dramatically at United after an inauspicious start had plenty of supporters claiming he was not up to the level required.

He emerged as the team's best centre-back last season and that is always a solid position to captain any side from. Plenty of the great skippers in history have operated from the heart of defence from Fabio Cannavaro to Paolo Maldini and Franz Beckenbauer.

The Swede's performances have been such that Barcelona reportedly registered interest but Lindelof nipped any talk of a move in the bud.

It would be a huge responsibility for the 24-year-old fairly early in his United career and could be considered a surprise selection.

Captaincy material rating - 3/5

Victor Lindelof came on leaps and bounds last season and was a consistent performer

kalo saya jadi Ole, saya akan memilih Pogba sbg kapten, De Gea & Lindelof sbg wakil
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Old 07-08-2019, 10:15 AM   #379
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

They need creativity, have Paul Pogba and Romelu Lukaku wanting out and key deals have hit the buffers... so what must United do before the transfer deadline - and is Christian Eriksen the answer?

* Manchester United have backed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in the transfer market
* The Reds have splashed out £130m on Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Harry Maguire
* But with Thursday's deadline looming, Solskjaer wants to add more talent

Manchester United have spent the summer so far shaping a new-look defence with goalkeeper David de Gea agreeing to a new contract and £130million spent on Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Harry Maguire.

But as the transfer window ticks down, there are still plenty of issues for Ole Gunnar Solksjaer to work out further up the pitch.

Who will provide the midfield creativity – will United go flat out to buy a top No 10 like Christian Eriksen? Are Nemanja Matic and Scott McTominay enough to provide a midfield shield to protect the back four or is a Sean Longstaff-type player still necessary?

And what will happen to the biggest names, Paul Pogba and Romelu Lukaku, who want away?


Solskjaer's squad has pace to burn – Anthony Martial, Marcus Rashford and their first signing of the summer, £15m speedster Daniel James.

But they lack technical quality to play between the lines and find a killer pass. Juan Mata is probably the only player currently on United's books renowned for that and at 31 he cannot play twice a week to that level.

It's possible Alexis Sanchez or Pogba could play more centrally but United should be in the market for a top-class No 10.

Christian Eriksen may have a premium price on his head but he would answer United's issues

United have been linked with Bruno Fernandes (left) and Paulo Dybala (right) for weeks

They've been linked with Sporting Lisbon's Bruno Fernandes and Paulo Dybala at Juventus for weeks but the dark horse could be Tottenham's Eriksen, because he only has a year left on his contract at White Hart Lane and Spurs are willing to sell.

The major problem is Daniel Levy would prefer the Dane went to a foreign club rather than a direct Premier League rival. That means a premium on the price and over £50m is a lot for a player who can be signed for nothing in 12 months. On the pitch however, he would be ideal.


Both Pogba and Lukaku have made noises about wanting to quit Old Trafford. United are keen for Pogba to stay so they can build a team around him – Lukaku they appear ready to sell.

The £75m Belgian striker hasn't played in pre-season and has gone back to Brussels to train with Anderlecht as he awaits a move.

The trouble is United don't want to sell him on the cheap to Inter Milan or Juventus and a part-exchange deal with Juventus involving Paulo Dybala and/or Mario Mandzukic has fallen apart.

United are keen for Paul Pogba to stay so they can build a team around him

Lukaku has until the end of the month to leave because European transfer windows remain open until then but if United want a replacement, they have to do it by Thursday at 5pm.

Marcus Rashford, Mason Greenwood and Anthony Martial can all play down the middle but lack experience over a full season which is why 33-year-old Mandzukic, a World Cup finalist for Croatia, has been of interest.

Real Madrid are trying to exploit Pogba's desire to play for them by offering United a derisory £27m plus James Rodriguez for the French World Cup winner. But United don't want Rodriguez or Gareth Bale as neither fit in with Solskjaer's model.

So the odds at the moment are on Pogba having to stay and Solskjaer will have the greatest test of his man-management skills.


Every modern team with an outstanding defensive record has a midfield holder who helps protect the back four and limits their opponents' danger.

Nemanja Matic looked as if he was beyond his peak Chelsea days last season and the jury is out on whether academy graduate McTominay is of the highest elite level at the moment.

United have looked for a young defensive midfielder all summer, to do the job N'Golo Kante did in helping Leicester and Chelsea win league titles, but were priced out of the market for Declan Rice and Sean Longstaff.

Now United have to bite the bullet and decide whether to make Newcastle an offer they can't refuse for Longstaff, as they did with Maguire and Leicester, or manage with what they already have at the club.

United have to decide whether to make Newcastle an offer they can't refuse for Sean Longstaff


It is likely United's first-choice pairing at the heart of their defence this season will be Maguire and Victor Lindelof.

That means Chris Smalling, Phil Jones, Marcos Rojo and Axel Tuanzebe as cover. At least one of those should move, possibly two.

Newcastle United boss Steve Bruce is keen on Tuanzebe who was on loan at Aston Villa last season. But Solskjaer has said he would like to keep the youngster and let one of the more senior defenders go – if there is a market.

Everton want a centre half and if they continue to be rebuffed by Chelsea for Kurt Zouma they would look a good fit for the United outcasts. Rojo is naturally left-sided and played well in United's final pre-season game against AC Milan in Cardiff on Saturday.

(L-R) Chris Smalling, Phil Jones, Marcos Rojo or Axel Tuanzebe will make way for Harry Maguire


Solskjaer has confirmed that Ashley Young will be United's captain this season. At 34, he is the only outfield player in the first-team squad over the age of 31, and for all the potential at Old Trafford, they could do with signing an experienced body or two if they want to seriously challenge for major trophies.

Only Sanchez, Mata and Matic are older than 30.

It's why bringing in Mandzukic from Juventus wasn't as daft as it might have sounded. Fernando Llorente did a good job at Tottenham last season with his cameo roles in the Champions League but that deal now looks to be off the table.

Franck Ribery has been available and while he might not play every week, he could pass on to younger team-mates what it's like to win. Danny Welbeck, at 28, is a little younger but has a lot of experience and knows Manchester United inside-out. Is he worth a punt following his release from Arsenal?

Bringing in Mario Mandzukic would have added more experience to a young dressing room

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Old 23-09-2019, 09:49 AM   #380
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Default Re: Memandang Masa Depan Manchester United

'He has already been in my head as a future captain': Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer insists he is looking to give £80m man Harry Maguire the armband in the long-term

* Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been speaking about Manchester United's captaincy
* The United manager claims Harry Maguire could soon become United skipper
* Maguire has impressed at Old Trafford since his £80million move from Leicester

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer insists he already has it in his head to make Harry Maguire Manchester United's future captain.

Maguire signed from Leicester in an £80million deal at the end of the summer transfer window and he has already hugely impressed Solskjaer and the United camp following his arrival.

Ashley Young is currently United's club captain but with his days at Old Trafford drawing to a close, Solskjaer will be looking for a new skipper to lead United forward.

Harry Maguire has impressed at Manchester United since signing from Leicester this summer. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer claims the England centre-back could soon become United's captain

And speaking ahead of the Premier League clash against West Ham at the London Stadium, Solskjaer claims the England centre-back has all the attributes needed to captain the side.

When asked by Gary Neville if Maguire has the character to lead the side, Solskjaer told Sky Sports: 'Maguire a leader? He does, he's already been in my head as a future captain.

'On the pitch, he's a leader. Off the pitch he's a top professional, he's vocal.

'I'm very pleased on the money we spent on him. He's one looking like we can give the band too, yes.'

United head into the fixture with West Ham in sixth position, having picked up eight points from their opening five games.

Solskjaer is eyeing a return to the Champions League next season and victory against the Hammers would provide them with a big mental boost going forward.

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