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Old 15-10-2015, 01:51 PM   #11
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Default Re: Fifa 16

FIFA 16: Makin Sempurna?
Mohamad Miradi - detikinet

Tepat pada 24 September 2015 lalu, EA Sports resmi merilis FIFA 16 di benua Eropa dan Asia -- setelah di Amerika Serikat hadir lebih dulu yakni pada 22 September 2015. Sebagai salah satu game sepakbola dengan basis penggemar terbesar, FIFA 16 tentu sangat dinanti.

Sebelumnya, detikINET telah mereview versi demo FIFA 16. Saat itu kesan pertama yang muncul adalah, game ini menawarkan permainan sepakbola nan indah.

Sayang, karena versi demo, kami tak sempat mengulas FIFA 16 lebih detail. Untungnya versi full FIFA 16 sudah melenggang. Kami pun bisa dengan leluasa mengupas FIFA 16 lebih mendalam. Penasaran? Berikut ulasannya.


Ketika pertama kali dirilis, FIFA 16 dibanderol dengan harga yang tidak murah. Lalu apakah ada alasan bagi gamer untuk membeli FIFA 16? Tentu ada! Selain karena lisensi lengkap dari organisasi sepakbola dunia, EA Sports mengklaim bahwa FIFA 16 merupakan penyempurnaan dari seri-seri sebelumnya.

Jika di FIFA 15, gamer diberikan pengalaman bermain lebih arcade, passing cepat, serta dominasi perpaduan kekuatan dan kecepatan pemain, seperti Messi ataupun Christiano Ronaldo. Maka FIFA 16 hadir dengan cita rasa berbeda yang (mungkin) melencengkan ekspektasi para fans. Ya, FIFA 16 datang dengan membawa perombakan berbagai elemen, mulai dari urusan passing, crossing, dribbling sampai shooting.

Seperti yang diulas pada demo sebelumnya, pace permainan menjadi sedikit lebih lambat. Ragam fitur disematkan untuk memperkuat alasan mengapa cara bermain di FIFA 16 ini tidak secepat FIFA 15. Agar lebih lengkap, detikINET mencoba di tiga mode berbeda, yakni Career Mode, Seasons, serta Pro Club. Fitur yang kami maksud di sini adalah Confidence in Defending.

Dari ketiga mode yang dicoba hanya Career mode dan Pro Club yang terasa perbedaannya. Di mode Pro Club, pemain belakang yang kadang dikendalikan oleh artificial intelligence (AI) kini dapat dengan sigap melakukan covering dengan cepat dan tekel lebih efisien saat kita tidak mengontrolnya. Meskipun kadang, AI justru lebih banyak melakukan passing tidak penting di area pertahanan sendiri dan tidak jarang juga melakukan error pass yang berujung gol.

Sedangkan di Career Mode, pemain belakang semakin militan menjaga area pertahanannya dan tidak jarang, pemain sekelas Benteke disenggol jatuh oleh bek yang justru memiliki postur dan secara fisik lebih kecil seperti Luke Shaw.

Tampaknya fitur yang satu ini agak sedikit overpowered dan tidak balance. Pasalnya secara statistik, sang penyerang memiliki body balance yang lebih besar ketimbang bek Manchester United tersebut.

Bagaimana dengan Control in Midfield? Hal ini mungkin masih bergantung pada formasi yang gamer pilih. Jika menggunakan formasi menyerang seperti 3-4-3 ataupun 4-2-1-3, maka pemain akan jarang melakukan intercept sebagaimana yang dijanjikan. Passing di FIFA 16 masih sama seperti seri lawas. Cukup dengan menekan tombol R1 dan X pemain akan melakukan driven pass, bola yang ditendang akan melaju lebih cepat dan bertenaga.

Namun hal ini juga bisa jadi bumerang ketika sang penerima bola tidak memiliki statistik kontrol bola yang baik. Driven pass sangat berguna kala striker diapit oleh dua atau lebih pemain bertahan. Passing yang cepat dan akurat akan dapat menyusup di antara bek dan mudah bagi penyerang untuk melakukan penetrasi.

Moments of Magic

Masih ingat gol spektakuler Messi melewati hampir seluruh pemain Getafe? Atau Ronaldo (Inter Milan) pada final 1998 piala UEFA melakukan step over melewati kiper Lazio, Luca Marchegiani?

Ya, momen tersebut diwujudkan dalam No-Touch Dribbling, sebuah gerakan tanpa bola yang terinspirasi oleh dua pemain kelas dunia tersebut.

Untuk bisa mewujudkan itu, EA Sports secara eksklusif merekam sang masterpiece, Lionel Messi. Penasaran, detikINET pun mencoba melakukan gerakan ini yang hasilnya, pemain belakang AI berhasil dilewati dengan sukses. Hanya saja, butuh skill dewa untuk bisa mengaplikasikan fitur tersebut pada gamer lainnya.

FIFA Trainer

Salah satu fitur unik yang tak bisa dilewatkan adalah FIFA Trainer. Banyaknya perubahan di FIFA 16 kali ini mendorong EA Sports menyematkan tutorial dalam bentuk in-game HUD (Heads-Up Display). FIFA Trainer berfungsi layaknya asisten pelatih. FIFA Trainer akan memberikan saran tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan pada kondisi tertentu.

Semisal, sang penyerang dalam posisi menembak di luar kotak penalti, FIFA Trainer akan memunculkan opsi antara tendangan direct atau melakukan tendangan pisang. Hal ini juga tergantung posisi menembak dan skill si pemain. Fitur bisa dimatikan dan dimunculkan semudah menekan tombol R3 atau analog kanan.

Terkesan simpel memang. Tetapi bagi gamer yang baru mencicipi game FIFA, fitur ini sangat berguna. Lalu bagaimana dengan gamer yang sudah bertahun-tahun memainkan FIFA? Jangan salah, fitur ini juga berguna buat kalian. Bedanya, kalian cukup melakukan setting dari auto menjadi manual. Sedikitnya ada 6 level berbeda yang bisa dipilih, dimana setiap level pada trainer tentunya akan membantu gamer bermain FIFA lebih efisien dan efektif.

FIFA Ultimate Team

EA Sports tahu betul, FIFA Ultimate Team atau lebih dikenal dengan nama FUT merupakan mode yang paling banyak dimainkan oleh penggila game FIFA. Sejak pertama kali dikenalkan sebagai DLC (downloadable content) pada FIFA 2009 dan kemudian menjadi gratis pada FIFA 2010 di akhir periodenya, jumlah pemain FUT melonjak drastis. Hingga kini FUT merupakan salah satu andalan EA Sports dalam mendulang keuntungan melalui penjualan FIFA Points.

Tak pelak, EA Sports juga mau tak mau menawarkan beberapa fitur baru, di antaranya FUT Draft, yang menurut detikINET merupakan additional feature paling seru, terutama bagi gamer yang baru mencicipi FUT. Selain itu, EA Sports juga mengimprovisasi tampilan FUT jadi lebih segar.

Sekadar informasi, bagi gamer veteran FIFA, EA Sports memberikan bonus seperti unlocked boots, traits, atau memulai seasons mode dengan divisi satu tingkat lebih tinggi. Bagi pemain FIFA Ultimate Teams, bonus yang didapatkan bergantung pada frekuensi Anda bermain. Ada yang mendapatkan loan pemain kelas dunia, ada pula sekedar tambahan koin untuk membeli item/pemain. Satu hal lagi, FIFA Points yang Anda dapatkan di PlayStation 3 otomatis bisa ditransfer ke PlayStation 4.

Sayangnya di FIFA 16 versi Playstation 4, kalian masih tidak bisa memainkan legenda seperti Robbie Fowler, Dennis Bergkamp, George Best maupun Paolo Maldini. Hal ini dikarenakan FUT Legends masih eksklusif untuk konsol Xbox 360 dan Xbox One besutan Microsoft.

Career Mode

Career mode menawarkan sejumlah pembaharuan, di luar gameplay tentunya. Salah satunya adalah Pre-season Cup. Layaknya tim-tim besar yang berpartisipasi pada turnamen pra-musim sebelum memulai liga, Anda akan diikutsertakan pada turnamen pra-musim. Meski terkesan tidak terlalu penting, namun jika gamer memenangkan turnamen ini, pemilik klub yang Anda kelola akan memberikan bonus berupa tambahan dana untuk membeli pemain! Cukup keren bukan?

Kami juga mencoba training pada Career Mode. Ingatkah Anda dengan skill game yang biasanya muncul pada loading screen? Ya, kini EA Sports menjadikan skill game sebagai fitur tambahan di Career Mode. Meski sekadar fitur tambahan, namun Skill Games di Career Mode memegang peranan penting bagi perkembangan statistik pemain yang Anda latih.

Sangat disarankan agar Anda tidak melakukan simulasi pada pemain yang menu latihannya tidak sesuai dengan posisi sang pemain. Hal ini karena skor latihan yang disimulasikan menentukan perkembangan sang pemain. Contohnya, ketika pemain posisi bek diberi latihan finishing, bisa dipastikan skor yang dihasilkan akan buruk, karena tidak sesuai. Oleh karena itu latihlah pemain sesuai dengan posisinya.

Semakin sering Anda melatih pemain dan skor yang didapatkan juga bagus, maka rapor pemain akan semakin bagus. Ini tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap nilai jual si pemain ketika bursa transfer.

Bermain Sebagai Timnas Wanita

Salah satu upgrade yang paling terlihat di FIFA 16 tentunya adalah hadirnya Women's Football. Ya, sebuah gebrakan yang terbilang cukup signifikan. Tak hanya menjadi penyegaran tampilan, Anda bisa merasakan asyiknya bermain sebagai timnas wanita.

Karena yang Anda mainkan adalah pesepakbola wanita, sudah pasti kontrol pemainnya pun berbeda. Kontrol bola timnas wanita terasa lebih lincah ketimbang pria. Sedikitnya ada 12 timnas wanita yang bisa Anda pilih di FIFA 16.

Hasil Akhir

Benteke di Liverpool, De Bruyne di Manchester City, Pedro di Chelsea, sejumlah nama tersebut memang menjadi alasan sebagian gamer membeli FIFA 16. Gemerlap Liga Inggris juga menjadi official partner di FIFA 16, liga yang konon paling terkenal di seluruh dunia ini dan paling banyak pangsa pasarnya memang sangat dinomorsatukan oleh EA Sports Canada selaku developer.

Hampir seluruh wajah pemain Liga Inggris terlihat mirip dengan aslinya. Namun hal ini justru kebalikannya dengan Serie A Italia ataupun Bundesliga Jerman. Beberapa wajah pemain masih terlihat menggunakan cetakan FIFA 15, termasuk jersey yang sengaja dibuat gelap di area ketiak, sehingga GPU tidak perlu usaha ekstra untuk merender shadows dan highlights.

Memang benar game ini masih seru dan lancar untuk dimainkan. Tapi sejumlah repetitive di beberapa sektor perlu pembenahan -- server EA yang bug -- agar game yang harganya kini justru lebih mahal dari game sekelas The Witcher atau Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain itu tidak bisa seenaknya keluar setiap tahun.

Toh, kembali ke awal, bagaimana kita ingin bermain indah jika keindahan itu sendiri terusik masalah klasik?

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Old 15-10-2015, 02:57 PM   #12
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disini ada yg main fut atau sekedar maen online saja? share dong id psn (ps4)

boleh add gw tysmahendra

siapa tau bisa bergadang bareng smbl chit chat disana hehe
kalo ditanya jago apa gak boleh ditanya sm anak anak uijkt haha
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Old 08-06-2016, 10:07 AM   #13
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Siap-siap! FIFA 17 Kick Off di 2016
Muhammad Alif Goenawan - detikinet

Bila diperhatikan, hampir setiap tahun seri game sepakbola FIFA dirilis. Tak ketinggalan tahun 2016 yang akan menjadi tahun kelahiran bagi FIFA 17.

Melalui pengumuman terbarunya publisher Electronic Arts (EA) memastikan jika FIFA 17 akan dirilis paling tidak akhir tahun 2016. Selain informasi mengenai jadwal, yang menjadi highlight dari pengumuman FIFA 17 ini tak lain adalah penggunaan game engine yang berbeda dari seri sebelumnya.

FIFA 17 akan ditenagai oleh engine Frostbite yang kerap dipakai EA di berbagai judul game, seperti Battlefield, Mirror's Edge, Need for Speed, Dragon Age, dan Star Wars Battlefront.

Dengan demikian, FIFA 17 akan menjadi seri pertama FIFA yang menggunakan engine Frostbite. Sebelumnya, seri game sepakbola andalannya ini kebanyakan dibangun dengan menggunakan engine Ignite.

Sayang, EA tidak banyak bicara seputar efek apa yang akan ditampilkan dalam FIFA 17. EA hanya mengatakan jika FIFA 17 akan menyajikan sesuatu yang otentik, aksi nyata, membawa gamer ke dalam dunia sepakbola yang sesungguhnya, dan yang tak kalah penting adalah menampilkan emosi mendalam dari pemain sepakbola.

"Frostbite membuka sebuah peluang dari dunia baru untuk waralaba FIFA dan penggemar. Kami tidak pernah sesenang hari ini membicarakan masa depan sepakbola dan pengalaman yang ingin kami sajikan di FIFA 17," tutur David Rutter, Executive Producer FIFA 17 dikutip detikINET dari Gamespot, Selasa (7/6/2016).

Tak cukup sampai di situ, sejumlah bintang sepakbola, seperti James Rodriguez (Real Madrid), Anthony Martial (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), dan Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund) disebut akan memberikan kontribusi lebih. Informasi lebih lengkap akan diumbar EA di ajang pra E3 2016 pada 12 Juni 2016.

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Old 08-06-2016, 10:31 AM   #14
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FIFA 17 trailer released as Eden Hazard, Anthony Martial and Co show off EA Sports' new gaming technology

* EA Sports have released the first trailer for the highly-anticipated FIFA 17
* The game's global release date has been set for September 29, 2016
* It is the first installment to use the revolutionary Frostbite game engine
* Marco Reus and James Rodriguez also feature in the teaser trailer

EA Sports have released the first trailer for the highly-anticipated FIFA 17 video game with the global release date set for September 29, 2016.

The announcement confirms the game will experience a radical overhaul as it makes use of the revolutionary new Frostbite game engine for the first time.

After two fairly underwhelming years for the platform, FIFA is looking to assert its position as the number one in the football gaming world.

Manchester United forward Anthony Martial will be a cover star for the latest installment of the franchise

The trailer, which begins with a brief flashback to previous installments, stars Manchester United's Anthony Martial, Chelsea's Eden Hazard, Borussia Dortmund's Marco Reus and Real Madrid's James Rodriguez.

The four players all worked with developer to bring to life the gameplay innovation and will also appear in the FIFA 17 pre-order offer as loan players in FIFA 17 Ultimate Team.

With little actual gameplay given away, the stars are shown practicing their skills in a FIFA testing facility before the words 'Football has Changed' take over the screen.

The tagline is in reference to the game's new technology which Vice President and Executive Producer, David Rutter, says 'unlocks a whole new world of possibilities for the FIFA franchise and its fans.'

James Rodriguez, Hazard, Martial and Marco Reus are the four cover athletes for this year's FIFA

The 2016 edition will make use of the revolutionary new Frostbite game engine for the first time

'We have never been as excited as we are today about the future of football and the experiences we are going to deliver in FIFA 17,' he added.

EA's official press release stated 'Frostbite delivers authentic, true-to-life action, takes players to new football worlds, and introduces fans to characters full of depth and emotion.'

Fans who pre-order FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition can get up to 40 FIFA Ultimate Team Jumbo Premium Gold Packs, Team of the Week loan players, and other FUT content.

The game's full reveal will take place at EA Play on June 12.

Martial, and the other featured stars, will appear in the FIFA 17 pre-order offer as loan players in Ultimate Team

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Old 08-06-2016, 02:34 PM   #15
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Udah semakin real nih kayaknya, martial
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Old 08-06-2016, 03:04 PM   #16
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Come on beibeh......
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Update mods terbaru fifa 16 Martial skill nya ngeri, benar2 jadi indispensable player, bek klo jaga one on one pasti lewat..

Sent from my R831K using Tapatalk 2
Liverpool last won the League when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits

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Old 31-08-2016, 03:25 AM   #17
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Default Re: Fifa 16

Originally Posted by zudomiriku View Post
FIFA 17 trailer released as Eden Hazard, Anthony Martial and Co show off EA Sports' new gaming technology

* EA Sports have released the first trailer for the highly-anticipated FIFA 17
* The game's global release date has been set for September 29, 2016
* It is the first installment to use the revolutionary Frostbite game engine
* Marco Reus and James Rodriguez also feature in the teaser trailer

EA Sports have released the first trailer for the highly-anticipated FIFA 17 video game with the global release date set for September 29, 2016.

The announcement confirms the game will experience a radical overhaul as it makes use of the revolutionary new Frostbite game engine for the first time.

After two fairly underwhelming years for the platform, FIFA is looking to assert its position as the number one in the football gaming world.

Manchester United forward Anthony Martial will be a cover star for the latest installment of the franchise

The trailer, which begins with a brief flashback to previous installments, stars Manchester United's Anthony Martial, Chelsea's Eden Hazard, Borussia Dortmund's Marco Reus and Real Madrid's James Rodriguez.

The four players all worked with developer to bring to life the gameplay innovation and will also appear in the FIFA 17 pre-order offer as loan players in FIFA 17 Ultimate Team.

With little actual gameplay given away, the stars are shown practicing their skills in a FIFA testing facility before the words 'Football has Changed' take over the screen.

The tagline is in reference to the game's new technology which Vice President and Executive Producer, David Rutter, says 'unlocks a whole new world of possibilities for the FIFA franchise and its fans.'

James Rodriguez, Hazard, Martial and Marco Reus are the four cover athletes for this year's FIFA

The 2016 edition will make use of the revolutionary new Frostbite game engine for the first time

'We have never been as excited as we are today about the future of football and the experiences we are going to deliver in FIFA 17,' he added.

EA's official press release stated 'Frostbite delivers authentic, true-to-life action, takes players to new football worlds, and introduces fans to characters full of depth and emotion.'

Fans who pre-order FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition can get up to 40 FIFA Ultimate Team Jumbo Premium Gold Packs, Team of the Week loan players, and other FUT content.

The game's full reveal will take place at EA Play on June 12.

Martial, and the other featured stars, will appear in the FIFA 17 pre-order offer as loan players in Ultimate Team

grafiknya keren, bening bener
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Old 21-09-2016, 01:49 PM   #18
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PES 2017 review: FIFA rivalry reignited by Konami as Pro Evolution Soccer gets remastered by the Japanese firm

* Pro Evolution Soccer has been remastered for its 2017 release
* The franchise has a long standing rivalry with the FIFA series
* PES 2017 has worked closely with Liverpool, Barcelona and Arsenal
* Barcelona's Nou Camp stadium will feature in PES 2017 for the first time

Have Pro Evolution finally reignited one of video games' fiercest rivalries?

Football is an area of the gaming industry which had become so set in its ways that any minor change to relevant gameplay would be showcased as a 'revolutionary feature'.

The FIFA franchise has dominated the market for the last decade, globalising their product and evolving the way gamers control their favourite football teams. But in recent years EA's FIFA has stagnated slightly; they had reached the top and were leagues ahead of any rival developer and the market was crying out for competition.

Liverpool's Philippe Coutinho (centre) is one of the main faces of Pro Evolution Soccer 2017

In 2015, Konami, the Japanese gaming giant behind the Metal Gear Solid series, were said to have relaunched and shaken up their Pro Evolution Soccer title. A last throw of the dice to try and get the game back to the sparkling heights of its heyday.

Pro Evolution 2016 was quite the comeback. With the Fox Engine in tow, graphics were impressive (PES 2014's Kyle Walker was a thing of the past), gameplay was fluent and the in-match element of surprise had returned.

It wasn't quite enough to topple FIFA 16 at the time, with plenty of bugs hindering the experience. Goalkeepers were virtually non-existent and referees were far too lenient; penalising shirt-pulling in the box, as we've seen in the Premier League this season, was a long way off.

Pro Evolution knew they now had a product to play with, a squad capable of coming back a year later to challenge for the title.

Konami have revolutionised Pro Evolution 2017 with an all new 'advanced tactics' system

Pre-release, Konami officially announced a premium partnership with Spanish giants Barcelona. This allowed the game 'extensive' access to the Nou Camp and kit licensing for the next three years.

After picking up the PS4 edition, a lot of emphasis is made towards their Barcelona feature, the idle start screen is an aerial shot of the Catalonian capital.

Instead of diving headfirst into a fiery El Clasico, a Champions League Exhibition match between Liverpool and Monaco was the game of choice – there's an error somewhere in that sentence.

Once the pre-match tunnel cam had run its course, showcasing the impressive visuals, it was time to get underway. From the opening exchanges it was clear that the free-flowing, crisp passing had returned. Not only do players follow the ball but the Real Touch feature allows the player to react to the unpredictability of the ball's trajectory and recover from over-hit passes.

Lionel Messi (left) is another feature player of Pro Evo, along with a fully licensed Arsenal team

The first sighting of PES 17's new and unique feature came in the build-up of the game's opening goal. Instead of finishing a characteristic Philippe Coutinho cut-inside with a speculative effort on goal, a perfectly weighted pass was the better option thanks to the clever run into the 18-yard box by Roberto Firmino.

He collected the ball and rolled it past the onrushing goalkeeper. The familiar Coutinho jaunt, the clever run and Firmino's lifelike finish; these sequences of play will leave gamers purring. It's also worth mentioning the collision system which relies on a player's attributes, the shoulder barges feel weighted and the tackles true.

A major issue with previous editions was the performance of goalkeepers. During a clash between East Midlands and Hampshire Red (we'll get onto licensing later), a ricocheted effort was squirming towards goal only for Fraser Forster to alter his position and react to the deflection. A massive improvement.

'Advanced tactics' allow this edition to offer the player a chance to emulate a side's identity. This did take some time to master as you need to match the tactics to best suit your squad's key attributes. Direct for powerful forwards, 'gegenpressing' for the Leicester City enthusiasts and tiki-taka for all aspiring Pep Guardiolas.

PES have also boasted that the Al will adapt to your style in many different ways: 'Player and team behaviour has always been a staple of the PES series, and for PES 2017 Adaptive Al will change sports games forever.'

Master League has undergone a major overhaul with this year's game attempting to make the transfer market more realistic. You can now offer shorter loan deals while budgeting your money to bring in that much sought after centre-forward.

FIFA introduced deadline day activity a few editions back and Konami have finally followed suit. Many arguments could be made that they're finally mending issues which should've been addressed years ago; realistic player growth and real life kick-off times to name a few.

So do we have the perfect game, here? Well, not completely. It would be hard to try and convince the FIFA faithful to make the switch mainly due to the issues with licensing. PES will never be able to compete with FIFA's impressive league and kit armoury, but they've made strides this year in an attempt to soften the blow.

Champions League and Europa League modes have returned, there are official partnerships with Barcelona, Borussia Dortmund and Liverpool. The Premier League, sadly, only includes Jurgen Klopp's men and Arsenal in their licencing – 18 other teams do exist on the game and PS4 users will be able to alter them with an imported option file via USB.

The graphics of this year's Pro Evolution game have come a long way since 2012 (pictured)

Another slight gripe is the monotone and uninspiring commentary from Peter Drury and Jim Beglin. Certain phrases become stale and at times it's slightly off the ball.

So has Pro Evolution 2017 done enough to challenge FIFA 17 for the top spot? 100%. The gameplay is the best it has been since the PS2 era. Every game offers a different scenario and it is very addictive.

The rivalry has returned. Over to you FIFA.

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Default Re: Fifa 16

Official trailer for FIFA 17 revealed as Anthony Martial, Eden Hazard, James Rodriguez and Marco Reus take centre stage in teaser clip for new game

* The official trailer for the new FIFA 17 has been revealed by EA SPORTS
* Anthony Martial, Eden Hazard, James Rodriguez and Marco Reus all star
* FIFA 17 is officially released to gamers in the UK on September 29

The official launch of FIFA 17 later this month has been met with the usual enthusiasm by both gaming and football fans.

And now anticipation of the game's release has been heightened further after EA SPORTS revealed their trailer for the latest instalment of the console favourite.

The film, which features global stars Anthony Martial, Eden Hazard, James Rodriguez and Marco Reus, gives a fascinating insight into how the game will play.

In the clip, Eden Hazard (left) and Marco Reus (right) become pitch side analysts for the day

At the heart of the video is an unknown footballer, meant to represent the gamer who eventually purchases FIFA 17.

In the footage, the player, wearing the No 29 shirt, runs out of the tunnel before a big game as part of the Manchester United side. Joined by the visible figure of United and France star Martial in the tunnel, the player emerges out on to the field to a cauldron of noise and a meeting with Spanish giants Real Madrid.

As the vociferous crowd urges on the United squad, the No 29 runs enters the playing area and is eyed up by the figures of Chelsea's Hazard and German international Reus in the unusual position of pitch side television analysts.

In-play footage from FIFA 17 is shown within the video. Here, Arturo Vidal puts in a challenge

At the heart of the EA SPORTS trailer is Manchester United's unknown forward No 29

On the opposite side to United is Madrid's Colombian forward Rodriguez, who gives the new face in the red shirt a knowing nod before the game gets underway.

Once it does, the footage cuts to in-play action from FIFA 17 which sees the central figure take on some of the biggest names in world football.

The No 29 is meant to represent the gamer, taking them inside the game to see how it plays

It culminates with him evading a tackle from Bayern Munich's Arturo Vidal and bending an unstoppable curling effort past Manuel Neuer and into the back of the net. The game's tagline then reads: 'Make your mark.'

EA SPORTS describe the video as: 'This is what it feels like to be a footballer. This is what it feels like to make your mark in FIFA 17.'

FIFA 17 will be available in the UK on September 29, but EA Access members on Xbox One and Origin Access members on PC can play up to 10 hours of FIFA 17 now.

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